Chapter 242 Cornucopia

A few people fell into a slump, so what treasure can there be in this mountain?

No, that's not the point.

The point is, they don't know that there are treasures in the mountains when they were born and raised, but why does Eleven Niang, who has lived in Ningbo for a long time, know that there are treasures in the mountains?
Seeing their bewildered looks, Man Yue snickered inwardly.

knowledge is power!

There is a good stream flowing in the territory of Incheon Town, and the water source is inexhaustible all the year round. The east flow runs through the entire mountainous area of ​​southern Zhejiang, flows through Lishui, Wenzhou and other cities, and enters Wenzhou Bay in the East China Sea. This one is enough to make a fuss about.

If you want to get rich, build roads first. Pan'an is so poor, but you don't know that you are guarding the treasury. This river is enough for everyone to get rich.

Of course, Man Yue came here today mainly for the treasures in the mountains. Although the Oujiang River is good, shipping requires strength and planning. She doesn't have this ability yet, so let's start small first, go to the mountains to have a look, and make some The road to riches.

You know, here is not only rich in water, but also rich in mountains, and because of the high altitude, it appears that the mountains and rivers are beautiful here, and the air is clean. In later generations, it has the reputation of the hometown of medicinal materials and the hometown of mushrooms.

The camellia seeds and alpine vegetables here are well-known in China and are representatives of high quality.In addition, chestnuts, bayberries, persimmons, wild kiwis, pears, peaches, wild honeysuckle, wild chrysanthemums, wild arrowroot, bamboo shoots, Dendrobium candidum, clover, etc. are all money in the eyes of the full moon!

Why does Gui Linju sell a dish of taels of silver, or even dozens of taels?Rely on is unique!

In ancient times, there was no pollution, but we can pack it!
In the eyes of the ancients, the great rivers and mountains are full of aura. If we modern people fool around casually, things here will be different immediately!

Of course, in order to avoid damaging the ecological environment, we must also limit picking, what should we do if there is not enough food?It doesn't matter, we use the water and soil from Incheon to cultivate it for you. Which restaurant has no distinction between dishes?
Aren't you rich?Do you want face or identity? !

The guest is God, we have to be satisfied!
We have wild ones and artificially cultivated ones. The artificially prepared ones are divided into ordinary farm-raised ones and special products in Incheon Town...

Full Moon smiled sinisterly, and she was full of small calculations in her heart, as if she had seen money flying towards her, especially since the ancients did not know how to cultivate mushrooms, fungus, etc., they only knew to eat wild ones.

And Man Yue, hehe, it just so happens that she knows this, it was taught by her grandpa.

Thinking of this, I feel happy. Shiitake mushrooms and fungus are the best treasures in this era. By then, this thing will become the flagship product of Incheon Town.

In Incheon Town, most of them are members of the Yang clan. From the Song Dynasty to the present, I don't know how many generations they have reproduced. Even if they took away so many children by themselves, the labor force is still enough.

However, there are few fields that can be cultivated here, and this project can immediately improve the lives of some clansmen who have no land.If the Yang family is not enough, there are other families that escaped together, such as the Yang family, the Cao family, the Lu family...

It can be said that the whole of Jinhua is overworked, because there are too many mountains and too little land to cultivate.

So Incheon is a promising place.

The first step is to start with mushrooms and fungus.As for medicinal materials, it needs to be discussed with professionals; tea trees are not in a hurry, the key point is that she has to come up with a charter. Incheon has high-quality tourism value, so it can't be too spoiled, and this can be a fuss in the future!

To complete the tasks of the system, it is not enough to become the number one chef in the world and return to Lin Ju, she has to expand her influence!
Thinking of this, he smiled mysteriously, and said, "Just follow me and have a look."

"Eleven Niang, be careful, there are not only snakes but also wild beasts in the mountains."

"We don't go deep, just walk around the periphery."

"Eleven Niang, what kind of baby is it?!"

Everyone became more and more curious, like a cat's paws were scratching in their hearts. The Qingming Temple was about 30 miles away, whether it was close or far. !
Man Yue looked at the scenery by herself, and praised repeatedly, "One foot in the Three Realms, the ancestor of the peaks, the source of all waters, the clear and bright peak, wow!"

Yang Lixiu and the others were speechless. Isn't Eleven Niang stunned?
The climate here is the worst, it rains all year round, the humidity is unbearably heavy, and there are many wild beasts infesting, I can't see it at all!
"Eleven Niang, the waves are rolling in the sky, the yellow sandalwood is gone, the wind blows when it rains, what's so good about this clear and bright peak?"


Man Yue smiled and said, "It's better if it's rainy and humid!"

Everyone was dumbfounded again, what kind of logic is this?

The Qingming Peak of later generations is 1314 meters high, but it is a holy place in the hearts of many lovers!

Climb the top of the Qingming Festival together, and stay with you for a lifetime.

The full moon thought about the height of the Qingming peak, and couldn't help being happy again.

"Eleven Niang, what are you going to do?"

The few of them have been following the full moon for a while, and now they understand a little bit, what kind of treasure is there, it must be Eleven Niang who found that Qingmingjian has something to do, right?

