Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 253 There are chapters in the chapter

Chapter 253 There is something in the words
Children died one after another. Others thought it was fate and were not frightened.

It is not the root cause that someone accidentally fell into the water or died, but someone took advantage of this, so that the family had to sell the ancestral foundation in tears. Cao Kan used his own experience to explain what is meant by stealing.

This is the case again...

Full Moon smiled wryly.

In her previous life, after the death of her parents, she gradually realized that there is no absolute fairness in the world. Classes in human society cannot disappear, only relative fairness.

She realized this early on, so even if she was treated unfairly, she would not be too angry.But Daming is different. The exploitation of people here is not to kill you, but to ruin your property. If you lose money, you will have no way of life. In essence, you still want to die. This is a cannibalistic society.

Only after walking here will you know how fair modern society is. At least people’s eating looks are much better than now, because the cost of doing evil is relatively high and the binding force is relatively strong. It is not so easy to kill a person.

But here, if you have no rights, you are a piece of rubbish, and if you are stepped on, you will be despised for dirty feet. This is an era when only big fists have the right to speak!

Thinking of this, he said, "Didn't you think about resisting?"

She looked at Wu Yaren again and said: "Wu Yaren is a kind person, isn't he afraid that others will trouble you?"

Wu Yaren smiled wryly, "I knew I couldn't hide it from Master Yang."

After a pause, he said again: "Brother Cao's father is kind to me, I can't stand by and watch."

The full moon looked around and murmured: "This is really a good place, with mountains and rivers, no wonder people's hearts are moved."

"Master Yang!"

Cao Kan suddenly knelt down, "Master Yang, only you can buy the land here, I am willing to lower the price, please buy it!"

"How much are they bidding?"

Man Yue was unmoved, but asked about something else, "Which rich family is it?"

Cao Kan was stunned for a moment, then said ecstatically, "It's the Zhao family, the Zhao family in Changshan."

Yang Zhen's heart moved after hearing this, and said, "Could it be that Zhao family in Changshan who claims to be a descendant of the Song family?"

Man Yue was a little surprised, "My sister has lived in Pan'an for a long time and knows this Zhao family?"

Yang Zhen frowned, and said: "I also heard from my close friend, but I don't know the details. I only know that this family is the descendant of Song Ting's family who fled to the south, and they don't pass on poems and books to the family. They specialize in business affairs. , The word that he is a descendant of the Song family has also been spread in the past twenty years, and the descendants of Zhao Guan's family are merchants. People at that time couldn't help but sigh when they heard it, so it spread, and it caused a sensation for a while."


The full moon is speechless. People in this era like to identify themselves with their ancestors. For example, Zhu Yuanzhang also said that he is a descendant of Zhu Xi!Li Shimin's family also said that they are descendants of Lao Tzu Li Er, not only like to recognize their ancestors, but also like to engage in celebrity effects.

It's just that this Zhao family is also interesting. Business and business affairs have always been looked down upon by orthodox people. They don't go to study but come to do business under the name of a descendant of the Song court. Can this be possible?
As if to answer her doubts, Cao Kan said: "This lady is right. The current head of the Zhao family is quite capable. In fact, no one believes that he is really a descendant of Zhao Guanren. It's just that this person is good at management and has only been around for 20 years. He has tens of millions of assets, and the family farm alone has tens of thousands of acres! Moreover, there are many shops in Xiaogang Town, selling rouge, gouache, salt, rice, grain and oil..."

Man Yue was surprised, "Can he get Yan Yin?"

"Xiao Niang, why do I feel that the person he said seems to be known to my mother?"


Since he exclaimed, his eyes were full of surprise.

Knowing that they had misunderstood, Mrs. Chen hurriedly said: "Mother means that there is a regular customer in the shop who seems to be similar to what this gentleman said. Do you remember the full moon? Mother told you that she especially eats tied hooves. Well, I will give you 20 taels of craftsmanship each time, and ask you to make hooves for him, five or six times a month, and you also like to stay in our shop..."

Man Yue suddenly remembered, "The first one to apply for a diamond card, the one who put 3000 taels in our account?!"

Chen nodded vigorously, and blinked at Man Yue.

Now Man Yue knows exactly who it is, that officer Zhao is indeed a wealthy man with extraordinary arrogance, and he also has a woman in their place, a long-term private room, and the No. [-] room is his long-term contract, and he comes here every now and then to accompany that woman Well, to raise a foreign room to this extent, is also a luxury.

"Xiao Niang, we can't take this place..."

Hearing Mrs. Chen's words, Cao Kan was about to cry, "Madam, Master Yang, please do me a favor, the small one, the small one only costs 1200 taels..."

Man Yue smiled and said: "Mother, it's okay, I have my own way with Mr. Zhao, let's pretend we don't know now and buy the land."

When Cao Kan bowed again and again, Wu Yaren also said again and again: "We just pretend we don't know about it, then Officer Zhao doesn't know that I have an old relationship with the Cao family, everyone Yang just pretends they don't know, he bought it, and he doesn't dare to blame you. "

Full Moon smiled, didn't say much, let the lawyers come over to negotiate the details, wrote the papers, and immediately left for the county government.

