Chapter 218 Yu's Abacus

The snow has completely melted, and the road is much easier to walk.

The rest of the journey went smoothly, and on the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month, Man Yue and the others arrived in Incheon.

Lin Yuzan and Qian Wansheng also seemed very quiet, probably because they realized that this group of people was not a bad person, so they cooperated with each other and gradually let go of their guard.

This is a good thing for Full Moon, maybe she can't avenge them, but at least she can be a good person and take this poor woman back to take care of her.

"The 26th of the twelfth lunar month, kill the pig and cut the new year's meat", this day when you get home is definitely the happiest day of the year.

Farming is civilized, the economy is underdeveloped, and only some meat is eaten in the middle of the year. For the poor, this is the happiest situation.

The Yu family had already sent people to investigate, and seeing the big team passing by, the clan's children ran like crazy, shouting, "Eleventh Mother is coming, Eleventh Mother is coming back!"

In a short time, the entire village and family were dispatched.

There are more than 80 ordinary workers in Guilinju, half of them are Yang family's children, including guards and so on. Five or sixty people in the village have received the blessing of the full moon, which has directly improved the economic situation of dozens of families. One family provides a labor force. stipulated by the clan elders.

Fifty or sixty families have been lifted out of poverty because of the high salary of their children, how can they not be grateful to the full moon?Although Man Yue didn't feel that she was doing good deeds, in the eyes of the tribe, Man Yue was helping them.

Thanks to the money brought back by the children of the clan, this year the family can make a new set of clothes, and can also prepare some meat, so that they can eat well. It means absolute power, which is the love and respect of the people from the heart.

A group of children crowded in front of the carriage, and when they saw the full moon coming down, they all bowed down and shouted everything.

"Kowtow to Aunt Eleven..."

"Greetings to Eleventh Auntie..."

Full moon is embarrassing, she is only 12 years old, and she is already an aunt, and the fourth generation has it, how can this be human!
Lin Yuzan looked admiring, and said: "My wife is so famous, I admire her, my Qian family's vengeance is hopeful..."

The corners of Man Yue's mouth twitched even more, this jade hairpin always has ridiculous words!
A group of little kids knelt down and knelt down. They couldn't kneel in vain. Well, when talents entered the village, a batch of red envelopes were sent out.

A group of little kids smiled and kowtowed to her three more times, and happily went to the village candy maker to buy candy and eat it.

Mrs. Chen couldn't help laughing, "Miss, you're right, right? Bank notes are good, but sometimes you still have to bring some cash. You can't miss a single piece of copper and silver, and you will always need it."

Mrs. Chen felt a little proud, and finally regained a little sense of being a parent.

The corner of Man Yue's mouth twitched, looking at Chen's appearance, she couldn't laugh or cry, she nodded and said, "Mother has vision."

After entering the village and at the gate of the mansion, I saw that Mrs. Yu and the eldest aunt had brought a group of people waiting there. How could they dare to push them any further? They walked up to her in three steps and knelt down again and again. Waiting, fearful in my heart..."

As she said that, she kowtowed again and again, Yu Shi said yes again and again, and lifted Man Yue up with tears in her eyes. Seeing that her face was still a little yellow, she couldn't help saying: "My good boy, these days have been hard."

This time, Man Yue has suffered a lot but gained the limelight again. She has brought infinite glory to the family, and she is already a model of iron and steel. The Yang family in Incheon has risen, and the limelight has overshadowed the Kong family for a while, and it has become the gentry and common people. House of Iron Bones.

The newspapers have revealed that the eunuch Ma Rong was ordered by Princess Wu to take revenge for the case of Zhu Huixi, the county lord. As soon as this matter was revealed, there was a commotion in Ningbo and other places, especially those about Princess Wu's framed girlfriends were also involved. After coming out, the life of the Lu family at this moment is not easy, and I don't know what to do when King Wu, who is about to arrive home, knows the news. It is conceivable that in order to protect himself, it is a foregone conclusion that King Wu will enter the capital again.

An ordinary woman who brought down so many people in a row within a year is even more terrifying than the strongest imperial envoy in the history of the Ming Dynasty, especially this woman is only 12 years old, and she is not afraid of being beaten at all. To her, suffering is like a routine.

I'm afraid that I will die. Now everyone pays attention to the children at home. Don't mess with Yang Ren'er, or you will be the next Huixi County Lord.

Yu felt honored but at the same time felt very sorry for Man Yue. She knew that there was only one reason for this child to be like this, and that was to avenge his parents!

She wiped the thin face of the full moon, and said: "After this time, it will be fine. If you don't mess with us, let's give up. If you can take care of the culprit, you will be satisfied..."

Man Yue was silent for a while, then nodded cautiously, "Granddaughter obeys grandmother's orders."

Mrs. Yu helped Mrs. Chen up again, and nodded, "You have worked hard too, this child has made you worry a lot."

Mrs. Chen shook her head, "Mother, without a master, this concubine is already dead; without a mistress, my concubine's warehouse is not full, and this concubine has not helped me with anything, it is my mistress who is taking care of my concubine..."

"It's all good."

The eldest aunt wiped her tears and said: "It's good that everyone comes back, everything will be safe in the future..."


