Chapter 262

She nodded vigorously, took a deep breath, felt the fragrance of green grass and soil, and said, "Everyone seems to be refreshed."

He pursed his lips and smiled, tightened his arms slightly, resting his chin on her neck, and said in a low voice, "I bought this place."


She was surprised, "You bought it?"

"You don't want to make soap, so you have to have a place to grow flowers. I think this place is good, and there are mountains and rivers. I asked the gardener at home to see it. Many flowers can be planted. There are four to five hundred acres of land here. , I wrote your name."

I go!

Free room and land, uncle, you are so proud!
Thinking about it again, the uncle even gave her a car!

The two horses at home were also given by the uncle, and several mules were also given, tsk tsk, the local tyrants are extraordinary.

Moved in my heart, I was also a little frightened, turned around and twisted his waist, and said: "These wild flowers and weeds can also be used as raw materials, it's a waste."

Seeing that she still said this while she was obviously happy, she couldn't help lowering her head and bit her lips|petal, saying: "Duplicity."

She giggled, leaned into his arms, and said in a low voice, "Uncle, it's so nice of you to treat me."

After a pause, he continued: "Except for my mother, no one has treated me so well for a long time."

He hugged her, bent down and bit her nose, and said softly, with a trace of reproach in his mouth: "Fool, we are going to live a lifetime."


She murmured, longing appeared in her eyes, and the hazy emotions quickly disappeared in her eyes.

Maybe it's a luxury?
But at least I'm happy now.

"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing that she was silent again, he felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't like her sudden silence. It seemed to be gloomy, which made him feel uncomfortable.

He took her hand, spread a piece of cloth from the car on the ground, and pulled her to sit down, the two of them were hidden in the flowers, it seemed that there were only two of them left in the world, each other's breath entangled | Butterflies fluttered and occasionally landed on her shoulders, making her beautiful face even more beautiful.

He couldn't help but look a little crazy, he hugged her and let him lean on his shoulder, and said in a low voice: "I will treat you well."


She responded lowly, resting her head on his chest |.The man's strong and steady heartbeat, and the faint scent of mint reassured her.


He pointed to the distance, and the sunlight smudged the direction of his finger golden, "Did you see the mountain in the distance? When the lost land is recovered in the future, I will resign and open a few acres of mountain land with you in the mountain, and plant some by myself." Tea trees, plant some more vegetables, harvest some grain, raise some chickens, ducks and geese, spend your free time studying and practicing martial arts, facing the wind and moon, and I will grow old here with you."

Her heart moved, "Do you want to go to the fields to cultivate the land yourself? How can you give up the wealth in this world?"

"After all these years in the pile of dead people, I'm tired of it."

He looked down at her, and the firm lines became soft | soft, "If I hadn't made an oath to the first emperor, I would have wanted to disarm and return to the fields, and not care about world affairs. The filth in the court hall is annoying."

She leaned close to him, grabbed his hand with her small hand, tightened it involuntarily, and said: "People cannot avoid worries in this world. If the rivers and mountains are not restored, one will ebb and the other will ebb and flow. Even if we want to live in peace or fear, we will not be able to live in peace."

As he spoke, he shook his head and smiled wryly, "I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in a chaotic world. In this world..."

He hugged her tightly and said in a low voice, "It will be fine..."


The two fell into silence, the wind blew, and the waves of wild flowers seemed to be rolling, and the butterflies were still flying. The two relied on each other, and no one spoke anymore, enjoying the rare leisure.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly let her go and got up to pick the wild flowers. With his slender fingers flying up and down, he quickly wove a wreath and put it on her head. He looked at her and said, "It's so beautiful, you It’s just that they are dressed too plainly and don’t wear any headgear.”

"I'm still in the filial piety period, so it's not suitable for me to wear beautiful makeup and clothes."

He didn't answer, just said: "Take out your mirror and take a look."

Seeing the anticipation in his eyes, she took out a small mirror from her arms and took a look at it.

In the mirror, she is much plumper than when she first came here. Her chin, which was originally as sharp as an awl, is slightly rounder, her face is also fleshy, her eyebrows and eyes seem to be opened up, and she has a girly look and complexion. Well, she is ruddy, her hair is not so dry and yellow, it has a little more luster, the wreath on her head outlines the youthful beauty of a girl, she looks a little dumbfounded.

After her rebirth, she rarely looked in the mirror because she always felt awkward. People around her said she was beautiful, but she never looked carefully.But now that she saw it clearly, it was the first time she discovered that the original Yang Manyue was such a beautiful person.

A pair of autumn water cut pupils seem to be able to speak, eyelashes are like butterfly wings, with a frown and a smile full of breathtaking splendor, is this her?
She was in a daze, he hugged her from behind, his face was reflected in the mirror, the two of them seemed to be frozen in a photo frame, the tenderness in his eyes seemed to turn into fire to completely melt her.

In a trance, she suddenly felt a little sad.

