Chapter 235 Don't Leave Me

In the middle of Chen's words, a servant's report came from outside, Chen quickly stopped talking, "Let him in quickly..."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Shi's chubby body rushed in like a whirlwind, and threw himself into Chen's arms, crying loudly: "You, you, you don't want me anymore? Mom, I was wrong..."

Chen's hand trembled and fell on Xiao Shi involuntarily, "Son, child, you, what are you calling me?"


Xiao Ten cried with tears all over his face, "My mother doesn't want me anymore, don't you want me too? Mother, I was wrong, woo woo, I shouldn't be half-hearted, woo woo, my son is not don't want me... "

"Yo, what's the matter?"

Man Yue was stunned for a moment, then sat down, and teased: "Is the sun coming out in the west? It is difficult to call me sister on weekdays, but it would kill you to call mother, what now?"


Xiao Shi threw herself at Man Yue again, leaned into her arms and said, "Sister, I, I just went to see my mother, I, I heard from my father that I'm going back..."

"Isn't this a good thing??"

Man Yue was a little surprised, and patted Xiao Ten on the back and said, "Why are you crying? You're an adult, please speak clearly if you have something to say!"


Xiao Ten was sobbing, his lips were trembling, thinking of what his mother said just now, his heart was broken.

"But, but the mother said, saying, I, I am a golden boy now, and my sister's property will be mine after being placed in the seventh room. Also, also said, also said, what is so great about one son, the brain is not as good as two The little ones are smart, they just know how to eat, and they don’t look like they’re going to be very promising later, so it’s better to put them in the seventh house..."


Mrs. Chen stood up, slammed the table and said: "How can a mother say that about her son? Mother doesn't think her son is ugly, this, this fifth sister-in-law is too powerful!"

"Sister, do they want me now?"

Xiao Ten raised his head, there was still some hope in his eyes.

Man Yue couldn't bear to look at him, so she had to say in a low voice, "Your mother is right, but in fact, she loves you..."

Even Man Yue herself was uncomfortable with this remark. It may be true that He Shi loves Xiao Shi, but she loves money more. She tried to control Xiao Shi to control their Qifang. From the few words just now, she heard these... …

"you're lying!"

Xiao Ten suddenly pushed her away, "You, you are all liars, you, you all think I'm a burden, don't you? Don't you?"

He cried loudly, "I know I'm not as smart as my two younger brothers, and I'm also ugly, so they are so cruel, don't they let me adopt?! You also look down on me, don't you? Why? Why? What did I do wrong? ?! I have been working so hard, so hard. I started studying at five o'clock, and I dared not go to bed until early in the morning, but my studies are still ordinary. He only told his younger brother to study hard, but he always said to me that he should help his younger brother well..."

Xiao Ten scratched his head in pain, "Why, I have worked so hard..."

"Xiao Shi, you are a good boy..."

Man Yue pulled him over, pinched his face, and said: "Not stupid or ugly, look at you, you look chubby, like a new year baby, how festive? Besides, people have their own strengths, I see you learn The calculation is quite fast, others are not as good as you, how can you be stupid?"

"As for your mother..."

She laughed, "In fact, every mother will be eccentric, but her eccentricity does not mean that she does not have you in her heart, as long as she has you in her heart, it is enough. Xiao Shi, you are a man, you can't always expect others to treat you To live with affirmation, you have to be self-improving, understand?"

She pointed to herself, "Look, sister, I couldn't eat before, so I just sold snails, yes, the snails in the river ditch are the most worthless, but it's this little snail that made me survive until today, so, ah, It doesn't matter how you were before, you have to live as yourself, not as you are in the eyes of others, you are a smart kid, do you understand what my sister said?"

Xiao Ten stopped crying and stared blankly at the full moon. After a while, he burst into tears again and threw himself into the full moon's arms, saying: "Actually, I know it, I know it, I can't answer it." I'm gone, I can't go back, you come back, I knew I couldn't go back before she asked me to go, does she really have me in her heart?"


Man Yue touched her head, "Mothers always have children in their hearts, but Xiao Shi is strong, so Mother cares for you less, because she thinks you are a you have to be a man, okay?"

Chen couldn't help wiping away tears, and said in a low voice: "Son, you still have my mother, come on, cry in your mother's arms if you want to cry, did you hear what mother said just now? Mother is afraid that you will hate mother, child ..."

"Big brother..."

Mancang poked Xiao Shi, and said: "I shouldn't call you fat, and I shouldn't be selfish and afraid that you will take away my mother and sister. I keep teasing you. I'm sorry... If you want to feel sad, just hit me. Get angry, we will be a family from now on, this is your mother, this is your sister, and I am your brother..."

Those words made everyone in the room tense, the whole family couldn't help but hugged each other and wept bitterly, and the maidservants wiped away their tears. Everyone in Qifang suffered too much and had a dark past...