But the problem is...

Looking at the continuous mountains and rivers, the eyes of a few people became mosquito-repellent incense eyes.

What is there to do? !
The whole moon and his party entered the mountain. Although it is on the outskirts, there are many wild animals here. Fortunately, it is winter and the small river is still in the ice age. Without the cover of lush green plants that block the sun all day long, it will always be more open. .

And they also made some preparations, and they didn't go deep, they just wandered around the periphery, so overall it was safe.

After entering the mountain, since I am even more confused.

I don't know why Eleven Niang went crazy, she was just pawing in that shady place, or she was just looking under the bushes, what the hell was she going to do? !
Is there really any baby?
Such a morning passed, Man Yue and others also came down the mountain, took out dry food and jerky for a full meal, and then went home.

From the beginning to the end, I didn't hear a word from Man Yue, and the few people were even more confused.

Full moon returned to the old house, found a pen and paper and began to write and draw.

Thanks to the blessing of the system, the system will automatically detect all species, including animals, and if the system does not have species, it will be archived and recorded.It's like being able to actively monitor the dishes, and I don't know what the person who designed the system is thinking.

But no matter what she thinks, it's good that this function has become her weapon now.

Although it was winter, there were few things in the mountains, but she still found a lot of good things after wandering around like this.

There are many kinds of edible fungi alone, in addition to many medicinal materials and edible wild vegetables and fruits.

The system is really against the sky. In winter, even if you are buried underground, you will be detected as soon as you pass by. This function has actually been there from the beginning, but it is usually impossible to see so many plants at once. For a moment, she was almost overwhelmed by the electronic sound of ding ding ding, the clear and sharp products were too rich.

She recorded all the things detected today, and she even drew a picture. Although it is a stick figure, it is better than nothing, so as not to make mistakes in the future.

Then mark down the information given by the system, thinking that after returning to Ningbo, I will take the time to come back and do more research, maybe there will be surprises.

The south of the Yangtze River is very large, but there are only a few places that can be called treasures.In the Ming Dynasty, Jinhua, Lishui and other places could not be regarded as the splendor of the south of the Yangtze River. Surrounded by mountains, even if there were mountains and rivers to express affection, they could not cover the fact that there were many mountains and narrow land, traffic congestion, and people's poverty.

At least in the eyes of many officials, this is here, whether it is Yiwu or Pan'an, even if you are the governor of Jinhua Prefecture, it is not as good as Suzhou, Changzhou, or a county magistrate in Yangzhou. Only people who have been exiled from officialdom or have no backing will come here to become officials.

But at this moment, the remote mountains and remote areas in the eyes of those officials and lords are a cornucopia in the eyes of the full moon.

How can such a good place be poor?As long as you are willing to invest, there will be returns!Moreover, the more the gentlemen here are negligent, the more promising she is. If you want to get rich, build the road first. The road to Ningbo is not easy to go. It doesn't matter, just fix it!

It's difficult in the early stage, but our labor is cheap, and I will recite it for you even if you go over mountains and mountains. As long as you show hope to the people here, then her plan will be a success!

She made plans and didn't go to bed until late.

But after lying on the bed, he couldn't fall asleep.

Tomorrow is the fifth day of the lunar new year, and the uncle is coming, when will he arrive?He should be on his way by now, right?Most of the hostels are closed at this time, is he sleeping in the wild?

The more I think about it, the clearer my mind becomes, and I toss and turn, feeling irritable.

She really wanted to fall asleep quickly, maybe the uncle would have arrived as soon as she woke up.

But the more she wanted to fall asleep faster, the more she couldn't fall asleep, so she had no choice but to get up.

Lu Zhu, who was sleeping drowsily outside, shouted, "Girl, what do you want?"

"It's none of your business, keep sleeping."


After a while, Green Bamboo came in, rubbing his eyes. Seeing the full moon grinding again, he said in surprise, "Girl, what's wrong with you? Why are you up again?"

"Why did you get up? Didn't you say it? Don't worry about me at night."

Man Yue took out the paper and looked at it carefully, "I can't sleep, I'm going to Weng's house on the sixth day of the lunar new year, I'll see if there are any omissions in my report."

"Where will there be omissions in the big girl's shot?"

"Sages and sages make mistakes, let alone ordinary people? It's better to be more careful. I don't think that Mrs. Weng is a good one. I'm afraid it won't be so easy."


Luzhu gets angry when she thinks of this, she has never seen such a shameless person!

"If they dare to play tricks, let my uncle spank their butts!"

Man Yue glared at her, and said, "Master Hou is in charge of guarding the sea area, how did he become our family's thug?"

"Well, what if they don't want to?"

Man Yue sneered, "Didn't Old Yu Po agree that day? Let's give them 500 taels of silver..."

"The slaves are afraid that they will go back on their promises."

Lu Zhu whispered: "People like them..."

Probably thinking of her ruthless relatives, Lu Zhu's eyes were a little moist, "They see that we care about the two little girls, and they will definitely raise the price. People like them are the most shameless and shameless..."

(End of this chapter)

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