Chapter 250 The Truth
Since he intends to let go of his old grudge and repay his kindness, it is natural to do it thoroughly.

I have to say that Leng Yun's way of handling things is much better than hers, and he is still immature compared to him!

As for why the Li family knew that they were pleading, don't think about it, the uncle must want them to know and want them to remember their feelings.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile, and said: "Sister Li is being polite. It's normal to have a bad temper when you are young. They are all young people's petty troubles. Why should you worry about it? The so-called Jianghu laughs away all grievances, sister, forget about those unpleasant things. .”

Li Mingsheng was very moved, his heart is wider than that of a man, "It's really good to say that the rivers and lakes smile away all grievances..."

He murmured, "I'm ashamed to say, if you weren't astute, the evil son would have caused a catastrophe..."

Man Yue shook her head, "Uncle Li, without you, Man Yue would not be here..."

Li Mingsheng knew what she was talking about, so he said: "Huiniang, Man Yue has had a hard time traveling, you go to the kitchen and ask someone to make some snacks."


Li Huiniang seemed to be much better-behaved, and she left without stopping.

After she went out, Man Yue couldn't help saying: "Uncle Li, sister Li seems to have changed a lot..."

"Oh, if you don't suffer a little, you won't know the heights of heaven and earth. You have to lose money, girl. You taught her a lesson, and forgave her, and let her know what virtue is and what is Tao. When I first entered my husband's house, I was also delicate and savage in everything. , but my virtuous son-in-law has a better skill and subdued this girl, and life is more beautiful now."

Full Moon smiled, "So I feel less guilty."

"No wonder you, speaking of it, we Hui Niang felt sorry for you for doing such things..."

Li Mingsheng lowered his voice, apparently feeling ashamed again when he thought of that trick.

Li Mingsheng is a gentleman!

Full Moon couldn't help sighing in her heart.

"Uncle Li, Man Yue came here today because she wanted to ask her parents what happened back then..."

The hand holding the teacup shook slightly, the tea spilled slightly, Man Yue squinted her eyes, feeling puzzled.

After a few breaths of silence, Li Mingsheng suddenly put down the teacup, leaned back on the chair, showing a wry smile, "I can't hide it from Yang Rener, tell me, what do you want to know?"

"Did King Wu directly attack my parents?! And my mother, did Princess Wu kill her?!"

Li Mingsheng shook his head, "Wu Wang should not have attacked your parents, but he is in love with your mother. He noticed Wu Wangfei's intention but did not stop him. His original intention was to let your father have no way out, and then he stepped forward to be a good person. Let your father give up your mother on his own initiative..."

"So, I was able to grow up safely all these years because of the blessing of King Wu?"

"You guessed it..."

Li Mingsheng smiled wryly, and sighed, "O sin!"

"Wu Wang didn't expect Princess Wu to be so mad that she harmed your mother and let Wen Po do something. Your father didn't know her true face before, and he only thought she was sincerely helping. How would he know that he sent his wife to hell? If it wasn't for You are so lucky that you almost died. By the time King Wu finds out, your mother has already gone..."

"I don't know what King Wu's thoughts are, and your father should have noticed the danger of Princess Wu, and he insisted on cremating your mother, and then he brought your mother's ashes and you here with me. Come on After a few days, the King of Wu came to the door. This old man thought your father was doomed this time, but how could he know that the King of Wu actually sent you money, asking me to take good care of your father and daughter..."

"Later he came again, said that everything was done, gave me the household registration of your father and daughter, and told me that he would not come in the future, but he couldn't get closer to the Yang family on the surface, and he didn't As a last resort, you can't come out, so we only meet occasionally when your father is around, I guess King Wu said that, Princess Wu still has some clues, so I need to be vigilant."

"Actually, the old man has been wondering, what is King Wu thinking? Why is he afraid of Princess Wu?"

Man Yue took a sip of tea and said lightly: "He is not afraid of Princess Wu. At that time, Princess Wu was only the daughter of a mere merchant, so there is nothing worthy of the King Wu's fear."

"What's the point?"

Li Mingsheng was also confused, "That's it. After thinking about it for many years, the old man still can't figure it out. I always feel that he has something wrong with your father. He secretly persuaded your father to leave many times, but your father said that King Wu would not touch him. Wu The king will let him live."

"He wanted Concubine Wu's life to be worse than death, so he married her, and then erased everything about my mother from the surface. He was paralyzing Concubine Wu and lost his beloved woman, so he also wanted Concubine Wu to lose everything... ..."

Man Yue lowered her head and couldn't help sneering, "What a King Wu, he made me perfect and let me avenge myself!"

Li Mingsheng's eyes widened. He was a juren, and his brain was very useful. After being pointed out, he understood immediately, "I heard that Princess Wu only had one daughter, and she died when she couldn't give birth to the others. They said that she was poor. Wang Ke almost sat in that position, saying that he couldn't bear the extravagance, but now it seems..."

As he spoke, he gave a wry smile, "He doesn't have any kind of woman as a prince, why is he so paranoid? Speaking of which, it has hurt you a few..."

