Chapter 220
Blushing, the maidservants all smiled ambiguously, although they didn't see it, but judging from the reaction of their little master, they could guess a thing or two.

The full moon is also speechless. Confucianism prevailed in the Ming Dynasty, didn't it pay attention to "destroying human desires"?

What's going on with these gossip people? ! !
Leng Yun in the room obviously didn't expect that the full moon would come in suddenly, he was dazed for a while, his face blushed suspiciously...

Just thinking that she saw all of herself, she was a little excited again, looked down at Xiao Xiaoyun, and suddenly smiled wryly.

He is terminally ill...

After a long time, Leng Yun's voice came from the room, "Come in."

Full moon blushed and entered the room, several servants were waiting in the outer room tactfully, if it wasn't for Hongyou watching, Lvzhu would have gone to peek.

Seeing Leng Yun, his face became even redder, he lowered his head, and peeked at it from time to time.

A certain ice cube that wanted to pretend to be calm was not calm by her, and the red color that had just faded slowly reappeared. For a moment, he was a little afraid to look at her.

Although he often appeared in the form of a beast, but at this time his mood was very subtle, Leng Yun felt his heartbeat speeding up.


The two spoke at the same time, then fell silent.

After a while, Leng Yun finally returned to normal.

What is this?
When she was injured, I almost saw her all, especially when she was scolded by the stick, now I just glance at myself, why am I so embarrassed?
Is he a handsome man afraid that she will not be able to see her as a yellow-haired girl?

Thinking of this, a certain man returned to normal again, patted himself on the side, and said, "Come here."

The words were short and clean, but as if with magic power, a certain girl who had always been awkward in front of him unconsciously passed by and sat down next to him.

After sitting down, he pulled her into his arms and said, "Did you see it all?"

With a "buzz", I felt my brain explode. Well, why doesn't this person open which pot and lift which pot?
His face was so red that it was about to bleed, he lowered his eyes, and said in a panic, "What, what?"

He lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "It's evened now, don't you keep saying that you are bullying you by showing me your ass?"

"Depend on!"

She was furious, "You forced me, I didn't do it unintentionally! Besides, I just glanced at it so many times, isn't it fair?!"


As soon as he raised his eyebrows, he wasn't shy at all now, a certain man liked to see her shy and frizzy.

All of a sudden, the bad intentions rose again.

He tilted his head, as if thinking, and nodded after a while, "You are right, and I met you for the medicine, how about..."

He suddenly pulled her hand and stuffed it into his skirt, "Touch me, tear my clothes off, and it will be evened out."

Man Yue opened her mouth wide, she couldn't believe that this ice-like man would have such a "slut" side, she suddenly remembered the words of a former college classmate.

"The colder the man looks, the more bored he is..."

After thinking about the uncle's performance, he nodded involuntarily. The classmate is smarter than her. Of course, I don't bully me!

"Does nodding mean yes?"

His hoarse voice rang in her ears, and she suddenly felt her ears were a little wet. She shivered, avoided it involuntarily, and couldn't help saying: "Don't make trouble, it's itchy."

He leaned up again, breathing warmly on his neck, and said in a low voice, "Will you miss me? Huh?"

The tip of his tongue lightly licked her ears, and the hoarse voice became even hoarse, as if full of passion.

Trembling|shaking, she suddenly pushed him away, and said angrily, "You, you bastard!"

He laughed, stretched his upper arm and pulled her over, imprisoned her in his arms, nibbled the tip of her nose, moved to the corner of her lips, and kissed her lightly, his voice became soft and soft, "Won't miss me? Huh?"

"You, what are you going to do?"

She was about to cry. Could it be that the uncle is going crazy because he has seen him all?

"You, why are you acting weird?"

Seeing her look about to cry, he was secretly happy.

No matter how old a man is, he will instantly turn into a little boy when he meets a woman he likes, especially those who are boring|sexy, because they are not good at expressing their true feelings, so they will habitually choose to bully the girl they like.

Obviously, a certain unscrupulous uncle has fallen into such a pattern, looking at the trembling little white rabbit in his arms, the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised, how could he be tired?I just feel that my spirit is trembling, bullying her is really a joy in the world!
A certain girl doesn't know that a certain unscrupulous uncle has an unscrupulous hobby that takes pleasure in her, otherwise he will blow his hair!
"Have it?"

He was very mean-spirited, and said with a serious face: "Didn't you say that I always bully you? Then you just saw me all, so you said it was evened?"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

She cried and said with a sad face: "Stop making trouble, this is in Incheon, if people know that we are like this before marriage, I will have to soak in a pig cage."

