Chapter 258 Little Ten Reference

A conch pearl, let alone these days, is a representative of luxury and luxury in later generations.

This kind of pearl in the pink conch that only lives in the Caribbean Sea is a masterpiece of nature. Any attempt to artificially cultivate it will end in failure. Among about 50000 conchs, only one pearl can be obtained after removing the flesh. available pearls.Therefore, only 2000-3000 conch pearls can be found at most every year.

At that time, transportation was difficult, and the value of a conch pearl was even more difficult to estimate. Among all pearls, only conch pearls had a color-changing effect.And the one in Huang Yu's hand is undoubtedly the best among conch pearls. Among all conch pearls, pink is the most precious, and the color-changing effect is like a cloud-like flame, which is even more popular with Chinese people. This conch pearl inlaid on the ring It can be described as priceless.

Such a thing is no longer something he can possess as an eunuch, so at the moment he saw it, he was overjoyed and trembling, immediately put it away, looked around, and then felt satisfied with the loyalty of his godson.

This kind of thing is not greedy, it is usable.

Of course, this Yang Rener is also a lovely person, but he is really generous.

How did he know that Yang Manyue was a cub selling Ye Tian, ​​and these things were found from Ma Rong. Leng Yun, this guy, is probably used to fighting for spoils.After tidying up Eunuch Ma, he was touched by others, and a bunch of good things came out.

This is great, the eyeballs lit up immediately, let Qingyun take a few people around inside, and greeted Eunuch Ma kindly, a small box was found out, tsk tsk, once opened, such a top-grade conch pearl But there are more than a dozen of them!

In addition, there are red and sapphires the size of pigeon eggs, and Leng Yun even found a pink diamond the size of an egg.People in the Ming Dynasty would not think this thing is expensive, but after opening the sea, they know that this thing is very valuable in Xiyi. Although it is not popular in China, it is a good thing in Xiyi, especially this one is pink. , After getting in touch with the French missionaries, Leng Yun knew that this big pink diamond was priceless, so he immediately thought of his own little thing.

Thinking of the Western proverb, I felt that it would be good to make a pendant for her on the wedding day, so I accepted this small box with a happy mood.

As for the subordinates...

Ma Rong didn't know how many things he had looted, so much that they were shocked, and they could just divide it up.No matter how much it is, it can't move.Announcing that he had killed Ma Rong, he had to explain it to the emperor. He thought that when the emperor saw that his dog slave had so many treasures, he would calm down and be happy in the end, and he would treat Hou Jing and other eunuchs more mind.

Uncle Leng has always been black-bellied, so after taking away some good things, those high-end goods remained, and the million taels of things were enough to make Emperor Zhu smile.

After serving the first emperor and the current emperor for a period of time, Uncle Leng is very aware of the virtues of the Zhu family emperors, they are all blind to money, and having this is enough for them to forget their arrogance.

Of course, some joints still need to be beaten. He gave Man Yue a conch pearl and asked her to hand it over to Huang Xie and Huang Yu. In this way, Hou Jing would have to weigh it if he wanted to apply eye drops.

Your Majesty can't be alone!
It was obvious that Leng Yun's goal had been achieved, and Eunuch Huang Yu was very satisfied with the gift, and it might not be so easy for Hou Jing to apply eye drops in the future.

After collecting the things, he naturally had to do something. He pondered for a while and said: "Although Hou Jing is in the heart of the emperor, but this time there are rumors about Chao Su. Although our Majesty is a little uncertain, he is smart and remembered Respond, otherwise we will not send our people to Ningbo this time. Don’t cause trouble during this time, we are slaves who serve the emperor well. It is true that we should not change the situation. Don’t put eye drops on Hou Jing. He doesn't dare to make any moves in the near future, let's observe..."

After a pause, he continued: "Send a letter, tell the people below not to embarrass Yang Manyue, and help if you can. Helping her is helping Leng Yun. It will always be useful in the future."

"Yes, godfather..."

Not to mention how turbulent Emperor Zhu's side is, let's talk about Manyue's side, because the county examination is coming soon, and Xiao Shi will take the county examination again, so Wang Ziming has to give him a little trouble.

In addition to his small stove for Xiao Shi, Chao Su also gave him a small stove. Within a month, Xiao Shi lost a lot of weight.

In a blink of an eye, it was the end of February, and the day of the county examination arrived.

It was only three o'clock in the morning, and the full moon rose.

For the students at home, they may not pass the county examination for the first time, but it is also a rare life experience. It is the top priority and they dare not be sloppy.

Man Yue got up early and made breakfast for Xiao Shi with her own hands, red dates and lotus seed soup, brown sugar eggs, all of these had meanings, in addition to expecting a good result, it also gave Xiao Shi some confidence.

Mancang yawned and came to the small kitchen. Seeing Ajie's busy back, he couldn't help fantasizing about taking part in the county examination.Sister is so dedicated to Xiao Shi, so she should be even more dedicated to herself by then, right?
The child's thinking is simple, and now he has a good relationship with Xiao Shi, but it is inevitable that he can't help but want to attract more attention, which is normal due to his nature.


