Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 228 Give me a hard slap in the face

Chapter 228 Give me a hard slap in the face

Yang Manyue felt like a beeping dog!

Yu Shi discovered the clue from this incident?

But thinking about it again, I am afraid that the eldest aunt also realizes that the eldest sister is in a bad situation.

Everyone is the head of the house. The poor have no wives, and the rich have many concubines. This is the characteristic of this era.It would be nice for a poor man to have a wife, so why would he dare to think of a concubine?But men from wealthy families are different. Not only do they have wives and concubines, but they even have such products as housekeepers.

It's the eldest uncle, the eighth uncle and two concubines.

After going through a lot of things like this, it is true that just by looking at Qi Yuaner, one can guess that the elder sister has fallen out of favor...

Maybe they had already guessed it, but it was just because of the rules of this era that it was not easy to interfere.Now that vixen gave them a chance, just came to slap them in the face, of course, their elders still can't show up, only Man Yue and Jiu Niang can show up.

At that time, it will be ugly, and you can return it again.

The level of Tai Chi practiced by people in this era is much higher than that of modern people.

It's a pity that they don't know that the seriousness of the matter has exceeded their imagination. They don't know what kind of suffering and suffering the eldest sister is going through. It is a heartbreaking thing.

Back in her room, Yang Manyue felt dizzy, and suddenly felt that her little cleverness was nothing compared to Mrs. Yu's!
Thinking about it again...

Anyway, what...

Grandma doesn't care about things at home now, so she can simply live there by herself, and she can still check for herself!
Lying on the bed, Mrs. Yu suddenly sneezed a few times, thinking in her heart that it was strange, and then her face turned a little ugly.If she sneezes suddenly, someone is thinking about her. Who else can miss her at this moment?
It must be He Shi!

Fortunately, Xiao Shi was adopted by Qi Fang for this narrow-minded thing, otherwise it would have caused her harm!

Thinking about it again, I couldn't calm down anymore, Xiao Shi came back, Chen Shi and Man Yue were generous and let him go back to the fifth room to sleep, didn't this give He the opportunity to speak ill of Qi Fang?

The old lady is getting old, sometimes it is inevitable to think too much. This thought makes her very uneasy. She thinks in her heart that Xiao Shi will sleep with her when she wakes up tomorrow, so she can't be a disaster to Mrs. He. I want to bring my own grandson. She didn't say anything.

Thinking of this made her feel at ease, how could she have thought that her good eleventh granddaughter was playing tricks on her old man at this moment, planning to arrest her strong man!

There was nothing to say all night, and before dawn on the second day, Man Yue was pulled up by several maidservants, "Miss, I'm 27 today, I need to take a bath. 27 to wash off my guilt, 28 to wash off my sloppy clothes, take a shower One year of bad luck is gone..."

Looking at the dark sky outside, Man Yue felt a little crazy, yawned and said, "Sister Hongyou, it's too early..."

"Miss, have you forgotten? You are going to visit Weng's house today. You can wash up early so you can go out early. The slaves have already burned the brazier. If you squint again, don't squint over it, the water will be gone soon. It's all right, the tub is in the next room, and the servants will go to add some charcoal..."

She said and left in a hurry.Full Moon Fan stared, and closed them again after a while.

Just when she was about to fall asleep, she was woken up by Hongyou, and she pushed her to the next room to take a shower.

That bitterness in my heart!

Is it necessary so early?

Hongyou took an old loofah essence, grabbed Man Yue's small arm and "pricked" it, and the dazed Miss Yang woke up immediately, "I, I will wash it myself! How can you help me take a bath?"

Hongyou smiled and said: "Big girl, you are 27 years old now, it was fine if you didn't let us wash it for you in the past, but now you must let us wash it for you..."

"What's the point?"

"Today, I have to wash my body clean, without even a little putty. This is called getting rid of bad luck. I have to wipe it with loofah essence, and wipe it vigorously to wipe off all the bad things of the year..."

Hongyou is a practical person, and she used all her strength while talking, and after a few strokes, Yang Manyue turned into a shrimp, screaming in pain, "Ouch, Ouch, good sister, I have no grudge against you, right? You Take it easy..."

Awakened, Mrs. Chen put on her clothes and came over to take a look, and smiled unkindly, "Little lady, bear with it, once a year, this is the rule passed down from the ancestors, the cleaner the wipe, the better!"

After a pause, he said again: "Hongyou, be more careful about the injured area, don't dare to use force there."

"Ma'am, don't worry, the slaves will wipe everything carefully, use a towel to wipe the wounds, and keep the big girl clean, white and tender|tender!"

"I heard you say that, why do I feel like that pig that is about to go to the pot? The pig is also washed clean before it goes to the pot. Once it is shaved, it is white and tender|tender..."

As soon as these words came out, the wives and maidservants who were rough envoys laughed, and Mrs. Chen even covered her stomach, "Oh, my little lady, you debt collector, why don't you keep your mouth shut, how can you compare yourself to someone else? It’s a pig, it’s still a pig that’s about to fall into the pot, no, I’m laughing to death..."

Your smile is as low as ever...

Man Yue twitched her mouth, shook her head helplessly, and said with a look of resignation: "Come on, come on, since it's a rule, it can't be broken, Hongyou, come on, I will bear it..."


