Chapter 263

He agreed but didn't let go, instead hugged him even tighter, "Sit for a while."

Seeing him like this, my heart is sweet, and the displeasure just now is gone, lingering in his arms like a cat, with two small hands around his neck, suddenly kissed him on the lips, and said a little domineeringly: "If you don't love me, you are not allowed to touch me in the future, and I won't marry you either."

He stood there blankly, and suddenly laughed out loud after a while, "You really care so much?"


She blushed, but still looked straight into his eyes, took out all her courage, and said domineeringly: "Who am I, Yang Rener?! The husband I want must be wholehearted to me, otherwise Get out! How can you talk about harmony between husband and wife if you are not in love with each other?!"


He smiled again, and brushed his slender fingers across her cheeks, "Yue'er finally admits that her heart is with me?"

She choked for breath, thumped his chest and said: "Shouldn't you have known about this? Don't say goodbye to Yangchun, I told you already."

"It's rare..."

He smiled lowly, "What's the matter today? Are you agreeing?"

She pouted, "If you betray me, hum, the girl will let you sing to the fullest!"

"The chrysanthemum is broken? What is the allusion?"

"Wait until the day you bear me | You will know."

A trace of inquiry flashed in his slender black eyes, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not a good word. This girl probably wanted to say that she wanted to betray her, so she let herself have a bad death, right?

Heart is cruel enough!


He felt a sense of satisfaction.

At the age of 14, he left home alone and became a rookie on the battlefield.He almost lost his life when he was on the battlefield for the first time.The one-eyed golden man stuck a knife into his shoulder, and the pain made him lose all strength, especially when the knife was pulled out, he felt that his life was being taken away little by little.

In a brief absence, he thought of his father and those things at home. The enemy's knife fell again, but this time he didn't let the one-eyed wolf stab him.He grasped the knife firmly, and then stabbed the man's stomach with his spear without the tip, and spun it hard.

At that time, I was like a wounded beast, and I didn't know where the strength came from. Such a man who was much stronger than me died just like this.

And when that person finally didn't move, he didn't have any fear of killing someone for the first time, but just cut off that person's head expressionlessly. To him, this meant ten taels of silver, which he paid for with his life. of.

Since then, he has never been afraid again, and in the following time, death occupied his whole life, and he even fell in love with that kind of fighting. Only at that time, the splash of the enemy's blood could make him feel that he was still alive. live.

Although he is unsmiling, he likes to be vigorous in his heart, because that makes him feel real.

Her evasive attitude always made him a little displeased. He likes her now, domineering and jealous, so that the real her is the real her, and only then can he see her clearly and get closer to her.

He hoped that she would be a little hotter, and ordinary feelings would make him feel terrified, as if everything was out of control, making people upset.

Emotionally hugging her into his arms, he didn't speak, but kissed her very fiercely, with a suspicious red on his face.He likes her enthusiasm, and he likes the heartbeat at that moment, which is crisp and numb, which seems to be addictive.

The kisses fell like rain, and she endured them tremblingly. Slowly, he suddenly felt that she was different.

I don't know if my emotions were conveyed to her through this affectionate and intense WEN, she was uncharacteristically not as calm as before, clasping her neck with her hands, and responded enthusiastically.

"Little thing, little thing..."

He couldn't help calling her softly, her eyes were misty, "Uncle..."

The voice seemed to be stained with something, with a magical power that made his heart tremble, and then became full again, as if something was about to fly out of it.

Unfortunately, it couldn't fly out.

He was a little helpless, he could only hug her instinctively, swallowing her breath deeply.

Because, he found that his heart would be much more at ease this way.

Tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes. At this moment, she actually felt his heart.


Is he as insecure as himself?

Only those who have been hurt and have experienced ups and downs will hate that kind of slow-moving plainness.

Their hearts are so hollow, that kind of slow breathing will kill them!

Only the vigorous and extremely hot love can make them feel at ease.

There is no sand in the eyes, only each other in the eyes...

Sand, no shelter.

350 six days in a year, 330 years in a dream, I met you after crossing a long river of time, I don’t know if this is my luck or my calamity...

Such words suddenly popped up in her heart, and the heart that had no place to rest suddenly became at ease.

How many such fates are there in the world?

It doesn't matter if he is Jie or what, at Mu Shi, if you don't blame me, I won't blame you either.

Embracing him with pity, she felt his fragility in his fierce demands.

He is a lone wolf walking in the desert. The world says he likes to torture and kill, but who has ever seen his loneliness?
She fell softly into his arms, her face was flushed with blush that hadn't dissipated after the intensity, her eyes were like water, deep as if she wanted to drown him.

