Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 249 The sun rises in the west

Chapter 249 The sun rises in the west

It is easy to travel without rain and snow, and we arrived at Xiaogang in the afternoon of the tenth day of the Lunar New Year.

They arranged for Yang Lixiu and others to clean the house with the new children, and took advantage of the sunny afternoon to take out the bedding to dry in the sun.

Fortunately, they also provide accommodation as a restaurant, and there is no shortage of bedding and toiletries.

This time, more than 50 clansmen came with them. They originally wanted to transfer from the poorest families in the village, but when it was actually implemented, they found that it was quite difficult.Because these poorest families are often the thinnest, I took it for granted before the full moon.

Think about it too, if there is a lot of labor in the family, even if it is against the package, it will not be so down and out.It is because there are few people that the family is very poor.

After Man Yue did some research, she simply swiped a pen and recruited people on a family basis.

So the clansmen who came back here are big and small, male and female. The females will enter the workshop later to work, while the males will do manual labor in the fields.The old ones can also do what they can, such as stirring soap liquid or something.

As for the small ones, go directly to study with Mancang and the others.

Now the workshop has not been fully set up, and the land has not been bought, so these people who were brought here in advance have nothing to do, nothing more than getting familiar with the environment first, and reading books by the way.

Man Yue had thought about it, and what she had to do in the future would have to be people who could read, so she planned to hire two people to teach her employees how to read.As for arithmetic, she taught herself.

She doesn't expect these people to become great scholars, as long as they can read books, read newspapers, and do simple arithmetic.

Learning is the process of cultivating logical thinking, and it makes a lot of difference whether you read or not.Just look at Mrs. Chen, after these three months, under the guidance of Man Yue, she can add and subtract within 100, and she also knows one or two hundred words. It doesn't look like much, but just think about Mrs. Chen's current situation. One can see how much this little knowledge has changed her by acting in a manner.

So she has to let her employees learn, and those who don't want to go home by themselves!

For this reason, she still has to find time to compile a set of simple teaching materials!Pinyin and Arabic numerals have to be included in the textbooks. Anyway, there are so many Xiyi now, so you can just find an excuse to fool them.

When the workshop is opened, it will be much easier to train these people.And when the land is bought and the workshop opened, these people are far from enough. At that time, uncle will have to find them again. After this time, it is estimated that there are not many people in the clan who are willing to come out, and the Yang family is not so There are many people, so it is estimated that the eldest aunt and the eighth aunt will go back to invite their clansmen. If there is not enough, then the grandmother must come forward to find people from other families in the town.

To say that Yang Manyue is not as innocent as she appears on the surface.

If a businessman had to be pure and good, he would have been killed a long time ago.Ningbo's sea trade is prosperous, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will definitely have food, so the labor here is high.

But Pan'an is different, the traffic is blocked, the fields are few, and the full moon only needs to pay the same price to buy people's hearts.

After some tidying up, a group of people settled down.

The next day, Man Yue returned to Chaiqiao.

After a few months away, Chaiqiao is still the same, but Yejiacun looks in decline.

As soon as they entered the village, someone found them.

Unlike the previous cursing, there was a trace of hatred in the fear of shrinking.

Man Yue walked all the way without saying hello to anyone, so what if he hated her?When standing on their mother and daughter sucking blood, have you ever thought about their hatred?Their complaint?
Ye Qi took over Kuzi, and the higher-ups wanted to punish him, so he wouldn't make it easy for him. The huge family business soon declined, but Ye Qi was not considered ordinary, and he was very smart to transfer his pressure to This is how the hatred in the eyes of these people comes from.

But some people hate her, while others welcome her.

For the inside of the Ye family, it was time for Ye Qi to abdicate as the patriarch.

The full moon is also polite to those who come to welcome her, but that's all.

The identities are different, the same is Bai Ding, but with Yang Manyue's reputation from now on, she doesn't need to care about some people, especially her own enemies.

Not long after returning home, Mei Sanniang came.

After what happened last time, the Mei family can be regarded as completely on board the thief ship of the full moon.

Yang Manyue, Gao Yi!

And Mei Sanniang is also a smart person, and immediately recruited a group of people to work for her. Now the stalls in the house are not as big, and the full moon also gave her the right to expand the business, as long as a part of the franchise fee is paid, but All the regulations have to follow Chaiqiao's, and those old brines are also assigned by Mei Sanniang.

Right now, the couple is planning to open another stall in Ningbo this year. If the cost recovery is quick, they plan to open a few more stalls.

So when they heard that the full moon was back, the couple came immediately.

One is to thank Man Yue for saving her life, and the other is to tell Man Yue her plan so that she can make up her mind.

"Auntie, you're offended by saying this. If you weren't implicated by me, how could you have been arrested and sent to jail? There's no such thing as saving your life. I'm the one who implicated you."

After some politeness, Man Yue got to the point, "Well, I talked about this a few years ago. Now that you have an idea, and you have reliable children who can afford it, let's go ahead and do it. I'll talk about it later. Add some ingredients to the old stew, so that it can be distributed evenly. There is no secret method to this thing, the key is to make it with heart, and to use real materials..."

