Chapter 236 You are a snob

Man Yue sat down, and she was not polite, she picked up the snacks on the table and ate them, "I'm hungry after walking for a long time."

"To the old man who dares to do this, you are the only one in the Yang family."

Taishu snorted, "Tell me, what are you trying to do by tricking this old man in public?"

Man Yue ate her snacks and said, "Uncle, do you think what Man Yue said at the dinner table makes sense?"

Yang Chengyi pondered for a moment, and said, "I heard that the things in your small car in Ningbo are cheap and beautiful, is this the same reason?"

Man Yue was stunned for a moment, why did Grand Uncle ask this?
After thinking for a while, he said: "Outsiders look at it like this, but it's actually not a small profit."

After a pause, he continued: "Speaking of which, this is also a matter, it's part of my plan..."

The chatterbox opened, and the full moon did not hide it anymore, so he talked about the later generations of chambers of commerce, business alliances, advertising effects and the concept of joining, and finally said: "If we have the ability to integrate merchants from the two prefectures and establish a business alliance, then Much should be done.”

Yang Chengyi fell into deep thought, and said after a long time: "But Zhejiang businessmen have become a system..."

"But they lack charters."

Full moon said unceremoniously: "What full moon has to do is to use the priority technology to attract their investment and incorporate it into my system rules, so that we can become a powerful force and will not be humiliated by others. It is said that it is Xiao Xiaoweng's family, even if it is..."

She didn't say any more, and with Yang Chengyi's IQ, there was no need to say any more.

The longer he went into Daming, the more surprised Man Yue was. The craftsmen in Daming were so powerful that there was already a hydraulic loom.Although there are still large loopholes in the design, and the spun cloth has many broken ends, but Man Yue is a person who has studied mathematics, physics and chemistry, so it is relatively easy to find the crux of the problem.

And a group of craftsmen are also very capable and extremely comprehensible.Some things are actually just a layer of paper, and it's easy to pierce.

So Full Moon doesn’t need to be a prophet anymore. What she has to do is to integrate artisans to improve things, then build workshops, attract businessmen to invest, play big games, form business alliances and trade unions. Fame is important, but that thing You can't eat it for a lifetime, and you have to keep up with the relevant strength.

She has had enough of being bullied, and the desire to become stronger has become extremely strong!
"The question is how do those merchants come to invest?"

This is the point of the question, Man Yue smiled, and roughly talked about the directions she was thinking at the moment, "Uncle, transparent medicine jade is not difficult to produce, and the descendants of the family have already made some plans, and I can make medicine in Ming Dynasty." There are quite a few jade craftsmen, but some components need to be eliminated, as long as the descendants improve the formula, we can produce a lot of medicinal jade by then, or it is more accurate to call it glass."

"And the grandchildren are confident that they can make large pieces of glass, and then we can start making dioramas. As for how to overcome them, it's easy. Those missionaries really want to communicate with our Ming people, and I can hire them; Out of dioramas, glass can also be used to replace window paper..."

"The grandchildren see that this hydraulic spinning wheel can also be improved. If we can reduce the cost and weave better cloth, we can sweep the market. There are too many places to make money, such as making some small living things. Supplies, for example, the family grandson now uses a homemade meat grinder and a paring knife in the shop..."

Man Yue said a lot of things, Yang Chengyi stared wide-eyed, and felt like a beeping dog in his heart!

Don't talk about glass or anything else, he really doesn't understand that thing, but medicinal jade has always been rare, and the transparent medicinal jade from the West is even more expensive; A slap as big as a palm costs hundreds of taels of silver, which idlers can't afford.

Eleven Niang really has the ability to make these things, and she can make money with her eyes closed.And he cares more about other things, if he doesn't listen, he won't know, he is startled when he hears it, he just feels that he has lived his whole life on a dog, he is really knowledgeable everywhere!

Are there so many things in life that can make money?

As a person who has been an official for most of his life and worked at the grassroots level for most of his life, he is too aware of the importance of money. If the Yang family has money, their careers will not be so withered. In the end, there are not enough resources to cast a wide net.

Thinking of this, my breathing became a little unsteady, "A businessman is after profit, if you can really do it, wouldn't you?"

Yang Chengyi didn't dare to think about it anymore. If Man Yue said so, wouldn't a big monster be born?
Yang Chengyi's thinking is still too limited by the times. He doesn't know that the business alliance that Man Yue talked about changed its name after the Industrial Revolution. Needless to say, the power of consortiums and chaebols, in the Western world, these people manipulate votes.

Full Moon clearly knows what the end result will be, but she won't say it.

She needs strength, a strength that can truly protect herself.

No matter how powerful a person is, there will always be times when he falls.That being the case, then tie more people onto her boat!
As long as this is done, then the governor of the god horse, the governor of the god horse, even the emperor's old man will not be able to work!Looking at the failures of opening the sea many times before, you can see how terrifying the power behind these businessmen is!

