Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 259 The Rear of the Crane

Chapter 259 The Rear of the Crane

The full moon has been a little restless all day long, but the customers in the store said some auspicious words to understand her absent-mindedness.

On this day, Man Yue felt that it was very long. Seeing that she was restless, Leng Yun didn't bother her, but just nodded secretly in his heart. Little things are kind, and they are really kind to Xiao Shi.

He didn't know that Man Yue was worried about Xiao Ten's recent situation. Man Yue felt that if he could pass a test at this moment, Xiao Ten would cheer up, otherwise it would be hard to say...

And at this time, she blamed herself a little bit, was she wrong?The magistrate of the county has given the door of convenience...

Just when the full moon was fighting between heaven and man, Xiao Shi arrived at the examination shed near the county government school.

At this moment, the sky is not yet full, and the little sparks line up in a long line, which is quite a spectacular scene.

Ningbo is a place with a well-developed industry. Nearly 2000 people participated in the small county test, which surprised Xiao Shi.

He suddenly felt that it was a mistake for him to come to Dinghai as an immigrant.

He should have stayed in Pan'an...

College entrance examination immigration is not a unique product of modern times, it also existed in ancient times.

However, Xiao Shi adopted Qifang, and Man Yue and others were registered in Ningbo, so he naturally gave it to Qifang and came here.Of course, it’s not impossible to stay there during the event, but it’s too late to think about anything now. To participate in the county examination in the Ming Dynasty, five people were required to provide guarantees. If he slipped away now, his husband Wang Ziming would be the first to suffer.

Xiao Shi felt a bit like a beeping dog. Chao Su actually knew the key, but he insisted that Xiao Shi transfer his household registration here. In his words, he would rather be a phoenix tail than a chicken head. You must know that Ningbo has been in trouble since the Ming Dynasty until now. In Yin County, there are nearly 800 successful candidates. Only places with strong imperial examinations can progress faster, and it is also beneficial to enter the officialdom in the future.

Xiao Shi's head was sweating a little, and he suddenly felt that he was getting angry. There are so many people, and only a few are taken. This, this is too difficult, isn't it?

A little hand grabbed him, "Brother Ten, if you're afraid of being a bird, just do it, if you fail this time, come back next time!"

It's full...

Xiao Shi turned his head to look at Mancang, Mancang was really the eldest son, he was obviously three years younger than him, but he was only half a head lower than him.Seeing the encouragement in his dark eyes, he was aroused to be hemorrhagic for a moment, "Well said, I can't lose to your little brother as a big brother."

After such a fuss, his mood stabilized, and Wang Ziming stroked his beard, showing a hint of relief.

After they stabilized, the two brothers looked around and saw young people who were about the same age as them, some in their 40s and [-]s, and even old people with gray hair. It is difficult for a person to start a career, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky. The ancients did not deceive me!
A team of 50 people lined up quickly, and some embarrassing things happened.


This is a very insulting thing to a group of scholars, but there is no way, there are too many people cheating, Guochao needs real talents, and at this time, everyone can only be wronged.

Not only did they have to strip naked and be searched, but they even had to break open the valley road to check whether they were entrained.

Xiao Shi had heard Wang Ziming say this before he came. Although he felt ashamed, he gritted his teeth and held back for the sake of his career.

After the inspection was finally completed, he turned his head to look at Mancang and the others, and when he saw them waving, he nodded, turned around and resolutely entered the examination room.

Looking at his figure, his eyes turned red, Wang Ziming was surprised, and said, "What's wrong with you?"

"Sir, Brother Ten's parents don't care about him. He feels uncomfortable. This is his only hope. The students saw that he just turned around and felt a sense of wind and water..."

Having received a slap on the head, Wang Ziming reprimanded: "Say less unlucky things."

Mancang was stunned there, and suddenly wanted to laugh again.

Mr. Feeling is also nervous.

Wang Ziming was naturally nervous. He himself was ruined by the imperial examination system, so he held his breath and hoped that his students would become famous.Although he hadn't taught Xiao Shi for long, he found that although Xiao Shi's qualifications were not as good as Mancang's, and even a little mediocre, he worked hard, and his ruthlessness made even an adult afraid of him.

He knew why this child was like this, so he also hoped that he could become a blockbuster and get rid of the inferiority complex caused by his parents abandoning him.

Time passed slowly, and when Xiao Shi came out, his legs were a little weak, and his complexion was not very good.

His location is not very good, just next to the toilet.

Even if it is a matter of stating the relevant photos, it is not easy to manipulate, and the drawing of lots depends entirely on luck.

Poor Xiao Shi managed to survive the first round with the stench, and didn't eat anything. When he came out, his legs were limp.

The family helped him to the car, and after a while he seemed to come back to life, and then communicated with Wang Ziming.

Wang Ziming stroked his beard and nodded, "There is no problem passing the county test."

As for whether the articles written are in line with the taste of the county magistrate?

Wang Ziming is not worried.

Although he is upright but not pedantic, he knows that the magistrate and Yang Manyue have a good relationship, so as long as his student essays are done in a satisfactory manner, he will definitely be able to pass the first test.

Naturally, Wang Ziming would not feel that this was unfair. If the article written by his disciple was unreasonable and could still be taken, then it would be called covering up!

After listening to Xiao Shi finish the exam situation, Wang Ziming understood clearly.

