Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 261 The End of the Ten Thousand Years Crane

Chapter 261 The End of the Ten Thousand Years Crane

After three government tests, it was finally over.

The store was still busy today, when suddenly the sound of a suona horn sounded in the alley, Yang Lixiu flew into Guilinju, and shouted angrily, "The reporter is here, the reporter is here, come towards us Yes! Eleven Niang!"

Chen shivered, and dropped the things in her hands. Yang Zhen was also a little excited, and hurriedly said: "Seventh Aunt, don't worry, I went to the dumping shop to exchange copper coins. I exchanged several thousand coins, which is enough for a wedding."

"Quick, quick!"

Chen Shi was trembling all over. I have to say that Chen Shi is indeed a kind person. After Xiao Shi hugged her and cried that time, she completely regarded him as the eldest son of Qifang.This is an era of prosperity and prosperity, regardless of whether Xiao Shi crawled out of her stomach or not, if he was adopted by her, he would be her son.

The son is promising, and it is a natural honor to be a mother.

Chen shivered, "Mother, is the incense case ready? I need to tell your father, I need to tell your father!"

Chen's eyes were red as he said that, if Xiao Shi passed the government examination, he would be a child born.Tong Sheng can be regarded as a preparatory scholar, and it is a very honorable event. From then on, Xiao Shi can be regarded as a serious scholar.

There are quite a few literati in the store, and they have also participated in the industry. Seeing Mrs. Chen's gaffe, they all smiled heartily, and immediately congratulated them, "Master Yang, congratulations, congratulations!"

"You have to cook with your own hands! Whoever sees it has a share!"

The full moon cupped her hands again and again, "If you win, today's order will be free!"

The crowd applauded for a while, and the good news came after a while, "But Yang Liyuan's residence? Congratulations to your residence. Your son, Mengfu Wangzhifu, recruited [-] people, and [-] people were selected. He passed the government examination. Congratulations!"


Mancang burst out laughing, and added [-] people, explaining that only [-] people were taken at first, but later, with the kindness of the magistrate, [-] more people were taken.It's true that his good brother won the prize, but he was the last one in the [-]th year of supplementary recording. Thinking about the red chair in his county test, and the red chair in the government test, it is possible that he really answered my sister's sentence of ten thousand years Crane end?

The more you think about it, the more fun it becomes, especially this guy once said that he wants three yuan for medium and small, but now he has two red chairs in a row. Don't end up with a six-in-one red chair to be fun!
But after thinking about it, Mancang actually felt that it was more attractive than Liuyuan!After all, Daming once had a six yuan, but he never had a six red chair!If my brother gets it...

Mancang had the urge to lie down on the ground and laugh aloud. Well, he didn't curse Xiao Shi, but felt that even if he was the last one, as long as he won it would be good.In fact, he was a little envious. He didn't even talk about whether he could live by then, what right did he have to laugh at Xiao Shi?

Just thinking about his brother sitting on the red chair twice in a row, he couldn't control himself! ! !

Man Yue and Wang Ziming looked at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched, not knowing whether to say Xiao Shi was lucky or unlucky...

No matter how you pass the government examination, you will be qualified for the hospital examination, which is a good thing, and you should celebrate it no matter what.

The happy money was sent out, and Zongjia's neighbors also came to congratulate, Man Yue asked the kitchen to make pastries, and they sent out one after another, and the diners in the shop were free of charge!

It was a pity that Xiao Shi was not there, and the excitement always felt a little unreal.

After passing the government examination, one has to participate in the Luming Banquet prepared by the magistrate. This is an ancient ceremony, and they all come according to the village drinking ceremony.

Burning Tail Banquet and Hairpin Flower Banquet are a kind of rural drinking ceremony. There are already established procedures and they must be attended.

After two days, Xiao Ten came back, okay!

This guy not only has his eyeballs upturned, but also his nostrils upturned, "You don't know, that banquet is called a luxury, and it's almost the same as the banquet made by sister..."

Full Moon rolled her eyes, "Stop bragging, you thought you were the only one who participated in the Luming Banquet? Mr. Wang said that the banquet usually includes boiled white meat, pork lungs, etc. These are all paid for by the magistrate himself. The kid can’t beat it from time to time, the tail is in the sky again, isn’t it? Huh?!”

The word "um" frightened Xiao Shi's desperation back. He couldn't help it, he was afraid of no one but this elder sister.After offering incense to the cheap father Yang Shouheng, he kowtowed and went back to the house to study in despair.

Wang Ziming shook his head, "This child is too depressed. I know he is holding his breath because he wants to show his biological mother. It will be fine if you make him proud for a while."

"Sir is right."

Man Yue nodded, seeing that Wang Ziming was puzzled, she chuckled and said, "But I just can't see his stinky look!"


"Sir, don't look at me like that. I'm doing it for his own good. I just want him to remember how difficult and difficult he has gone this journey, so that he won't cry when he faces other setbacks."

Wang Ziming nodded, "This important event is about sending a letter back."

Man Yue smiled and said, "Just now someone sent a letter back."

Wang Ziming saw that the full moon was smiling happily, and swallowed the words when he got to his lips.

Forget it, don't disturb people's interest.

Wang Ziming, who was born in a good family, has seen his stepson prosper, and there are not a few birth parents who will cause trouble.Although Man Yue and the others didn't say anything about He Shi, the servants talked about it fiercely, and he probably knew what kind of person He was.