After a long time, Yang Chengyi regained his composure, stroked his beard and said, "Although this old man has been an official for many years, there were two children from students' families who were quite promising. If you need it, this old man can give you a letter."

"Oh? Are you an official in Beijing?"

Yang Chengyi was stunned for a while, and suddenly a few strands of beard floated up, and he slapped Man Yue's forehead, "You snobby!"

Man Yue chuckled, "If it wasn't for being able to speak in front of the emperor, we wouldn't invest..."


The science of meritorious deeds pays attention to practicality, but Yang Chengyi really can't stand this girl's frankness, so he stared and said: "Then what are you going to do to trick this old man?!"

"I just hope my uncle will support me."

Man Yueman said sincerely: "Uncle, the grandson of the clan hopes that you will support this matter, otherwise you will have no idea. If our Yang family cannot unite, this matter will not be done well."


Yang Chengyi was a little sensitive|sensitive: "Is someone stealing and playing tricks?"

"That's not it."

Full Moon shook her head, "It's just that there will be more people in the future, and the grandsons of the family are afraid that they won't be able to hold the field."

"Don't worry about that. As long as the old man is alive, they will not dare to mess around. Besides, your grandmother is also very powerful when the old man is away. My sons who are worthless can also talk in the clan, so don't worry. Do it, as long as you don't break the law or harm others, I will support you."

As he said that, he just smiled, "I think you are too cautious. You are the golden boy of the family now. Who dares to shout at you? Your uncle won't cut him to death? It solves the livelihood of the clansmen, and returns a lot of money to Gongzhong every month." Yinzi, even without your uncle backing you up, those tribesmen who have been favored by you will not allow you to fall."

He smiled for a while and then nodded, "It's rare that you can make such a career without arrogance or impetuosity. At your age, the old man only knows how to tease Mr. If you have such achievements, I'm afraid no one will see you anymore. "

Man Yue sighed, "I'm used to being bullied, I can't be careless..."

Yang Chengyi rolled his eyes and said, "Go back where you came from, I won't let you eat."

"Uncle, we eat together every year. We don't eat at home."

Yang Chengyi was choked, and immediately furious, he slapped Man Yue on the forehead, "Get out! Don't bother me! This face is thicker than a city wall..."

Man Yue came out with her head in her arms, looked at the elegant courtyard and couldn't help but sigh, "Uncle is getting old, why is he so angry?"


Something flew out of the room, and Man Yue caught it and saw that it was two letters. Yang Chengyi's voice came from inside, "I have done everything I should do, and I came down to see you. Take the letter, it's up to you to use it!"

"Thank you, Uncle."

Man Yue packed the letter and laughed inwardly. What relationship is stronger than the teacher-student relationship?Even if the children who are officials now are students' children, they will be teachers for one day and fathers for life. They will not refuse the benefits they give, will they?
Receive the letter first, and take it with you when you go to the capital.

Going home happily, everyone got up early the next morning and gathered in the flower hall.

The New Year's rumor says: "On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, steamed steamed buns with cakes and decals", steamed buns in the north, and steamed dumplings and steamed buns in the south.If you are a wealthy family, you don’t have to steam the buns yourself, but paper-cutting and decals have become a joy for the daughters-in-law of the family.

A group of women sat in a room, big and small, three generations of old, middle-aged and young were cutting paper and competing with each other, it was very lively.

And a group of men are writing Spring Festival couplets at their desks. There are many families in the clan, and it is not enough to write only one family.

The clansmen who came to receive the Spring Festival couplets had already formed a long queue, everyone's faces were filled with joy, and the taste of the new year was getting stronger and stronger. For the people of later generations, this scene is unimaginable.

Man Yue watched Yang Zhen's hands flying up and down, and after a short while, the paper was pulled away, the exquisiteness was simply amazing!
Happy magpies, beautiful red plums, each piece of paper-cut is full of blessings and hopes, and it is even more lively when it comes to posting paper.A group of little kids clapped their hands and sang nursery rhymes. The dumplings and steamed buns in the kitchen were ready. The servants of the family offered the first cage of dumplings and steamed buns to the ancestors, and the second cage was for the welfare of the youngest children in the family.

Respecting the old and caring for the young, the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation are reflected in this moment.

There was a bit of lard slag in the steamed bun stuffed with shredded radish and meat. The little kids ran wild while eating the steamed stuffed bun. The big family had strict rules.

Spring Festival couplets, window grilles, New Year pictures, and door gods are all posted, and the old ones are taken down and carefully preserved, and then burned on the night of New Year's Eve, which is called saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new.

The adults who had been busy for a long time also sat down and ate dumplings and buns. At this time, the usual rules were gone. Everyone was talking and laughing, praying for a good harvest in the coming year, summarizing the gains and losses of this year, and tomorrow 29 is going to the grave to invite the ancestors The big day of offering sacrifices is more grand than Qingming, so many matters need to be determined in detail today, so as not to make any omissions and offend the ancestors...

(End of this chapter)

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