Chapter 231 A slap in the face
"Answer, promise her..."

Mrs. Weng, who had just passed out, woke up miraculously, stretched out a trembling finger, pointed at Yang Manyue and said, "Write, write down the document, no, don't go back on your word."

The corner of Man Yue's mouth twitched, was the feeling just faking?Open your eyes to see money!
"That's no problem."

Man Yue smiled and blessed Yang Zhen, "Congratulations, big sister, for getting out of the sea of ​​suffering."

An hour later, Yang Zhen dressed neatly and left the gate of Weng's house. Qi Yuan'er was still kneeling at the door, her face was ashen and shivering constantly. Kneeling like this in such cold weather, in the cold and humid Jiangnan, the cold One can imagine.

If Yang Zhen would show mercy in the past, but now she will not soften her heart at all, and said with a sneer: "From now on, you can wear red hairpin peonies in a fair manner."

Qi Yuan'er didn't understand why, astonishment flashed in her eyes, and when she realized it, Yang Zhen got into the carriage with the two children.

A group of children were very happy. Originally they only thought that the concubine in the aunt's house was unruly, so they came here to show some color.But how did they know that the aunt who was usually as holy as a fairy was subjected to such abuse in the Weng family, and they were so angry!

Although they were only standing on the corridor during the conversation, the moment Eleven Niang pulled up the sleeves of the aunt, they were all frightened.

How ruthless is it to lay such a heavy hand on his wife?
Auntie's arm is skinny, there are many scars on it, some are burnt, some are scratched with scissors, damn it, even if it is really stealing, you forget about sinking people, do you need to abuse people like this ?

How annoyed she was just now, how happy she is now, seeing how deflated the Weng family's mother and son are, let alone how happy they are.

People these days have a strong sense of family, regardless of whether the family is poor or rich, it is normal to help relatives or not.

A group of people happily loaded all the things into the carriage, but the carts were not enough, so they immediately went to find the carts around, anyway, the place is not far away, just give some money to load the things.

Another half an hour passed after a lot of busy work, and finally everything was packed. Yang Lixiu walked up to Qi Yuan'er, looked down at her for a while, and suddenly spit on her face, scolding: "You dare to bully our eldest sister of the Yang family! Son, what the hell?! Bah!"

The other little ones saw it, and immediately imitated the example. Yang Xinjie also walked up to Qi Yuaner, holding back all his strength and spitting out, "Bah! If you dare to bully my eldest aunt, I will spit you to death!"

Poor Qi Yuan'er never thought that a dignified man would do such a thing to a weak woman like her. In the past, men would not be able to walk when they saw her, but now a few vulgar people spit at her Water, by the time she realized it, everyone had already gone away.

A group of onlookers gathered around like chicken blood.

"I'll just say that the propaganda is true, right? The crying in the middle of the night belongs to Mrs. Yang!"

"That's right, the Weng family must have abused their daughter-in-law, and the Yang family took her away!"

"That's right, that's right, I'm 27 today. If the Weng family didn't abuse their daughter-in-law, how could the Yang family come to pick him up at this point?"

"Take both children away..."

"Oh, it's better to take it away for committing crimes. Do you know that the two little girls are said to be daughters of the Weng family, but their life is worse than that of the maids. Last time, the young one asked for food from the daughter of the Pan family next door. "

"Really or not? My God, this lady of the Yang family looks dignified. What did the Weng family not tolerate her so much?"

"What I saw with my own eyes, how can it be false? As for the others..."

The man said mysteriously: "I heard that it was the aunt of the Yang family who objected to her husband marrying a whore, saying that it was insulting to the family tradition. As a result, the Young Master of the Weng family was fascinated by that vixen and tried his best to instigate things against the Yang family. Madam has a good friend..."

"Oh, this is something that even a man can't bear. Does the Yang family really care about it?"

"Then how do you know? But I don't think so. The Yang family is the descendant of Yang Zhen. They have been here since the Song Dynasty. The family tradition has always been good. I don't think the Yang family's aunt is like it. Besides, it's too coincidental. , you look at that vixen kneeling, it's not a good thing..."

The crowd talked a lot, and the enthusiasm for gossip in their hearts was completely ignited. This is great, and before the full moon moves, it has spread all over the city.

After a while, a man in his 20s came to an alley, took 20 taels of silver, and bowed to the person opposite him, "Thank you, Lord, if you have something useful for Mr. Yang, I will be willing to do it."

"All you have to do now is forget about it."

Yang Lixiu came out with a slightly gloomy voice, "I have never seen me, and no one has ordered you to do this, understand?"

"I understand, I understand. The younger one has long been displeased with that Young Master Weng. The younger one has delivered food a few times, and the mother-in-law in the house said that the eldest young lady was beaten badly, so they listened to the vixen..."

"All right."

Yang Lixiu interrupted him, and patted him on the shoulder, "Forget about it, take the money and spend a good year, and if I need it again, I will look for you again. But you have to forget about today, you know Is it?"

"Got it, sir."