Although there is nothing outstanding, there are also no omissions. The situation is stable and there should be hope.

They were not in a hurry to go back, but found a restaurant in the county and ate.

They are at ease.

But the magistrate was confused.

Yang Liyuan's papers have been placed in front of him, and the county examination has a high degree of freedom, neither ambiguous nor transcribed, so the examiner has a lot of power.

It was good to state that she wanted to sell the full moon, so she let it out, and thought that the full moon understood, but now looking at Yang Liyuan's paper, it is obvious that Miss Yang didn't understand what she meant!

Generally, the county examination is divided into several sessions, which are decided by the county magistrate. The statement states that this time it is decided to take four exams, and the first of these four exams is the most important. If you make a small mistake, the examiner will let you pass.

Didn't I open the door of convenience just to hope that Yang Liyuan could pass it off, so as to save trouble later?

Leng Yun has helped him a lot, and he has to repay him, which is also an official rule.It's a pity that Lord Hou's younger brother is shameless, and he's not interested in doing business, so his idea can only be directed at his wife, but what Shen Chen didn't expect was that Yang Manyue didn't understand what he meant?

Such a smart person, is it disdainful?

Thinking of this, her complexion became a little ugly, but when she looked at Yang Liyuan's test paper again, her complexion became better again. Maybe she really didn't realize that although the woman was smart, she was also upright, so she probably didn't think about it.

After getting rid of this lump, it is to read the paper carefully.

He did not mark the papers alone. Other assistants would read the papers first, and then draw circles or crosses.

The statement looked at it carefully for a while, and couldn't help nodding.

Although this kid's literary talent is not coquettish, it is quite satisfactory, but the air of craftsmanship is unavoidable, which makes him quite displeased.

As a two-ranked Jinshi, his literary talent is naturally romantic, and he is also a scholar of the heart, and he pays attention to his nature. Naturally, he doesn't like such articles. Even those poems are full of craftsman's breath. He is obviously 13 years old. Children, how can such an article be made?

This has to ask the full moon.

As a child who has been devastated by exam-oriented education for many years, I can only do the exam if I can't do anything else.There are a lot of things in the county examination, including poems, policy theory, and classics. Even if it is policy theory, you can find shortcuts.

I found a bunch of model essays for Xiao Shi, and crammed them in for me. Recite them to me. Even if you can’t get a high score in the exam, the chance of failing the exam will be smaller.

Wang Ziming and Chao Su agreed very much about this, Wang Ziming even thought that Man Yue's idea was wonderful, seeing his approval, Man Yue suddenly thought, if she told him about the county magistrate leaking the question, maybe she would also agree?
Well, Wang Ziming is not as pedantic as she thought, he is also pragmatic!

After turning over the test paper, although I didn't like it, there was nothing wrong with the article, and it had to sell Hou Ye's face, so I drew a circle.When he saw the policy theory, he let out a little surprise, and the deputy examiner at the side came over, "My lord, do you think this statement is new?"

The statement nodded, "This theory is a bit interesting."

"To tell you the truth, my lord, although there is nothing wrong with this son's exam paper, but he is too crafty. The lower officials would have to cross in front of them, but after seeing this theory, they couldn't bear to do it..."

Statement nodded, "I'm only 13 years old, it's rare to think of these..."

After saying that, he just smiled, "Money is like flowing water, only when it flows can everyone become rich... 13 years old, awesome!"

After finishing speaking, he drew a big circle and said, "Let's rank!"

Three days later, when it was time to release the rankings, Xiao Shi came to the county seat again, this time only Man Cang and a few Yang family children accompanied him.

He looked nervous and clenched his hands tightly. After the magistrate gave a lecture, several subordinates took red paper and pasted it up.

The paper for the county trial case is bowl-shaped, and the number of county trial cases is less than [-], so it is also called group case.In addition, there is also a sub-list, which can be said to be a substitute. If the second test of the group case is not good, the substitute can be added.

Xiao Ten felt his heart pounding, feeling like he couldn't breathe.

Several Yang family children stood on tiptoe and watched with heavy hearts. There were already more than 40 people in the group case, but there was still no Xiao Shi's name. of.The so-called alternates are nothing more than encouragement to the students. These students studied with Wang Ziming and Chao Su, and they also learned some rules of the examination room by the way.

For example, there are rules in this group case. Those in the top [-] are basically guaranteed to enter the government examination, but from [-] to [-], hehe, you have to work harder.If it is beyond fifty, hehe, ask yourself for good luck!There are also counterattacks, it depends on whether you have this life.

"Middle, middle, middle..."

Suddenly Yang Lixiu had a convulsion, "Come on, go on, go on!"

Xiao Shi, who was nervous, didn't dare to look at the list at first, but when Yang Lixiu called him out, he immediately shivered, and rushed over to take a look.When I saw this, I rolled my eyes, and the people next to me shouted again and again, "Brother Aid?! Come quickly!!"

Me, I actually won, fifty...

Xiao Shi, who fell into darkness, cried in his heart, "Where is the promised little Sanyuan? Fifty..."

 I found a small mistake, about the imperial examination, it has been corrected, these chapters may be a bit flat, but please be patient, believe me, this is to pave the way for the next thing, every arrangement of the author has been carefully considered, If you feel that these chapters are boring, you can skip them!

(End of this chapter)

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