Chapter 248

The mountains in winter are really nothing to look at, they are all desolate, but it is because of this extreme desolation that it brings a vicissitudes of beauty.

The mountains in the south are humid even in winter, and the dead leaves on the ground are piled up layer after layer, with a damp and rotten smell, which makes people feel a little depressing.

While walking, Full Moon asked the system to record the condition of the plants here. She enjoyed it, but others inevitably found it boring.

There are not many animals in the surrounding mountains. Because the village is close, the big and small animals do not dare to act recklessly, and all hide in the deep mountains.

The guide took the people for a while, but he didn't want to go any further, and Man Yue and the others didn't force it. There are many carnivorous animals in the mountains around Pan'an, and they didn't want to disturb the creatures inside.

After looking around for a while, I went down the mountain. When I arrived at the farmhouse, I gave some money and had a meal before returning.

It was past the end of the day when we got home, and Mrs. Yu also took a nap. After asking about the situation, she was also very happy.

"Since that's the case, then we won't leave. Eldest sister, pack up and take the child with you in two days. Anyway, they don't care about telling you to run away. Just let Weng Pu have a wife and have no wife." .”

There is nothing wrong with what the Yu family said. Although the population of the country has dropped sharply after the catastrophe in 1644 and the years of fighting and killing, widows are encouraged to remarry, but the Confucianism has penetrated into Ming Dynasty, even if the Yang family Families who study meritorious deeds and run a family will inevitably be affected. In the concept of the Yu family, Yang Zhen probably would not want to remarry, so no matter how you look at it, procrastination is harmless to the Yang family.

It's just that Man Yue felt a little sad when she heard it, and Yang Zhen was only 27 years old, so it would be a bit bleak to be alone from now on.And the meaning in what the grandmother said didn't seem to mean to let the elder sister remarry.

It's just that there are some things that can't be said now, and we can only take one step at a time.

So, Yang Zhen started to pack her things. In fact, she didn't have anything to pack. It was just some clothes, which were brought from Weng's house, and it took half a day to get them done.

On the other hand, Man Yue discussed with her uncle and others, and invited her uncle, uncle and others. She needs people.

Telling about my plan to buy land in Xiaogang, the uncles can understand.

Although according to the rules, Qifang can still get hundreds of acres of land now, but after all, he lives in Ningbo, and it is reasonable to buy land there.Furthermore, there is not too much land, so it is naturally good for Eleven Niang to be able to buy land.

It's just that the full moon made a request that the poorest people with no land in their families should have one or two children, and she told her reasons.

The uncles thought about it and thought it made sense. This arrangement was the most reasonable, and it became said that there was a distinction between close and distant relatives.

After finishing these things, Man Yue said: "I also need to ask uncle to arrange, I want to buy some mountain land."

As soon as this remark came out, Yang Shouyan was dumbfounded, "Eleven Niang, why are you buying mountain land?"

Man Yue pursed her lips and said, "Plant fruit trees, cultivate mushrooms and fungus."

As he said that, he recounted his own investigations in the past few days, and took out a piece of paper from his arms, saying: "This is my niece's plan. I think if it is done well, it will not only help the Yang family get rid of poverty, but also help the Yang family get rid of poverty. I can lead all the folks in Incheon to make a fortune."

After a pause, he continued: "All my workers need to be young and strong, whether it's soap or plowing land, they need to be far away from home, and older clansmen don't want to go out. If they want to find a job for them near home, I want to come here. Also, I am willing. Besides, the profit of soap is coming. You guys know it well. When our fruit trees grow up and the mushroom cultivation place comes, I will have money. I want to build roads and dredge rivers so that we can transport the special products of Incheon. Go to various places and set up a farmhouse, those literati love this set, ten years later, our Incheon will become the richest town, a paradise on earth!!!”

Everyone was frightened by the arrogance of the full moon.

Let me be a little boy, how much does it cost? !

Uncle Fourteen's eyes were dark, and he felt pity in his heart.

How good would it be if it were a boy?
There are many mountains in Pan'an, and it is the most worthless. I guess some people are willing to buy it. Those officials and lords will be happy to die, why don't they open the door of convenience?

If you are willing to build roads, or even dredge the river, that will be a solid political achievement. Then, coupled with the influence of the Yang family here, how dare those parents and officials not care?I wish there were more local tyrants like Shi Niang.

Pan'an is poor, isn't it because the road is difficult?
After thinking for a while, he said: "The mountains are cheap, and the old man has some thin noodles. I will tell my parents and officials that it won't cost me any money. On the contrary, Shishi Niang, shiitake mushrooms, and fungus can really be cultivated by people?"

Full Moon nodded vigorously, Uncle Fourteen thought for a while and said, "In that case, why not plant mushrooms first, as fruit trees take time to grow."

"If the investment is not large, we can do it at the same time. Fruit trees need time to grow. At that time, I will buy saplings in Ningbo and send them over. As for mushrooms and fungus, they are also simple. Uncle, uncle, you can build the best Simple big house, make all the things I need on this paper, buy them all, and I will teach them in a few days."

The uncle was a little excited, "If it can be cultivated, it will be a lot of income.

A group of people laughed. Although they are the children of Confucianism, they are business-oriented and pragmatists. They understand the importance of money better than anyone else. Naturally, they are happy to have a way to get money.