The group of people couldn't hold back anymore, they collapsed from laughing, and the red pomelo couldn't help laughing, "Miss, you're doing something bad on purpose, the slaves don't even need to use their strength..."

Man Yue grinned, "Did you see it? Oh, we Hongyou are smart..."

There was another burst of laughter, early in the morning, there was constant laughter in the courtyard under the full moon, it was the happiest thing to have a master who is considerate of his servants in this year when people are humble.

If it's like Man Yue's, she's really willing to sell her life.These slaves and women are extremely happy every day when they come to Yang Manyue's family. Here, they eat well, live well, and the most important thing is to gain human dignity. No matter where they go, this family will always be Full of joy and positive energy!

After taking a bath, several maidservants wiped her hair with long cloth towels, and dried her hair carefully with a small stove. There were no hair dryers in ancient times, so in order not to catch cold, there was only this most primitive method.

This is why the full moon is pulled up early in the morning.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, I finally finished bathing, dressing and dressing up. At this moment, it was already daylight outside.

A few maidservants brought breakfast again, and after the full moon was over, they went to Mrs. Yu's place, and they had to say hello before going to do their own business.

When they arrived at Mrs. Yu's place, Yang Jiumei had already arrived. Seeing her yawning again and again, Man Yue couldn't help but be amused.

It seems that this Lord received the same treatment as himself today, and was dragged up to be tortured before dawn.

After paying the salute to Mrs. Yu, Mrs. Yu took out all the jewels and said, "Be careful on the road, and don't be rude. After all, it's in-laws. It's just as long as they are sensible..."

The full moon came down as soon as she heard the sweat.

She really deserves to be the old matriarch who has been at the helm of the Yang family for many years, what she said is so domineering!
Isn't the subtext just: if they are polite, you should be polite, if they are not polite, don't be cowardly, just give them a hard slap in the face, don't be afraid, the old lady will support you!

The servants used the horses left by Leng Yun for the carts. Daming had always been in short supply of horses, especially after the fall of the Northern Territory, there were even fewer horses.Many people can only use mules instead.

Today is to show off one's strength, and getting a mule cart is always a little imposing, so the cheap son-in-law of the Yang family, Mr. Leng, has no shortage of horses, so he directly leaves all the carts and horses that brought the full moon back here, and takes them back to the barracks when he picks her up. .

It was nothing to borrow the advantage of a cheap son-in-law. Yang Manyue and Jiu Niang got into the carriage, took a batch of jewelry sponsored by uncles and aunts, and several servants and family members, and headed towards Weng's house in a mighty way.

The Weng family is not too far away from the Yang family, and with a carriage instead, the time for two sticks of incense has arrived.

The leading servant set off early and handed over the name card.The name is naturally to give some gifts, New Year's goods or something.

When the old lady of the Weng family heard that she just sent two juniors over, she felt displeased.

The eldest sister is rigid and not a person who likes to talk well, so naturally she doesn't like the old lady very much.On the other hand, Qi Yuaner, originally the old lady also disliked her status as a prostitute, but after a long time, the old lady liked Qi Yuaner's exquisite appearance, and Qi Yuaner gave birth to the only male in the family last year. The old lady's heart was deviated at once, she liked Qi Yuan'er very much.

The eldest sister is neither loved by her husband nor her mother-in-law, so one can imagine the situation of the family.

Coupled with the dismissal of the eighth uncle, Mrs. Weng became more and more snobbish, and felt that the daughter of the Yang family was no longer worthy of her son.

Hearing that the Yang family came to send some New Year's goods, he was a little happy at first, thinking that the Yang family was sensible; but when he heard that he sent two girls who were not ready, he became displeased immediately, thinking that he was looking down on them.

So what if the Yang family was beautiful in the past?You're all down and out, what are you fighting for?
Putting on a perfunctory gesture, he rushed down and said, "Since it's a junior, there's no need to open the middle door..."

Qi Yuaner was overjoyed, she blew on the pillow wind all night yesterday, but it had little effect.Weng Pu didn't know if he had taken the medicine of jealousy. Not only did he not take the bait, but he was a little annoyed that she was meddling, and went to provoke Yang's Shi Niang. She said that the husband didn't hit her again, but he was nice and nice, as if he was a different person.

Annoyed, she wanted to provoke her, but her goal was not achieved, and she even pushed the man to the opposite side. Qi Yuaner's mood last night can be imagined, it was a tumbling.

Now when the old lady said this, I was naturally happy, and said calmly: "Mother, that's not good, is it? I heard that the eleventh girl from the Yang family who came here is not easy to get along with. My wife heard that she is the Marquis of Jinghai." Madam who has never been married, my daughter-in-law met her face-to-face yesterday, tsk tsk, it takes a lot of pride, all jewelry is not allowed to be seen, and it is all covered..."

She purposely glanced at Yang Zhen, then glanced at Mrs. Weng, and continued: "You still say that the Weng family is nothing, dare to underestimate my elder sister..."

She suddenly knelt down, "Mother-in-law, you'd better go and greet her, daughter-in-law is afraid that the visitor will be unkind..."

(End of this chapter)

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