Chapter 238 Shameless

"Where did the thief run?!"

Lin Yuzan held up a stick and greeted Uncle Wu. Uncle Wu, a big man, couldn't run away from Lin Yuzan, and was chased and beaten several times.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and stop Madam Qian!"

Full Moon stomped her feet and commanded a few rough envoys to come forward, attack back and forth, and grabbed Lin Yuhan. Lin Yuhan struggled, and said to Full Moon, "Madam, run! The thief is a woman, Granny Wugu is gone!" Being humiliated, Madam's innocence cannot be defiled, run away!"

A small figure suddenly rushed over, bumping headfirst into a woman, only to hear "Ouch", a woman took a few steps while clutching her stomach and hind legs, but Lin Yuzan broke free and snatched the woman. He snatched the stick and went after Uncle Wu again.

It was fun now, I saw Uncle Wu being chased up and down, while Xiao Shi was chasing Lin Yuzan, and Wan Sheng was chasing Xiao Shi again, while Chao Su was stomping beside him, ouch, ouch.


Full Moon was angry, "Stop it all!"

The roaring sound spread over the entire courtyard by the way, "Lin Yuzan! Stop for my old lady, or I won't find you a husband!"

Lin Yuhan, who was insane, stopped at once, threw the stick in her hand with a "plop", and raised her hands, showing the innocent look of "I didn't do anything bad".

Full Moon squeezed the center of her eyebrows with a headache, Uncle Wu lay on the chair in the corridor by the courtyard, sticking out his tongue, out of breath, and said: "Ten, Eleven, mother, mother, you, you can't blame me!" , harm the family..."

"Sir, why do you call Madam Eleven Niang? Is Madam Rank Eleven?"

Lin Yuzan, who was about to beat Uncle Wu to death just now, suddenly changed her mind, and Man Yue really couldn't laugh or cry.

Before she saw Qingyun calling her husband, she thought that Qingyun was a bit like his husband, how could she know that she saw all the men with Chinese characters and single eyelids calling him husband, guessing that her former husband had this characteristic, now he is always in a daze , Everyone who saw this look called him a gentleman.


In desperation, Man Yue's eyebrows immediately stood up. She looked at Chao Su and saw Chao Su shaking her head slightly at herself. In an instant, she felt anger burning in her heart, beast! !

Needless to say, Uncle Wu must have seen Yuzan's beauty, but he was also stupid, delirious, and wanted to take advantage of others.Looking at it like this, it seems that she didn't take it. Yuzan is very ill. One moment she thinks you are a human, but the next moment she thinks you are a cat or a dog. Fortunately, she has always been sober to herself, and she didn't recognize anyone.

It is precisely because of this that the full moon is angry!
This is a poor woman, a victim of entitlement, and I think of myself when I look at her.Compared with Lin Yuhan, she is luckier. Lin Yuhan may have fought, but she lost in the end.

So she has a kind of pity for Lin Yuhan, a kind of recognition that she is at the lower level of the food chain, and the rabbit dies and the fox is sad. These four words are enough to describe how Man Yue feels about what happened to Lin Yuhan.

So she is angry!
She may not be able to avenge Yuhan, but at least she can stop her from being hurt and let Wansheng live a normal life.

But she never expected that her good fifth uncle would do such a thing!

Clenching her little hands tightly, she was silent for a while, then she took a deep breath, looked at Xiao Shi who was not far from Uncle Wu, his hesitation made Man Yue regain her composure.

Walking up to Lin Yuzan, he said, "Yuzan, it's New Year's Eve today, and it's busy outside, may I take you to play with Wansheng?"

Yuhan threw away the stick, clapped her hands again and again, and said to Chao Su: "Grandma, let's go, Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year!"

Xiao Ten's eyes showed gratitude. He was a smart boy, so he was ashamed to see something from the scratches on his father's face.After all, it was his biological father, even if they didn't want him, no matter how hard he said in his heart, he couldn't bear to watch his father make a fool of himself in front of the junior, even if his father was wrong!
Man Yue pulled Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng was very good, let Man Yue pull him, Lin Yuzan supported Chao Su, and said: "Elder-in-law, please carefully step, daughter-in-law will help you pass."


Chao Su can't laugh or cry, he has no relatives and no reason, but when he gets old, he has a cheap daughter-in-law and grandson. Not only does he have to play the role of father-in-law but also mother-in-law, and he even has to play guest roles as her parents, grandfather, grandmother, etc. A bunch of cheap relatives...

It was also lively outside today. The adults were busy with the reunion dinner at home, and the children came out to play wildly. When they saw the full moon coming, they ran over to salute.

Wan Sheng looked at those children, although there was no emotion in his big eyes, but his eyeballs were staring at them motionless.

Lin Yuzan kept clapping her hands, pulled Wan Sheng over and said, "Wan Sheng, go play with everyone!"

As she said that, she dragged Wansheng into the crowd of children, she was lucky, she even taught everyone how to play the game of eagle catching chicks, she acted as an old hen herself, a group of children were naturally happy to see an adult playing with them, after a while It's just loud laughter, so lively.

