Chapter 232 At least 3000 taels

Yang Manyue said that she would send the documents in two days. Mrs. Weng sneered and said, "They dare not go to the yamen, because they are injured inside. If they take witnesses, the evidence will not stand alone, and their relatives and friends are not trustworthy. They must have a physical examination. The four knowers of the Yang family Tang, after a famous family, how can he be humiliated?"

"Then why did mother just now?"

"If not, how can we send that plague god away?"

Mrs. Weng sneered, "Can't you see that? That bitch Yang can't let go of two children. As long as we hold the child in our hands, we won't be afraid that she won't surrender. If Yang Manyue wants to sue, she can sue. See if she can ignore her two nieces."

"Mother, it won't do us any good if things go wrong..."

Weng Pu seemed to have realized it, "Yang Manyue is not easy to mess with. At that time, the Yang family will not have to go to court. She only needs to say it in the Ningbo Daily, and the rumors will kill our Weng family..."

After a pause, he continued: "Father, it's not easy for uncle to get through the whole capital. If they want the child not to change their surname, it's okay to give it to them."


Mrs. Weng was at a loss for words.

Yes, if you are in a hurry, there is no guarantee that the other party will not jump over the wall in a hurry.If you can keep the dowry, keep the child's surname, and add a few thousand taels of silver.

"You want to buy my Weng family's granddaughter for 500 taels? At least 3000 taels!"

Granny Weng gritted her teeth and said, "If you don't have this price, let them make trouble!"

Weng Pu lowered his head and didn't speak, his face was cloudy and he didn't know what he was thinking, he seemed a little tired and lost, and said in a low voice: "Let's talk about it after the Yang family sends the documents."

Not to mention how the Weng family negotiated here, and after Yang Manyue took Yang Zhen home, Sang Yuqin was stunned.

It didn't take long for Yu's family to come too, before they even got to the flower hall, they heard the voice coming in first, "What's the matter? What's the matter? Auntie, the Weng family actually abused you?!"

The old grandmother's voice trembled, both angry and unbelievable.

After a while, the uncle also came. As soon as he entered the door, he saw his eldest daughter was kneeling on the ground, and the old mother was pulling up her sleeves to watch, trembling all over, tears streaming down, "You silly boy, why don't you come?" Come back and say?! This is your natal home!"

The voice was shrill, and it was obvious that he was bleeding from distress.

When the auntie saw the arm, her legs went limp. When she heard Yang Jiumei saying that she was humiliating her by engraving letters on her body, she rolled her eyes and yelled "Bastard!", and passed out.

The servants hurriedly put Sang Yuqin on the chair, beat her chest and pinched her, and finally woke up. When she saw the husband at the door, she immediately pushed everyone away, rushed forward, knelt down and hugged the uncle Crying loudly: "Master! You have to decide for our Zhen'er!"

The aunt's voice was extremely shrill, with a long whistling sound, shaking everyone's heart.

Even the He Shi who had just arrived and was always mean was stunned, and murmured: "This, this, this... it's just a beast..."

The uncle helped Sang Yuqin up, walked in slowly with a feeling of disbelief, shook his head, and said with absent-minded eyes: "How could it be, how could it be... that Weng Pu is a bit stubborn, but Not a bad heart..."

"Isn't it bad to abuse the elder sister like this?!"

With a "bang", Uncle Yu got a blow on the head, Yu said angrily: "At the beginning I said that this Weng family son is not a good thing, you poured a few cups of ecstasy soup for old man Weng, treating that beast as a treasure! Okay, baby, baby! What a baby! Look, look!"

Mrs. Yu seemed to be crazy, and grabbed the elder sister's hand, "Open your eyes! This is all done by your son-in-law! He spoiled his concubine and killed his wife, but he also carved humiliating words on the elder sister. He also used tongs and burned her with a candle! What a kind-hearted woman, if Jiu Niang hadn’t found out and told Eleven Niang, you’ve been holding her in your hands since she was a child, afraid of falling, and her daughter who was afraid of being melted in her mouth would be killed by this Good people are killed!"

With a sound of "Plop", the uncle knelt on the ground and cried bitterly: "Mother, calm down, it's because the son has blind eyes and hurt the aunt."

"Damn you, damn you!"

Mrs. Yu greeted her uncle with her crutches, and Yang Zhen rushed forward, "No! Grandmother, every mistake is the granddaughter's fault, please don't hit father. In the first few years, the husband and wife were harmonious and affectionate. Even though Weng Pu is playful, he listens to me. It's just that his granddaughter doesn't know how to relax and is strict everywhere, which makes people disgusted and took advantage of the loophole..."

How could Mrs. Yu continue to fight this time, the auntie said with tears: "Son, why didn't you come back sooner, woo woo woo, you only hurt your body and mother's heart, you are making mother I forgot, woo woo woo..."

The eldest aunt was out of breath from crying, everyone's eyes were red, and the eighth aunt wiped her tears and said: "Son, you should have come back long ago, he is absolutely devoted to you, so you should come back, our Yang family Don't be afraid, life is more important than anything else, we did nothing wrong, our Yang family is governed by the old ancestors, don't be afraid..."

"Grandmother, great aunt, great uncle, don't be sad..."

