Chapter 229 Singing Double Reed

"It's really outrageous that the dignified Zanying's family did such a thing. It would be a bit angry if a woman from a good family, but she favors a bitch born in a brothel, tsk tsk, what's wrong with the oiran? Not a bitch anymore?

"Back then, the entourage of Lord Huixi stepped on Yang Manyue's younger brother's hand, and she broke his hand. Even the Lord Huixi broke it. Now even Princess Wu is in danger. Yang Renertie It's true that his bones are not inferior to a man's, but his violent temper is comparable to that of Lord Xiao."

"Yeah, why don't you like Prince Xiao? I heard that Leng Yun has never been close to women, but after meeting Yang Rener, I heard that even he is afraid of Yang Rener..."

"There's a limit to your nonsense, okay?"

"Why? Don't you believe it? I have a relative who is working in Guilinju. Seeing Yang Ren'er get angry with his own eyes, Prince Leng didn't dare to say anything..."

"Pfft! Last time you said that you have a relative working in the capital, you have so many relatives..."

"Don't talk nonsense, let's watch a good show! I don't think Yang Ren'er is a bad person, this is to stand up for the eldest sister of the Yang family!"

"Annoy Yang Ren'er, hehe, the Weng family can't stand it..."

The person who said this suddenly frowned, pointed to the sky, and said in a low voice mysteriously: "Yang Rener came back from the dead, she is a person blessed by the gods, whoever offends her will be unlucky!"

All kinds of discussions came to Mrs. Weng's ears. In fact, she couldn't hear what people were saying clearly. She just felt that everyone was whispering. Besides talking about them, who else could they talk about?
Qi Yuaner's face also turned pale.

She didn't expect Yang Manyue to come down to question her on such an occasion, and when she thought about it carefully, she suddenly felt chills.

She did it on purpose, and every step was considered good!

Yang Zhen was also surprised. She looked at Man Yue, but Man Yue reached out and took her hand.

Eleven Niang is only 2 years older than her eldest daughter, and because of the hard life, she opened her body when her father died. She was obviously 12 years old, but she was about the same age as her own daughter, and she looked like a child , Yang Zhen's heart hard|hardened all of a sudden.

She held Man Yue's hand backhand. If she didn't fight for it, her daughter would be even more miserable than Shi Niang was when she was a child!

Old Madam Weng's body kept trembling. Ever since her mother-in-law passed away and she became the master of the house, she could not remember ever having such embarrassment and anger!

Every word of Yang Manyue's words was like a knife, and she stabbed her face with a knife, making her face dull and losing all her face.

But she can't get angry, because pampering concubines and destroying wives is a matter of respect and etiquette. If she doesn't take measures, then their family's reputation will be ruined, and even her husband's official position will be affected.

If the family is not strictly governed, why govern the country?
If you don't deserve a place of virtue, why should you be an official?
"Miss Yang, you, what you said..."

Of course Qi Yuan'er didn't want to be at a disadvantage, so she made a gesture of supporting the wind and the weak willow: "I, I know that I was born in a humble background, but, the so-called shot..."


Yang Manyue showed displeasure, "I know my sister is kind-hearted, but if you pamper your little concubine like this, will my sister not be afraid of criticism from outsiders and laugh at you for not being strict with your family?"

Yang Manyue looked disgusted, "How can a girl from my innocent family talk to such prostitutes? Mrs. Weng, what do you mean by bringing such a thing out? Could it be that those rumors are true? My eighth uncle was dismissed from office. , you dislike the poor and love the rich, and abuse my sister?!"

As soon as she heard the word "abuse", Mrs. Weng immediately changed her expression. How could she dare to think about the countermeasures? She raised her hand and gave Qi Yuan'er a big ear, scolding: "You poor maidservant! I want you to serve Madam well, Just put your nose on your face and put your eyes on it?!"

Then he said to Yang Zhen: "Eldest daughter-in-law, what your sister said is not bad at all. You are too used to them. You have to show the majesty of everyone's real lady, so that this family can be cured."

The corners of Man Yue's mouth curled up slightly, and she looked at Qi Yuan'er with a faint smile.Qi Yuan'er was deeply hurt by this smile, but she had no choice but to respond aggrievedly, and slowly retreated to the back.

But the vicious light in his eyes did not fade away, the gaze that looked at Yang Zhen was like a poisoned sharp blade, Man Yue could feel the malice in that gaze without turning his head, sneered in his heart, and looked at Weng again Granny.

This old woman seems to know the truth!

Her heart was cold.

It is the blessing of the ancestors that the eldest sister can live till now!

The mother-in-law condoned her son to abuse his daughter-in-law, and suppressed her everywhere. Isn't it the blessing of the ancestors to be alive?

Old Madam Weng felt that her heart was bleeding, she was so angry that she was about to explode, but she couldn't do it, if that was confirmed, their Weng family would be finished!

"Yes, eldest sister, you have to listen to the old lady more, and you can't be too kind."

Yang Manyue said innocently: "I heard from my grandmother that good people are bullied! I don't know who spread the rumor, saying that the eldest brother-in-law beat you up after hearing what this foxy girl said!"

Mrs. Weng's face turned pale in an instant, and she tremblingly said: "You, where did you hear it? You bastard, you bastard! Yes, who is talking nonsense?!"

