Chapter 219 Embarrassed

She paused and said: "Oh, I forgot to tell my fifth sibling that the old lady of the Leng family has sent someone to deliver a letter, and she will be hired again when Eleven Niang's filial piety expires."

"Yo, then the name is justified."

Mrs. Lu smiled and said: "It's really the wrong sedan chair to marry the right man. The old lady of the Leng family is willing to hire the right man again. It's great to go through the process. This shows that they also value our eleventh lady over there, mother, Did you say it was a gift?"

This happened not long after Man Yue recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan, but Man Yue didn't know about it.

But it doesn't matter whether she knows it or not. In short, Leng Yun's mother's actions made Yu [-] satisfied. She felt that the other party valued her daughter very much, and even sent some special products from her hometown to express her gratitude.

Now when I heard the second daughter-in-law say this again, I felt happy again, and said with a slight trepidation on my face: "Isn't it? Our eleventh mother is capable, and she will give Gongzhong 500 taels of silver a month, who will be her son?" Can it be done? If I were the wife of the Leng family, why don’t I give up our eleventh mother? Their men regard money as dung, but which one of the family’s oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar rice tea is not under the control of our daughter?”

"Oh, what mother said is true."

The eldest aunt looked envious, "It would be great for a daughter-in-law to have such a daughter-in-law, and she can take care of everything. It's hard for us to see a big family and a big business. Eleven Niang's means of making money is also very good. Now the tribe I am grateful to her, the money sent back can pay for a few better husbands, so that more children in the clan can go to school..."

The money from the family members is for the support of the clan members. What a large sum of money is given out every month on the full moon. In the years when you can buy 80 catties of pork with just one or two silver, it can be said to be a huge sum of money, and it is paid every month. It is conceivable how helpful this is to a family.

Uncle is now the head of the patriarch, and Man Yue has helped him a lot. The Yang family is not as prosperous as it was in the early years. In order to let more children go to school, Uncle is not less worried.

It's all right now, Man Yue gave this much money at once, which not only made him a lot better as the patriarch, but also gained a little bit of prestige.The eldest aunt and the eldest uncle's family naturally have their hearts towards their husbands, and towards their husbands they are towards the full moon. How can He's talk nonsense here?

In the current situation, whoever dares to say that Yang Manyue is wrong will be punished immediately, and who is so sick that he will have trouble with the God of Wealth?It's just He Shi, who makes troubles all day long, and has no brains about standards.

If he has a child to adopt, relying on the kindness of the adoptive, he will be closer than others no matter what, I don't know what this He is thinking, he just wants to speak ill of Qifang all day long.

He's face was ashen, she just said a word but was squeezed out by a group of people, Sang Yuqin and Lu's made fun of her, that's all, they were all from the big family, Yu's group; but the others also ran against themselves What does that mean?
Damn, you are all bastards, if you don't unite and criticize me, you don't know how you will die in the future!

She hated in her heart, but she still wanted to show a teachable attitude on her face, "Sister-in-law, second sister-in-law is right, but I am timid and afraid of being gossiped. Isn't this also worried about Eleven Niang? Now she is Our buddy, oh, no, it's Xiao Shi's elder sister, I always hope she's well..."

This is a bit level, Yu's face turned pale when she heard this, she nodded and said: "Don't care about what you say, Brother Yuan always crawls out of your stomach, how can the relationship between mother and child be broken? I think Mrs. Chen is not a stingy person, nor is she the one who gave birth to the full moon. How do you see her attitude towards Mrs. Yuan? It stands to reason that if Mrs. Yuan becomes a concubine, then she is not filling in the house. Although they are both regular wives, they can fill in the house. How is it like the original match? But she doesn't, she really respects Yuan Shi, so it can be seen that she is a kind person who repays her kindness, so don't be unhappy all day long, Eleven Niang is also a good one, there is always something wrong with walking around more."

He blushed, lowered his head and touched the corners of his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Mother, my wife is not worried that they will abuse Brother Yuan, but that they are busy doing business and neglecting Brother Yuan. Poor thing, she left suddenly By the side of my mother, have you seen that she has lost weight..."

"Fifth brother and sister, you are thinking too much. I think Xiao Shi is much stronger. He used to be fat, but now he is much more energetic. Besides, Eleven Niang has so many people to order, how can she not take good care of her? "

Naturally, Sang Yuqin would not give He the chance to apply eye drops, and said with a smile, "If you are worried, just ask Xiao Shi when you have time. Children will not lie."

Mrs. Yu nodded, and just about to speak, she saw Mrs. He knelt down with a thump, "Mother, my daughter-in-law is bold. After thinking about it for a long time, my daughter-in-law dared to ask Changgui and his family to follow and continue to take care of Xiao Shi."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the second aunt and the first aunt changed.

Chang Gui's mother is Xiao Shi's wet nurse, Chang Gui is Xiao Shi's playmate since childhood, and Chang Gui's family used to serve Xiao Shi there.Originally, this was not a problem, but these people were He's dowry, if they were to go to Ningbo with their toes, they would know that Qifang would not want to live in peace in the future, at least Xiao Shi would not get along with Qifang's people again Well, that Chang Guiniang is also a powerful character, she has no other skills, she relies on her mouth, and she is very good at instigating.