Yang Lixiu walked out of the alley slowly, glanced in the direction of Weng's house and couldn't help but sneer.

Someone who abused their family?court death!

After catching up with the main force, he went to the side of the full moon car and said, "Eleven Niang, I did as you said."

"Thank you brother, everyone who came together today will get 2 taels back."

"Eleven Niang, what you said is outrageous! We are all a family, so don't say that."

Yang Lixiu clamped his horse's belly, waved his whip and said, "I'll go ahead and clear the way for you."

"Then take some meat back later, don't refuse, or I won't feel at ease."

"Hey, okay, I'll go tell them."

"Hey, thank you brother."

Yang Jiumei looked admiring, "Eleven Niang, you really have no plans, I thought you were just taking advantage of them like this."

Man Yue took out the fruit candies she made and put them into the mouths of the two children. Seeing their happy faces, she felt so soft in her heart, "Is it Min'er and Shu'er's father? Give Min'er and Shu'er to Eldest Sister, that's fine."

Yang Zhen also nodded, "I'd rather have a child than nothing."

The two little guys also realized what had happened, but the strange thing was that apart from being a little lost, they felt more relieved.

They may not be able to understand such complicated feelings at such a young age, but people's instinct is not to be oppressed, leaving the neglected or even bullied home, the two little guys were unexpectedly happy.

Maybe they still don't know what reconciliation means.I just feel that I can eat delicious food when I go to my grandfather's house, and I am happy when I am full.

Min'er held Man Yue's hand, kept opening it, and asked curiously, "Aunt Eleven, how did you conjure delicious candies?"

"Min'er, don't be rude."

After all, Min'er is young. Seeing that her aunt is very kind, she is not a few years older than herself. After her aunt gave her candy and jerky, she became more courageous. She kept holding Man Yue's hand to watch, curious how she conjures delicious food. it's coming.

Man Yue pinched her face, and said: "Little greedy cat, do you want to eat candy again? But you can't eat it, your teeth will be broken. You will be home soon, and your grandma can look forward to you. There are so many delicious foods at home. You can eat them." If you have too much sugar, you won’t be able to eat anything else.”


The little guy clapped his hands excitedly when he heard that there were many delicious food, "It's delicious, it's delicious!"

Man Yue smiled, but her heart was sore. Even when the family was poor, although she had nothing, Chen would rather be hungry than let her and Mancang be full.

Compared with her niece, the hostility in Man Yue's heart suddenly became less, and she found that she was actually very lucky, at least she had a mother who truly loved her.

"Sister, don't scold them, the child was also forced out."

Jiumei tried to persuade her, and she became a little angry when she spoke, "Tigers are poisonous and don't eat their children, why do you allow your mother and daughter to be bullied by servants?"

"Jiumei, don't say that in front of the children."

Yang Zhen shook her head, looked at the two daughters, said with wet eyes: "Although he is not kind, he is their father after all, don't talk about their father here..."

Man Yue couldn't help being awed, yes, Weng Pu is also the father of two children no matter how wrong he is, this is a blood relationship that has been cut.And there is no need to pass on the hatred between Weng Pu and his sister to the child, otherwise the child's mind will be darkened if he talks too much.

Full Moon nodded and agreed: "What Eldest Sister said is that the unhappiness is over, and we will live happily from now on!"


Yang Zhen nodded vigorously, and the three sisters looked at each other, and subconsciously stretched out their hands and folded them together, conveying warmth to each other...

Not to mention the scene where the sisters are harmonious on the side of the full moon, let's talk about the Weng family.

As soon as Man Yue and the others left, Qi Yuan'er was yelled up and helped to the flower hall.

At this moment, she was already shivering from the cold, unable to speak, she thought that calling her in was her husband's love for her, but how did she come in, a slap in the face came, and Weng Pu said angrily: " It's all you bitch! Who is it wrong to provoke? Go provoke Yang Ren'er?! What do you think you are?! But a bitch in Qing|lou is comparable to the family background of the county monarch, or comparable to Wu The princess is honorable?! Slut, Zhener was forced away by you, are you happy?!"

The slap in anger made Qi Yuan'er stare in front of her eyes, and Weng Pu's words pierced her heart like a knife.

"But Qing|Louyi cheap|good... cheap|good... cheap|good..."

Qi Yuaner lost her mind as she kept repeating this sentence in her ear.


Is that how he looked at me from the beginning to the end?

A wry smile drifted across his lips, and then his face became ferocious again.

She was just instigating, but he was the one who abused Yang Zhen. If Yang Zhen didn't leave, wouldn't she be waiting here to die? !
"You still dare to stare at me?!"

Weng Pu became even more angry, and when he raised his hand to give her a slap, Mrs. Weng spoke.

"Enough! Isn't there enough trouble today?! Our Weng family has lost face today!"

Mrs. Weng gritted her teeth, and her face was distorted, "What a Yang Rener! Do you think this is Ningbo? Heli?! Hehe, the old lady wants the dowry, the silver, and the granddaughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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