"Oh, it's just a pity, if there is no such thing as King Wu, you, Eleven Niang, should have been raised in Yang's family, and you can't give Wei Guogong the umami element."

The uncle had a heartache on his face, "I heard that people are buying it all over the place. Even in our small county town, people are selling it. How much does it cost? It's like salt. If you're used to it, why don't you use it?"


Uncle Fourteen snorted coldly, "You're short-sighted! Eleven Niang did a good job, and the queen mother can't please everyone. Wei Guogong gave a knife to Wuwang County Lord this time. Then Xiaoniang is now a commoner, and she is still locked up in the clan mansion, and now something happened to the concubine, hehe, it is enough for the king of Wu to drink a pot! Seventh brother can also rest in peace now."

"Ha ha!"

Uncle Ba laughed, "I feel sorry for the King of Wu. After finally coming back, I found out that I was going to the capital again, tsk tsk."

A group of people looked at each other and laughed, very relieved.

"Now I'm not afraid of that person's rebound."

Uncle Fourteen's eyes were gloomy and cold, "The old man just became an official, and he bullied my Yang family. The seventh brother left home, and the old man's face was smashed. King Wu is arrogant, and now he is suspected. I think he is still How can you be so arrogant. Eleven Niang is a baby now, so don’t be afraid to offend Hou Jing. It’s in the Queen Mother’s ears. Once she is born, she is acquainted with her for the second time. If you want to come to the Empress Dowager, she won’t care about Eleven Niang now. When something happened, when Hou Jing and King Wu were crying, the Empress Dowager hated these two people the most."

Man Yue's heart moved. Although Uncle Fourteen has been an official for more than ten years, he still has some disciples who have been in the officialdom. This news is much better than her.

Hearing Uncle Fourteen say this, I felt even more at ease.

The uncle is indeed a master of tactics, and his analysis is exactly the same as that of the fourteenth uncle.

Thinking about it like this made me feel happy, my parents' revenge was almost avenged, as long as Wu Wang was not brain-dead, he probably wouldn't bother her again.Now I can vigorously engage in construction and live happily, right?
On the eighth day of the lunar new year, more than a dozen carts formed a long queue, and the full moon was about to leave again.

Leaning on crutches, with tears in her eyes, Yu took Man Yue's hand and said, "Good boy, I'm coming back during the Qingming Festival. Grandma misses you."

"Ai, ai."

The full moon was also in tears, and they hadn't been together for a long time, but Yu's maintenance and love for her warmed her heart.

Mrs. Yu secretly gave her some money. Although she knew that her granddaughter was not short of money, she insisted on doing so. It was the wish of a grandmother.

"Grandmother, when the weather gets warmer, your granddaughter will send someone to pick you up. You also go to live with your granddaughter for a while, and your granddaughter will build a car for you when you get back. The granddaughter will build a good car so that grandma can make it comfortable and the journey will not be bumpy."

"Good good!"

Yu's eyes became even redder, "Eleventh Mother has a heart, grandma is waiting for you to pick me up, after Qingming, grandma will go with you, and go to your place to enjoy the blessings, your eighth uncle said that your place is like heaven, old woman Go open your eyes too."


He muttered in a low voice, "Sycophants are used to being hypocritical, and I don't know who to show them to."


Seventh Aunt smiled and said, "You are Xiao Shi's biological mother, so I can't forget you no matter what happens."

He's heart moved, and he suddenly raised his head and said: "That's natural, Eleven Niang said, I will go to welcome, the bond between mother and child cannot be broken."

Seventh Aunt pursed her lips and smiled. Although she didn't say anything, that smile made He a little annoyed.


He scolded in her heart, and then thought about it, she didn't say that nonsense, Eleven Niang said something like this, it's so good for Lin Ju, she has to open her eyes no matter what, um, let's do this, later Let her husband take her there every day.

After saying goodbye to everyone, the group boarded the carriage.

This time not only the eldest sister and two children walked with them, but also Jiu Niang. The eldest aunt is not a vegetarian either. There are many high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the full moon, and they are not ordinary rich. Jiu Niang has also reached the age to talk about marriage. Well, it's not surprising that the eldest aunt has such thoughts.

Said to be with the eldest sister, but actually hoped to make use of the relationship between Leng Yun and Man Yue to give a good family to the talker.

As a mother's beloved daughter, no one's interests have been lost, and Man Yue will not point her out. She happily welcomes her, and by the way welcomes all brothers and sisters in the family to play.

Except for the two older sisters in the family, Yuzan and Wansheng naturally wanted to go with them.Xiao Shi climbed into Chao Su's car, stretched out his hand and pulled Mancang up, hesitated for a while, and then shouted at Wan Sheng: "Wan Sheng, come up."

Wan Sheng looked at Xiao Shi with his dark eyes open, and after a while he stretched out his hand. Chen couldn't help being moved, "Wan Sheng is willing to get close to Xiao Shi, it's a good thing."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yuzan also climbed up, and shouted: "Grandma Wugu, I will do it with you."

The corner of Chen's mouth twitched, and he said sadly: "It's the jade hairpin... I don't know if it can be cured, but it's a pity..."

(End of this chapter)

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