Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 239 The Heaven-Defying Hosta

Chapter 239 The Heaven-Defying Hosta

When the full moon rushed in, he saw that He's head was soaked, and Lin Yuzan kept knocking on He's head with the pot, "Let you seduce|seduce me, let you seduce|seduce me! Man, you don't obey women's morals!"

"What are you still doing?! Pull people away!"

As soon as Mrs. Yu gave an order, several rough envoys immediately stepped forward and pulled Lin Yuhan over. Lin Yuhan was about to struggle, but she forgot to struggle when she saw the full moon, and said excitedly: "Grandmother, this bitch has nothing to do with you!" Others conspired with my Qian family property, I caught it for you, mother-in-law, kill her!"

The angry full moon calmed down all of a sudden.

Suddenly he felt that his anger was a bit redundant, how could Yuhan be bullied?Although she is crazy, she won't suffer even the slightest loss.

The fifth uncle wanted to belittle her, so she beat her up; the fifth aunt wanted to frame her, but she was beaten up again. Perhaps in the dark, her husband and her family are really protecting her, and let her save herself from danger all the way. Protecting the only blood of the Qian family to this day.

Mrs. He went crazy, jumped up immediately, rushed over and wanted to tear the jade hairpin, and cursed: "You bitch seduced|seduced my husband and you are so arrogant, I will never end with you!"


Man Yue let out a loud roar, and pulled the jade hairpin to protect her behind her. With a "snap", Man Yue's head tilted, and when she came back, there were five more finger prints on her face, and Yu suddenly yelled in distress. , "He Shi?! What are you doing beating Eleven Niang?!"

"I, I, I..."

He obviously didn't expect that the full moon would rush out, so he froze there for a moment.

Full Moon said with a cold face: "I brought the jade hairpin back. If there is anything wrong with her, Fifth Aunt will punish me. Is Fifth Aunt venting her anger now? If it is not enough, please continue!"

As she said that, she knelt down with a plop, pretending to let you beat and scold her.

"you you!"

He's angry, you are the whole family now, no, the treasure in the eyes of the whole family, if I really punish you, can you survive tonight?

"Eleventh Mother, you are a mess!"

She said angrily: "Did you see your fifth uncle? This bitch seduced | your fifth uncle..."

"Fifth aunt!"

Yang Manyue shouted: "Yuhan is the mother, and you are also the mother. Yuhan's brain is not good, so do you have a brain problem too?! Why is Yuhan scratching Uncle Wu? Or scratching his face?!"

Yu said in surprise, "What?!"

As soon as Mr. He came to complain, he was deceived.I also feel that there is something wrong with Eleven Niang. It is not a good thing to put a crazy woman by her side and still be restless.

She doesn't object to being a good person, but if the object is a disaster, then she can't help!

But now hearing what Man Yue said, the old lady immediately reacted.


It's still the same thing, but He changed a few words, it sounds like it was really Lin's seduction|seduction.But now that the granddaughter asked this question, the matter became clear!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Yu couldn't help being furious, "Call me that bastard! Simply, simply!"

Yu Shi was so angry that her chest heaved violently. Don't look at Yu Shi's strong appearance, but in fact she has a good heart. She never treated her husband, concubine, concubine and concubine badly. Just look at the fruits preserved by the cheap grandfather and you will know that Yu Shi is really big. degrees of people.

For the few concubines, she also upholds a public heart to teach, which also took a lot of thought.Now that Uncle Wu actually did such a thing, he was so angry that his face was hot|hot. How could he teach such a thing?

Taking advantage of a fool is a great loss of morality!
Not to mention that he still wants to belittle others...

The more Mrs. Yu thought about it, the more angry she became. Seeing that Mrs. He was still arguing with Man Yue, she became even more angry. She picked up the teacup on the table and threw it at Mrs. He, "What a disgrace! You still don't kneel down to me!" Next! Tell me, did that bastard ask you to frame Mrs. Lin?!"

It was really unlucky for Mr. He to come home today. He was splashed with water just now. Fortunately, the water was not hot and he was not scalded.But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, Lin Yuhan knocked her a few times with the wooden basin. At this moment, her head still hurts, and she was too cold, and her breath was not smooth. She was about to break up with Man Yue. Unexpectedly, she was smashed by her mother-in-law with a teacup again!
Who did she provoke?

Today is the thirtieth year!

It didn't hit the head, but it hurt enough to hit the body. He knelt on the ground and said aggrievedly: "Mother-in-law, don't you trust any outsider and us? We are your son and daughter-in-law!"


Yu Shi sneered, "You really are a pig brain!"

As he spoke, he patted the table and said, "You're all dead?! Why don't you call that bastard over here!"

"Grandmother calm down!"

Man Yue hurriedly kowtowed, "Grandmother, Yuhan didn't suffer, and Uncle Wu was taught a lesson by her. Grandmother, Xiaoshi..."

Yu's body trembled slightly, thinking of Xiao Shi, she felt pity in her heart.

Half of the anger disappeared immediately, and he sat in the chair and fell into silence.

"Eleventh Mother!"

But she was silent, which doesn't mean anyone is willing to be silent. He pointed to Man Yue's nose and said, "Eleven Niang, what's the difference between you and eating inside and outside?! Don't you believe a crazy woman or your fifth uncle?! What a crime! After all, they all have the same blood, so you still have the nerve to mention Xiao Shi? You treat Xiao Shi’s biological father and mother like this?!”

