Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 233 You Recognize, I Don't Recognize

Chapter 233 You Recognize, I Don't Recognize

Everyone shuddered, and He didn't dare to be presumptuous.

They have learned the tricks of the old lady when she was young, don't look at people who don't care about things now, and worship Bodhisattva Buddha every day, but back then, they were feared by everyone in the local area. Can't do it.

As for the family, let alone, when the old lady was in charge of the house, the Yang family was the most stable, and there was nothing wrong with it, which fully demonstrated how powerful the old lady's methods were.

"My eldest sister's room, go and clean it up. Elder sister, go take a bath. She is 27 today. After washing away her bad luck, she will be reborn from the ashes..."

Mrs. Yu ordered, "Let the kitchen add some dishes, big sister, is there anything you want to eat?"

Yang Zhen twitched her lips, and tears fell down.

How long?
She forgot.

It had been too long since anyone had asked her so lovingly.

Seeing her like this, everyone felt sad for a while and comforted her one after another.

"They're all back, just tell me what you want to eat."

"Auntie, don't be afraid, ah, let's go home."

"Ai, ai."

Yang Zhen wiped away her tears and said with a shy smile, "I just want to eat the stewed mutton made by my mother."

Sang Yuqin shed tears and said: "Mother will do it for you, mother will do it for you, mother will do it for you right now, go wash it up, ah..."

When it was time for lunch, the family members were all here, and the uncles and uncles were furious after hearing the ins and outs of the matter!
"How unreasonable is this, Zhu Zi'an dares to bully my Yang family like this?!"

The Fourteenth Grand Uncle patted the table and cursed: "Is it okay to be dead?! My Yang family is dying, but the old man still has disciples, the Weng family? What is it?!"

I almost forgot that Uncle Fourteen is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Although he has become an official, his descendants will not grow up, but after all, there are still some favors.

Shake it out, it's not the Yang family who is ashamed.


The Fourteenth Grand Uncle said angrily: "Why do we have to give the dowry? Now they are the ones who are abusing the aunt. This is injustice. They don't show affection, so why should we be polite?!"

A few strands of goatee's beard fluttered randomly, which showed that Uncle Fourteen was very angry.

Sang Yuqin lowered her head and said cautiously: "Uncle Fourteen, they not only abused the aunt, but also withheld food. Look at the two children who are skinny, and the aunt cannot do without the child..."


The fourteenth uncle who was furious fell silent all of a sudden.

Yes, a daughter is worthless, but that depends on what kind of daughter it is.

Some people treat their daughters as losers, but some people just love their children, as long as they shed their own blood, that's good.

The older I get, the more I like the juniors. Min'er and Shu'er are the sixth generation, gray grandchildren, even if they don't have the surname Yang, there is still blood from the Yang family in it!


After a long time, Uncle Fourteen couldn't help sighing, stomped his feet and said, "The children and grandchildren are unfilial, so that their flesh and blood are insulted by others, it's embarrassing!"

The fourteenth grand uncle was in tears all the time, so what if the family has tens of thousands of acres of fertile land?If no one in Man Yue's generation becomes an official, then this family will be completely lonely.

Everyone had a premonition of the family's weakness. Today it could be the Weng family, and tomorrow it could be the Wang family. For a once glorious family, there is nothing more sad than this.

"My Yang family in Harmony Township collects the least rent, and even in a famine year, I didn't put seals to annex other people's land. Why did I end up like this..."

Several uncles also said sadly: "The ancestors first settled down in Pan'an, but now the Yang family in Incheon has withered. Are we abandoned by our ancestors?"

A group of juniors immediately knelt down, wrapped Eighth Uncle and others, and kowtowed: "The children and grandchildren are not filial..."

The scene fell into sadness, the rabbit died and the fox was sad. Yang Zhen's experience reflected the weakness of a family, and the depression lingered in everyone's heart, and they were very sad.

"What's the point of complaining about yourself?"

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded in this silence, "Yesterday Man Yue said that as long as we have money, we can invite the best teachers to give lectures to our clan members; we can let the children in the clan devote themselves to the Holy Spirit, and God will reward those who work hard. Accept your fate, I don't admit it!"

Yang Zhen stood there in a daze, and Man Yue's words were like a hammer hitting her heart, "Everyone accepts their fate, but I don't!"

So domineering!

She turned her head to look at the full moon, and only then did she realize the unusualness of her cousin.

It's not the wit and decisiveness shown by the Weng family, but her...

Do not accept fate!
She does not yield to anyone, including God!
"I just believe that my fate is up to me!"

Man Yue stood up, bowed to the Fourteenth Uncle and said, "Don't worry, Uncles, it's fine if the Weng family is knowledgeable. If they don't, the family grandchildren will make them regret coming to this world!"

Yang Chengyi stayed there.


Such outrageous words!
I control my own life? !

"Ren Er's southeast and northwest wind..."

Yang Chengyi murmured, and couldn't help laughing, "What a Yang Rener!"

Sweeping away his depression, he said: "The old man has become a good figure, and the old man is enshrined by his descendants. Now that my Yang family's business is withered, the old man should also go to the school to teach, instead of just pointing out a few children alone!"

