Chapter 216 The Madman
There was a commotion outside, the footsteps were disorderly, and there was a burst of bang bang bang bang, and Leng Yun's voice came, "What are you panicking?! Where are ghosts in the world?!"

Man Yue pushed Chen Shi away, but Chen Shi grabbed her, shook her head repeatedly, but couldn't say a word.

"Mother, don't be afraid, I'll go down and have a look."

In fact, Man Yue also felt that this matter was a bit weird. After all, she had received modern education, and her logical ability was strong, not at 01:30.If there is a ghost, how can there be any need to scare people?Wouldn't it be enough to just let everyone fall asleep and kill people?

Full Moon put on a cloak and got out of the car. Unexpectedly, the sergeants outside had already formed an formation under Leng Yun's command. They were completely different from the panic just now. Under the firelight, although there was still a little fear on their faces, But he can force himself to calm down.

A raging soldier, and a raging nest.

Obviously, with an evil spirit like Leng Yun around, even ghosts would have to retreat three points. He is the embodiment of the will of the entire team.

Holding the knife in his hand, Leng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. When he heard the noise behind him, he didn't turn his head. He just said two words expressionlessly, "Go back."

Full Moon stepped forward, but did not listen to his words.

Going up a few steps, by the light of the fire, I saw a death appear on the wall facing Leng Yun, "Death!"

The mere word "death" is obviously not enough to scare this group of sergeants rolling among the dead.

This dead character is not ordinary, because it is not written in ink, but it is naturally pieced together by countless ants.

Man Yue was still a little nervous at first, but after seeing the writing on the wall, she suddenly smiled.

People are afraid of the unknown, and regard the unknown as the work of ghosts and gods.

But when the answer is revealed, what is there to be afraid of?

She sneered a few times, her pink lips parted slightly, "How dare you show off your skills here?! Get out soon?!"

The voice is not high, but every word is loud, with an irreversible majesty, extremely firm.

Leng Yun narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice: "What can you see? Get behind me."


Man Yue snorted coldly, "Ants like sweets, use bee sugar to make words on the wall, and they can gather ants to form words!"

After saying that, he laughed, "If it's a ghost, why use such tricks? Come out quickly."

There was still silence all around, but those sergeants had completely lost their fear in their hearts, and they were very convinced of Master Yang's knowledge.

Since it is not a ghost, what is there to be afraid of?These people are veterans who crawled out of the dead, not ordinary fierce.

Leng Yun thought for a while and said, "Go to the car."


Man Yue didn't ask, she felt that Leng Yun had a plan.

A group of sergeants quickly harnessed the car, and Chao Su put his arms around the two little ones, and said, "Come on, don't sit down, lie on your stomach, lie down in the middle, the outsiders have arrows, so we should be prepared."

Xiao Shi couldn't help but feel admiration, "Grandpa Wu Gu, you are really thoughtful."

"Hey, I've been in the palace all my life, how to harm others and how to guard against them is the skill of housekeeping."


A group of people retreated, Leng Yun glanced at the eerie mansion, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, with a trace of cruelty, "Qingyun, light me a fire."


"The red lotus fire purifies all things, since you are evil spirits, I will give you a ride..."

He muttered to himself, his voice was light and light, and the full moon he was watching in the car trembled, suddenly he felt that the uncle was the guy at the top of the food chain, and the gods, ghosts and ghosts probably had to take a detour when they met him!

Qingyun and the others found a dry kindling, and poured some lamp oil on it, and Leng Yun's cold voice came again, "Since there are ghosts, this village can't be kept, let's burn it all."

"Yes, Lord Hou!"

The torch was lit, and when the pile of kindling was about to be ignited, a crying voice came, "Hey, you people, just leave, why are you burning my nest? Worth ten thousand gold!"

While speaking, there was only a "click" sound, and a piece of ground behind the gate of the mansion suddenly protruded, and when illuminated by the fire, it turned out to be a movable board, because behind the gate, no one noticed that this person was still piled up A pile of dry grass, below is a board.

Everyone stepped back a few steps, and in the flames, a woman-like person came out.

Her hair is like a chicken coop, and the jacket on her body is obviously not hers. It is a tattered men's jacket, with a lot of cotton wool exposed, and her face is pitch black, making it difficult for people to see her appearance clearly. .

But judging from his voice, he should not be very old, at most he is eighteen|nine years old, and he is still a little immature.

"You people come to my house and move things in my house casually. Why do you want to burn my house?!"

Surprisingly, this female ghost not only ignored the knives and guns in the hands of more than a dozen sergeants, but pointed at the crowd without fear of death and cursed: "Bandits!"

Leng Yun narrowed his eyes, and a trace of unknown meaning flashed in his eyes.

Qing Yun yelled: "You are a hammer, robber! In the middle of the night, you pretend to be a ghost to scare people, what is your intention?!"