"How are we doing?"

He was still serious, "So you admit that you just peeked at me?"

"Me, when did I say I peeked?"

"You didn't knock on the door, and you said you didn't mean it? Why are you so dirty at such a young age?"

She was angry, "Don't talk nonsense! How could I want to peek at you? You, you are covered with scars, what's so good about you?!"


He raised his eyebrows, his normally handsome face turned into an unusually evil, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a hint of evil, "You can see clearly..."

"Bah! Where do I need to look? You forced me to wipe your body for you before..."

When she thought of that scene, her face became hotter and her neck was red, and she couldn't speak for a while.

"Tsk tsk, do you remember after so long?"

He was mean on his lips, but happy in his heart.

I didn't expect that she remembered it so clearly, she obviously had him in her heart, but every time she asked her, she had to make a fuss.

"I, I have a good memory!"

She pouted, and before she knew it, she was already lying in his arms, with her upturned little face facing him, and all her expressions could be seen clearly. Hmph, it was like a bomb exploded in his heart in an instant.

Looking at her pink lips, I feel seductive.

"I, I have a photographic memory! You only need to read the book once, if you don't believe me... oh, you do... um..."

All the words were swallowed by him, he carefully described her sweet outline, absorbing her sweetness over and over again, the room suddenly fell silent, only the sound of each other's heartbeats and gradually heavy breathing could be heard... …

After a while, he let her go slowly, his already hoarse voice became hoarse with longing, and his slender fingers with calluses caressed her slightly red and swollen lips, with a hint of obsession in his eyes, After a while, he murmured to himself again: "Little thing, you are so small..."

She was a little confused, the fierce demands made her brain a little hypoxic, and she was a little dazed for a while, not knowing the meaning of his words, but felt that he was suddenly a little lonely, and her heart was a little tense, as if she would lose him, but it was subconscious She hugged him tightly, buried her head in his chest, and pressed her tightly.

He hugged her, stroked | her back, felt her attachment to him, and the loss slowly faded away.

He is not a person of lust, with his current status, what kind of woman does he want?
But he has never had such a raging desire for any woman like now, no, not once!

When he was young and ignorant, he also relieved himself, but in his later life, he fought against death, heaven and fate every day, and all his desires were buried in the struggle for fame and power. Longing, watered down...

until I met her.

When I saw her for the first time, she was like an orchid blooming quietly in the sun, quiet and elegant.That day, he watched her from a distance on the street for a long time, and for the first time he was satisfied with the woman arranged by his mother.

She rolled up her sleeves and served snails for others, with a sincere smile on her face, so clean, so sweet, so sunny, it lit up his heart at once, he liked her clean smile, and he wanted to keep her.

At first he just wanted to keep her, but now his desire for her has reached the point where he is about to lose control, and he is very troubled by this feeling.

Firstly, he didn't want to hurt her; secondly, being out of control was an emotion that made him feel dangerous. The childishness that he should have abandoned at the age of 14 now slowly returned to him.

In fact, he didn't want to kill people, but he couldn't control it. Someone hurt her, and he wanted that person's life.

And his longing for her was getting deeper and deeper, maybe it was dirty, but he really felt that only in that way could he express his feelings for her.Leng Yun is sometimes confused, why is this happening?
He didn't have an answer, but his instinct was driving him. Looking at her child-like body, he felt ashamed while being disappointed. He actually had such a habit...


Seeing him silent and depressed, she felt nervous and called him softly.


He lowered his head and saw the little guy looking up at her. Her eyes were a little disturbed and confused.

He touched her little head, rubbed it and said, "How about getting married after the filial piety period is over?"

Her eyes widened, why did she jump here again?
The uncle's expression now made her feel confused, a little deep and mysterious, which made her confused and nervous.

Rourou's little hands involuntarily clung to his lapel, and said with a blushing face, "Mmm..."

"Then let's talk about it..."

He hugged her up a bit, let her lie in his arms, nose to nose, rubbed her intimately, and said, "Will you miss me?"

She blushed even more, buried her head in his chest and said, "I hate you, why do you always like to ask this question?"

"I want to hear from you..."

"You, don't you have an answer in your heart?"

"I do not know."

He answered simply and simply. He could feel her dependence on him, but he was always unsteady. There was no difference between a man and a woman in love, especially a man like him, who was sometimes very fragile.

He answered honestly, but the woman in his arms didn't believe it, "Hmph! You know, but he just likes to make things difficult for me..."

 Sudden inspiration today, in order to show everyone's support, two more chapters will be added today!
(End of this chapter)

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