Chapter 257 Hou Jing's Pit
Huang Xie was completely refreshed. This was what he admired most about Yang Manyue, a woman who seemed to know more than those missionaries.

"Returning to Your Majesty, Miss Yang said that it is not magical, but it is based on the principle of chicken and gear rotation. If she is given some handy craftsmen, she can make it. She also told the slaves that these are small ways. If Applying these to the people's livelihood is an artifact that benefits the country and the people. Ms. Yang said that when she is free, she will study a machine that can automatically harvest rice. She also said that there is a problem with the water-powered weaving machine. Improvement, she wants to show a group of barbarians what technology is, our Daming's technology is the most advanced!"

"it is good!"

Zhu Hesi couldn't help but praised, "Not to mention that it can be done, but a mere woman has such thoughts, and she is worthy of my Ming people."

After finishing speaking, she sighed, "No wonder she was able to turn dangers into safety again and again. This child's ambition should not be underestimated. A person is not afraid of being poor, but he is afraid of losing his ambition. Hearing what you say, I really want to meet this person... "

When Hou Jing heard this, he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you can't help it. That is Leng Yun's wife who has never been married. Your Majesty summoned the courtiers' wives to honor His Majesty's reputation..."

That's what he said, but the expression on his face was weird.

"Didn't you say she was married off?!"

Zhu Hesi interrupted Hou Jing with some displeasure, "She even hanged herself. If she doesn't want to marry Leng Yun, I will make the decision for her!"

"Don't dare!"

Huang Rong was frightened, saying that the current emperor is gloomy, a bit like Emperor Jiajing.But in the eyes of Huang Xie and others, it was pretended by the emperor to show to the ministers. His temperament was similar to that of Grandpa Zhengde.

Suddenly, Huang Xie trembled, and he couldn't help but look at Hou Jing, and seeing a smile on his face, he suddenly felt chills in his heart.

He will never encourage the emperor...

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, because this move was really vicious!
It is true that Yang Manyue was married instead, and it has been found out now, but the Leng family is planning to re-employ them again, and outsiders don't know what happened to Yang Manyue and Leng Yun, even if it is clear, then Yang Manyue can only recognize it Well, when she was injured, Leng Yun took her to his house. If Leng Yun didn't want her, she would die.

If the emperor wanted her, no one would say anything, but what would those subjects think of the emperor?
damn thing!
Huang Rong suddenly hated it!
It's not for Man Yue and Leng Yun's grievances, but because Hou Jing is really not a thing. Is he trying to kill the emperor? !

"Your Majesty, the matter of Leng Yun and Miss Yang is well known in the world. The emperor is kind, but people in the world may not see it that way. After all, Yang Manyue is not only talented, but also looks like a fairy. They will say His Majesty……"


Hou Jing scolded: "Huang Xie, have you eaten the guts of the ambitious leopard? How dare you slander the Holy One like this?"

Huang Xie was not afraid, instead, he kowtowed with grievance and tears, "Your Majesty, I am wronged! This servant is really worried about Your Majesty..."

"All right……"

Probably also felt that he was talking too much, the emperor waved his hand and said, "Huang Xie, you are loyal, I know it."

Huang Xie breathed a sigh of relief, but what he said immediately made him want to die.


The emperor hesitated, "Is that Yang Manyue so beautiful?"


Huang Rong felt that the dog was beeping, and wanted to slap himself very much. If the emperor really went crazy and wanted to see the full moon in the future, would he be killed by those ministers?

Thinking of this, he wanted to kowtow, but the Son of Heaven said: "Those people who were called back from Ningbo said that Yang Manyue looked like a fairy, her temperament was like an orchid in a vast valley, and she seemed to be a banished fairy. I just thought how beautiful it is? Leng I know this person Yun, he is not close to a woman in his 20s, there are rumors that he is good at Long Yang, but when he sees Yang Manyue, he is immediately attracted to him, I am curious, who can make Leng Yun's heart beat? What does it look like?"

Hou Jing, you bastard!
By this time Huang Xie understood everything.

Knowing that he was going to return to his life today, that bastard Hou Jing dug a hole for him!

It is not a good thing for the emperor to ask about the woman's color, and if it is known that he told the emperor that Yang Manyue is beautiful, then those ministers will definitely think that they have ulterior motives...

What the hell!

you are vicious!
Huang Rong wanted to cry, but he couldn't now, so he could only calm down and said: "Your Majesty, if there is a woman who is more beautiful than Yang Manyue, the beauty of Yang Manyue lies not in her appearance but in her talent."

As he spoke, he showed a bit of shyness, and said: "My servant feels that the rumors from the outside world are wrong, and they all say that Yang Manyue is tyrannical, but this servant thinks that she is a person with great compassion. She does not discriminate against people like this, it stands to reason Said that she was also born in a scholarly family, and she discriminated against people like slaves the most, and regarded them as villains, but she told the slaves that a person's birth cannot be chosen, but what kind of path to take is optional, three treasures Eunuchs are also eunuchs, if they have the right way in their hearts, no matter who they are, they can be respected."

