Chapter 265
After Leng Yun said this, he didn't leave without turning his head, leaving only Shi Cong with a livid face standing in place.

Thinking of his wife who was about to marry, he felt a kind of resistance for no reason.

The daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials is very good, and her family background is already so prominent that it cannot be more prominent.

The Ministry of Officials is in charge of the promotion of officials, and it is the Tianxian official. Officials all over the world will raise their noses. In addition, they are the disciples of their grandfathers. This marriage can be said to be a good match.

And the woman who is going to marry him is the only girl born in the same family. She is seventeen this year, and she is old enough to be a precious woman, and the rumors of her arrogant temperament are not a day or two.

It's just that he didn't think it was a problem before, and his wife is naturally only worthy of a woman from such a family background.

But ever since he found out that Yang Manyue was not the snob he had imagined, his heart changed.

He instinctively rejected this marriage, and even his previous thoughts were overturned by him.

His family background is already prominent enough, there is no need to add more flowers, but a smart and kind woman like Man Yue is what he wants.A virtuous wife can manage the family, and the family can prosper for at least three generations; if you want to harm others, you have to teach your own daughter to marry your enemy. The ideas of the ancients are sometimes much more advanced than modern people.

At least on the subject of marrying a wife and a worthy person, they can see it more clearly than modern people.

Thinking of those rumors, Shi Cong was upset for a while.

Thinking of Full Moon again, I haven't seen her for a few months, she has grown a little taller, her appearance is a little opened, she is a little less immature, and more girlish, and her demeanor is even more elegant.

The appearance of such a temperament on a woman naturally makes a man's heart flutter.

If it was according to his wishes, he would naturally want to marry such a woman back home.But now it seems that apart from Leng Yun, there is also the unmarried wife standing between him and the full moon.

The marriage between Leng Yun and Yang Manyue was a bit unfair, and he might have a fight, but his fiancée...

Anxiety gathered in his eyes, and after thinking for a long time, he left without saying hello.

No one knows what Shi Cong is feeling at the moment, some things are too late even if they are too late, and Shi Cong would never have thought that the little farm girl, the woman whom he had been laughing at before, would become a river that he would have difficulty crossing in his life.

Apart from these two people, after Man Yue and the others left, she sat down and comforted her: "Sister, don't worry, there will be a solution."

"Eleven Niang, you don't know him..."

Yang Zhen wiped the corners of her eyes and said: "It's scary how thick-skinned he is. Back then, several people talked about their relationship. At first, his father looked down on him, but he came to the door every day. In the end, his parents were moved by his sincerity, and I listened to him. The servant girl described it, and thought that this person was sincere, and finally chose him. But where did I expect..."

There is no need to talk about it here, we already know what happened next, it can be seen that Weng Pu is a super bastard who knows people and faces but does not know his heart.

"That man is the best at stalking, I'm afraid he won't let it go."

"It's not good, it's not good!"

Before she finished speaking, she saw Yang Jiumei rushing in, "Elder sister, Eleven Niang, I, I just came back from a trip, and I saw Weng Pu outside. unlucky!"

The corner of Man Yue's mouth twitched. After Yang Jiumei came here, without the restraint of her parents, she went out to play every day. She became a wild girl.I don’t know where I went today, and I just came back now, and brought a piece of news that is out of date, I’m really drunk...

and many more?

what did she say?

Man Yue stood up immediately, "Can you see clearly? Ninth Sister?"

"I knew him even after that beast was burned to ashes!"

Yang Jiumei gritted her teeth with a ferocious expression, "What is he going to do?"

She paused for a moment and suddenly found that Yang Zhen's eyes were red and swollen, and the eyes of her two nieces were also red, and she exclaimed, "That beast has been here?!"

Man Yue coughed lightly, looked at the two nieces, and suddenly said: "Come here, take the two little girls to rest."

As he spoke, he knelt down and touched the heads of the two of them, and said, "Min'er, Shu'er, can you go back to your room first? Don't worry, no one can hurt you, aunt will protect you."

Shu'er nodded, but Min'er didn't move, she looked at Yang Jiumei and said, "Gu Gu, just now Dad apologized to Mother, he said he shouldn't believe Aunt Qi's words, he said he would treat us well in the future, isn't he Bad guy."

Yang Jiumei's heart twitched, and she was immediately annoyed, "You white-eyed wolf!"

He took Yang Zhen's hand, pulled up his sleeves and said, "A human can do such a thing?!"

Min'er backed away in fright when she scolded her, and looked at her mother's arms, crying even more frightened, "Mother, mother, you, what are you doing? No, no, from now on Daddy won't do it anymore, he will change it." , will still hurt us like before..."

As she spoke, she ran, and Shu'er hurriedly chased after her, grabbed Min'er, and said, "Sister, Daddy scalded mother with red-hot tongs. I saw it, I saw it, we can't trust him, we can't If you go back, you will die, your mother will die..."

Horror bloomed in Min'er's eyes, she shook her head desperately, "It's all Aunt Qi, it's all Aunt Qi, Daddy won't..."