Mrs. Yu remained silent, she knew better than anyone else what Mrs. He was planning, but this request sounded very reasonable, and it was really hard to find a reason to refuse for a while.

Sitting not far away, Mrs. Chen also slowly recalled that those who are close to ink are black, and those who are close to vermilion are red. Mrs. Chen has been with the full moon for a long time, and her thinking has undergone fundamental changes, and she is also learning to read characters and see scheming She is no longer the simple peasant woman she used to be.

Although the reaction was a little slower than others, but slowly the smell came out.

Is this the person Xiaoniang said to insert herself in?
How can that be?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Chen said, "Sister-in-law Wu, what are you talking about?"

She looked aggrieved and terrified, "Could it be that you think I'm abusing Xiao Shi? Xiao Shi lost weight. It's because my mother thinks that he is too fat and damages his body. She takes him to exercise with Xiao Shi every morning. If you don't worry Let's take Xiao Shi back..."


Mrs. Yu patted the table lightly, looked at Mrs. Chen and said, "Do you think adoption is child's play? Come and go?"


Chen sighed: "Mother, don't be angry. In fact, the daughter-in-law can't do what she wants. They say that the stepmother is hard to do, and she didn't recognize me before the full moon. It took me a lot of time to get along with her. Now that I have a little girl, I am always being punished." people suspect..."

As she spoke, she glanced at Mrs. He, quickly retracted her gaze, then lowered her head and said, "I was apprehensive when I came here, and I even told my little lady about it, and she said it's good to have a clear conscience, but my wife thinks that's really childish words. Mother, look, fifth sister-in-law now feels that I have abused the child..."

That's a beautiful statement!

The eldest aunt almost applauded, and nodded again and again, "Oh, isn't it? Don't say it's the stepmother, even those concubines and concubines who didn't come out of their own stomachs, can't they be taught a lesson? No matter how much they are born by themselves, they won't be beaten or scolded." Some people say that it was not born by oneself, it is obviously wrong, you must not say it, otherwise, the aunt is vicious, and the stepmother is black-hearted..."


The second aunt answered, "Oh, it's really hard for you, the seventh sibling..."

He was so angry that his face turned pale, and he didn't know why this country bumpkin, Chen, suddenly became enlightened. She was so timid a few months ago that she didn't even dare to speak.But now it's good, not only dare to speak, but also ruthless!

How did she know that there are no white people in Guilinju, and they are all first-class gentry. Chen was afraid at first, but after seeing more, people respected her as Yang Rener's mother. How could the mere He family scare her anymore?

Yu's face was ugly, but in her heart she admired Chen's wit secretly, coughed lightly and said, "Okay, what are you talking about during the Chinese New Year? Aren't you all doing well now? He's 26 today, but he's a murderer. The day of the Year of the Pig is a happy day, don't say such depressing words. Eldest daughter-in-law, go ahead and see how you are getting ready? Master Hou has to go to the main table and talk to Da Lang, you can't miss it It's a gift."

"Yes, my daughter-in-law is going now..."

Seeing that Mrs. Yu played Tai Chi, it was obvious that he wanted to obscure his proposal, so Mrs. He should not be too angry.

But I can't get angry, but I can't take Yu Shi, so I have to swallow this breath, and think of other ways in my heart.

It was beyond her expectation that Eleven Niang would make money like this. She resisted not sending a message to the child all the time in order to let Man Yue and the old lady lower their vigilance, so that she could insert someone in, and then further control Qifang. His son is the eldest son of Qifang, so the money should belong to his son, so why did Yang Manyue say that it would be five hundred if he gave it to Gongzhong?
And she is Xiao Shi's biological mother, she is lucky, she didn't even ask, she was just a white-eyed wolf!

One plan fails, so naturally there is another plan, He's eyeballs rolled, and with an idea in mind, he relaxed again and started joking with his sister-in-law.

Not to mention how these female relatives are, let alone Man Yue went to the back house, found the room where Leng Yun slept, and went in without calling the door.

It's just that when she walked into the room, her face turned red when she saw it, and she turned around and said, "Don't look!"

As he spoke, he came out in a panic, a group of servants looked at each other, and after a while, they smiled ambiguously, and Luzhu said fearlessly, "Miss, what did you see, could it be Lord Hou..."

"You damn girl!"

Hongyou has an old-fashioned temper, so he couldn't hear this, so he twisted Lv Zhu's ear and scolded: "Do you want Qing Yu, big girl? Let you make nonsense!"

"Oh, ouch, let go, let go, sister Hongyou, I haven't said anything yet..."

Full Moon was a little speechless.

How could she have thought that in such a cold day, Leng Yun would ask someone to wash his body with a basin of water in the room?
It's superhuman!It's not Gui Linju here. If there is no heating, you just wipe your body with a towel. How brave is that? !

And just wipe it, anyway, when you wipe your upper body, you also leave a pair of pants...

But uncle is fine...

Make it naked, once you go in, you will be right there, and it's still frontal...


(End of this chapter)

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