Chapter 252 Buying Land
She was probably sinking, and when she came out from the cold cloud, the warm sunlight that cast her made her mood extraordinarily bright.

In front of him, she can act like a baby without any scruple, and some soft | softness that she can hardly detect is unfolding to him unconsciously.Just like at this moment, she is walking on the road with a suitcase, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, light steps, and a sense of joy, as if the world has become extraordinarily beautiful, and her heart is bulging, jumping, and sweet.

"Master Yang, what kind of happy event has this happened to you?"

Someone said hello on the road, "Oh, Master Yang, you are not an ordinary person now, why did you come out alone?"

Man Yue smiled and saluted the neighbors, "Our Xiaogang is doing well, how can Xiao Xiao come out with Lord Hou guarding here? I am not afraid of a person."

Everyone laughed and greeted Happy New Year one after another. After a while of pleasantries, Man Yue returned home.

In the afternoon, the people from the tooth shop came.

"I don't need a lot of land. I have some things to try to grow here, but the land needs to be connected together. If the location is good, it is not impossible to buy more. But there is something, you have to remember, I not only need paddy fields but also dry land. , it would be the best if it can face the river..."

After stating his request, the Naya man thought for a while and said: "Master Yang, we are also an old businessman. You know, our official teeth are the most fair and just. What you said is not right now. There really is a piece that fits."


Man Yue became interested, but when she was about to speak, she heard Yang Zhen say, "This dental officer, I see you have a gloomy face, but what's the problem there?"

"Who is this?"

Wu Yaren saw this woman just now, saw her sitting with Yang Manyue, and looked at her aura, he thought she was not ordinary, now seeing her asking questions, he didn't dare to hold her back, so he bowed respectfully and said: "Report This lady, that land is good land, with 120 mu of good paddy fields, 300 mu of dry land, and a water pool, leaning on a small hill, and the hill has more than 1500 mu, which is considered a small village. Bought together for only [-] taels!"

Man Yue was taken aback, and Yang Zhen exclaimed even more, "Why is it so cheap?!"

Ningbo is not a wide town. It should be said that the whole of Zhejiang is not a wide town. It is a province with many people and little land. It has always been a food-deficient province in history, so land is also precious.

Although since moving south, the imperial court has been encouraging everyone to emigrate to Sichuan, because there are really few people there. According to Leng Yun, the good paddy fields in their hometown are only one or two acres (refer to the policy during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty), because the price is low, indeed. Some people went out because of this, but the vast majority of people did not leave because they could not leave their homeland.

In the past years of fighting against the Kingdom of Jin, although the population has dropped sharply, the price of land has dropped, but the price of good paddy fields has not dropped much, and it still has to be around 13 taels per mu.

But what's the situation now?According to this calculation, the other [-] acres of dry land and mountain pools are almost all given away for nothing. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Are there any additional conditions?
Chen narrowed her eyes, and after she was surprised, she suddenly thought of a possibility, and her face sank, "Wu Yaren, this is not the first time we have dealt with each other, there must be something unclean on that land, right?" ?”


Wu Yaren sighed heavily, "Ma'am, I don't know if there are any unclean things, but the land is not very auspicious, a bit evil, two or three people died before and after, either fell into the puddle, or fell into the field suddenly. I won’t come. Besides, the children in that family won’t live long, and the owner is afraid, so he wants to sell the land..."

Chen was angry, "Wu Yaren! How can you introduce such a place to us?! Seeing that you have worked so hard on weekdays, I will send you tea money. You let us buy such an unlucky place?!"

"Mother, be safe and don't be impatient."

Man Yue comforted: "Wu Yaren can tell the truth because he didn't want to cheat us."

Hearing what Man Yue said, Chen's complexion improved, but he was still a little dissatisfied, "We wouldn't buy such a place, could it be that everyone in our Yang family has the indestructible body of a diamond?"

Wu Yaren's complexion was a little strange. Hearing Chen's words, he couldn't help touching his nose, with a slightly embarrassing expression.

Yang Zhen could see clearly, and couldn't help crying and laughing, "Wu Yaren, why, do you really think that our Yang family has an indestructible body?"

Wu Yaren saluted, and said: "Actually, Master Yang's request is a bit difficult. There are too few plots of land. You also know that Ningbo is a non-kuan township. The land is all piece by piece. There are many lands and even only a few points." Even if it is difficult to find a contiguous land of 10 mu, unless you pay a high price..."

Wu Yaren's expression of "you understand" is nothing more than buying and selling by force, which is not new in Daming.

"A place like this is really a rare opportunity. It was worked hard by generations of people. Now I am really afraid to sell it. I want to bring some money to Shu. The reason why I dare to recommend it to you so boldly , probably because everyone Yang is not ordinary, but you have always been to the palace of the king of hell, and the common people say that you have been protected by the master of the king of hell, and you can die every time. My lord!"

Wu Yaren said so much that the stars were flying around, and he looked excited, as if he was completely thinking about the full moon, and he seemed to really think that the full moon is a fate, and there is a blessing from heaven, so there is no need to be afraid of that evil place.