Yang Jiumei was so angry that she was about to hit Min'er, but Man Yue grabbed her and said, "She's still young, so she doesn't understand."

Yang Zhen shed tears, "It's all my fault..."

Man Yue walked over, hugged Miner, touched her head and said: "Miner, you are still young, you will understand when you are older. Your father may not be a bad person, but it is wrong for him to beat your mother, so don't hate him." He, don't hate Aunt Qi, you are all good children, let adults do things for adults, eat obediently, grow up quickly, don't think about these things, okay?"

Min'er cried and said, "Aunt Eleven, I heard Mother crying and shouting. I think it's Aunt Qi who made Daddy hate us. But, but, he, it's fine if he hits us a few times, why use tongs to burn us? Mother? I was disobedient, and grandma just spanked me a few times. Mother was disobedient, but daddy spanked her ass. Why did you burn mother with tongs?"

Min'er was frightened, and her words lost all logic, only Shu'er pursed her lips, with hatred in her eyes, she suddenly reached out and grabbed Min'er's hair, "You pig! Daddy is a bad person, Daddy is a bad person, if Daddy is in his heart You mother, ten aunts of Qi are useless! You pig!"

"no no!"

Min'er roared at the top of his lungs, Man Yue grabbed Shu'er's hand, and scolded: "Shu'er, how can you hit your sister? She is young and doesn't understand anything, that is your father, even if he really No, it will cut off your blood, and if you can’t respect him, we can stay away from him! If it spreads, you say that about your father, and you will be killed if you say that about your father! "

Full moon is not a pedantic person, but in this era, I can't express my hatred.

Shu'er cried and said, "Aunt Eleven, why do you help him? He beat his mother and let Aunt Qi abuse us. Aunt Eleven, do you know what it feels like to be hungry?"

Man Yue took a breath, pulled Shu'er over, and said in a low voice, "Gun knows. But you are still young, so there are some things you can't say. Gu Gu can be a villain, but you can't be..."

"Aunt Eleven!"

Shu'er threw herself into Man Yue's arms, Min'er also cried and threw herself into her arms, Man Yue felt resentful, with tears in her eyes, hugged her two nieces, and said repeatedly: "Good boy, don't want to do this! You have to be good, Let others see you live, and fight for your mother, and my aunt will not let those people hurt you again. Aunt Qi will pay the price!"

The servants nearby and Chao Su who was not far away couldn't help wiping away their tears. Chao Su couldn't help but said, "It's really a crime. How can I let go of this bloody love? This Weng Pu himself is happy, but it hurts me. These three women will suffer for the rest of their lives, and the aunt can still be freed, but how can these two children be freed?"

He shook his head, couldn't bear to read any more, and when he turned back and walked into the house, he was still muttering: "Do evil, do evil, just make up and leave, if you have a bit of conscience, you shouldn't make trouble again, at least you can save your parents." femininity."

Man Cang and Xiao Shi in the study looked gloomy, Xiao Shi suddenly said: "In the previous life, I was full of evil, and in this life I hated my parents..."

Mancang's heart moved, he lowered his head and murmured: "Brother Ten, at least Fifth Aunt and Fifth Uncle are thinking of you, I hope you have a good birth."

"for me?"

Xiao Shi sneered, "I used to believe it, but now I don't believe it. They are for themselves. How can there be any reason to give up your own flesh and blood if it is not a last resort? I couldn't figure it out before, but today I see Weng Pu and I understand everything. With greed, even one's own flesh and blood can be parted!"

Mancang thought of his uncle, remembered the abuse he suffered when he was a child, and thought about being in the Yamen last year, he murmured: "Tian Xingjian, strive for self-improvement, if we become strong, we don't have to care about those who hurt you... ..."

"you're right."

Xiao Ten picked up the book, "I am Qifang's son, don't mention them again."

Mancang looked at Xiao Shi, and then heard Min'er Shu'er crying outside, the resentment in his heart disappeared.

Compared to Xiao Shi, Shu'er, Min'er, I am much luckier.

At least he has a mother who can give everything for him, and a sister who is not a real sister but is far better than the blood of a close relative. What else can he complain about?Even if his father treats him badly, he still beats his mother, but at least they are freed now!
Man Yue sent the two children back to the house, where they were taken care of, and then returned to the courtyard, and said to Yang Zhen, "Sister, don't cry anymore, you are strong as a mother, and you can't fall down because of the two children."

Then he said to Yang Jiumei: "Jiujie, don't call Min'er and Shu'er their father like that in the future. Even if they hate Weng Pu in their hearts, who doesn't want to have a loving father? They will feel inferior..."

Yang Jiumei also felt that she had just gone too far, so she said: "I, I was just angry just now... Okay, okay, I won't say it in front of them in the future, I will keep my mouth shut. But, Eleven Niang, why is that Weng Pu renting a house? I think he is planning to play tricks!"

"What does he want to do? Soldiers come to cover up the water and soil. Eighth Uncle went to meet friends today. When he comes back, let's ask him what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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