Chapter 264

Damn mental retardation!

After listening to the boy's story, Man Yue only felt that Weng Pu was a mentally handicapped man from a mentally handicapped country!
Shige is always retired, but the former student and official are still there, quarreling with his grandson, is it because he thinks his life is not long enough?

And my sister is just entertaining guests, so why is she not a woman?
After entering Guilin Residence, and in the backyard, I saw Leng Yun drinking tea with Chao Su in the study, while in the yard were Shi Cong, the elder sister and Weng Pu.

All three of them had gloomy faces, and the elder sister's eyes were a little red, as if she had cried.

Man Yue stepped forward and saluted, "Brother Shi, why are you here today?"

"Come get some books for your brother."

Shi Cong pointed at Weng Pu and said, "Is this really your brother-in-law?"

Weng Pu was furious, "Mr. Shi, why is your elder family so rude?!"

"Joke! You slandered me and ruined my reputation. You still want me to be polite?"

Man Yue had a headache, and suddenly felt that it was a wise choice for Leng Yun to run into the study.

But thinking about it made me a little angry.

Hello uncle!
Didn't you say you want to protect me for the rest of your life?Why are you letting go now?

Leng Yun wanted to take care of it, but Yang Zhen had a special status, it was really hard for him as an outsider to intervene in this matter.Can only let the full moon come forward, he is secretly tripping people up.

"Brother Shi, this house has always been rude, don't be angry."

Full Moon smiled and said: "Come, come, I will be the host today..."

"Yang Manyue, you are so shameless!"

Weng Pu was furious, "Break your eyebrows and bend your waist to serve the powerful, where is your backbone? You actually helped outsiders?"

"Brother Shi is not an outsider."

Man Yue said with a cold face: "And you are not one of us, Mr. Weng should be very clear about this? Have your two nieces read it? Go back after reading it."


"What? Do you want me to call someone to invite you out?"


Weng Pu knew about Man Yue's temper, it was ridiculous to say that he was not afraid of Shi Cong, but he was a little scared of this sister-in-law.The combination of punches last time caused him too much pain, and now everyone in Pan'an is pointing at him, and he can't even raise his head.

And he also regretted a little, thinking that he might have misunderstood Yang Zhen, so he wanted to come and have a look, if he could win her heart back, the rumors would be self-defeating, so he wouldn't have to worry about those unnecessary trivial matters.

Thinking of this, he restrained his arrogance, and said: "Eleven Niang, I am Shu'er anyway, Min'er's father, even if there will be a day when your sister and I are really on bad terms, the two children will always be with my Weng family." blood, I, a father, come over to have a look, you can't just shut me out, can you?"

"That's it."

Man Yue nodded, "If Mr. Weng behaves well, we welcome you to come to see the child, and there is no need for adults to affect the child, elder sister, don't you think so?"

Yang Zhen gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "Eleven Niang, don't you be deceived by his rhetoric, and now you think that you are Min'er, Shu'er's father? Poor, she is clearly a daughter of an official family, but she is abused by her servants." , even if you want to eat some meat, where did you go at that time?"

She paused and said: "Weng Pu, don't you think I'm an idiot. I know what's going on in your heart, but you should give up. I won't go back with you."

"Zhen'er..." Weng Pu looked guilty, "I shouldn't listen to that bitch, I dare not ask you to forgive me, but don't drive me away, okay? I just want to spend a few days with my child, just a few days, I was wrong just now, don't be angry, I will go back in a few days."


At this moment, the trembling voices of Shu'er and Min'er came, and Yang Zhen froze when she heard the voice.

But Weng Pu was overjoyed, turned around and went towards the two children, "Min'er, Shu'er, Daddy has come to see you, do you miss Daddy?"

Weng Sishu backed away subconsciously. She was 11 years old this year, and she witnessed her father's abuse of her mother. Although it was only once, it was enough to make her remember her whole life.

After coming to Ningbo for a few months, although the indifference of the Weng family made her gradually forget, the scene of her father's abuse was deeply etched in her mind, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.She thought of her mother, the misfortune of herself and her sister was caused by this man, it was instinctive fear.

He, he is here again, he, what is he doing here?Are you taking them back?
Shu'er subconsciously shook her head, and suddenly screamed and threw herself into Man Yue's arms, her small body trembling uncontrollably, "No, no..."

Her voice became sharp and sharp, and she hugged the full moon tightly, "Aunt Ten, Eleven, no, no, no, I don't want to go back, don't go back, he, he beats his mother, doesn't give us food, I don't Go back, I won't go back!"

Shi Cong froze there, a little in disbelief.

He looked at it for a long time, and he figured out something. He thought it was the young couple who were quarreling, but he didn't expect...

Still beating yourself to get a wife?

This is the most contemptible thing for a man to beat a woman in this era. Probably in the hearts of men at this time, a man's hands are used to conquer the world. If they are used to beat delicate women, they will be despised by the whole society. Much more serious.

Seeing this child frighten me, my dear father!The little beast must have been so ruthless that it frightened the child.

Shi Cong frowned, and said in a low voice, "Manyue, do you want my help?"

"It's okay, Brother Shi, I can take care of it."