The full moon was speechless, and Yang Zhen was also dumbfounded. This reason is so strange! ! !

Mrs. Chen was stunned for a while, then suddenly stood up, pointed at Wu Yaren and said, "You, you, you! Well, well, you humiliate my little lady so much, come here and throw him out!"

Wu Yaren's face turned pale immediately, and he begged for mercy, "Mrs. Yang, I didn't tease you, and I didn't mean to insult Master Yang at all. People say that everyone Yang is a lucky person, so I just want to... ..."

"Mom, don't be angry."

Yang Manyue, who was silent for a long time, said: "He just mentioned a piece of land. It's up to us to choose it or not. Don't get angry."

Full Moon looked at Wu Yaren and said: "Besides, Wu Yaren is an old friend, and this is not the first time we have cooperated. The people he introduced are very reliable. I believe Wu Yaren, he didn't mean that, mother, you don't want to Excited."

Hearing what Man Yue said, Mrs. Chen also calmed down.

Their mothers have been scolded by people in Yejia Village as bastards, funeral stars and so on. Chen is a little sensitive to these words.

He sat down and said, "Mother, don't dare to buy that place, it's unlucky. Wu Yaren, you can't introduce such a..."

"Mom, go and have a look, buy it if it suits you."


Chen was surprised, "Mother, someone died there!"

Man Yue smiled, "Which village has no one died? Maybe it's a coincidence? Mother, don't be afraid, I've been to the Palace of the King of Hades, and not only does his old man refuse to accept me, but he also makes our life prosperous. I have nothing to be afraid of." of?"

Man Yue said this to comfort Mrs. Chen. Although she still fears ghosts and gods now, she feels that what happened to the owner of this house is not enough to prove that there are evil spirits at work. After all, the child death rate is very high these days. As for the two or three Accidents are also normal!

After all, this Zhuangzi is really a bargain, it would be a pity not to buy it!

And what Wu Yaren said was true, not to mention a hundred acres of land, even a land of ten acres is hard to find, unless she manages up and down to force a sale, otherwise don't expect to be able to buy a contiguous piece of land.

She said it carelessly but Mrs. Chen listened, she felt that Man Yue was implying her.

Thinking about it this way makes me happy.

Xiaoniang is someone who has been ordered by Lord Yan. In addition to being able to cook, she must also have learned some sharp-eyed skills. Go and have a look and you may be able to see what is wrong. If it is really a coincidence, it will be prosperous and it is too cost-effective !
The most important thing, maybe it is true as Wu Yaren said, that land is actually a blessing, and the blessings of the previous people were poor?If the full moon is blessed by heaven, then it is not a blessing!
Thinking of this, he nodded, "Alright, it's okay to go and have a look."

Yang Zhen didn't say anything, she was a well-educated person after all, although it sounded that the experience of that family was a little scary, but it's normal for a child to die these days, as for two or three accidents, maybe it was a coincidence?

Anyway, it doesn't cost money to see it, so let's see the place first.

Without further ado, let someone set up the car immediately, take a few children and a few people to see the land.

The place is not far away, and it takes only about [-] minutes to take a mule cart, but the village seems a bit low-key. Hearing Wu Ya people coming, a man wearing a long robe came out soon, and the texture of the robe was cotton. , and a jacket with rabbit fur on the outside, presumably it should be the owner of this place.

After Wu Yaren explained the purpose of his visit, the man seemed a little surprised, and saluted Man Yue again and again, "It used to be Yang Ren'er, who is famous all over Yongshang. I'm Cao Kan, and I have met Master Yang."

Man Yue turned her body slightly, bowed back, and said: "Don't dare to be a big gift to Mr., the elders are respected, Mr. Man Yue is broken."

Seeing that Man Yue is so famous now but so approachable, Cao Kan couldn't help sighing in his heart, and suddenly felt that maybe this was the only chance to sell the land!

With this idea in mind, Cao Kan became very enthusiastic and kept introducing the situation here to Man Yue.

"There are seven or eight families here, all of whom are farming for their families. I gave three cows. If you buy this place, the cows will be cheaper for you. This pool is running water. Look, there are fish in it, are there any?" Don't worry... I planted some tea trees and mulberry trees on this mountain bag, and they are all taken care of..."

"Mr. Cao, this is the painstaking effort of several generations. You just sold it like this, and you still sell it at such a low price. Are you willing?"

Man Yue is naturally satisfied with Zhuangzi, but it's not worth watching her replace Cao Kan.

What a wonderful place, how can you be frightened by yourself?
"Hey! Let me tell you the truth, everyone, I have also read the book, and I know it's strange to be silent. I have five children, and one of them is an adult now. I can't afford the land here, so I have to move away. It’s also good to go to Shu land, you can buy more land, the ancestors will not blame me if they know..."

As he spoke, his voice became low, "What kind of ghost, fate is bad, it's just that Cao has no ability..."

Man-made disaster? !
In an instant, Man Yue understood everything...

 Today's Children's Day, I wish you all a happy Children's Day and keep your childlike innocence forever!In addition, I wish myself a happy 33rd birthday, hehe!

(End of this chapter)

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