Wan Sheng also followed behind madly, Man Yue looked at it for a while, and suddenly said happily: "Mr. Wugu, look at Wan Sheng, he seems nervous, afraid of being caught."

Chao Su nodded, "It's a good thing. I've kept the child with me for a few days. I saw his eyes were empty, and now he seems to be a little brighter."

After a moment of silence, he continued: "Accordingly, I, an outsider, shouldn't say this, but your fifth uncle..."

Man Yue lowered her head and murmured: "Taking advantage of others' danger, you really deserve to die!!"

"Ms. Lin is beautiful, but also foolish. Calling you fifth uncle husband, it is easy for people to take advantage of it."

Chao Su said indifferently: "I think you should pay more attention. This may be unfair to women, but sometimes women are too beautiful to be the source of disaster..."

Full Moon was silent.

These words sound harsh, but they are the truth.

Lin Yuzan was so beautiful that it was almost outrageous. When she washed her face and revealed her face, Man Yue was astonished.

She has seen what it means to be overwhelmed by a country and a city. There is no part of the facial features that is not exquisite, and no part is not beautiful. She even secretly thought, is it because the Lin family is so beautiful that the Qian family village was destroyed?

Her ability to think this way proved that Chao Su's words were true.

This era...

With a wry smile, he cursed viciously in his heart, "Fuck|Damn"!
"Well, I will send someone to watch, this time I was negligent."

Chao Su sighed, looked sideways at Man Yue, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

Lin has a face that can overwhelm the country and the city, but you have a face that is a disaster for the country and a witch, it's just as good!
After all, I have enough oil and water, I have eaten well, my hair is not as yellow as before, my complexion has become rosy, my body has opened up a little, and my pair of autumn water cut pupils are more and more watery. The face of the full moon is actually a bit flattering, but it happens to be 21 For centuries, Yang Wenwen has a resolute personality, and after fusing with this physical strength, a strange and deadly result was produced.

There was an air of aloofness in a charming face, and with the passage of time, it gave her an indescribable charm in her whole life, just like the enchantress who was supposed to confuse the world, but gave birth to a treasure-faced majesty The holiness of the book makes people confused, and then addicted.

Chao Su has experienced a lot. He dares to say that such a woman, not to mention Leng Yun, even the most noble man in the world will be confused by her.If Yang Manyue hadn't been engaged to Leng Yun, she must have been chosen locally as a beautiful woman to enter the palace, and if this woman is determined to make a difference in the harem, she must be the favorite of the Sixth Palace.

This is already the case at such a young age, Chao Su no longer dares to imagine what she will look like in a few years, even thinking about it is terrifying.

"Mr. Wugu, Mr. Wugu..."

The voice of the full moon came, "What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like this? It makes me feel scared."

Chao Su withdrew his thoughts, smiled, and said half-truthfully, "I think you should be more careful, your appearance is comparable to Lin's."

Man Yue blushed, and then she was secretly happy, who is Chao Su?What beauties have you never seen?I can be praised as a beautiful woman by him, I feel a little full of vanity when I think about it!
Trouble or no trouble, let's go first, which woman doesn't love beauty?
"Elder-in-law was joking, I'm just a yellow-haired girl, who would move my mind?"

Pretending to be modest, he responded.

Chao Su couldn't help laughing, "You're being hypocritical, you're obviously happy in your heart. Oh, how many people in this daughter's family don't like beauty? You don't have to be embarrassed, you are a yellow-haired girl right now, but the outline is there, the old man saw it before There are so many beauties, you won't miss them. In two years, I think you'd better wear a dark fence when you go out, or you'll get into trouble."

The two talked like this for a while, and Lin Yuzan and Wan Sheng were tired from playing, so they returned to the mansion.

When we arrived at the flower hall, we heard He's crying, "Mother! You have to decide for your daughter-in-law. Our Yang family kindly took her in, a crazy woman and a bottle of oil, but she was fine. She actually seduces my husband! If you can’t seduce me, just scratch my husband here..."

A burst of fire burned into his forehead immediately, and Man Yue felt his brain explode with a "buzz"!
The anger that had been calmed down just now went out like sparks hitting the earth, and it exploded with a "bang", and the blood of the whole body was rushing to the forehead, and said: "I don't want to be a son of man!"

Chao Su grabbed her and said, "Calm down!"


Full Moon said angrily: "This is shameless!"

Lin Yuzan didn't know what happened, but seeing Man Yue's complexion and hearing someone scolding in the room, she seemed to understand something for a moment, and she was furious, "What a vixen, you actually seduced Madam Husband! Madam, don't be angry, you I have done a great favor to my Qian family, and I will avenge you!"

As she said that, she looked around and saw a servant passing by with a basin of water in her hand. With screams, he rushed into the flower hall, lifted the basin and tilted it, and laughed loudly: "Haha! Sue, I let you sue! Burn you to death, vixen!"


He's screaming sounded in the flower hall, and Yu and the others were dumbfounded, and then they heard Yu's voice, "Quick, hold her, oops..."

"Ouch, it hurts to death!"

He's scream came out again...

 I have been busy all day today, and I sat down in front of the computer after 7:[-], the update is late, sorry ha!There is one more chapter, everyone wait for me!
(End of this chapter)

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