Man Yue comforted Shu'er and said, "Don't be afraid, Shu'er, aunt will not let you suffer any more if she tries her best."

Min'er stood there, constantly shrinking back. Although she didn't see her father beating her mother, she heard her mother's painful voice from time to time.She prayed more than once that her father would change his mind, stop beating his mother and love them as before, but God seemed to be deaf, and the miracle never happened.

However, although she was still young, she was afraid, but she still had a feeling of licking the calf and a fantasy for her father in her heart. Although she backed away in fear, she did not run away.

Weng Pu was overjoyed, went to pick up Min'er, kissed her on the face, as if he didn't hear Shu'er's words, "Does Min'er miss Daddy?"

Then he came back with the child in his arms. Seeing that Shu'er was avoiding him, he felt a little annoyed, but he thought that the purpose of his coming was to hold back, and said, "Shu'er, it was my father who was wrong before, and it was because my father believed in villainous words." , Daddy promises you that it will never happen in the future, don't hide from Daddy, okay?"

Shu'er didn't speak, and hid in Man Yue's arms again.On the other hand, Min'er, after all, is young and easy to coax. When she heard this, she felt that her prayers were effective, and her eyes lit up, "Really? Daddy, will you treat us well in the future? I hate that Aunt Qi , she always bullies mother, even beats Min'er when you are not around."

Yang Zhen was taken aback, "Min'er, she, did she hit you?"

Yang Zhen's voice was trembling, "What, when did it happen?"

Weng Pu's face darkened, and he became angry.

First, he was angry at his daughter for telling the story in public, which made him lose face; second, he was also angry with Qi Yuaner, that his own daughter dared to beat him?
After all, he still cares about his own flesh and blood.

"She, she said that Min'er is not good when her father is like this. As long as Min'er kneels in her yard, Daddy will change his mind. Later, later, I knelt down, but Daddy was still angry with Mother. I went to ask Auntie, she Just beat me, and say that you can beat Dad a few times to stop his anger..."

"Weng! Pu!"

The eldest sister stood up and swayed back and forth, "You, you bastard, did you hear that?!"

She said that she wanted to step forward to grab Min'er, Weng Pu stepped back and said: "That bitch is playing tricks, why are you scolding me?!"

"Running the family is not strict, allowing the concubine to treat the mistress harshly, and mistreating the daughter of the first wife, who else will I scold if I don't scold you?"

Leng Yun's voice suddenly echoed in the courtyard, and within a few moments he grabbed Weng Pu's shoulder with one hand, "Put the child down."

"Why?! What are you..."

He stopped suddenly halfway through his words.

Rumor has it that Leng Twilight was arrogant and unrestrained. He was obviously weak but still had no hair or beard. Could it be that...

When I saw it, I was scared out of my wits, Scar!
This is the sign of cold twilight!

Immediately stuttered, subconsciously put Min'er down, and said, "You, don't you?"

"Who I am has nothing to do with you."

Leng Yun bent down and picked up Min'er and returned it to the elder sister, saying: "Yue'er, some people can't be reasonable, let's send him out."

After the words fell, Weng Pu said again and again: "What Hou Ye said is true, what Hou Ye said is true, I will go now, I will go now."

After finishing speaking, he left in a hurry, Man Yue was dumbfounded, wow, uncle's air conditioner is so easy to use?

Shi Cong snorted coldly, obviously a little sour.

That Weng Pu yelled at him, seeing Leng Mushi is like a mouse meeting a cat, he really has no brains, and the forces in his family are not afraid of fighting with Leng Mushi.It's so good now, Leng Mushi scares him away with just one sentence, bitch, I knew I would have given him a meal of stewed bamboo shoots just now!
A glint of coldness suddenly flashed in Shi Cong's slender eyes, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

Abusing your own wife?Well, check out his details later.

As soon as the elder sister saw him leave, she couldn't help crying. Shu'er also walked over and snuggled up to him. The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried bitterly.I thought it would be clean when I arrived in Ningbo, but I didn't expect to chase after it.

Having been married to Weng Pu for many years, Yang Zhen knew that that lowly thing might not let it go.After a few days of good times, she was worried and frightened again, and she couldn't help feeling sad.

Leng Yun frowned, seeing Man Yue's distressed expression, thought for a while and said, "I'll go ahead."

In the middle of walking, he suddenly said to Shi Cong: "Young Master Shi, here are all female relatives, why don't you go to the front and have some wine together?"

Shi Cong couldn't refuse this reason, after all, this is the back house, it's really inappropriate for him to be here, so he had to agree with Leng Yun, and the two walked out of the backyard side by side.

As soon as he left the backyard, Leng Yun said: "Mr. Shi, do as you please. Leng's yamen still has important matters, so I will leave."

Shi Cong sneered, "What do you mean by sending me here on purpose?"

"What do you say?"

Leng Yun looked at him coldly, "You think I don't know what's on your mind?"

Shi Cong's expression changed, "What's on your mind?"

"Men are so thoughtful."

Leng Yun sneered, "What? You don't look good, did I hit the mark?"

Coldness flashed across Leng Yun's eyes, "Stay away from her, it's fine if you don't want fame, but don't tire her reputation, your wife who is about to get married is not a good person!!"

(End of this chapter)

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