Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 230 I'm sick, the table provokes me

Chapter 230 I'm sick, the table provokes me

After a while, the two little girls were brought over, their expressions were very timid, first they saluted Weng Granny respectfully, then they greeted Weng Pu, and then they dared to go forward and call Jiumei.

Man Yue looked at the two children and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

The two nieces are ten years old this year and the other is seven years old, but they don't look moist at all, and they are not as lively as ordinary children, but they are obviously malnourished. He didn't put on any jewelry, but after thinking about Jiumei's words, he probably guessed what was going on.

"Min'er, Shu'er, come here, I have met your eleventh cousin."

The two children are very obedient, although they have never seen the full moon, they approached obediently, with a little curiosity in their eyes, bowed cautiously, and said: "I have seen the eleventh cousin."

"Just call me Auntie."

Man Yue touched the heads of the two children, showing affection, "Be kinder this way."

As he spoke, he took out two boxes from his satchel, and said with a smile, "I've wanted to send them to my sister for a long time, but I never had the chance. Today I happened to put them on for the two little guys myself."

She took out the longevity lock, which is different from ordinary longevity locks. This longevity lock is made of gold, and there are small peanuts hanging from a gold collar. She smiled and said: "I heard that in the There is a place in America on the other side of the sea, which produces this kind of thing called peanut. After I passed it to Ming Dynasty, we called it longevity fruit, but farmers rarely plant it, and many people don’t know it. I learned it from a missionary. When they heard about it there, they thought it had a good meaning, so they asked people to hit the pair of longevity locks."

The eyes of the two little guys were shining. Girls like beautiful things. Seeing the beautiful things in Aunt Eleven's hands, she couldn't help being happy when she said she wanted to give them away.

But even so, he didn't dare to move, subconsciously went to see their grandma.

Man Yue's eyes darkened again, this old hag is domineering at home, not only treating her elder sister harshly, but also treating her two children harshly?
Yang Zhen's heart ached when she saw it. In this big mansion, there is no lack of influence.Ever since her husband didn't like to see her, the servants in the house didn't take her seriously anymore, and they often deducted her food expenses, and they had to spend money to do things.

My dowry is in charge of Mrs. Weng. At the beginning, I mistakenly believed that she would uphold justice for me. How could I know that she was just greedy for her dowry? You're welcome, and even called them wild species.

What's even more hateful is that if it's a family gathering, it's rare for the children to eat something delicious, and if they eat an extra piece of meat, they will be scolded for losing money and cheap, and will be reincarnated as a starved ghost.I endured again and again but didn't get the family's understanding, but made them think that I had a guilty conscience...

Thinking of this, a great anger rose in her heart. She hated the ruthlessness of this family, but hated her own stupidity and cowardice even more.

If I had seen through it earlier and had no hope, I would have told my mother's family earlier, why did the two children suffer with her?She is obviously the eldest daughter of the Weng family, but her life is worse than that of a first-class maid.

Manyue pulled the two children over, put on the longevity lock, and said with a smile: "Min'er, Shu'er, I am your eleventh aunt, and my aunt usually runs a restaurant in Ningbo, so I will ask your mother to bring you to play when you are free." Is it?"

Weng Simin said timidly: "Aunt Eleven, do you open a restaurant? Then, do you have a lot of delicious food..."

As she spoke, she lowered her head in shame, and secretly glanced at Mrs. Weng.

Weng Sishu is older than Weng Simin. Growing up in such an environment, she will definitely mature earlier than ordinary children. Seeing the unfriendly eyes cast by her grandma, she hurriedly pulled her sister over and scolded: "Sister, you are too rude. Why can a lady only think about it?" Let's eat..."

"Yes, but..."

Weng Simin's big eyes flashed, a layer of mist covered them, pinched the corner of his clothes, and whispered: "I, I want to eat meat..."

"Damn things!"

Mrs. Weng was furious, slammed the table and said: "Is it not for you to eat at home or what?! Ask outsiders for food?!"

"My mother-in-law's words are interesting, who is an outsider here?"

Man Yue was very annoyed, she looked at Weng Pu very unkindly.

The damn beast!
Tiger poison does not eat children!

Weng Simin was so frightened that she shed tears, she subconsciously hid in Man Yue's arms, probably because Man Yue's aura was stronger, and she felt safer, but her little hands were tightly clutching Man Yue's clothes, shaking with fright.

"Children are young, it's normal to be greedy. She loves to eat so much, it can only mean that she usually eats too little!"

Full moon is not polite at all, "I said my wife, the Taoist official is poor, but the servant of the household department is fat. Is there a shortage of children in the family? If you think it is difficult to raise a girl, then give it back to us Yang Home is ready!"


The old lady Weng had no scruples now, and pointed at Yang Manyue's nose and cursed: "Yang Manyue, I respect you because of your eldest daughter-in-law, don't be shameless and point fingers at my Weng family's affairs. , cynicism, what do you think you are?! Bah!"

She spat hard, "It's just a little bastard who eloped with a bitch!"


Yang Zhen was furious, "It's worse than parents, mother be careful!"

"I'm wary of your ass!"

