Chapter 251 Give Me a Monkey

Man Yue was furious, "The Ye family is so shameless! She is stupid and wants to harm me, so why am I wrong?! She said such shameless words, what does Ling Kuzi have to do with me? It was Ye Qi who fell on both sides and offended her." Your lord, if you still don’t know how to repent until now, there is really no cure for this house!”

"Yes, but they..."

Li Huiniang seemed hesitant to speak, and Man Yue suddenly felt a little weird seeing this.

It was Li Huiniang who was savage before and left a deep impression on her. People will become better, but Li Huiniang will inevitably become...

There was a flash of vigilance in his eyes, and then he said with a blank expression: "Thank you, sister Li, for reminding me. They can talk about it if they want to. The Ye family used me as a substitute for marriage at the beginning, and it was a deadlock. It is normal to say that now. My sister lives today. Hemei, it's better not to get involved, just live a good life."

After all, he saluted and left.

Seeing her leaving back, Li Huiniang couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Li Mingsheng's voice came, "Are you completely convinced now?"

"Daddy...Yang Manyue is indeed very wise and close to a monster. The most rare thing is that she can control her emotions, and soon discovered that her daughter has something bad in her heart..."

"Yang Manyue is right, you'd better live a good life, or she won't spare you next time. Look at Princess Wu, Ma Rong, you know that you, the flower in the greenhouse, are no match for her. Next time, Daddy But there is no kindness to protect you."


Li Huiniang curled her lips and said, "Am I not bad enough to provoke her? At least I have given me a husband, so I won't bother with her..."

"Nie Zi! It is clear that you are the first to harm others..."

"Okay, okay, Daddy, I'm convinced, I'm completely convinced, I will live a good life in the future and flatter her."

"What are you flattering her for?"

"Father, her future husband is Brother Yao's boss, so he has to go through the whole moon family, so he can be promoted quickly..."


Walking on the road, Man Yue suddenly shuddered, Li Huiniang's smile floated in front of her eyes, and she suddenly moved forward like a ghost, the more she thought about it, the more weird she felt, Li Mingsheng's kindness was also repaid, and she should stay away from this family in the future, Li The viciousness of the girl is still firmly in her mind!

After walking for not long, seeing that he was almost home, he saw Mrs. Ye and her daughter-in-law Ye Liushi walking towards them.

Unexpectedly, Zeng Jin's mortal enemy just ran into each other like this. Compared with the arrogant and domineering clothes when he first came here, the Ye family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at this time look extremely depressed.

Looking at the full moon again, the little girl who was forced to hang herself by them in Zeng Jin is now glamorous. Although she is wearing a simple cotton jacket and there is no decoration on her head, her temperament and complexion are quite different from before, just like Shixun's. The daughter of the family is like a daughter, and the maids and attendants behind her are even more closely following her. Yang Manyue is no longer the Yang Manyue who can be humiliated at will.

Eyes met in the air, Man Yue's expression was the same as before, with a faint smile, but such an expression made the two of them terrified.

The dignified Concubine Wu always said that if she had a party, she would have a party. The previous night, King Wu had already set off in the dark, and went to the capital again to report to divorce his wife.

If they knew about such vicious means, how would they dare to oppose her?

Man Yue walked over, as if she hadn't seen them, Granny Ye opened her mouth, knelt down suddenly, and kowtowed, "Sister Yang, everything is the old woman's idea, I beg you, I Please, let my master go! We, we, have already sold 500 acres of land. If we continue to sell, the family business left by our ancestors will be ruined. I beg you, the old lady will treat you like a cow and a horse for forgiveness... ..."

"Grandma Ye seems to have made a mistake."

Man Yue's voice came and interrupted Mrs. Ye, "I, Yang Manyue, am just a grassroots person, how can I influence your family's affairs?"

A trace of resentment flashed in Ye Pozi's eyes, but she only dared to complain in her heart, not on the surface, and continued to beg: "Full Moon, I know we are not authentic, but, after all, we have been neighbors all these years. , if we hadn't taken in your father and daughter back then..."


Full Moon smiled lightly, "Yes, I will give you 600 Wen a month. My father has been a teacher for you for 12 years. What would 600 Wen be enough to buy? If it weren't for the few acres of land before, I'm afraid I wouldn't grow up." It's so big. Why didn't you think we were neighbors when you married me?"

She turned around with a sneer, and said word by word: "I did nothing about the Ye family. If you want to blame it, blame yourself for not cultivating merit!"

Saying that, he flicked his sleeves and left.

The mouths of Mrs. Ye and Ye Liu's behind her were all so angry that they didn't forgive them for being so submissive. Yang Manyue is really narrow-minded!
"Mother, what should I do now? If Yang Manyue refuses to let go, our family, our family will really break down!"


Granny Ye got up, with a stern look in her eyes, she said sternly: "Eldest daughter-in-law, do you think the newspaper run by that vixen is really so popular?"

"Mom, what do you want?"

"She can write about the county monarch in the newspaper, but we can't write about her? Spend some money to hire a scholar..."