Shaking his head again and again, "Could it be true that your mother is exactly like the maid who took care of him?"


Full Moon was a little surprised, "Where do you start with this?"

"There were rumors back then that King Wu fell in love with your mother at first sight. The main reason was that when he was in the Beidi Palace, a maid took care of him and suffered a lot of humiliation for him. Later, there was a golden elder brother Knowing that, he begged the maid, and in front of him, gave the woman to his subordinates, and died within two days, it is said that she was brutalized by many people..."

It's hard to say this anymore, if it wasn't because Yang Ren'er was not an ordinary woman, she wouldn't be able to say such filthy things.

Man Yue couldn't help sneering, "Other people robbed his beloved back then, so can he rob other people's beloved when he takes power?! It's ridiculous! Even if he kept me safe, the tragedies of my mother and father are all gone. Because of him, I can never forgive him in this life!"

"Full moon!"

Li Mingsheng stopped her, his face became very serious, "It's fine to talk about such willful things here, but I dare not say it outside. If he is not right, he is the son of the dragon. You are a woman, not a scholar. You lack the protection of a saint." , some people you can't say."

"Although you are beautiful now, but think about it, you got two royal people down at once, and you brought a servant. Do you know what you mean? You are embarrassing the royal family! How can the emperor tolerate you in the future? But because you are young and a victim, you didn’t bother with you. You also need to know that you can accept it as soon as you see it. If you can get that girl off the horse, your parents’ revenge will be avenged. Listen to your uncle and forget This matter..."

Man Yue opened her mouth, and then smiled wryly, "Even if I don't forget, what can I do? As long as the prince is not rebellious, no one can do anything to him. Thank you uncle for your love these years, Man Yue will never forget this kindness."

Li Mingsheng waved his hand and said, "Father and I hit it off right away and became close friends. A friend has the meaning of making money, life and death are at stake, and it is even more obligatory. How can we talk about kindness? It is you who found a good son-in-law for the old man, so that the old man's daughter will have a happy life in the future." So Yi, this is the real great grace!"

After being courteous again, Li Mingsheng said again: "Manyue, don't you hate King Wu, in fact, he is a poor man... He has suffered a lot in Dajin, and he is worried every day, afraid of his parents. He will be killed, and he will lose his head... He may be extreme, but it is justifiable... He protects your father and daughter, and he also wants to make amends..."

Full Moon remained silent.

After knowing the answer, her feelings towards King Wu suddenly became complicated.

He closed his eyes, thought for a long time before saying: "Uncle, even if I want to take revenge, can I get it? Forget it, it's better to settle the enemy than to end it. If King Wu doesn't want to come and kill me, I just don't know about it."

It was already evening when Li Mingsheng came out of Li Mingsheng's house, Li Huiniang sent her to the door, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Sister Man Yue, that, that was my idea, Ye, Ye Meier was used by me, you, can you Can't let her go?"

Man Yue was very surprised, the former Li Huiniang was simply a representative of savagery, how did she become so good all of a sudden?I forgave her, she can appreciate it, and I can understand it; but, but it's so good, just, just...

She found that she couldn't find the words to describe it.

Li Huiniang lowered her head and said: "Before I talked about a few relatives, either died or had an accident. Everyone said that my life was hard. I was raised by my parents as a man since I was a child, and taught me to read and write. I really hold it in my hand and I am afraid of falling." I am afraid that I will melt in my mouth, and I will become arrogant after a long time, how can I bear such accusations?"

"That day I saw Lord Hou come to the village, caring for you carefully, standing up for you, and I was sad. You were also laughed at as a bastard, but you can have a good husband, so I wanted to quarrel with you. I envied you , I just wanted to disturb your affairs, I don’t know what happened to me, I was like a bewitched man during that time, all I could think about was disturbing you and Master Hou, and taking Master Hou here, full moon, I used to It's not like this, I'm really not like this, I don't know what happened to me, I really don't know what happened during that time..."

She scratched her head in some pain, and Man Yue was taken aback, "You are pregnant now, so you shouldn't get excited."

"Full Moon, it's me who has fallen into a demon. It has nothing to do with Ye Meier. You can forgive me as the mastermind. Why can't you forgive Ye Meier?"

Full Moon looked dull, "Sister Li, did I do anything to Ye Meier? She, didn't she want to be your cousin's concubine? Why, your cousin won't?"

She shook her head, "How can such a thing be blamed? Officials also want face, and they have to be accounted for."

"Then how do you say that?"

Man Yue got a little angry, "I haven't been in Chaiqiao these days, and besides, I knew Ye Meier was just a pawn, and I've already vented my anger by letting her be my concubine, why should I do anything more?!"

Li Huiniang fell into a stupor, "So, you didn't do the job of the master of the Ye family taking over the treasury? Everyone in the Ye family said that it was Ye Meier who was chosen by the Leng family, and you married her instead. You are afraid that Ye Meier will regret it. To destroy her innocence, and then destroy her family..."

(End of this chapter)

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