After a while, it finally stopped, Xiao Shi felt a little embarrassed, peeked at Chen, then at Man Yue, his fat fingers twisted the corners of his clothes, and it took a while before he let out a mosquito-like cry Voice, "Sister, mother, again, I'm hungry again..."


It really is a foodie...

Man Yue asked people to bring goat milk boiled with almonds and pastries, and seeing Xiao Shi gobbling it up, she couldn't help saying, "Xiao Shi, you can eat whatever you want, but you are indeed a little fat, and this is not good for your body..."


Xiao Shi then stuffed a piece of water chestnut cake into his mouth, and said vaguely: "No, no, every morning you, woo, delicious... have you brought us to exercise?"

Man Yue rolled her eyes, stretched out her hand and gave him a chestnut, took out a palm-sized diorama from her arms, and said to Xiao Shi: "Look at your face, your eyes are almost covered with fat, What's enough for you to run for a while? Why are you staring at me?! Unconvinced? Let me tell you, with your body shape, if you continue to eat, it's hard to say whether you will live to [-] years old. After the new year, you will give me Exercising well, you have to lose fat, I don't want to spread the news that brother Yang Rener passed out in the examination room because of obesity..."

As soon as he talked about the exam, Xiao Shi collapsed, "Grandpa Wugu said that my qualifications are limited, and if I listen to him, at most I will be a scholar..."


Yang Manyue was furious, "That damn old man told you that? He's a scumbag, I asked him to teach you, but he actually made trouble like this! Let me tell you, Xiao Shi, it's hard to do in the morning, as long as you have a heart, don't believe it. Let’s talk about other things after working hard!!”

Seeing that Man Yue believed in him so much, Xiao Ten's heart suddenly brightened. He suddenly felt that he was not stupid, and something seemed to flow out of his heart, which made him feel as if he had suddenly gained strength. It seems that the damaged heart has been patched to keep him warm.

"I believe you too."

Mancang looked mature, and patted Xiao Shi on the shoulder, "Fatty, although you have a lot of shortcomings, you are very serious about your studies. I think there are more than one scholar, and there is no problem in being a good candidate..."

"You, you just said you don't want to call me fat..."

Xiao Shi said sadly and angrily: "You have a photographic memory, so I know you look down on me! Just wait, I will definitely be a Jinshi."

Man Yue laughed and clapped: "If you are ambitious, wait for your Donghuamen to call your name, sister will set up a hundred tables of flowing water banquets for you, entertain guests from all over the world, and praise my Yang family."

After speaking, he came to Xiao Shi again, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Stupid bird flies first, work harder."

After a pause, he continued: "By the way, follow Grandpa Wugu to learn more about the way of being a man and being an official."

Mrs. Chen was moved by the sight, grabbed the hands of several people, and said: "Liyuan, full warehouse, full moon, we are all hard-fated people, God wants us to form a family, that's God's will, so we have to unite, Take care of each other, so what if there is blood? Doesn’t the uncle who is full of warehouses still want to sell him? Don’t think about anything else, just remember that we are a family and will not leave each other. "


The three siblings responded in unison, the pain caused by He's snobbery slowly faded away at this moment, and Yang Liyuan felt that he had found a reason to fight for it again.

Mother, since you don't want me anymore, then Xiao Shi doesn't want you either...

The New Year's Eve is very lively. After taking a nap, Man Yue packed some snacks, got a pot of good wine and went to Uncle Fourteen's house.

The fourteenth uncle's house is not far from the main house, just a few steps away.The courtyard is not as big as the main house, but it should not be underestimated. After all, the person with the highest official position among these generations, how can the house be so shabby?

Compared with the vicissitudes of the main house, the Fourteenth Grand Uncle's house is a bit more sunny and has a bookish atmosphere.When she arrived at the door, the servant at the door immediately ushered her in and sat down in the flower hall.

The fourteenth grand uncle hadn't woken up from his nap yet, and several uncles also went out to visit. Only a few cousins ​​and clan brothers were at home.Seeing her coming, several aunts brought some dried fruit refreshments, and the surviving uncle was also helped over. After the full moon saluted, a group of people were chatting and laughing lively.

After drinking a cup of tea, a servant came to report, "Miss Eleven, the ancestor let you go."

Man Yue hurriedly got up, greeted a group of elder brothers, and followed the servants to the backyard.

After passing through a few winding corridors, passing through a moon gate, and stopping in front of a courtyard named "Zihua Courtyard", the full moon looked at it and said with a smile: "Life is wrapped in coarse cloth, and there is poetry in the belly." Bookish, it seems that Grand Uncle loves Layman Dongpo very much."

Hearty laughter came, "Little slicker, isn't it cold outside? You still have time to show off, why don't you get out of here quickly!!"

Man Yue went in with a smile, opened the door curtain, saw the old man drinking tea, and said with a smile: "I know that Man Yue's small thoughts can't be hidden from my uncle..."

"Hmph! Slippery, tell me, what exactly do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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