The uncle was overjoyed one day, and hurriedly said: "It is their blessing to have uncle teach them!"

Yang Chengyi waved his hand and said: "You don't understand what I mean. I just heard what Eleven Niang said and I suddenly realized it. In the past, we concentrated resources to pull out children with self-conscious aptitude to train them alone. I don't think this is right. Eleven Niang said It makes sense. If we have money, we can let all the school-age children in the clan study, and even subsidize the clansmen from poorer families so that they can study with peace of mind. Gold can always be found in the big waves. In the past, I only gave pointers alone, but I Look, we still have to cast a wide net..."


The uncle gritted his teeth and said, "This incident has sounded the alarm for us. Once people have no right to be no different from animals, we will send more children to school even if we tighten our belts and don't eat or drink."

"That's not necessary."

Full Moon laughed, "They are all starving to death, who will pay for them to continue their studies?"

After a few seconds of silence, a group of people roared with laughter. The sad atmosphere just now dissipated. They all pointed to Man Yue and said, "I forgot that there is a God of Wealth in our family, no, it's a boy who spreads wealth."

After laughing, dinner was served, and Man Yue didn't sit at the table of the juniors, nor at the table of the female relatives, but sat at the main table amidst the adoring or jealous eyes of a group of brothers and sisters.

This is what Uncle Fourteen meant, he wanted to ask Man Yue something.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of dishes, and almost eating, Yang Chengyi asked: "Eleven Niang, you said you want you to set up a workshop, and the old man soap you brought back has also tried it, and it is really good. No worries about sales, but how much profit can this soap make?"

Man Yue chuckled and said, "It's negligible."

After a pause, he continued: "Uncle, in fact, this batch of soap is not very good to use. Because of the short time, we can only use the hot method to ripen it, and the effect is not as good as cold-process soap. So I made another batch of cold-process soap at that time. , There is medicated soap, and there is flower soap. After 80 days of saponification, it has fully matured, so the first thing I do when I return to Ningbo is to find a place to continue making soap. If you want high-quality soap, you need time for saponification... "


Yang Chengyi stroked his beard and said, "What is saponification?"

The full moon is at a loss for words, how can I explain this clearly?
The ancients couldn't understand it!
She thought for a while and said, "Uncle Fourteen, this question cannot be explained clearly in a few words. How about it, the grandson of the family will make a piece of soap in the past two days. You have a look, and then you will know what saponification is."

Uncle Fourteen shook his head and said, "I'm getting old, so I won't continue to seek knowledge."

After a pause, he continued: "I don't worry about your work. How many people do you need to tell your uncle? There is one thing, your uncle does not object to your business affairs, but you can't cheat people. If you let me know that you are dishonest in business, I must beat you!"

Man Yue shuddered, this great uncle was more terrifying than grandma when he got angry, he was a high official, and he has been home for many years, and his official authority is still there.

"I see, Uncle, I won't cheat people."

The Fourteenth Grand Uncle nodded, looked at the full moon with admiration, and then said a little disappointed: "If you are a man, you must be named Donghuamen, but it's a pity that you are a daughter, and you can only do business."

"Uncle, Man Yue thinks her daughter is fine."

She grinned, "A solitary sun does not grow, and a solitary yin does not grow. As long as you don't underestimate yourself, you can live well wherever you go. For example, in this world, no agriculture is unstable, no business is not rich, and no work is not strong. If you can grasp these three points well, there will be peace forever!"

"No business, no wealth? No job, no strength?"

Yang Chengyi couldn't help laughing, "I've heard Xiaoba say that you are also a student of martial arts. This word sounds new. Why do you think business and industry can strengthen the country?"

It's also thanks to the fact that the Yang family is not a member of Neo-Confucianism, otherwise Man Yue's words just now would have been enough for her to drink a pot.

Man Yue smiled and said: "Uncle, please think about it, how did the grandsons of the family get rich?"

She took a sip of water and continued: "The most attractive part of Guilinju is the utensils in the store besides the dishes! Besides, the soap that the grandson is about to make, uncle asked me how much it cost? The grandson can only tell you It is made by the most crude method, adding a little wine to make instant laundry soap, counting the labor, each piece is only 2,3 or 6 yuan, and the profit is about 8 to [-] yuan..."

Everyone gasped, the profit is so high?Scared to pee!

"Besides, this cold-process soap, high-end soap, even if it's priced at 500 renminbi, it's 490 renminbi after excluding labor and other costs!"


The uncle exclaimed, "Then, then how dare you sell this, this high?"

"Uncle thinks 500 Wengui?"

Man Yue laughed, "A medicated soap can not only wash your hair, but also your face, body, and beauty. What is a high-end soap? That's not what ordinary people consume. To be honest, the final price of Man Yue will not be lower than 1 tael..."

"Crazy, you're crazy..."

The second uncle shook his head, "It's really bold, no wonder the business is doing so well, if I don't know the cost, I feel that one is worth two..."

He pinched his eyebrows in pain, "Really, if I didn't know the cost, I would think it was cheap, and I would buy a few dollars..."

"But isn't this too black-hearted?"

 The following plot allows me to sort out my thoughts, how to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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