"Don't tell me Little Ten!!"

Man Yue suddenly yelled, "Xiao Shi has parents like you is his greatest misfortune!"

"It's the other way around, it's the other way around, the mere junior talks to the elders like this, mother, you..."

"To shut up……"

Yushi felt tired for a while, "Stop talking..."

"Mother, mother, you can't be biased just because Eleven Niang pays a lot of money..."

"I told you to shut up!"

Yu patted the table, "What?! My words don't work anymore?! Are you going to reverse?!"

Yu Shi is really sad.

She understood what the full moon meant.

At this time, a woman came in and whispered something in Yu's ear, and Yu's face became more and more gloomy.

It turns out that Yue girl was responsible for Lao Wu's escape from trouble just now, she should have known that Lao Wu did it by herself just now, but she didn't have a seizure when Xiao Ten was present...

I became more and more annoyed.

The eldest two lived so long that none of the children understood that Eleven Niang endured it because she didn't want Xiao Shi to be embarrassed, but this He Shi is good...

Seeing Eleven Niang keep winking at herself, Yu Shi felt extremely uncomfortable.

With a cold face, he said: "I have my own discretion in this matter. It's not good to make a fuss this Chinese New Year. Mrs. He, you should step back."


"Get out!"


"Mother-in-law is mighty, mother-in-law is wise, kill the vixen!"

Lin Yuzan clapped her hands, and He Shi who walked to the door almost ran away after hearing this, so she couldn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Is this woman really crazy or fake crazy?Why does my wife think she is faking it?
Mrs. Yu is already very upset, even though Mrs. He is not reconciled, she does not dare to persist, otherwise she will become disrespectful to her parents-in-law, which is one of the seven out of seven.

"Grandma, don't be angry."


Chao Su came in from the outside, this guy is really good, he didn't come in because of the trouble inside, but now he's back.

Seeing Chao Su, Mrs. Yu was even more ashamed, she stood up and said, "I'm telling you a joke, it's all because of old age and poor family management."

"It's serious, old matriarch, which family doesn't have any unworthy descendants? I'm envious, at least there is someone who can take care of me, how can it be like me? I have a lonely family, and I have to give a place to live, otherwise I don't know where to go Lie."

These words are sincere, the Yu family and Chao Su have been in contact a lot in the past few days, and Chao Su is a father-in-law, so naturally there is no need to avoid suspicion.Anyway, the two old people are bored, but they often play chess or something, and they really developed some friendship after a few days.


Yu Shi sighed heavily, "It's thanks to you today, otherwise that beast would be doomed forever!"

"Where are you talking?"

Chao Su laughed and said, "I think Yuzan is crazy about going in and not going out, so she can't suffer. If I don't pass by, she won't suffer either."

Thinking of Yuzan's performance, the angry Mrs. Yu burst out laughing, the gloom disappeared, and she nodded repeatedly, "That Nizi has loved life since he was a child, and he is romantic, just like his father. it is good."

"Mother-in-law, that bastard touched Granny's ass|ass, give me a good spanking!"

Yuhan interjected again, "Come back next time, I'll chop off his hands and make him flirt with women!"

"It can't be done!"

Man Yue said: "Unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not commit murder, you know? Just run, come to me!"


Yuzan nodded half-understood. When she saw the osmanthus cake on the table, she was overjoyed. She rushed over and picked it up and stuffed it into Wan Sheng's mouth, "My child, there is something to eat, there is something to eat, eat quickly."

Seeing her like this, Mrs. Yu also shook her head, "Damn it, I don't know if it can be better?"

"Meeting your eleventh mother, whether she is good or not is also important, and it will be painful if she is not sure. It is better to be alive like this crazy than to be awake."

Chao Su shook his head, lowered his voice and said, "It's impossible to overturn the case..."

At this point, everyone is silent. Man Yue has already told Mrs. Yu, uncle, and eighth uncle about the specific situation. They all know that this is an imperial case, and it is impossible to reverse the case.Because reversing the case is slapping the late emperor in the face, unless Daming is dead, there is absolutely no possibility of reversing the case!

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed better for Yuhan to live insane, otherwise it would be pain.

"Stop talking about that..."

Mrs. Yu waved her hand, "You get angry when you talk about that useless thing. Yuhan, mother-in-law apologizes to you, don't worry about that little beast, they will bully you next time, come and tell me, mother-in-law will make the decision for you, okay?" ?”

Yuzan nodded vigorously, and said: "Don't worry, mother-in-law, I won't let that vixen take advantage of loopholes, the husband is mine!"


He went back to his room crying, and as soon as he entered the room, he saw his husband lying on the bed, a maid was applying medicine, his hand was still moving on the ass, which made the girl hide away.

Seeing this scene and thinking about what happened just now, He's lungs exploded with rage!
With a scream, he rushed over and cursed: "Well, you are Yang! My old lady covered up the scandal for you, but you are here to have a good time, let me see if my old lady doesn't tear you up!"

Feelings, this person is clear!

If Man Yue sees this scene, she will definitely give He a little golden man, her acting skills are so heaven-defying, baby, do you know that?

(End of this chapter)

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