Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 266 Are You an Evil Ghost?

Chapter 266 Are You an Evil Ghost?

Later, when Yang Shouchi came back, he sneered when he heard the situation, "The Weng family is very calculating, I'm sure we won't put this matter in the newspapers, probably because we talked to the old man, this is killing our Yang family .”

"I guess so."

Full Moon lowered her eyes and said, "They're betting that we won't dare to make a big deal out of it."

"I'm not afraid!"

Yang Zhen said: "If they are so shameless, I have nothing to fear. Whether it's a physical examination or something, I admit it."

"Don't worry yet."

Yang Shouchi waved his hand, "Back then we were betting that they would not dare to make a big deal, but now they have used this as their way to generalize the army. It seems that we have to find another way."

"If we don't expose the matter, Weng Pu will take advantage of it. If he wants to come, we can't drive her away."

Yang Jiumei was not stupid at all, she saw the power at a glance, and she said annoyedly: "Wouldn't it be impossible to deal with him?"

"I see that the same can be said for all changes..."

Full Moon said slowly: "Let's see what he has in mind first. As long as he makes moves, there will always be loopholes. Maybe he can play himself to death."

Yang Shouchi nodded, "Let me think about it again, elder sister, don't be impulsive. If you go to the Yamen, then we will be passive. If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your two daughters. Do you still want to do it for that person?" Keep the festival forever?"

"Uncle eight?!"

Yang Zhen was shocked, "You are..."

"Nowadays the imperial court encourages widows to remarry. It's okay for you to remarry. Our Yang family is not a pedantic family. You are a woman's family. It is not easy to take care of children. If there is a match, it is good to find another one. I It doesn't matter if you find an honest man, as long as he is honest, it would be even better if he can be your son-in-law."

Yang Zhen turned pale, "Could it be, is this what grandma meant?"

"Your grandmother didn't say that. As far as I am concerned, you are still young, eldest sister, so there is no need to suffer your whole life for that little beast."

Yang Zhen lowered her head and stopped talking, the atmosphere became silent.

When Man Yue saw her, she pretended to be relaxed and said: "It depends on fate, don't worry about the good ones, if you don't have them, we won't force you, big sister, do you think it makes sense?"

This sounds much more comfortable. Yang Zhen has experienced such a marriage, and the wound is still bleeding. It would be crazy to ask her to remarry. The resistance just now was obvious.

And Man Yue's words had a buffer, so Yang Zhen's complexion improved a bit, and she couldn't help nodding, "What Eleven Niang said is true."

Seeing that his Eighth Uncle was puzzled, he said in a low voice: "Eighth Uncle, I'm afraid..."

Yang Shouchi's heart twitched slightly, then he sighed and said, "Forget it, Eighth Uncle's lack of thoughtfulness made you sad, so don't take it to heart."


Yang Jiumei stomped her feet, "I said Uncle Ba, my good uncle, and what about a door-to-door son-in-law! Now this one is lurking near us, if you don't want to think about it, you have to come to our house and stay!"

Yang Jiumei's appearance was very amusing, even if Yang Zhen was in a heavy mood, she was amused by her, "Didn't you say that you have good fists and feet? Why don't you beat him out?"


Yang Jiumei's eyes suddenly lit up like light bulbs, and she rolled up her sleeves and said, "Hey, don't tell me, I also learned a few tricks from Lixiu and the others recently, and now I know that Xiaowu used to be embroidered with fists and legs!"

The full moon covers his face, that Xiao Wu is only a servant in the house, how can he know any martial arts?

"And I also learned a few tricks from Brother Qingyun..."

Yang Zhen's expression changed, and she said, "When have you seen him?"

Eighth Uncle also frowned, "Jiu Niang, if you usually take your servants and servants to play in the street, Eighth Uncle doesn't care. But you, a girl, are not allowed to interact with men alone..."

Seeing her looking at the full moon, Eighth Uncle glared, "Eleven Niang is engaged, it's different!"

Yang Jiumei shrank her neck and murmured: "Yeah, I didn't meet alone, but he came with my brother-in-law. Seeing him pointing out Lixiu and them, I followed suit."

Yang Zhen couldn't help shaking her head when she saw her like this. Her birthday will be in two months, and after her birthday, she will have a wedding ceremony. What can the in-laws do?
And the mother is also, it is good to let myself pay attention to the handsome men from Linju, but these days she has figured it out, it is not easy to come to Linju, although their Yang family is also a big family, but Now that the eighth uncle has been dismissed from office, there are no ones who can support the scene, but there are some masters, but they are not close after all. If the ninth sister is high-ranking, and she has such a temper, I am afraid that she will suffer a lot.

One after another, Yang Zhen felt that the most difficult thing in the world was to be a human being.

I had no idea for the time being, so I had to let it go. A few days later, Weng Pu came again and bought some snacks and toys that children love.

Man Yue couldn't stop him from coming in. Before everyone knew the truth, they would just think it was the young couple who were having trouble. If he prevented him from seeing the child, and he yelled, the Yang family would be in the wrong.

They sent Lixiu and a few able-bodied disciples to watch secretly, and found Mama Qian to follow Eldest Sister. The nanny of Eldest Sister was loyal, but it was a pity that she was too soft and sticky. Facing a scoundrel like Weng Pu, Mama Qian had to come to suppress the scene. .