Judging from his life experience, the He family is probably going to be a moth, and now he has only passed the government examination. If Xiao Shi can pass the hospital examination in one fell swoop and become a scholar, with He's temperament, hehe, don't make trouble There are ghosts.

Sure enough, when the family received the letter, Xiao Shiyi passed the county test, and the government test was a sensation!
Although he was the last one, he couldn't hold back Xiao Shi, who was only 13 years old!
The uncle was so excited, he ran to the ancestral hall with the letter in his hand, and kowtowed to the ancestors after entering the ancestral hall. Although there was still the most difficult courtyard test, the Yang family hadn't produced such an outstanding child for many years!

At the age of 13, he passed two tests in a row for the first time when he entered the examination room. What is he afraid of being the last one? !Just pass it!
After Yu's excitement, she calmed down.

After thinking about it for a while, he showed a knowing smile and said, "Send a letter to Man Yue and ask her to send Xiao Shi to Lao Ba's place, and send another letter to Lao Ba, and the child will be taught by him."

Xiao Shi sat on the red chair twice, which showed that his level was not good enough, and there might be someone who failed the list better than him. He could pass, most of it was because of Master Hou's face.

Like this kind of exam that is not ambiguous, Man Yue, as Leng Yun's wife who has not passed the door, and holds a heavy soldier, it is reasonable to open the door for convenience.So it shouldn't be too embarrassing, and I still have to work harder to make up for my studies.

"Mother, my daughter-in-law wants to go to Ningbo."

While thinking about it, He suddenly said, "Xiao Shi is weak and studies hard, so my daughter-in-law wants to take care of him."

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Yu was displeased, "What do you mean by that? Although Xiao Shi's child has lost weight, I can see that she is more energetic than before. That girl, Man Yue, keeps them healthy every day. How could that be?" Weakness? That's true, why, do you think Mrs. Chen can't abuse Xiaoshi?"

This hat button is too big, but there is indeed that meaning in He's words, so I can't match it for a while.

After a long while, he said: "My son is traveling thousands of miles, and my mother is worried. Mother, Xiao Shi is going to the hospital for an examination soon. My daughter-in-law wants to go and see."

"Not in a hurry."

Mrs. Yu said unhurriedly: "Don't be distracted at this critical moment, just pass the courtyard test."

With a final decision, He did not give He a chance to refute. Naturally, Yu knew what He was thinking, and sneered in his heart.

Before sending your son for adoption, you belonged to the fifth house who was the most active. If you really think about your brothers, you can't lose them no matter what.But the intentions are not right, and people will inevitably feel disgusted when they see it.

My son has been to Ningbo for so long, and he didn't ask to take a look. Now that his son is promising, he goes there immediately. He is too powerful. He uses his son as a tool. The people in the fifth room are just like the third aunt. I hate it.

Turning his head away from looking at them, he continued to order: "Go and get 50 taels of silver. The old woman gave it to the grandson. Let Xiao Shi take the exam. The old grandmother is waiting to drink his glorious wine!"

Seeing that it can't be done, He's so angry!
At the same time, I also secretly prayed that my son would pass the hospital examination, even if he came in the last place, but that would be a scholar, and I would be the mother of the grandpa by then, what a style!
Leaving aside the turmoil in the old house, Eighth Uncle came soon. He put aside the newspaper business and handed it over to the people below. He moved to Guilin House by himself and planned to teach Xiao Ten himself.

The period of the college examination depends on when the entrance examination will arrive. Generally, you will be admitted wherever you pass the entrance examination.But now the officials of the Ming Dynasty are lazy, so they gather all the children from one province to take the exam in one place, which is called hanging exam.

For young students, it is undoubtedly very inconvenient to travel hundreds of miles to take the exam, but now there are such rules, and there are not so many teenage students, so candidates can figure it out by themselves.

Although the announcement has not yet come out, it is estimated that around July and August at the latest, the date is still very tight, so Xiao Shi has to continue to suffer and be taught like a duck.

Xiao Shi worked hard, and felt uncomfortable when he was full, because his brother had worked so hard, and he would be ashamed if he didn't work hard.He simply became a difficult brother, and was reminded by Mr. Wang in the morning, and worked hard with his brother at his uncle's place in the evening. Fortunately, the weather warmed up after Qingming, and reading was not so difficult.

The younger brother doesn't have to worry about it for the time being, and Man Yue has resumed his previous habit of delivering meals to Leng Yun.

This day, I delivered food to Leng Yun, and Leng Yun suggested going out for a walk, and Man Yue naturally agreed.

The weather right now is neither hot nor cold, outings are the most comfortable, so naturally I am willing to go out with him.

When he went out, he just hitched a cart, he didn't let anyone follow him, he became a coachman himself, and walked out of the town leisurely, waving his whip.

It is the most beautiful season in April, when the wild grass is luxuriant and the wild flowers are dotted.The sun spreads to the earth profusely, coating the whole world with a layer of gold, taking a deep breath, the air seems to have a sweet smell, very comfortable.

I don't know where he took her. I only know that when I get off the car, I will be surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers. Although it is an unknown wild flower, it is shocking that so many gather together.Butterflies were flying around, and the sea of ​​flowers was undulating. He paced behind her, hugged her from behind, and said, "Do you like it? The people below found this place on a tour a few days ago, and I wanted to bring you here..."

(End of this chapter)

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