Chapter 241

"Sister Ten, do you understand?"

The voice was not loud, even very flat, but it carried an unquestionable air of a superior person, making one's heart tremble.

A group of brats always listened to adults talking about Eleven Niang's deeds, and only at this time did they really feel the gap between themselves and Eleven Niang.

Eleven Niang, who is usually very gentle, feels like an old grandmother to them at this moment, which is a little scary.

Man Yue looked at Shi Niang, and made Shi Niang admit defeat with just one glance, and said embarrassingly: "I made a slip of the tongue."

Xiao Ten lowered his eyes, tears welling in his eyes.

The sisters of the first relatives are not as good as the elder sisters of the clan. They run on themselves, but Eleven Niang has been defending herself. How can she not see through the scandal that her father has done today with her intelligence?
But she didn't make it public, instead she took him away, she was thinking about her own face, and she didn't want to embarrass her father.

Thinking of this, Xiao Shi's heart felt warm and tight, but it was also because of this that he was so sore.

Don't they really feel nothing about themselves?Before Eleven Niang came back, she was very affectionate to herself.Could it be that there are only people in Qifang, and they don't recognize themselves anymore?

Even Eleven Niang said that the blood relationship cannot be broken, and she should honor her biological father and mother, but why, why are they alienating themselves instead?Grandma wants to go to sleep in her yard by herself, did grandma see something?

An 11-year-old boy has no worries about food and clothing, so he should be the brightest.But because of some of He's words, Xiao Shi's sky began to become gloomy, and he fell into confusion.

After the little episode, a few older brothers chatted and laughed to make the atmosphere lively. At six o'clock, firecrackers sounded outside again, and the juniors also got up one after another. Those who brought wine served wine, and those who brought tea took tea , They all went to the front to toast and salute the elders.

At this time, the maid brought a large bowl of wontons, and the juniors took the wontons from the elders one after another after respecting them, and then ate them in front of the elders, and someone shouted in surprise, "I have eaten bamboo shoots! "

Yu's mouth was wide open, "Okay, okay, you must go to high school!"

This is not the custom of Pan'an but the custom of the Yang family.

Poetry and book heirlooms are the most important career fame, and the family of meritorious deeds clearly understands that fame is the way to heaven, and without fame, any ideals and ambitions are out of the question.

The Yu family is generally in a good mood this year. Her son has been found. Although she is no longer alive, at least she has left behind a capable granddaughter who has helped the family so much in a short period of time. The old and decaying family has shown signs of revival.

In the eyes of the old lady, the grandson of the person who ate the bamboo shoots is of a moderate age, and he is about to take part in the next imperial examination.
Everyone congratulated, Yang Liyuan, the third brother who ate the bamboo shoots, laughed so hard, he already has a reputation as a scholar, if he can win the first prize in one fell swoop, even if he is in his early twenties, even if he is a top three Jinshi, his future will be unscrupulous!

As mentioned earlier, in the imperial examination, age is also a huge advantage.

Brothers and sisters also sent blessings one after another. After a small climax, everyone went back to their seats. Today, the meal has to be eaten in the long distance, and the hot dishes have to be reheated in the middle. Naturally, the team members have a long meal it is good.

In fact, in the second half, everyone couldn't eat anymore, and it was time to end at eight o'clock. The servants brought out the early-prepared tea, the adults chatted, and the children went out to play, set off firecrackers, fireworks, It's crazy.

Iron trees and silver flowers, peonies and Lanzhi bloom in the sky, and Incheon, which is close to the mountains, looks extraordinarily bright and beautiful this night.

After playing wildly for a while, the food in my belly was almost gone, and I went home one after another, eating melon seeds, having tea, and chatting in the north, south, east, and west.Of course, Man Yue has become a storyteller among her peers again.

She is well-informed, has a quick mind, and has too many insights beyond her time, which makes her the most popular person among her brothers and sisters.Especially when it comes to food, the elders stopped talking and came to listen to her talk.

Such joy lasted until nearly twelve o'clock, and finally ushered in the craziest time of the night.

The whole family ran to the door of the house, ten meters away, the uncle and others set up twelve firecrackers in person, and the servants over there also hung out the upper bamboo strips, with firecrackers hanging on them, and the eighth uncle waited for a few Another person set up fireworks at another place, and when midnight came, they all lit the fire, and saw a few figures covering their ears and quickly returning to the door. In a flash, the front of the Yang family's old house became lively.

The firecrackers are bang bang bang, the firecrackers are crackling, and the fireworks are flying into the sky, blooming beautifully wantonly, and the children are covering their ears and jumping and jumping, which is very lively.

When it became quiet again, I saw the elder brother knelt down, Man Yue was stunned for a moment, looked at the other brothers and sisters, and immediately understood.

This is a New Year's greeting for feelings.

Those with children also knelt down together with the children, kowtowed together and shouted: "Children and grandchildren greet you, Zhengdan is auspicious!"

Several uncles, grand uncles, and Mrs. Yu laughed so hard that they couldn't see their teeth, and raised their hands one after another, "I have a heart, I have a heart, get up quickly!"