After thinking for a while, he said: "I will write a statement later, so let's follow this method for details. If you want to join, you need to sign and deposit it to the Yamen for filing. In addition to paying a franchise fee, you have to pay a monthly fee. Part of the technical guidance fee."

Mei Sanniang and the others nodded repeatedly. They were taken care of and picked up a ready-made one, but others would definitely not be able to do this. It would be a great kindness to be able to get the technology of the full moon. Like gold bumps?That's pretty cool for a full moon.

To be honest, the little money that was handed in was nothing at all, and it was very kind.

It's even better if you sign, draw and deposit, it's good for everyone!

"Since Uncle Big Niu wants to go to Ningbo, there is no problem."

Full Moon curled her lips into a smile, "Actually, Auntie, what I thought was, why don't you give the whole area of ​​Ningbo to your Mei family? I don't care how to distribute the profits. You can just give [-]% of the profits every month. What do you think?"

Mei Sanniang was stunned for a moment, and then her thoughts became lively.

She is a smart person, if all the markets in Ningbo are allowed to run by her, the benefits are obvious.In this way, all the distribution rights are in her hands, and she can directly hire someone to look after the stall, so that the benefits can be maximized, and it is nothing to give the full moon [-]%.

The business of Wutai is so good, the reputation spread far and wide is not due to her Mei Sanniang, but Man Yue's fame.Not only did she give them husband and wife skills, she is still receiving favors now, as long as [-]% is really too kind.

Immediately, she nodded again and again, "Manyue trusts my aunt, so my aunt will agree. It's just that [-]% profit is too little, at least [-]%."

Man Yue shook her head, "It's impossible, you still have to pay the imperial court's tax, as well as management..."

After a lot of concessions, it finally counted to [-]%, and finally both parties have no objection, it's really good for you and good for me.

After talking at Mei San's family for a while, he left.

She had to visit someone, someone who could unravel the mystery in her mind.

Different from the enmity of the Ye family, the guards of the Li family were unexpectedly enthusiastic, "Miss Yang, I will go to report to the master right away, and the master must be happy to know that you are here."

Man Yue was confused, so she couldn't help taking a few steps back, looking at the plaque on the door, she suspected that she had gone to the wrong door.

Without much effort, the man came out again and welcomed himself in.

What surprised her was that Li Huiniang was there.

Sending the snacks and other things in his hand, he bowed and said: "Greetings to the master of the Li family, and a happy new year."

Li Mingsheng seemed quite happy, he got up repeatedly and supported him: "Manyue, you are too polite, it's fine when people come, there is no need to give gifts."

Man Yue was even more confused, and Li Huiniang also stood up, blessed her body and said, "Sister Man Yue, Happy New Year."

What the hell!

The sun rises from the west?
Is this really Li Huiniang?

After a closer look, there was no doubt that it was Li Huiniang.It's just that the hairstyle has changed, it's no longer a girl's dress, her face is plump, her complexion is rosy, and she looks more charming.

Seeing the surprised expression on Man Yue's face, Li Huiniang blushed and bowed again and again, "In the past, I was so narrow-minded and extreme. Thanks to my sister, she is open-minded and doesn't care about me. I heard that my sister begged Lord Hou personally, so Lord Hou was willing to give up. Not only that. I also found a good husband for Hui Niang."

Her face was flushed, obviously she was very ashamed when talking about the past, her face was so red that it seemed to bleed, and she didn't dare to look at the full moon, "I'm two months pregnant now, and these are all given by my sister. I feel ashamed when I think about it before, but luckily I didn't come out." What's the matter, otherwise, I would really die without redemption..."

Man Yue still thinks it's a fantasy, uncle didn't mean to change someone, could it be that someone changed?

Li Mingsheng laughed loudly, "Girl Yue, I have to thank you very much. If it weren't for your lordship, how could Huiniang be here today? Master Hou told me that the other party was an orphan with no relatives and no reason. When I arrived in Qianhu, people disliked his fate and couldn't find a daughter-in-law. But how could I know that this is just waiting for my son, and life is going well now."

After a full moon, I will understand.

Li Huiniang said before that the person she married was either dead or had an accident, and that no one would dare to marry her in the local villages.Originally, she and the full moon had such a quarrel, and Leng Yun must have matched her with an extremely bad person, but because Li Mingsheng was kind to his parents, he begged Leng Yun to change his partner.

Fortunately for Leng Yun, he simply changed to someone who has no father and no mother, and is still a thousand households. It may not be good for others, but it is the best for Li Huiniang.Orphan means that he has no roots. Although he is a martial artist, he is like a tiger with wings added to the Li family. He doesn't have to be angry with his mother-in-law. Looking at Li Huiniang's face with spring, it is obvious that this husband is very satisfied with her. He should be a heroic generation ...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile: Uncle really has a way of calculating people's hearts...

(End of this chapter)

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