Fingers hooked his big hand softly, panting, but unprecedentedly at ease.

She remembered what her best friend said, the so-called trust means to believe or to admit.

Since she can't escape and is doomed to sink for him, why not be more generous?
Let's talk about the future.

Thinking of this, she buried her head deeply in his chest, rubbing against him like a coquettish cat, feeling his comfort, and felt extremely comfortable.


She whispered.




"Twilight, Twilight, Twilight!"

Gradually, her voice became more and more urgent, and she called his name tirelessly, while he responded one after another, then suddenly rolled over and pressed her to the bottom of his body, kissing her, over and over again...

The wind blows, the wild flowers sway, and the butterflies flutter. The people in the flowers only feel that there is only each other in the world, calling each other's name over and over again, until the oxygen in each other's chest is exhausted, and they slowly return to peace.

The garland was already broken, so he got up to pick it off again. The new garland was put on her head, and the messy hair was tidied up by him. He carried her into the car and said in a low voice, "Go back?"


She raised her face, doubting her refusal to sit in the car, "I'll sit here and drive with you."

He smiled, his expression was no longer as cold as before, as if he had felt something from just now, he looked at her with soft and deep eyes, touched her head, and said: "Then sit down."

The carriage was leisurely, and the speed was not fast. The two of them were silent in the happiness they had just given each other, and did not speak any more.

When he arrived at the small town, when he was about to reach the store, he stuffed the land deed into her arms, "Take it away. I will resign in the future, and I will go to the pensioner."

She stopped being pretentious, put away the land deed, squinted her eyes and said with a smile: "I think the current location of your home is good, and you can still see the sea."

"It's empty and I'll take you there."

He couldn't help rubbing her head, "If you don't like the place just now, you can change it to another place."

"Then we have a few more places to live in seclusion. In fact, I think Shu is the best place!"

He chuckled, "It's really greedy."


She smiled, the car had already arrived at Linju, the servant at the door saw her coming back, and hurried forward, "Little Master, you are back."

As he spoke, he saluted Leng Yun again, "Greetings to Lord Hou."


Leng Yun returned to his indifferent look, raised his eyebrows and said, "But what happened?"

The servant looked at Man Yue with some embarrassment, and Man Yue said: "Master Hou is not an outsider, so tell me."


The young man saluted, then lowered his voice and said, "Yes... it's the eldest son-in-law who has come."


Man Yue froze there, "What young master?"

The boy's face turned green. He knew about Yang Zhen's affairs more or less from his work in the store, but he didn't know the details. He only knew that her husband's family treated her badly, so she was taken back.

Now that uncle came to the door, the little boss obviously didn't want to see him, let alone that guy...

He gritted his teeth, and said, "That's right, it's my aunt's husband."


Yang Manyue was angry, "What is he doing here?"

"They said they came to see the child...and, moreover, they had a conflict with Mr. Shi..."

"Stone Cong?"

Man Yue was stunned, "He's here?"

Instantly felt the temperature around him drop, and a cold cloudy voice came, "What is that man here for?"

"Say, say that the young master is about to take the exam, and send some papers and articles from the college exams over the years."

The boy wanted to die very much, why is he on duty today!
It doesn't matter if he is on duty, why does Mao need so many things? !And Master Hou is here, everyone in Ningbo is aware of the conflict between Master Hou and Mr. Shi!Hou Ye is the number one squeezed by Mr. Shi!
"Brother Shi really has a heart."

Man Yue knew that Leng Yun didn't like Shi Cong, but she couldn't provoke fire on this point, so she could only bite the bullet and said: "If Xiao Shi passed the courtyard test this time, he must come to the door to thank him. He takes pity on his life experience, and I will learn about it later." Illustrated."


Leng Yun snorted coldly, and his indifferent face suddenly became mean, "I think he's a drunkard who doesn't care about drinking, and it's you, the flower, who pities you."

"go with!"

She pouted and said, "Other people are getting married soon, so don't talk nonsense."

He snorted coldly, said no more, got out of the cart, and threw the whip to the boy, "Feed my horse some good food."

With that said, he entered the gate.After he went in, Man Yue hurriedly asked, "Tell me what's going on."

"Yes, big girl."

The boy Balala began to speak, "Young Master Weng said he was coming to see the child. At that time, Young Master Shi happened to come, and the aunt received her. She heard that she was your friend, so she was a little polite. What Young Master Weng said was It doesn’t sound good, it’s said that my aunt talks to men in public, she doesn’t obey women’s morals... Mr. Shi feels uncomfortable when he hears this, but after all, he is a son of a family. It's..."

(End of this chapter)

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