Chapter 255 The Decree
When the original residents of the farm were looking at the diorama, a big event happened in Guilinju.

The court finally responded to Ma Rong's matter.

Concubine Wu bribed Ma Rong, the eunuch of the eunuch's mansion, to harm ordinary people. The crime was extremely heinous.In addition, remembering that the king of Wu has been benevolent to the village for many years, he will be punished for one year for this lax family management. The former princess of Wu will be sent back to her original place, and she will not be able to leave Ningbo or remarry for life.

Ma Rong accepted bribes, kidnapped the former eunuch who was in charge of ceremonies, and killed innocent people for his own selfishness.

Yang Manyue suffered innocently, and the imperial court gave him ten taels of gold, one hundred taels of silver, and ten bolts of silk as a token of comfort.

Leng Yun has made great achievements in saving Chao Su, and his loyalty is commendable. He led the Wenzhou General Army...

For many years, Chao Su never forgot the kindness of the Son of Heaven, and was a model of loyalty. He rewarded him with a hundred liang of gold and a thousand silver, and returned to the palace immediately to return to his command.

The people who proclaimed the decree crackled and read a bunch, and a group of onlookers outside.

Oh my God, the decree!

It is not in vain to see it in this life!

The people outside were envious, but Miss Yang, who knelt on the ground and "please Sheng An", scolded all eighteen generations of Emperor Zhu's ancestors!

If it is the best in the world, this little compensation is not as good as the girl's family's daily income!
It is only more than 1000 taels after conversion, and there is an imperial decree saying that Emperor Zhu is the most stingy in all dynasties, and this statement is true!
The thing that makes people feel the most is that Leng Yun beheaded Ma Rong, slapped the emperor on the ear, and was promoted. Now he is the commander-in-chief of Ningbo and Wenzhou. He is in charge of two field military regions. changed.

If it is to supervise Fujian again, it will be almost the same as the governor of the southeast during the Jiajing period, and he can pull the emperor down at any time!
Man Yue thought about it in her heart, thinking about it, she admired the uncle a little, and pulled Chao Su back, even if Ma Rong didn't die, the emperor would have to kill him, otherwise he was not a wise old man, even though the slaves hurt the people.

Moreover, Leng Yun also rescued the former chief steward of the Daming Royal Family, no matter how you look at it, it is all meritorious service!
I was thinking wildly there, but I saw Chao Su kowtow and refused to go back to the palace, saying that he would retire here.

The eunuch who came to declare the decree didn't force it, saying that he would go back and return his order.

In fact, even a fool can see that this is just a show by the royal family, and it is estimated that Chao Su will be officially retired soon.

After some busy work, the imperial decree was carefully taken away, yes, it was taken away, and Leng Yun took it back.This imperial decree was originally for him, no one else is qualified, and Man Yue is even more unqualified. Her little girl is not yet the emperor's turn to issue the imperial decree.

Although there is no imperial decree, there are no fewer people who should be entertained.

The eunuch who came to announce the decree was not of low status, he was the head of the Imperial Horse Supervisor. Even though Chao Su was the eunuch of palm printing before, he had to be more polite to be the head of the 24th Eunuch.

The eunuch's surname is Huang Mingxuan. He has a chubby figure and a round face. He is very pleasing to look at, but he dare not pronounce his name. Why not choose a "yellow|color", why not call it A|V Woolen cloth?
"Eunuch Huang worked hard day and night."

After tearing down the incense table, Man Yue saluted, "The girl has prepared the food and drink, and the upper room is vacant. I also ask the father-in-law to reward me and take the time to taste it, so that the girl can show her kindness as a landlord."

Huang Xi looked the full moon up and down, and said with a smile: "Oh, how can I be called a father-in-law? Miss Yang is a woman who does not give way to men, and is famous all over the world. She is not afraid of treacherous eunuchs. Hearing your name, those few poems are even sung all over the world, and miscellaneous people can't bear your shout!"

This remark is thorny, thinking about it, it is also a bit sad. Chao Su winked at himself just now, and then analyzed the relationship between Hou Jing and Leng Yun. He wondered if Hou Jing's people would be sent to the palace. This father-in-law should not deal with Hou Jing .

The reason why he spoke bluntly was probably that Ma Rong's death was unclear, and the fellow eunuchs always felt a little uncomfortable. They were the emperor's dogs, and it was up to the owner to beat the dogs.

In addition, the full moon repeatedly descends and restrains the superior, which is actually a taboo for the superior, and it seems that this person is not so honest and has no dignity in his heart.Of course, Man Yue doesn't care about these, as long as the Shilin people agree with the common people.

After thinking about it, he pretended to be confused and said, "Mr. Ma Rong was not happy to hear me call him father-in-law before, so he asked me to call him supervisor. Could it be that the servants always call him supervisor?"

As soon as this remark came out, Huang Xie's face changed, "I want you to call the supervisor?"


Chao Su wanted to cover his face, you are so good at talking nonsense with your eyes open!There is no morals at all, is this the rhythm of digging holes?

Leng Yun watched with a smile in his eyes.

Chen was trembling. Apart from Chao Su, the other eunuchs had branded her as a terror. She was afraid that Man Yue would offend the eunuchs again, especially the eunuchs who were appointed by the emperor.

Man Yue looked sad, "I don't know where I offended Supervisor Ma, and ordinary women are not less filial, and we gave Supervisor Ma a VIP card worth 3000 taels on the account of Lin Ju, which can be used for consumption and dinner. Yes, there is no lack of filial piety on weekdays, why did he help the princess to harm me?"