After a while, they lined up again, and several elders began to distribute red envelopes one by one.

The full moon couldn't help but click her tongue, it's not good to be senior!

This red envelope has to be given out a few times!

Sure enough, after their generation and their next generation received the red envelopes, the uncle and others knelt down again to pay New Year's greetings to the Yu family and the uncles of the Yu family's generation, and another circle of red envelopes was sold.

Then a surprising thing happened, the Yu family and several uncles were so old, they knelt down to pay New Year's greetings to the uncles, and then they also got red envelopes.

"Mr. Yu, the seventh child, and the twelfth child all get up, all of you get up, you are not too young anymore, where is it easy to kneel down, you just need to make up your mind."

Yang Chengyi stroked his beard and said, "They are all old guys, but they dare not compare with young people."

Yu said with a smile: "Uncle, I have been married into the Yang family for 50 years, and I am 66 years old this year. After 50 years in the Yang family, I can still get the New Year's money from the elders. It is really a blessing for my nephew and daughter-in-law!"

What I said made the uncles jealous and nodded, "Hey, hey, you are a good person, you have worked hard for you these years..."

The full moon was suddenly moved.


What a blessing it is to be able to receive the red envelopes from the elders at the age of almost seventy!

In the past, she always had a little contempt for etiquette and thought it was feudal dross, but now that she sees it, it is necessary to kneel to the elders.Kneeling once can better remember the kindness of parents. Why does the form exist?That is to remind us not to forget our roots!
Faintly, Man Yue realized something in her heart. She looked at Chen who was smiling happily not far away, and felt warm in her heart.

Facing the sky, she made a wish.

I hope that when I am 80 years old, I can still get the New Year's money given by my old mother.

The lively night passed quickly, and after a while, New Year's Day ushered in, and the vigil ended.

Everyone went back to their rooms to sleep. For men, tomorrow is the most important day to display their interpersonal relationships.

On the second day, I got up early, ate dumplings, rice cakes, and greeted the elders again, and the men in the family went out.

Heaven and earth, relatives and teachers, heaven and earth have worshiped, you are far away, and relatives have also worshiped. The most important teacher has not yet visited, so I will send out to greet.

The gifts prepared early were brought over, and everyone went to pay New Year's greetings and give gifts according to their relationship or severity.

Man Yue asked someone to prepare a gift and sent it to Zhao Si.

That girl is very interesting. Since they have reported their families to each other, they are considered acquaintances. They live together in the same place. It would be good to send someone to give a gift to make a good relationship.

The servant came back soon, and brought back gifts and letters from Miss Zhao Si.

When Man Yue saw it, she immediately wrote a letter to reply, and the poor servant had to go on another trip. Seeing that Man Yue treated a family with such an ordinary background, Yang Zhen could not help but secretly nodded.

Those who have achieved the Tao will help a lot, and Eleven Niang's achievements today have a lot to do with her personality.

Cherishing everyone, only discussing with affection, not status, is probably the secret of Eleven Niang's success!
For two days in a row, everyone in the family was busy. In the third day of junior high school, the female relatives of the family were dispatched and went back to their mother's house.

At the same time, some people came to visit the family, including Yu's mother's family, and the house was very lively. There was a wave of going out here, and a wave of coming in immediately, making the full moon dazzled.

Chinese people value human feelings, and it was fully reflected in Daming. Here, Man Yue felt a long-lost taste of the New Year.

But, soon she got impatient.

Everyone looked at her, as if she was a monkey in the zoo. When it came to the fourth day, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I ran to the homes of my nephews and took the children who worked in the store into the mountains.

Yang Lixiu laughed loudly, "Eleven Niang, are you also afraid? I thought there was nothing in this world that you were afraid of!"

"Don't mention it again, don't mention it again!"

Full Moon patted her chest, "It scared me to death! These seven aunts and eight aunts, the grandmother's natal family is nothing more, why does she have so many old sisters? There are also uncles, uncles, uncles, and uncles , I'll be good, do you think I'm a monster?"

"Ha ha!"

Yang Xinjie laughed so hard that his mouth twitched, "Aunt Eleven, you are now famous in my Ming Dynasty, and everyone wants to see you, a female scarf who is not afraid of power and has been tortured by eunuchs!"

Full Moon is speechless, she designed all of this, but now it seems that having too much fame is also troublesome!
Fortunately, she was engaged, otherwise she felt that those seven aunts and eight aunts would probably play the role of matchmakers again.

Thinking about it makes me shudder!

Thinking of this, I laughed again, "Man Cang and Xiao Shi are miserable, and they want to run away too. Haha, if I don't take them with me, how can a man shrink back at will?! Let them deal with it there!"

Everyone burst into laughter, "Eleven Niang, you are too bad!"

After laughing, Yang Lixiu asked belatedly, "Hey? Eleven Niang, what are we going in and out of?"


Dude, are you a little too slow in your reaction?

Man Yue shrugged and pretended to be mysterious: "Do you know that there are treasures in our mountain?"


Several people were dumbfounded, "Is there a baby?!"

"Yes, baby, it's worth it!"

(End of this chapter)

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