Chapter 237
The ancestors were sacrificed on the second day, and it was New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye.

As the most solemn festival of the year, the ancients paid much more attention to it than modern people imagined.

The full moon is better, and I can understand the madness of the ancients.

As a post-95s generation, I also spent a period of material deprivation when I was a child.In fact, in her memory, life [-] years ago does not seem to be much different from that of her parents. At that time, she could eat some shredded pork, which was considered meat. Most of the time, it was vegetable lawsuits. The only thing better than her parents was probably From time to time, I can still eat some fish, eggs, shredded pork, and within a month, I always have a big meal of braised pork or hoof.

It is much better than her parents' generation, but she lives in the south of the Yangtze River, which is the richest land of fish and rice in the country. After she went to university, she heard with her own ears a few classmates from the inland who said that they could not see meat for a month when they were young. The most important thing is the Chinese New Year.

Yes, a classmate who couldn’t eat meat when she was a child is looking forward to the New Year, and she, a person who eats little meat, is also looking forward to the New Year, because during the New Year, you can eat with an open stomach. No one will criticize you, and even make you eat more. Such feelings are hard to put into words In the description, children born in the 90s probably have difficulty imagining the scene of eating some shredded pork as a meal.

This is still the case for her from later generations, let alone the ancients.

Meat eaters seek it out, meat belongs to those with power to eat.

Even ordinary landlords can’t eat it often, not to mention meat, even a small landlord’s meal of white rice and fine noodles is a luxury.This is true for the landlord's family, let alone ordinary people.

So everyone is looking forward to the New Year. For the vast majority of people in Ming Dynasty, this is the only time in the year that they can eat something.

This year, Yangjia Village is very lively, and the festival of the tribe has improved significantly. Even if they didn't go to work at Manyue, it was better than in previous years.Gongzhong has a huge sum of 500 taels every month. The uncle is kind-hearted. He sees people suffering the most, so he spends a lot of money to let people buy meat and distribute it to the tribe.

Those who didn't go to work were given an extra two catties, and each was given one catty of white rice and two catties of white flour, which made the tribe very happy.

After eating breakfast, Man Yue came to the kitchen. Her injury was almost healed, but her family still refused to let her do heavy work.She was too idle, so she asked Mrs. Yu to come to the kitchen to have a look.

Knowing that she was itchy, Mrs. Yu took care of her a few words, and let her go with her eyes closed.

Seeing Eleven girls come to the kitchen, a group of cooks are closer than seeing their relatives.

Last time I helped Eleven Niang and was pointed out, but I benefited a lot.

They came over to salute one after another, and then took her to watch the dishes.

The reunion dinner on New Year's Eve is an important part of the Spring Festival, so there is a saying of "making overnight".Because there are many big and hard dishes, it has to be made from the 29th or even the 28th year.

For example, this bundle of hooves was made yesterday, soaked overnight, and the smell has gone into it.Wrap it in gauze as early as possible, wrap it tightly, tie it with a rope, and put it outside the house. Take it back in the afternoon, untie the slices, add diced green onion and soy sauce with sesame oil and pepper, and serve it as the best cold dish with wine.

Another person showed her today's menu, explaining the cooking method while watching, and Man Yue said with a smile: "Pan'an is the source of the four rivers in Zhejiang (Qiantang River, Cao'e River, Ling River, Ou River), with high mountains and deep valleys. The water in the stream is clear and the flow is turbulent, which is why the freshwater grouper in Pan'an can stand out."

A group of people listened carefully. It seemed that Miss Eleven had a good idea and wanted to give them advice again.

"It goes without saying that the freshwater grouper is precious, but the freshwater grouper in Pan'an is not as big as the ones in other places. The fish here is the same as that in Pan'an. People from south to north have temperament, our grouper is also small and thin but strong and powerful, no matter how fast the current is, it can always survive."

A group of people couldn't help laughing, this remark was a pun, and it was exactly the character of Pan'an and even the entire Jinhua people.

Jinhua has a relatively high climate, less rainfall, and more sunshine. Although it is adjacent to Taizhou in the east, Lishui in the south, Quzhou in the west, Shaoxing and Hangzhou in the north, it seems to be a land extending in all directions, but it is trapped in the Jinqu Basin. The eastern section is a typical hilly basin area, in other words, we are surrounded by mountains.

There are many mountains and few arable fields, but the traffic is not very developed, and there is only one road that can be walked. Many people have never traveled ten miles from their homes in their entire lives.Although there are many rivers in the territory, there are often armed fights.

Villagers grab land and water, and fighting is similar to eating a meal. When it is serious, it will even form a fight of thousands of people, and the government can't do anything about it.

And Pan'an...

Cough, although there are many descendants of Song Dynasty scholar-bureaucrats stationed here, the fights are not ambiguous at all. Here is a mountain, and there are fewer fields that can be cultivated. It is not new for two families to fight over water sources.

As a local, I naturally understood the meaning of Eleven Niang's words, so I couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Miss Eleven, you haven't come back since the spring sowing this year. The Wang family and Zhang family in the county have dispatched more than a thousand people to grab water, and the dog's brains are out!"