Man Yue took a brief look at the things Weng Pu brought, including snacks, educational toys for children, and a few exquisite clothes, and thought to herself: I spent some time thinking about it.

It's fine if you sincerely repent, but even a blind person can see that this place is very utilitarian, and the purpose is obviously not pure, most of it is for his own face.

Now Incheon is full of turmoil, and the Weng family can't hold their heads up. The only way to stop the rumors is to get the eldest sister back.It's a pity that Yang Zhen's heart is dead, how could he want to go back?
Moreover, after a few months of coming here, the mind has become more active, and those decorated courtyards have also been used to entertain female guests. The people who come here are not ordinary people. When Yang Zhen was a girl, because she was the eldest daughter The eldest daughter has received a good education and is not a wimp. She learned from the shopkeeper for a while, and now she is able to receive female guests with Mrs. Chen.

Love and marriage failed, but career started.It was a new experience for women at that time to work and support themselves.Yang Zhen thought, she thought that she was useless in the Weng family, but she couldn't be financially independent.Now that you can be financially independent, what do you want to marry?
Don't blame Yang Zhen for being realistic.One of the most important purposes for women these days to marry is to live.Once you have the ability to be independent, you absolutely don't want to suffer that kind of anger.

Man Yue’s salary for her eldest sister is naturally not low, but it is also in terms of size. In fact, it is similar to everyone else. To start a company, you have to have a flat bowl of water. The family can give more opportunities, but there should be no gaps in other aspects. Get older, otherwise others will not work hard if they are not convinced.

But even so, the salary was enough to surprise Yang Zhen.

Gui Linju's salary compared to that of the same period is really very conscientious.Although it is still cheap from the perspective of a modern person like the full moon, the fact is that everyone is very satisfied with their current income, which can greatly improve their family conditions.

As long as you work steadily for a few years, you will soon be able to become well-off.Like Yang Zhen, they are trained according to the big shopkeeper. Now they focus on taking care of the female guests, but in the future they will have to manage the affairs of the whole building. The treatment will not be bad, not to mention raising two children, plus a wet nurse. , two maidservants, even a few more people are enough!
Yang Zhen was living quite contentedly these days, but she never thought that the one who suffered from the plague was so shameless, and she even found it.

Yang Zhen watched Weng Pu coaxing her daughter with cold eyes, and suddenly thought, it would be great if he disappeared...

When I thought of this, I was also taken aback, but then I thought about it, killing people is not okay, but it would be good if I beat him up secretly so that he can retreat in spite of the difficulties.

After thinking about it for a while, I let it go again.

It's not that the heart is soft, it's that there are too many sequelae if you do it that way, and if you come to make trouble, it will not be good for the Yang family's reputation, and it will also hurt Shi Niang.

"Zhen'er, look, I even bought you jewelry."

Weng Pu took out a small box as if presenting treasures, "Ningbo is really prosperous, even this small port is much better than Pan'an, and the things are good and cheap. When you see that they are suitable for you, you buy them all."

Yang Zhen sneered, "How can a bitch like me deserve jewelry and fancy clothes?"

This was what Weng Pu said when he beat her. At that time, he pulled off all the jewelry on his head, tied himself with a hairpin, and now he came to buy things to coax himself. It's really ironic.

"Zhen'er, that's me..."

"Young Master Weng."

Mother Qian said expressionlessly: "Miss Eleven said that you are the ones who want to reconcile. Although you are not divorced now, you have to pay attention to proportion after all. When you look after your child, you must look after your child. Don't ask Meng Lang." It ruined our aunt's reputation..."

"You bitch!"

Weng Pu was furious, it's fine for other people to show their faces, what is a mere servant?
"I can't afford to be blamed by the young master."

Mama Qian is blessed, and she has no expression on her face, "The servants serve the eleven girls, all they eat and use, wealth and glory are all given by the master, the master asked me to do this, so I have to be careful. What does the eldest girl have to do with you?" You also know the situation, you see, we don't object to the child, but we can't harass our eldest girl, and the eldest girl has to be a human being in the future!"

This is enough to make people angry!

Weng Pu's mouth is crooked.

Damn it!

Then Yang Manyue has a sharp mouth, how can everyone around him be eloquent?
"What a sharp tongue, he is really a good dog of your master."

"My lord, you are joking. The master's kindness is as important as a mountain. If you want us to be servants and servants like dogs, it will be done. Thunder, rain and dew are all kindness to the king. A minister must be loyal, and a slave must be loyal, no matter how different a man is from a pig or a dog." ?!"

Yang Zhen wanted to laugh a little, this Qian Mama was worthy of being served by her grandmother in the past, and she learned her grandmother's thunderous tricks, and her words were soft nails, which was enough damage. servant!

"Good good!"

Weng Pu sneered angrily, "I'd like to ask Yang Manyue how he manages the family? How dare a mere servant..."

"Father, what exactly are you going to do?"

Shu'er suddenly had a seizure and threw all the things to the ground, and a sharp voice sounded, "Are you a ghost?! Why don't you let us go?!!"

(End of this chapter)

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