The old lady Weng, who was born in a small family, was full of firepower, and the persona of the housewife collapsed in an instant. She stood up and stomped her feet and cursed: "Who doesn't know the truth about being a concubine? What are you doing in front of my old lady? Thinking that your old lady's scandalous thing is not good for you!" You know? Bastard!!!"

"You old crone!"

Yang Jiumei was furious, "Being old and disrespectful, and humiliating your parents, do you still look like an elder?!"

"Do you look like a junior? Ah?!"

The old lady Weng was extremely wronged, "Slapping my Weng family face like this, why don't I get angry?!"

She spat at Man Yue again, "Bah! Only the state officials are allowed to set fire and the people are not allowed to light lamps?!"

"well said!"

Man Yue clapped her hands, her eyes were extremely cold, she took Yang Zhen's hand, opened her sleeves and said, "You ask me why I don't respect the elders today? Why don't I care about the face of my in-laws? Come on, you mean to say, How do you want me to respect you, respect you?!"

The cursing Mrs. Weng suddenly lost her temper, and said in surprise: "You, you, what are you..."

He suddenly looked at Yang Zhen and roared, "What a bitch! How dare you..."

"If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing!"

Yang Manyue's voice suddenly increased, interrupted Mrs. Weng, and said word by word: "Looking at the appearance of my in-laws, do you know where my sister's injury came from? Huh?"

The invisible hand grabbed the cursing person's neck at once, making her dumbfounded, and unconsciously shook her head and took a step back.

Weng Simin and Weng Sishu were so frightened that they burst into tears, Man Yue hugged Weng Simin and said: "Min'er is not afraid, with my aunt here, no one can bully you anymore."

Full Moon raised her head, her mouth was full of provocation, she didn't seem to care about what Mrs. Weng said, she just looked at Weng Pu and said, "Brother-in-law, grandma misses her elder sister and her two granddaughters very much, let me take them back for the New Year, brother-in-law, What do you think?"

"Yang Manyue!"

Weng Pu gritted his teeth and said, "Don't bully people too much! Yang Zhen, what do you mean?!"

Yang Zhen glanced at Weng Pu, which made Weng Pu feel cold.

What a look!

Faint, so pale that there is no popularity, there is a cold and deep feeling.

Just being looked at by her like this, I felt that my heart seemed to be caught by something, and it tightened immediately, feeling uncomfortable like a burst.

"Husband, grandma misses me and my great-granddaughter. If husband agrees, I want to go back and have a look."

Her voice was also faint, as if she had lost her popularity, and it sounded a little creepy to people's ears.

"Big brother-in-law!"

Yang Jiumei sneered and said: "I advise you to be acquainted. Once this matter spreads, no one will look good. Our Yang family doesn't care now, but your Weng family, hehe..."

Yang Jiumei is not stupid, she has already realized that this is a good time!
While you are sick, I will kill you!
"What if the old man doesn't agree?"

Mrs. Weng sneered, slammed the table and said, "Aren't you bullying my Weng family?! Come on, give me this cheap hoof, and I will follow the house rules for my old lady!"


Full Moon chuckled, "The ancestor Yang Zhen was a famous prime minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty. My Yang family has always produced loyal ministers. What kind of thing is your Weng family? Can you afford my family's family rules?!"


The old lady Weng just scolded Man Yue's parents, this time it's good, the other party is more ruthless than her, eighteen generations of ancestors have scolded them, and the one who doesn't mention a single dirty word makes old lady Weng so angry!
The development of the Weng family is only a matter of 100 years, that is, three or four generations. Compared with the Hongnong Yang family, it is simply a weak scum. After all, the ancestors who have records are fierce people who have fought against Xiang Yu. Not to mention that the line of Man Yue has produced famous ministers like Yang Zhen through the ages. As a descendant of the Yang family, he has his own proud capital.

A light sentence, but like an invisible slap fell on the face of the Weng family, Weng Pu was speechless, he knew that if this matter is not resolved properly today, then he will be finished, and he will be cast aside by the world The scum!

Thinking of this is hatred, how can damn Qi Yuaner provoke Yang Shiniang?Is that someone she can provoke?The princess was killed by her, and dealing with a concubine is just a matter of poking a finger, damn fool!
"Oh, my wife, don't call me out."

Man Yue sat carelessly, wiped Min'er's tears with an embroidered handkerchief, looked at her casually and said, "I'm really a cheap person, they say I was born to control my mother, grew up to control my father, and I'm a bastard. Oh, I've been scolded a lot, and my mind is a little out of order. What do you think the food chief in our village provoked me for? I'm an unlucky person. Whoever provokes me will be unlucky. Well, now I'm working as a courier, I heard it's a miserable..."

She slowly took back the handkerchief, pinched Min'er's face, and said with a smile: "My aunt has been bullied a lot, her mind is getting worse and worse, and she always feels that someone is going to harm me, especially after entering the eunuch's house for no reason... ..."

She raised her head and grinned, showing a harmless smile and said: "So now I always bring a lot of people who can fist and kick with me, and then let them bring sticks, Yang family children!"


"Show me a set for my wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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