The woman laughed, and suddenly took a step forward, her movements were extremely flexible, everyone was taken aback, especially Qing Yun, who didn't see clearly that the woman had already arrived in front of her.

He subconsciously raised his knife and scolded, "What are you going to do?!"

"Sanggong, you are back, my husband is me, I am Meier..."

Everyone's jaws dropped to the floor, what the hell? !
Could it be a crazy woman?

Just as she was wondering, the woman burst into tears, and the song came again, "Lang Lang Qian Kun, the blue sky and bright moon, the wind at dawn, return my innocence... Lang went to the mountain wharf, and his concubine was at the house of his in-laws. Miserably, Lang Fei is a pirate, innocent of all crimes, tired of Qingyu's family, Qiqiqi..."

Qingyun's heart moved, he was about to speak, but saw the woman running towards the door suddenly, he subconsciously wanted to catch up, but he heard Leng Yun say: "Stop."

Immediately, he stood still in place, the confusion in Qingyun's eyes drifted away, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

Are you careless because you are a woman?
At this time, the woman came out again, and surprisingly, she brought a child out.

It was a child about four or five years old. The child seemed terrified, but was dragged by the woman and seemed unable to break free. When he saw so many people, he couldn't control himself and began to cry.

The woman lovingly picked up the child, patted him on the back and said, "Son, don't cry, your father is back, look, look, that's your father."

She laughed again as she spoke, raised her head, tears streaming down her cheeks, and suddenly knelt down on the ground, uttering a stern roar, "God, you finally opened your eyes, give me back my innocence, give back my Qian family's innocence, and give me back the money." 342 lives in my Qian family...God..."

Everyone was stupefied, and they didn't know how to react in such a situation, so they looked at Leng Yun involuntarily.

The latter's face was still as pale as water, as if nothing had anything to do with him, which made people feel cold.

The woman stood up again, looked at Qingyun, and said: "Zhu Lang, this is my child and yours. My mother-in-law hid me underground, you know that? Our family has a tunnel, and my concubine has destroyed the entire village in the past few years." After digging through, the officer will not be afraid again, come, I will take you there, everyone, it will be safe down here, I still have money and food..."

She giggled again, "Zhu Lang, you are promising, with so many heroes, we can take revenge..."

This is a madman...

Full Moon came to a conclusion. She carefully observed the woman's expression. Don't forget, she is a person who has studied psychology by herself. crazy.

The husband she talked about should also be dead, and she didn't go to any pier at all, or her husband is a pirate recognized by the government...

You can hear it from her lyrics.


The full moon is a little confused, what the hell is going on here?
Is it...

When I think of a certain possibility, and then think of a woman, I can't help but feel creepy.

More than 300 lives were killed here...

The child is still crying loudly, the cry is like a rope, silently locking your neck, tightening it, making you breathless.

Qing Yun looked back at Leng Yun, Leng Yun nodded, and Qing Yun said: "My lady, I'm here to pick you up to go to sea..."


A trace of confusion flashed in the woman's eyes, and she suddenly trembled, "Don't go to sea, don't go to sea, don't do sea trade, don't do sea trade anymore, no, no, not pirates, no, no collusion with Japanese pirates, no, no ..."

She screamed strangely, and suddenly turned around and ran away with the child in her arms.


Leng Yun spat out three words.


Seven or eight sergeants chased after her, and saw the woman crawling into an underground entrance behind the door. They didn't dare to be careless. Several sergeants snatched her child, and two more came up, grabbed her arm and pulled it out.

The woman made a shrill sound, mixed with the cry of the child, which was both tragic and terrifying.

Qingyun came forward, knocked the woman unconscious with a hand knife, the child suddenly bit a sergeant's hand, the sergeant might as well let go, and let the child break free.

The child threw himself at the woman, shaking desperately, whimpering, but he couldn't utter a single syllable.

Qing Yun frowned. Chao Su came up at some point, took out a bottle, poured it on the handkerchief, walked around behind the child, grabbed the child and covered his face with the handkerchief.

The child struggled at first, but gradually his movements became smaller, and then gradually became silent.

Full Moon was taken aback. Could this be the legendary Mongolian Khan Medicine?

Chao Su put away the bottle, shook his head, sighed, and said in a low voice, "Poor man..."

After a long time, the sky gradually became brighter, and those soldiers came up, and reported back with strange expressions: "Master Hou, there is indeed a tunnel down there, and it extends in all directions, and a few corpses were also found... It seems that because it is Pedestrians passing by."

As he spoke, he handed over some things. Man Yue went over to look and found that it was something similar to household registration certificates. At that time, the guide system existed in name only, but household registration certificates still existed. Otherwise, who knows what you are doing?

She opened her eyes and took a closer look, only to feel a chill on the back of her neck, these people are not from the local area...

(End of this chapter)

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