Man Yue couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, the light in the eyes of this fat cooking master really made her terrified, she was so excited...

He shook his head and said, "Why should I say it? Now that the world is peaceful, how can there be so many bandits? The so-called relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, there are many treasures in the mountains. Organize a team and sell the things in the mountains to Ningbo. Do you need to be beaten into a dog's brain here?"

"Miss Eleven, if they want your brains, they will get rich early!"

In the middle of the fat cook's words, a pair of small eyes suddenly lit up, "Miss Eleven, are the things in the mountains really worth selling in Ningbo?"

"Then what to watch?"

Full Moon laughed and said, "Are you interested? I'll do a good job of investigating later on, and then you don't have to be a cook, how about doing something for me?"

The fat chef really wanted to say yes, but when he thought about it, he knew nothing but cooking, and the food he cooked couldn't even compare to Eleven Niang's little finger. If he agreed, wouldn't he be self-aware?

Thinking of this, she shook her head, and said awkwardly: "The young ones know how to cook, but if they are good at cooking, how dare they delay Miss Eleven's important affairs."

Man Yue smiled and stopped talking, and said, "This year, the grouper fish will not be braised in soy sauce, it will be drenched in oil. Listen carefully..."

The fat cook was immediately excited, oh my god, Miss Eleven taught me how to cook new dishes!

Under the envious eyes of a group of people, the fat chef went to cook.

Full Moon took care of it, and taught a few dishes based on the purchased ingredients, and then came out of the kitchen.

All the highlights of today are in the evening, but the daytime is very free.

Arriving in the courtyard, I saw Jiu Niang and a few cousins ​​kicking the shuttlecock, Miner Shuer was also booing nearby, Man Cang and Xiao Shi were making faces, and a group of similar boys were also making noises behind, "It's gone, It's gone, I can't catch it anymore!"

The full moon couldn't help Wan'er, she had done this kind of thing in her previous life.

Just thinking about it, the other side was lost, and Jiuniang's angry voice came, "You guys are playing tricks and making funny faces on purpose to make a fuss, that doesn't count!"

"Ninth Sister, if you lose, you lose. You can't be angry on the [-]th day of the year!"

The boys and girls were also cunning, and after a few strokes, Jiu Niang was speechless, and Man Yue couldn't help laughing.

Hearing her laughter, everyone looked over and greeted one after another: "Mother Eleven, are you done with your work? Come on, come and play!"

Full Moon smiled and stepped forward, "I'm not very good at kicking shuttlecock..."

Then he took out candy from his small satchel, "But you can treat everyone to eat candy!"

Full moon candies made of goat milk, various fruits, and even flowers and plants are very popular. People in this era, even rich men and young ladies, rarely taste sweetness, because neither honey nor frosting sugar is cheap. , the average wealthy family can hardly bear it often, and the most eaten is maltose, which is fragrant, but it is not as sweet as frosting sugar.

A group of little guys rushed forward, stopped playing, and stretched out their hands to ask Man Yue for candy with a smile.

"Eleven Niang, I wonder why you carry this bag on your back. Now it seems that it is indeed convenient, much better than putting it in your sleeve."

"Eleven Niang, why do you carry so much sugar with you?"

Faced with everyone's questions, Man Yue just smiled. I can't tell them that I have space, and the bag is a cover, right?
At the end of the assignment, Man Yue found out that Qian Wansheng was also there.

She was slightly surprised, this child was obviously greatly stimulated, and also seemed a little withdrawn, it was unexpected to be able to play with everyone after coming here for a few days.

Man Yue stuffed the last few pieces of candy into his hand, hesitated for a while, and finally reached out and touched his head. Surprisingly, this time he didn't hide, but looked at her with dark eyes. Stretch tenaciously.

Man Yue smiled wryly, opened her bag, and said, "It's gone."

The delicate little eyebrows were furrowed, and there was a trace of regret on his face.

"Where's your mother? Late birth? You came out alone, does your mother know?"

He looked at her, nodded after a while.

When the full moon is over, you will be happy. This is a sign of improvement!
She took his hand and said, "Go, take my sister to see your mother."

Wan Sheng didn't move, staring at the shuttlecock with dark eyes, apparently refusing to leave.

Man Yue is happy again. Although she can't speak yet, she wants to play with others. This is really blessed by God!
He gave him the shuttlecock and said, "Wansheng, do you know it?"

"Help, help!"

Just as the words fell, a sharp voice was heard, and after a while, Uncle Wu ran out from the corridor, shouting: "Help! The lunatic has killed someone!"

Man Yue was taken aback, and saw a few scratches on Uncle Wu's face, and behind him was Lin Yuhan, holding a laundry stick for beating clothes in his hand, chasing Uncle Wu and beating him straight, "Hey! You are a beast! Qin | Beasts dare to defile Grain Granny, see if I don't beat you to death!"

What, what is this? !

A group of people were dumbfounded.

Isn't Wugu Chao Su?When did you become a mother-in-law?
"Ouch, grab him quickly, he's going to die!"

That's right, the real master Lin Yuzan was talking about came, and Chao Su stomped his feet and said, "Madam Qian, I'm fine, come back quickly, but I can't beat you!"

(End of this chapter)

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