Mancang yelled softly, "Sister, are you up early?"

"Aren't you early too?"

Man Yue didn't look back, and said with a smile, "Worried about Xiao Ten?"

"I didn't..."

He retorted, "What am I worried about him doing?"

Man Yue couldn't deny it, and didn't expose Mancang's arrogant thoughts, just beat a few eggs into the flour, added some shallots, added some water, poured some oil in the pot, and when it was hot, put the seasoning Pour some of the good batter into the pot, turn the pot gently, and in a short time, a round pancake with eggs and shallots comes out.

In addition to making breakfast, he also had to make some dry food for Xiao Ten. In order to prevent the food from spoiling in the middle or ruining his stomach, don't even think about steamed buns, just pancakes are the most suitable.

Fortunately, the county test is over in one day, and there is no need to prepare too much.

But the weather at the end of February has not completely warmed up, especially now that it is still the Little Ice Age, so there are many things to prepare except these.

At least two sets of corresponding stationery must be prepared, and besides food and water, you have to bring it yourself.Full Moon is more insane. She has visited the Nanjing Gongyuan in later generations. Thinking about the small place, there is no shelter except for the head. If it is raining and windy, it will be over.
So this girl asked someone to get a tung oil cloth, cut it out, and inserted thin bamboo poles to build a shelter from the rain in no time.

What's even more frenzied is that she also made a small copper stove, which is very exquisite and compact, and can boil some hot water for drinking by adding some charcoal to it.Yang Manyue has been in a daze for a while now, like a mother who accompanied her child to take the college entrance examination in later generations, wondering if there is any omission every day.

She also took over Xiao Ten's diet, and cooked it all by herself. Leng Yun's food was also temporarily replaced by someone else. For this reason, Uncle Leng was very tasty. Looking at Xiao Ten, he felt a little unkind, and always felt that this kid robbed him of his benefits. , as soon as Xiao Shi saw Xiao Shi, he let out the air-conditioning, making Xiao Shi bewildered, how did he offend this cheap brother-in-law?

No matter what, it was finally today, and Man Yue actually didn't fall asleep much last night.

Although Xiao Shi cried a lot that day and got closer to them, Man Yue could see that his mind was getting heavier. There were several times when Man Yue saw him in a daze in front of the window, sometimes his eyes were red, showing I cried secretly.

For this arrogant child, Man Yue felt a little distressed.

In fact, if Mrs. He and Uncle Wu insisted, Xiao Shi could go back, but they didn't.Xiaoshi is in Qifang. Even if Man Yue and the others don't have that kind of thought, Xiao Shi himself will feel embarrassed. Children in this period are the most sensitive | fragile, so Man Yue sometimes prays to God to let him pass, even if it only passes through the county. Try it, it's good for the government to get a child qualification, so that he will have a new goal and won't get lost in his feelings.

After finishing breakfast, Xiao Shi also woke up. The so-called county examination means that he has to go to the county government to take the exam. Xiaogang is still a little far away from Dinghai County, so it is absolutely impossible to get up late.

Seeing the bloodshot eyes of the full moon and the rich and auspicious breakfast on the table, Xiao Ten touched his book case, his eyes turned red.

He ate the eggs in the brown sugar in one gulp, wiped his eyes, and thought fiercely, they don't want to pull them down by themselves, I still have a good sister, I must become a blockbuster! ! !
Mancang gave Xiaoshi an amulet, and Chen Shi also gave one. They went to the temple to ask for it a few days ago. Xiao Shi carefully put them away, and then respectfully kowtowed to Chen Shi. Said: "Mother, it's time for my son. Don't worry, mother, my son will definitely give glory to the ancestors."

"Ai, ai."

Mrs. Chen nodded repeatedly, and helped Xiao Shi up, "Don't be nervous, you are still young, just go and see it."

Xiao Shi nodded, then looked at Man Yue again, "Sister, I'm leaving."


Man Yue moved the book box to the car for him, "Be careful of the charcoal fire, don't burn it, if it rains, the felt cloth can't be damned, you have to leave a gap, otherwise you will be poisoned by the charcoal smoke. Don't be nervous about the exam, this But it's nothing, you're still young, life is long..."

Xiao Shi nodded, it was still dark at the moment, but the lights in front of Linju were already brightly lit, if the eldest and young master of the family were to take the county test today, it would be a big deal, and he had to come and send it off no matter what, with a strong voice.

The horses and horses traveled leisurely, five or six Yang family disciples and Wang Ziming accompanied Xiao Shi on the road, and Mancang also went with him.

Brothers, always support each other in times of need, no matter how much they deny it, their actions have deeply betrayed him.

Watching the chariots and horses leave, Man Yue's eyes suddenly became moist.

She thought of her previous life. On the day of the college entrance examination, her grandparents sent her into the examination room despite the scorching heat. When she stepped into the school gate, she looked back and saw the encouraging and expectant eyes of her grandparents.

She waved to them, and they smiled back, and it was such a sad sight to look back on.

At this moment, she suddenly realized how her grandfather and grandmother felt at that moment, just like her now.

Anxiety, anticipation, uneasiness...

(End of this chapter)

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