The people below saw it, and I am a good boy, why dare to delay Yang Rener when he comes?This guy can't do anything else, he's the only one who can make her happy, and whoever makes her unhappy is guaranteed to make you unlucky for the rest of your life.

Just look at King Wu's family and you'll know that after two visits, maybe King Wu will also be implicated!
Not to mention that their former immediate boss, Rongxian Cheng, was this girl. If she offends the old man, she won't know how to cry then!
Cao Kan was stunned!

He knew that Yang Manyue was famous, but he didn't expect that a female stream, a mere Baiding, could make people so afraid.In fact, when he came here, he was very nervous. There was someone close to Zhao Wuwei in the yamen, and he was really afraid that he would not be able to make it through.

But it didn't happen that things went smoothly beyond imagination, and even the county magistrate was alarmed later, and called someone to let everyone Yang go to talk about the old days.

Cao Kan, who came out of the Yamen, felt a little dizzy. If it weren't for the Yang family's children and the county government officials following behind, he really felt that he was dreaming!
Because these people went with him to replace the boundary markers!

And the Yang family also wanted to hand over to him by the way, the owners of those families stayed and continued to work. As for the land rent and so on, they will personally explain to them later.

Yang Lixiu pulled Cao Kan over, and said in a low voice: "Our girl told you to leave quickly, so let's go to Sichuan. There is also a small denomination in the bank note, which is a little favor from our girl."

Cao Kan was stunned for a moment, then understood Man Yue's painstaking efforts, and couldn't help but said: "It is said that Yang Rener is kind and generous. When I saw him today, he was chivalrous. Cao will never forget his great kindness today. He will try his best after he settles down in Shu. Send a letter, and I am willing to be driven by Master Yang in the future."

Yang Lixiu smiled and said: "This is serious. Our eleventh mother said that she took advantage of you. The small compensation is just to make yourself feel at ease. I am afraid that your brother will say that she is taking advantage of others! "

Cao Kan waved his hands again and again, "If I am like that, I am not as good as a pig or a dog?"

Yang Lixiu and others went to work on the handover matters, but Man Yue, Yang Zhen, and Chen Shi were invited into the back hall. After some pleasantries, the parents sent a few more people out, which was a bit inexplicable, as if it was just a polite gesture It's just a summons.

When they reached the door, the statement suddenly said: "Manyue, I heard that you took in a crazy woman? Does that person have a son? Hehe, good people are rewarded! Now you have three younger brothers. Promise, you, the eldest sister, have contributed a lot!"

What with what?Is it because I didn't bring Yuzan to register in time?

Thinking of this, she said: "Thank you, old parents, for the reminder. It was Man Yue who was negligent, and brought the woman here to register. It's just that Man Yue doesn't understand the affairs of the yamen. I don't know what to say about the registration of people picked up in the wilderness? "

In fact, this matter is not allowed at all, because I dare not tell the specific origin of Yuzan's late birth, but only say that I met on the road, so such a person is similar to a black household, and has to go through layers of investigation.

Of course, in Da Ming, who cares about human relationships, it is easy for Man Yue to get things done in her current capacity.So Man Yue thought that the old parents were reminding herself, after all, they had some conflicts of interests now, and now she was on the cusp of the storm, it was not good to be caught by this loophole.

"Well, since your distant relatives come to join us, there's no problem, you can do it later."

Stated a business-like look, and suddenly said: "I won't keep you anymore, I'll try it right away, I still have a lot of things to do, I don't want you young people, you are old and useless, if you are like your brother At that age, it's okay to stay up for a few days and nights. Alas, alas, Lian Po is old..."

As he said that, he retreated, leaving behind a few inexplicable people.

Several people left the yamen and got into the carriage. Man Yue was a little puzzled and said, "Eldest sister, mother, why do I feel that there is something in the old parents' words?"

Yang Zhen's hands were shaking, and she suppressed her excitement and said, "Xi Niang, is Xiao Shi planning to take part in this county examination?"

Man Yue was stunned for a moment, then her expression changed, she lowered her voice and said, "What does sister mean?"

She nodded vigorously, her voice trembling| trembling: "This, this is a great kindness..."

"Where is the key?"

"I think Lian Po is old in that sentence..."

Mrs. Chen is completely confused, what are you two talking about?
"What does sister mean?"

Yang Zhen took a deep breath, calmed down and said: "Don't make any noise yet, aren't you sending someone to pick up Mr. Wang? I guess they will arrive tomorrow, ask him for his opinion..."

Man Yue is speechless, just as straightforward as Mr. Wang, you ask him?Going directly to the yamen for you is to get the county magistrate out and make a big fuss, what is this?The imperial examination is a grand ceremony for the country to recruit talents. How can such things be allowed to be traded with favor?
This is a leak!Although it is only a county exam, if you pass it, you are not a scholar. It doesn't sound very good, but only those who have taken the imperial examination know how difficult this county exam is!

After mentioning Wang Ziming, Man Yue calmed down.It is undeniable that she was really excited when she just realized it.But now that I think about it, I feel a little ashamed.How can I teach my younger brother to cheat?And if Xiao Shi is selected as a scholar because of this, can Mancang still study hard?Without hard work, isn't that just a loft in the sky?Sooner or later, it will be exposed, and it will be ruined by then...

This cheap door, don't let it go!

(End of this chapter)

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