Chapter 256 The Son of Heaven
Huang Rong didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore.

Yang Ren'er's false fame was not something he got, if she was offended, Huang Xi doubted whether he would still be able to walk out of Gui Lin Ju.

However, all the barriers disappeared after eating the banquet made by the full moon and buying a 3000 tael silver ticket.

Two days later, Huang Xie set off to return to Beijing, and after four or five days, he arrived in the capital. After explaining everything, he went to see the emperor.

Ming Palace in Nanjing was built by Zhu Yuanzhang. It is the blueprint of the Forbidden City in Beijing. It is the largest palace in the world in the Middle Ages. It is known as the world's first palace. It covers an area of ​​100 million square meters. In the early days of Hongwu, Jianwen, and Yongle three generations of palaces, it was not until the 19th year of Ming Yongle (1421), when Ming Chengzu Zhu Di moved the capital to Beijing, that Nanjing Palace officially ended its mission as a dynasty palace.

But even so, a set of administrative teams was set up here, with all six ministries complete, and the imperial court appointed the royal family and important officials to station here, which is why the names of Beijing and Nanjing came about.

If something goes wrong in Beijing, there is a ready-made team here that can be activated immediately. I think Ming Chengzu thought so too.It's just a pity that there were constant struggles in the imperial court, and by the end of the Wanli period, there was an apocalyptic atmosphere, party disputes continued, civil servants and imperial power were in dispute, the Chongzhen Lord in the original time and space history was not an idiot, and a group of ministers proposed to move the capital to Nanjing several times. Knocked back to death.

However, Lord Chongzhen in this time and space looks like a time traveler. He just broke the ancestral system in the mouth of the ministers with the saying of "Nanjing retains the team". Not only did he flee to Beijing, but he also had some ministers who supported him.

Because the imperial palace has been in disrepair for a long time, Fengtianmen, Cixi Hall and other buildings were built after financial affluence.After two generations of emperors, the Nanjing Imperial Palace now has a new vitality and is quite majestic.

Huang Xie arrived at the inner court, arrived at the Qianqing Palace, entered the gate of the palace, saw the emperor Zhu Hesi playing with Hou Jing, and felt cold. Where can I spend my mind on this?

Although Huang Xie was a little eunuch, but under the influence of his godfather Huang Yu, he always felt that if the eunuch didn't persuade the emperor well, he would end up like Liu Jin.And now that the country is not peaceful, and the foundation of the ancestors has not been recovered, it is really unwise to play in this Qianqing Palace.

But Huang Xie didn't dare to say this in front of Hou Jing, otherwise the godfather would not be able to protect him.

Taking a deep breath, showing a flattering smile, he lay down on the ground and saluted: "My maidservant greets the Long Live Lord, and the Long Live Lord is auspicious!"

"It's Huang Xie?"

Zhu and Si threw an arrow into the pot, the pot shook a few times, then stopped, and the emperor's slightly happy voice came, "How is the errand done?"

"Going back to the emperor, everything is done. That Lord Leng is grateful, let the slaves convey to His Majesty, he waits for warriors, only the emperor trusts and can rely on him, today he is so favored by His Majesty, and the commanders of the two towns are handed over to him , the king will give him the national teacher, and he will repay the king with his death."

"Oh, it's the king who treats you like a national scholar. What kind of national teacher, if you ask you to study more, you just don't care. It's embarrassing to me."

Zhu and Si seemed to be in a good mood, waved their hands to remove their things, sat down, and the maid next to him immediately brought tea, took a sip and said, "You see that Yang Ren'er?"

Huang Rong was a little surprised. Before Ma Rong was killed, the emperor was a little disgusted with Yang Ren'er. He said that a girl's family is an unruly person.Although I did praise her for her talent, but for those who are superior, she still likes rules.

How could his breath change in the blink of an eye?It seems quite curious.

He sneaked a glance at the Son of Heaven, then his eyes fell on Hou Jing again, he lowered his eyes, and his mind quickly turned.

But after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure out what the reason was, and now he was not allowed to be in a daze, so he said politely: "Go back to the emperor, see, she is very grateful for the emperor's reward, and let the slaves bring some special products return."


Zhu and Si were a little surprised. Only the emperor rewarded them, and they never heard of returning gifts. This Yang Rener is really interesting!

He glanced at Hou Jing, smiled and said: "Hou Daban, you really hit the spot, this girl is indeed a maverick, interesting, interesting."

"Long live Lord, this servant thinks that a woman can write such heroic poems, and she is different from ordinary women. I heard that she was married to Leng Yun, but she just wiped her neck with a rope. Her temperament is not generally staunch, so Only then can I write poems about Ren Er's southeast and northwest wind..."

What the hell!

Huang Xie was dumbfounded, anyone who wasn't a fool would be able to see that Leng Yun was killed by Yang Manyue, this is your Hou Jing's man, now you actually...

Huang Rong pondered for a while, and felt a little relieved.

No wonder the Son of Heaven suddenly behaved like this, because Hou Jing said good things about his feelings.

It is normal to think about it again, except for the Son of Heaven, all of them servants can see that Chao Su was kidnapped by Hou Jing, and now he is found in the eunuch's mansion, no matter what happens, he has to cover it up, no wonder Leng Yun has been promoted again Well, Hou Jing had to cover up this matter, so as not to embarrass the emperor, of course he had to speak well of them.