Hou Jing's heart moved, and he was a little moved. He didn't expect that Yang Manyue could say such words. These words sounded sincere and did not seem to be fake.

"Dog slave, how much benefit have you received from others?"

It's a pity that the Son of Heaven didn't think so, and he stared and said, "I didn't see you saying good things about people like this! Did you get a lot of benefits this time?!"

"It's wrong, Your Majesty!"

Huang Xie repeatedly called Qu, "Then Miss Yang is the most stubborn, how could she do such a thing? Besides, the servants dare not take advantage of others! The servants represent the face of the emperor, how dare they do such a thing?"

"Hmph! I'm sorry you don't dare!"

The emperor snorted coldly, and then smiled again: "But, if you think about it, you can't make up such a thing. Listen, you can't choose a life, but you can choose a path. Knowing the way in your heart is holy. This is not something you can do." The words that can be said are the words that can only be said by people who have gone through great hardships. This Yang Manyue is quite interesting. Companion, let your people take care of you a little bit more. I want to see if she can figure it out. What is it, hehe, with a yield of several thousand catties, I will just wait for her to offer auspiciousness..."

"They are all His Majesty's people. The servants dare not have anyone, and the servants are also His Majesty's."

Hou Jing didn't leave anything to say, he was busy kowtowing, pleasing the emperor with a look of sincerity and fear, "You slave, you are so cautious, you always ask people for money to do things for me, what are you so afraid of?"

"Slaves should do things for His Majesty..."

Huang Xi felt nauseous, but it had to be said that Hou Jing was a talent.It's not unreasonable to climb so fast. He can serve two generations of emperors, and he can understand his intentions. To put it bluntly, he has become a master at how to control the emperor.

Thinking of this, the eyes are dim. As long as Hou Jing stays alive for a day, the godfather will not be able to take the position, and they will have to continue to suffer!
Withdrew from the Qianqing Hall, rushed to the Supervisor of Rituals, took advantage of Hou Jing's absence, and paid a visit to Huang Yu.

The two went to the small room, and Huang Xie made a big gift, "My son greets Daddy."

"Get up quickly, have you seen Your Majesty?"

Huang Xie nodded, and explained the ins and outs of the matter. Huang Yu's face turned serious, "You're taking a risk, if..."

Huang Rong looked around and said in a low voice, "Godfather, look..."

Huang Rong pulled something out of his arms, and Huang Yu's eyes straightened when he saw it!


Huang Yu's hands were shaking, "This, this is a potato?!"

Huang Rong nodded, "My son thinks that Yang Manyue is not a person who talks nonsense, especially after she secretly showed him this thing, so my son decided to take a gamble!"

Huang Yu took the potato that was bigger than a fist, his hands were trembling, he looked up and down, and said repeatedly: "Auspicious, auspicious!"

It turns out that sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, etc. were introduced to China in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, but due to poor cultivation methods and unimproved varieties, the yield was not high, so they were better than rice, and the taste was not very good. They are also small in stature, each of them looks like a pigeon's egg, and they are very tall, so these guys who are considered to be time-traveling artifacts in the eyes of later generations were not popular at that time.

It is really a year of planting and a year of fallow, which is not as good as growing wheat and rice!

But where did these species of full moon come from?That's a system product!

The technology of the system is several major improvements compared to the era when she came, so the so-called products produced by the system must be high-quality goods!
These things for farming are all optimized by the system, which is better than the things in the era when she came, and the data she gave to Huang Xie are all conservative!
Plant potatoes and sweet potatoes for one year, and plant soybeans provided by the system in the second year to increase fertility. At that time, soybeans will also be a top product, and the yield will be terrifying!
The full moon was carefully planned, and Huang Xi's arrival undoubtedly gave her a chance, a chance to win the biggest backer for herself!

So can you give me something real?

At that time, Huang Rong was scared to pee when he saw this potato, and now he wanted to be auspicious to the emperor, but he was held back by the full moon. It's hard to escape the calculations of the little whores who travel through time!

No, Huang Xie has fallen into the trap, and now he is trapping his father again.

Huang Yu stroked the potato like a woman, with a fascinated expression, "If I had this thing back then, I wouldn't have..."

The implication is that she believed in Man Yue's words, "I think Yang Manyue is very organized, and the world thinks she is relying on Leng Yun, but when I look at the things sent by the brats below, I feel that this woman Quite clever, do you think she really is Mingzhi in that poem? Hehe, a group of county students are there. Even if Leng Yun doesn't come, she can't escape, and Rong Huai is still a dead letter. We have to make good friends with such a person, Those ministers are jealous of Leng Yun, we can't do this, look at Qin Hui? He has been kneeling for hundreds of years, and he is still kneeling. If Hou Jing wants to die, let him do it. Even though we are eunuchs, we can I don't want to be Qin Hui..."

"Godfather is right."

Seeing Huang Yu stuffing potatoes into his arms, Huang Xie took out another small box, "Godfather, this is from Miss Yang."

Huang Yu glanced at it, and immediately changed color. He hurriedly put the thing into his arms, nodded and said, "It's a caring one...this thing is so precious..."

(End of this chapter)

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