She remembered Socrates' famous saying "the most passionate love will have the most indifferent ending", will she and uncle do that?

He bit her earlobe, and said with some displeasure: "I'm thinking wildly again."

"how do you know?"


He turned her over to face him, then suddenly fell back, brought her down together, let her lie on his chest, stroked her back and said in a low voice, "You don't see light in your eyes when you're thinking wildly."

The little hand holding his skirt trembled slightly, and the man continued: "I don't like you like this."

As he said that, he lifted her up with a little force, let her lie on his body completely, lowered his head, and sharpened her hair, "What are you afraid of? Huh?"

"do not have much left……"

She responded in a low voice, and smiled again in a blink of an eye, "I just wonder if you will bully me in the future."

"How do you say bullying?"

Suddenly there was a trace of wickedness on his stern face, she blushed instantly, and thumped his chest, saying coquettishly, "Not serious."

His low and narrow voice drifted over his head, "You know what I'm talking about? My mind is dirty."

"Screw you!"

She continued to punch him unhappily, "It's obviously your tone..."

He hugged her suddenly, sat up and hugged her amidst her exclamation, turned over and pressed her down, staring at her with cold eyes, his face was as cold as ice, but the words in his mouth were not correct Jing, "What's wrong with my tone?"

As he spoke, he blew lightly on her, "Do you like Yue'er?"

"Screw you!"

She was too embarrassed, "Here we go again."

He smiled lowly, gently covered her lips, and said in a low voice, "Taste."


Kiss if you don't agree with each other, the uncle must be a Scorpio, so boring|sexy.

Thinking of the description of the Scorpio man in the horoscope book, I couldn't help laughing.

Scorpio man, cold on the outside and hot on the inside, always bored|sexy, likes to express love through sex, is very keen on X things, and uses this to determine how much the other party loves him...

"why are you laughing?"

He was a little bit dissatisfied with her inattentiveness, who was in love with her lips. He bit it suddenly as if punishing her, ravished|slapped her a few times, and asked, "Is it funny?"

"no no……"

Full Moon looked at his uncertain face, shrank her neck, and hurriedly said: "Those missionaries said that there are similar things in the West. They call them constellations. Each constellation has a corresponding personality. I suddenly feel that you are very strange, uncle. Like a Scorpio."


Leng Yun had an expression of "what the hell is that", "It's really funny, you can determine a person's temperament by looking at the star?"

After a pause, he suddenly asked again: "What does that Scorpio say?"


There was a cunning flash in her eyes, "I heard from those missionaries that Scorpio men are insightful, good at thinking, but guarded, vigilant at the slightest feng shui disturbance, and competitive, but fortunately they advocate fair competition. So it won't work."

Leng Yun pondered for a while, then nodded, "It's somewhat similar."

Man Yue curled her lips, saw him looking over, and hurriedly continued: "But the Scorpio man is very scheming, he still holds grudges, and he is special..."

She laughed wickedly, "Sex!"

His face turned black immediately, "It's a bunch of nonsense! Don't listen to those foreign monks' nonsense from now on!"

She stuck out her tongue and said, "It's fun to listen to it! Uncle, when is your birthday?"

"What month is a Scorpio born?"

"That's it...their Western calendar method is different from ours, and the monthly order is also different, probably in our mid-September to mid-October."

A certain uncle was stunned for a while, and suddenly fell into a strange silence.

After a while, she suddenly pinched her nose and said, "Listen clearly, that thing is deceiving! I've never had a woman before!"


Man Yue was happy, pushed him away, sat up, hugged her belly and laughed, "Uncle, you are so cute!"

Leng Yun's face turned red unconsciously, and his resolute and cold face was smeared with suspicious red balls. Not only that, the tips of his ears also turned red. Seeing her laughing unrestrainedly, he pulled her past angrily, and rolled over Pressing her down, he kissed her irritating little | mouth.

He kissed him until he was out of breath, before he let go and said, "What constellation are you from?"

After a pause, he snorted coldly: "I know, you are born in April, and your birthday will be soon."

She blinked, showing a hint of playfulness, and said, "Guess?"

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, her mood became depressed, and she murmured: "Uncle, if you really want to be a Scorpio, then you'll be with me... Gemini and Scorpio..."

Thinking of the words in the horoscope book, I was a little frustrated, and suddenly pulled up a handful of grass and threw it at Leng Yun, "If you are a Scorpio, I will ignore you!"


Leng Yun is a little inexplicable, obviously you mentioned this Laoshizi's constellation and used it to bury me, why did you suddenly get angry at yourself again?
Sure enough, a woman's heart is needled in the bottom of the sea, Qing Yun is sincere and does not deceive me!

He took her hand and pinched her nose, "Damn little guy, you're the one who said I was that seat, and now you're venting your anger? You're getting more and more vexatious...why are you staring at me? , I don’t want to be that Scorpio, I can be whatever you say I am…”

(End of this chapter)

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