Yang Zhen also trembled violently, but the nurse behind her raised her head, with hope in her eyes.

The aunt refused to spread this matter to the outside world, otherwise she would have been able to reconcile with her mother's family long ago, so why should she suffer so much?If Eleven Niang is willing to stand up for the aunt, then the two children may be wanted. After all, they are only girls, and Eleven Niang is the future Mrs. Jinghaihou. Isn’t it because of the two children that the aunt has been holding back? !

"Old madam, don't dare to talk nonsense..."

Mama Qian blessedly said, "Many villagers were discussing this on the way we came just now, saying it was..."

She looked terrified, "It is said that my uncle was fascinated by a concubine in a brothel, and he often abused the aunt in private. Some people said that you often heard the screams of the aunt in your house..."

Man Yue is very satisfied with Qian's mother's cleverness.

Mama Qian was given to her by her grandmother, she saw that Mama Qian was stable, so she went to take care of Mrs. Chen and her two younger brothers together with the maidservants sent by her grandmother.After all, Mama Qian stayed in the mansion for a long time, and she was used to evil people, so she could help Mrs. Chen.

And she herself was the servant girl that Chen Shi bought again. She didn't need someone like Mama Qian by her side, but this time she borrowed someone from Chen Shi.On such occasions, it is better to let the servants say something.

After coming here for so long, she, Yang, also understands the rules of the times, and is becoming more and more good at Tai Chi.

As soon as Qian's mother finished speaking, she "furiously" scolded: "Disrespectful! How can you speak here?!"

Mama Qian had a look of grievance and panic, she knelt down immediately, tears streaming down her face, and Man Yue was shocked when she saw it.

I said, Mommy Qian, you're too into the show, aren't you? !

"Eleventh girl forgive me, yes, yes, the eldest girl used to be young, and the old slave took her with her when she was a child. To say something disrespectful, she is like my own child in my heart. If you don't believe me, ask the eldest girl, I, I , this is distressing to hear..."

"The more you talk, the more boundless it is!"

Yang Manyue was about to applaud Qian Mama, what she said was beautiful!

She looked at Yang Zhen, and Yang Zhen understood that this cousin of hers was here today to seek bad luck, and the reason why she wanted to tell such a shameful thing in public was probably because she was afraid that she would be beaten.

Yang Zhen's heart warmed when she thought that Man Yue thought of everything for herself.

Originally, a rigid person like her would not lie, but thinking about her daughter, and thinking about Eleven Niang coming here with her injuries to deal with her, if she continues to be rigid, she will be too useless!
Furthermore, even the sage said, "How to repay virtue? Repay grievances with sincerity, and repay virtue with virtue!"

They have long lost their kindness to treat themselves like this, no matter how stubborn they are, they will be pedantic!

Thinking of this, she nodded, "Mother Qian took me with me for a while when I was a child."

After a pause, he continued: "However, rumors only stop at the wise. How can Mom listen to the nonsense of ordinary people? It's all unfounded. My sister should let her get up. It doesn't look good like this, and it will damage the reputation of the two families."


Full Moon suddenly realized, "Then Mommy Qian, get up, forget it this time, and don't dare to interrupt next time."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Seeing the pair of sisters taking a servant to sing the double reed, Mrs. Weng was so angry that her face was distorted.

But what can she do?
She was indeed relieved that Yang Zhen didn't admit it in public, but after thinking about it, this bitch swallowed her anger because she was afraid of losing her innocence, and she became angry again.
His face was twitching, but he couldn't help but smile and said: "That's right, which bastard framed our Weng family like this? We are heirs of poems and books, how could we do such lowly things?"


Yang Manyue clapped her hands, and Nuo Nuo's voice suddenly became louder, "I heard from my grandmother that my brother-in-law's father is an official in the household department of the capital, and my uncle is a Ke Dao official, and the Ke Dao official is a picket official. However, the Hanlin and Ke Dao officials are the most noble, and I heard that all of them are gentlemen with noble morals and fair conduct. How can such a family abuse the main wife and spoil the concubine?"

Man Yue said it was a blessing, and said: "Old lady, Man Yue shouldn't believe in slander, old lady forgive me!"

"Okay... easy to say, easy to say..."

Mrs. Weng felt her head buzzing, and her eyes went black.

This little girl must know!
Does this bitch Yang want to use the power of Marquis Jinghai to stand out for him? !


Doesn't she understand the truth that family ugliness should not be publicized?
Yang Manyue's words were extremely vicious. She pointed out several officials in her family, and even used the excuse of the Taoist officials to secretly sarcasm, and even said that matter...

"Ah, speaking of it, I heard someone screaming in the middle of the night. The Weng family really abused their daughter-in-law, right?"

"I find it difficult to say. The Yang family must have obtained the evidence. Look at Yang Ren'er, but every sentence is thorny, and every sentence is in the Xun Weng's family. If her eldest sister was not abused, why would she be like this?"

"I also heard that although Yang Ren'er has a violent temper, as long as she doesn't hurt her family, she is easy to talk to. Hey, didn't the house next door to yours go to Guilin House? Didn't everyone say that Yang Ren'er is here? Do people have the style of a gentleman? I think this Weng family mostly dotes on their concubines and destroys their wives, and even abuses their daughter-in-law, otherwise this Yang Rener would never be so popular..."

(End of this chapter)

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