Huang Xie's eyes widened, and he said in his heart: "Fuck, is Ma Rong crazy? Such an upright person still pushes away? Could it be that the king of Wu really has the heart to disobey? This woman is Leng Yunwei. Passing wife, if you want to do something, you have to try to kill Leng Yun first..."

Sure enough, the emperor was not calm when he heard that the concubine could bribe his servants. In addition, the voice of King Wu was too loud many years ago, and the empress dowager and the emperor became nervous at once. Wang rebelled.

Huang Rong kept this in his heart. Ma Rong was Hou Jing's man, and he told his godfather when he went back that he could use it no matter what.

Thinking of this, Huang Xie's face suddenly became kind, and he pretended to bury himself and said: "We eggless things have Kong Fang in their eyes. I think you offended the county king and made Wu Wangfu lose face. The goddaughter is careless. This Wu The concubine wants to hate you, this is her immorality, she should have spent a lot of money..."

Damn, you can get involved with this, you are worthy of serving in front of the emperor, so smart!

"However, lucky people are blessed by God. Now it's all right. Your name is as good as the sky. Your Majesty appreciates your work and loves your poems even more, especially the sentence that is beautiful and does not compete for spring. It only announces the arrival of spring." Report, when the mountain flowers are in full bloom, she laughs among the bushes. Your Majesty said, although you are a woman, you are a person with a deep gap in your heart, and I have heard that you have gone through hardships without being subdued, so I appreciate it even more. A girl like you, why worry about not being able to regain the old country?!"

The sweat of the full moon came down immediately, mother, this father-in-law, do I have a grudge against you?

Is this really what the emperor said?Damn, don't cheat me!
She looked at Huang Xie and saw that his expression was natural, and her heart trembled even more. What did the emperor mean by this?
After thinking about it, she showed an excited and grateful look, knelt down again and again, bowed in the direction of Nanjing, and said in her mouth: "The emperor praises, and the women of the people are terrified. I heard that when the Mongolian Yuan Tartars attacked Changzhou in the past, everyone in the city All soldiers, women, children, and monks went to battle to kill the enemy. Although Changzhou City was destroyed, the spirit of defending the country of our Han people will not die! The later Taizu led our Han people to rise up and resist. Every time a woman reads this, she bursts into tears, vowing since she was a child that if she is a woman, she can go to battle and kill the enemy, and she must kill the Tartars with her own hands to avenge the tens of thousands of heroic sons and daughters who died for the unification of China and the restoration of clothes!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, a woman actually wanted to kill a tartar?

But when I think about the example she gave, I can't help being awe-inspiring.

The brutality of the fight in Changzhou back then, and the tenacity of the people in Changzhou were moving and heartbreaking.

With no support, they ran out of ammunition and food, and still vowed to die. Even monks came out to fight against the Mongolian soldiers. Children and women fought with kitchen knives and sticks. In the end, only seven people in the city survived.In the Song Dynasty, the city of Changzhou had the fourth largest population in the country. It is conceivable how many people in a city died in the war against foreign enemies. It really echoed the sentence of the full moon, everyone is a soldier!

Thinking about it like this is actually a little exciting. How similar is the Ming Dynasty at this time to the Song Dynasty back then?To avenge the thousands of heroic sons and daughters who sacrificed for the unification of China and the restoration of clothes!

Huang Xie felt a little passionate, his eyes were a little swollen, and his face softened. He said in his heart: "It seems that this son is indeed pure and good. He is worthy of being a descendant of Yang Zhen. Your Majesty is thinking too much..."

He hurriedly supported Man Yue and said, "What a good boy, he is worthy of being a descendant of Mr. Sizhi. If Your Majesty knows that a little girl still has the heart to serve the country, I don't know how comforting it will be."

He wiped his eyes and looked mournful, "I have been a country for 320 years, but now I have been beaten by a group of barbarians and lost my ancestral foundation, and I have to negotiate a peace. Every time the emperor thinks about it, he can't sleep at night. He blames himself and thinks about it. Although you are a girl, you can think of these things, if everyone in Ming Dynasty is like you, like the women and children in Changzhou, why worry about the rivers and mountains not being restored?"

I rub!

Are you an acting graduate?Eunuch Huang?
Man Yue also shed tears hypocritically, anyway, everyone is acting, if the emperor really gave her military power, she wouldn't dare to take it!
"Han Xin can be humiliated by the crotch|lower. As long as we are the kings and ministers of the Ming Dynasty and ordinary people, as long as we are united and united, there will be no rivers that cannot be filled, and mountains that cannot be pushed down! What about the Tartars? Lord Hou Wouldn’t it still make them cry for their fathers and mothers? They are all raised by their fathers and mothers, with two shoulders supporting a head. As long as we are united, no one can defeat us..."

Full moon looked passionate, like the speech leader of a certain MLM organization, "Although we women are powerless, we can kill people by stabbing them with bamboo. I think that in this world, as long as you have the courage, There is no hurdle that cannot be overcome!"

Huang Rong was stunned, and the others were also dumbfounded.

Only the corners of Leng Yun's mouth slowly raised, showing a hint of a smile.

It is said that Yang Ren'er's temperament is like a man's, extremely tyrannical, mother, the rumors are indeed true!
Sweat broke out on Huang Rong's head, and he took a sneak look at the cold-faced Hades next to him, and suddenly felt that the two were a perfect match, what a match!
Is this what a woman can say?Several poke one...

Let me go, girl, do you think those tartars are your pork and mutton? !
(End of this chapter)

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