The uncle answered, "Master Hou escorted Eleven Niang very hard afterwards, Mother, if we don't serve tea again, we will be rude."

Mrs. Yu was amused by her uncle's words, she broke her tears into a smile, stepped forward to salute and said: "The old lady is confused, don't blame the Marquis."

Leng Yun turned his body sideways, and immediately said: "Old lady, you are welcome."

After a pause, he said again: "Since Yue'er has arrived home, it is inconvenient for Leng to stay longer, so I will take my leave."

"Master Hou is leaving now?!"

Yang Shouyan exclaimed: "The journey is difficult, and the soldiers are very tired. Why don't you enter the content and I'll wait for the reception, rest for a night before leaving?"

Leng Yun shook his head, showing a rare smile, appearing more gentle, "Look at them, uncle..."

He pointed to the sergeants around him, "The festive season is approaching, and I want to go back to celebrate the new year..."

Yang Shouyan's bones were brittle at the sound of an uncle, and his vanity was greatly satisfied to be the uncle of the world's number one god of war.

Yang Shouyan stroked his beard, and came out with the appearance of an elder, "Mu Shi, since you call me uncle, we are a family, and uncle will not see you. Although I am in a hurry to go back, look, soldiers I'm really tired, how about this, it's still early today, why don't you go in and have lunch, rest for a while before leaving?"

Speaking of this, I can't refuse, and the sergeants are really tired. If they can take a short rest and go back quickly, it won't delay anything.

"Master Hou, let's put the cart and horses here. Anyway, you plan to come to pick up your wife again when the time comes. Let's rest for a while, and then we can go back quickly, even if we sleep for one night, without the carts and horses. Pull, you can go back to Ningbo in one day."

Leng Yun thought for a while, and said, "It's just too late, let's leave on time in the afternoon!"

Yang Shouyan, who was listening on the side, couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "That's right! The rooms are all cleaned, and the bedding is ready-made. It's still early to eat, so I invite Lord Hou and the generals to sleep for a while before eating. It’s not too late for lunch.”

Mrs. Yu also nodded, and winked at Man Yue. Seeing that she was still staring blankly at Leng Yun, she couldn't help but feel a little anxious, so she stretched out her hand and pushed her, saying, "Stupid girl, Mr. Ruyi is not leaving now, and I still don't want to go to greet her." People come in?"

Man Yue blushed and said, "Grandma, what are you talking about?"

The eldest aunt and the second aunt laughed softly, "It's rare, this eleventh lady who is more decisive than men is blushing."


"Okay, okay, don't say, don't say, go into the house quickly, let Lord Hou rest for a while..."

A group of people entered the house lively.

Several Yang family children brought their luggage and gifts in as farewells, and happily went home to see their mother and father.

The servants and maidservants in the house were all busy, and a group of sergeants had been traveling all night without much rest. When they arrived at Yang's house, they were happy to hear that they could rest for a while before going back.

At the moment, I also obeyed the host's arrangement and went to bed beautifully.

After meeting the elders in the family, Man Yue was about to share the gifts when she heard Mrs. Yu say, "You silly boy, why are your family so anxious? Master Hou is a guest, so you don't want to ask people what they need?" ? Go, go, don't stay here, go and see Lord Hou..."


The full moon is speechless, grandma, are you really the head of a feudal family?

Why are you so eager to send me out?

The fact that Leng Yun helped Man Yue several times, and even killed people for her, naturally spread the news. Such a powerful and affectionate man, Yu Shi, naturally liked it, and wished that Man Yue would marry him immediately.

In fact, there are really few people who keep filial piety for three years. 27 months is a long time, and Ding You of the court is no more than this number. In Yu's view, by the full moon in March next year, they will also keep filial piety for 3 months, and they can go to filial piety in summer. , and then married.

The Yu family is not an ordinary woman, so it is natural to see that Leng Yun's previous fiancées were not killed by him, there is something tricky in it.In order to avoid long nights and dreams, she felt that it would be better for her granddaughter to marry as soon as possible.

Based on this idea, she naturally hoped that her granddaughter and Leng Yun would spend more time alone, and it would be even better if something went wrong.

It's not that the old lady is too shocking, but that she feels that life is much more important than the so-called name.

Man Yue left with confusion. As soon as she walked away, someone said: "Mom, I know Eleven Niang has made a lot of contributions to the family now, but a big contribution does not mean that there are no rules. This lonely man and widow... ..."

It was the Fifth Aunt He Shi who spoke. I haven't seen him for a few months, and this person's words became more and more bitter.

"It's true."

Second Aunt Lu's said with a smile: "However, Man Yue is an accomplished child. Besides, the two families are engaged, and the slaves and mothers are also following. How can there be any chance to be unruly? Sister, don't you think so?"

Sang Yuqin laughed and said, "You haven't seen Eleven Niang working, but I have. She is the one who can be raised as a son. She can fight against evil officials, the county head, guarding eunuchs, Jin Yiwei Would it be a no-brainer to go there once? Besides, who in this world doesn’t know that I, the Yang family in Sizhitang Incheon, and Lord Hou are engaged? After the full moon, the old lady of the Leng family will send someone to the door again... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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