Ye Liu was shocked. After the last time, she didn't have the courage to confront Yang Manyue again. "The newspaper was made by Yang Manyue. We wrote bad things about her, how could the newspaper publish it? Besides, Mr. Xiang has found a way, wait for it." In the first month, the new guardian eunuch is due to arrive. Why did we sell 500 acres of land? Isn’t it just to let the new father-in-law take care of Kuzi? Mom, bear with it, there is always a chance... "

Mrs. Ye opened her mouth, and suddenly realized that what her daughter-in-law said was reasonable. The newspaper is only owned by that bitch, so why would she publish articles that speak ill of herself?

Thinking of this, she nods dejectedly, "The eldest daughter-in-law is right, it's my mother who is not thinking carefully."

As he spoke, he snorted again, "Hmph! That bitch offended the eunuch, and their eunuchs are all one. My bitch will have a hard time in the future! Beast! Five hundred acres of good paddy fields are all ruined by this bitch." In the future, the old lady will have to skin her to get rid of this hatred!"

Ye Liushi lowered her head and said nothing, feeling very uneasy in her heart.

It was indeed Yang Manyue's monstrous methods that left her with a deep psychological shadow, and she gradually believed those rumors.

This person came back from the dead, suddenly changed his temperament, and resorted to endless tricks because he was compensated by Lord Yan Wang.He narrowly escaped death several times, and brought down his father-in-law, magistrate, magistrate, and concubine with the body of Bai Ding...

The good luck is unbelievable. It seems that God is helping her everywhere. If such a person who is loved by the heavens opposes her, they will all be wiped out in ashes, right?

Yeliu's family is still a little clever, after thinking about it, she felt that if the matter of Kuzi could be eliminated with the money from selling 500 mu of land, then everyone would be happy.You must know that the person they actually offended was actually that Lord Xiao!
Even the emperor's servants are ready to kill, isn't it just like playing with them if you want to crush them to death?

Looking at her mother-in-law who was still cursing, Ye Liu felt startled, and suddenly felt that it was necessary to think of a way out, she didn't want to die with the Ye family!
Leaving aside this pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who have their own thoughts, besides, in the next day, Man Yue and others no longer linger, and after explaining the chain of restaurants to Mei Sanniang, they get up and go back to Xiaogang.

Year [-] has different meanings for Ningbo people.

The most lively times of the year are New Year's Eve and Lantern Festival, but there is also a Lantern Festival in Ningbo.

Its excitement is no less than that of the Lantern Festival.

"The night when the lights go up on the 23th day of the first month, and the night when the lights go down on the [-]rd day of the first month", for Ningbo people, almost half a month of the first month is related to lights.

In these days, there are not only children but also adults who are happy, so the Spring Festival of Ningbo people is not really over until the 23rd.

Mother Qian is very clever with lotus lanterns, goldfish lanterns, and white rabbit lanterns. When the full moon came back from Chaiqiao, she suddenly found that her home had become a sea of ​​lanterns.

"On the Lantern Festival, every family goes to light the lamps. It's a rare pleasure before Ji. Miss, go and light the lamps."

Full Moon is completely speechless, she is not a real child!
But the others were happy, and Yuzan clapped her hands repeatedly, "Light up, light up!"

The little ghosts were also excited, they kept looking out all day long, the sky had just turned dark, and they ran out with the full moon, seeing how other children in the workshop had turned on the lights, they jumped up anxiously, and the warehouse was full. I was about to cry, "I was robbed, I was robbed, I can't get the first place..."

The full moon is somewhat incomprehensible, is there any reason for this number one?
But after asking for a long time, I found out that it was a competition between children, so I couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded.I even saw some naughty girls crying anxiously because they couldn't get the first place.

Man Yue looked interesting, so she nodded Mancang's head and said: "Look at you, you are ten years old, so you can compete with your five or six-year-old siblings, are you embarrassed?"

Mancang blushed, and after a while, he took his own lamp and walked towards the neighbor's house, muttering: "Light on, light on..."

This night, the alleys and alleys were full of children playing wildly. They sang, sang, and competed, embellishing Ningbo at night extraordinarily beautifully. Even the mood of the adults was infected. The smiles of the children is the most contagious.

No, a certain ice cube who came to deliver the lamp seemed to be infected by the children's smiles, and there was a touch of warmth on his face. He stuffed the elaborately made super huge goldfish lamp to the full moon, and said: "Wait for us When I have a child, I will tie a hundred lamps for him."

Man Yue's face turned red immediately, but fortunately, the younger brothers have gone crazy to play, otherwise they would have to find a hole in the ground to get in!

Glaring at him fiercely, he said, "What are you talking about, who wants to have a baby with you?"

"Then who are you living with?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "I have never had a baby with anyone!!"

He stared at him again, "You are so boring, what are you talking about?"

He was a little displeased and said: "You and I are engaged. When your filial piety expires, you will marry into my family and make a living for my Leng family. How can you say that you don't have children?"

Yes, this Lord is quite serious!
She was a little speechless: "Could it be that you married me just to spread the branches and spread the leaves?"

(End of this chapter)

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