Thinking of this, the back of Huang Rong's neck felt a little cold.

Can godfather beat this man?This person is not usually able to bend and stretch!

"Huang Xie, what did she bring me? Show it to me."

"Return to Your Majesty..."

Huang Xie looked puzzled, "Actually, the slaves didn't bring them back..."


Zhu and Si were a little surprised, "What did you say?"

"His Majesty!"

Huang Xie hurriedly kowtowed, feeling very uneasy, but after thinking of Yang Manyue and Gui Linju's unimaginable objects, Huang Xie gritted his teeth and thought to himself, damn it, wealth is in danger, anyway, I have no eggs , still afraid of a ball!
No matter how you look at it, Yang Manyue is a reliable person. If she can tell herself this kind of thing, she is not joking. If it is true, damn it, he is about to get rich!

Thinking of this, she kowtowed repeatedly, knocking the floor until she gritted her teeth and said, "Your Majesty, Yang Manyue said that she got the overseas god seed, and the annual rice production capacity is two thousand catties, and she has also improved potatoes and sweet potatoes." , I have tried it in a small field, and it is estimated that potatoes can yield [-] catties per mu, sweet potatoes can yield up to [-] catties, and corn can yield up to [-] catties..."

The air condensed and fell into a strange moment.

After a while, I suddenly heard the emperor's laughter, with a madness, but not joy, as if he heard some joke, "Huang Xi, it's fine if you don't study, you were a farmer's child when you were not in the palace. , even I know that the best place in the south of the Yangtze River, with meticulous care, can produce [-] catties, which is the sky. Isn’t that a thousand per mu, hahahaha, I’m so laughing! Is Yang Manyue crazy, or is there something wrong with your ears?!”

He laughed so hard that tears came out, "Oh, there are potatoes, pfft, the output of that thing is high, and 500 catties can top the sky, but what did I hear now? Five thousand catties? Haha, there are mu Eight thousand catties of sweet potatoes? Oh my God! Companion, are my ears okay? It’s auspicious from heaven, my Daming? If there is such a thing, if Yang Manyue succeeds in cultivating it, I will make an exception and make her a county lord, woman To be proud of myself, to be awarded this title is already the highest honor, in the 320 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, only a few people have received this honor, if she really has one, I will definitely not be stingy!"

"Oh, Your Majesty, if there is such a thing, it will be sacrificed to the heavens. If there is such a thing, why should the people of Ming Dynasty worry about hunger?"

Hou Jing also lost his temper with a laugh, "I don't think Miss Yang's literary talent can't say that. She is a farming and studying heirloom, so she must have heard it wrong. Besides, this is a matter of great benefit for thousands of years. I haven’t heard of it for years, Your Majesty, if there is such a thing, slaves and servants will not be enough for a county lord.”


Zhu and Si patted their thighs, smiling until tears filled the corners of their eyes, "Such auspiciousness, if you are successful in cultivating it, it will be auspiciousness from heaven. Such auspiciousness is not enough for a county king. If Yang Manyue really sends this thing, I will make an exception. Let her be a princess with a different surname that I have never had in the 300 years of Ming Dynasty! Hahaha, this is so funny, Huang Xie, you silly boy, you must have been teased."

Huang Xie took a look at Hou Jing, lowered his head, resentment flashed in his eyes, and then he said with a grievance on his face: "Your Majesty, that's what Miss Yang said herself. She even took the slave to her farm, and the slave thinks that Yang The girl can’t talk nonsense, because she has a lot of magical things in Linju. Didn’t Your Majesty say that French things are good? The slaves are not as good as Miss Yang, our Daming is also capable..."


Zhu and Si stopped laughing. Last time the French mission brought a lot of Western technology. After exchanges, they found that there are indeed merits, but these merits have made many educated people scratch their heads. If it wasn't for the books left by Xu Guangqi that could still be handled, it would be a shame to throw it at grandma's house.

After the Ming Dynasty opened the sea, it was not as rigid as before. They also knew that the previous disasters were caused by seclusion, so they did not resist foreign knowledge.

Now hearing that Yang Manyue also seems to understand Western learning, the emperor couldn't help but become interested.

"How magical?"

"Return to Your Majesty..."

Huang Xi regained his energy, wiped the sweat from his brow, and began to talk about his experiences in returning to the forest.

"Oh, Your Majesty, it's just such a small piece of soap. The servant girl wiped it, and her face turned pale for a while. This time, Yang Manyue also asked the servant girl to bring some back, saying that it was for Your Majesty first. After the inspection, Your Majesty will try it." Just know."

"There's also the tap water. It's miraculous that water comes out when you twist it. The most powerful thing is the place where you go to the toilet. There's a box on it. Once you pull it, it's all washed away..."


Hou Jing coughed, "Huang Xie, you can't say this in front of His Majesty, it's insulting."

"It's okay."

Zhu and Si looked very interested, "Then does she know the music box?"

"Know, know."

 I was not feeling well today, my back was throbbing due to atrophy of my gallbladder, I lay down for a whole day, and finally sat up to type at night, I sent it late, everyone forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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