Man Yue comforted her and said, "It's good for people to come back now. They are willing to reconcile in private. I think it's good. After all, you have to go to the Yamen for a physical examination, which will damage the reputation of the elder sister. Besides, I added 500 taels of silver. They are willing to give it to you." Min'er and Shu'er give it to us."

Mrs. Yu sat down, her eyes were lost and she said: "When was my Yang family ever bullied like this? The Weng family only started their fortune in the last generation, and they abused my daughter of the Yang family like this. If you don't avenge this revenge, what face do you have to see you?" Grandpa and ancestor?"

In Yu's view, the main reason for Yang Zhen's beating was because the Yang family was weak. For a person who has been in charge of family affairs for most of her life, this is the most distressing thing for her.

"Grandmother, no matter how wrong Weng Pu is, he is also the father of Min'er Shu'er. If they are obedient this time, it's fine. If there is another mess, the granddaughter will definitely want them to look good!"

"Do you have an idea?!"

Sang Yuqin suddenly grabbed Yang Manyue, her face was extremely ferocious, she gritted her teeth and said, "Eleven Niang, they insulted us so much and wanted them to look good!"

Man Yue can understand Sang Yuqin's mood, if she is a mother, seeing her daughter like this, she probably has the heart to kill the cheap son-in-law, not to mention scolding a few words here.


Yang Zhen kowtowed, "Grandmother, father..."

She kowtowed again and again, "Don't worry about unfilial daughters anymore, just like what Eleven Niang said, if they are sensible, it's enough for the daughter to have Min'er Shu'er, and the daughter will not embarrass the family. Eleven Niang agreed, I will go to work for her, earn my own living, and support Min'er Shu'er..."

Sang Yuqin stood there blankly, and after a while burst into tears with a "wow", "Son, your life is too miserable!!"

Sang Yuqin felt helpless at this moment, women in this era are all sad.

Obviously her daughter is a victim, but in order to avoid gossip from her neighbors, she had to leave here. Even if she didn't go to Eleven Niang's place, she could only be sent to Zhuangzi to live a hermit-like life, and she couldn't come back easily.

Yang's family learned to do things, but this is an era when Confucianism prevails. For the safety of Yang Zhen and the children, it is best to send them away.

Moreover, she has to eat rice at home with her two children, and sooner or later her sympathy will turn into resentment. Sang Yuqin understood it immediately, and couldn't help but feel sad. She said that it was reconciliation, but in fact it was no different from being divorced. Her daughter's Why is life so hard!

With a sad smile on Yang Zhen's face, she climbed up to Sang Yuqin, and raised her hand to wipe Sang Yuqin's tears as she did when she was a child, "Mother, don't be sad, otherwise my daughter deserves to die... Didn't the mother come here to ask her daughter if she could help Shiyi Niang? Now it's not justified? Shi Niang said that women in Ningbo go out to do business, and they don't discriminate against them. They even take pride in it and return to Lin Juer There are many noble ladies in the courtyard, Seventh Aunt alone is not enough to deal with it, my daughter can go to help, and if I have some experience in etiquette, I can also repay Eleven Niang's kindness..."

"Sister, my family doesn't say such things anymore."

Man Yue put on a straight face, "I don't like hearing what you say..."

The deliberate coquettishness changed the gloomy atmosphere slightly, and Yu Shi also calmed down, "For the sake of today's plan, we will not mention where we will go in the future, but the Weng family is really willing to give us Min'er Shu'er?"

"That's what I said."

Full Moon frowned, "Grandmother also thinks they will make another mess?"

"I've met that old lady Weng a few times, and she seems to be mean. I'm afraid that 500 taels of silver won't satisfy their appetite."

He, who was still a little sympathetic just now, quit immediately when he heard that 500 taels of silver were asked, "What? 500 taels?! You actually want to give them that much?! Damn it! This, this is selling your daughter?! This, this It doesn’t take so much to sell a daughter, beast, beast! Isn’t that enough?!”

Mrs. He was about to faint, especially when she heard that Yang Manyue was going to take out the money herself, her heart bleeds even more.

Madam's money...

Well, that's all Xiao Ten's money, damn it!
500 taels is a huge sum of money. If it is a huge sum of money, you can go to the capital to buy a nice yard. No wonder the He family is heartbroken.But no one blames her for her heartache and cursing.

Indeed, scolding is too right!

Nima, is this selling your daughter? !

Mrs. Yu snorted coldly, "I can't give any more, I'll give them the dowry..."


He screamed, "Auntie's dowry includes 100 acres of good land, right? At least it's worth 1000 taels of silver, and there's a shop? How about giving money? Eleven Niang, I know you have money, yes, yes You can't be so rude, can you?!"

"Does Aunt Fifth think that two nieces are not worth 500 taels?"

Man Yue's face turned cold all of a sudden, "If Xiao Shi was abused at his house, would you feel sorry for Fifth Aunt? If it were Xiao Shi today, Man Yue would also pay for him to get out of the sea of ​​suffering. The family is the biggest in the world!"

"well said!"

Mrs. Yu clapped her hands, "The children of the Yang family need to be united to grow stronger. The grandma gave the money, eleven girls, you did a good job in this matter, and the aunt will leave it to you in the future. As for that little bastard Weng Pu..."

Mrs. Yu sneered twice, "It's fine if he knows how to play, otherwise I have to let him try my thunderbolt tricks!"

(End of this chapter)

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