Chapter 271

After this group of people cried, they praised the benevolence of today's son again, and the corners of Man Yue's mouth twitched, thinking to himself: "Fuck! No wonder the Ming Dynasty in the original time and space perished so terribly! Just this group of people who have no integrity It’s fine to be an actor, but to be an official is to harm one party!”

Ignoring this group of unscrupulous things, I found an excuse to back out. Today is considered a happy event in Zhuangzili, and I have already asked people to pay for the ingredients and come back.Vegetables, chickens and ducks are all available in Zhuangzi.

As for the fish, she produced many fry and shrimps by water-drenching hatching method, which had already been sprinkled in the pools and rice fields. After several months of growth, some fish may be small, but the shrimps are edible.

The farmers have worked hard these days, no matter what, as the owner, I must reward everyone well, and let people choose rice seeds for the second season of planting. This time, the paddy fields in the village must be planted with this kind of rice.

As for the dry land, sweet potatoes, potatoes and pumpkins are generally grown, and the rest continue to grow her vegetables.

The green peppers, yellow peppers, Chaotian peppers and so on harvested this time will soon be brought back to Linju’s dining table, and the onions will also become special dishes.In addition, she planted a lot of saplings in her planting space, leaving a few to multiply in the space, and she plans to transplant the rest to the mountain. I think that the red Fuji apple will be popular all over the country once it is released in future generations!
At that time, we will have to buy more ducklings. After the fish and shrimps gradually form a climate in the rice fields, we will put the ducks in. At that time, a virtuous circle will be formed. Not only will there be fewer pests in the rice, but it will also increase production!
A group of peasants now regard Man Yue as a fairy, so naturally she means whatever she says, and the Yang family children who are in charge of the management of the village are also busy writing down Man Yue's words, planning to implement them step by step after her old man leaves.

After Man Yue finished speaking, he left. Today is considered a good harvest day. Since I have invited everyone to dinner, those people feel uncomfortable when I am there. It is better to go far away and let everyone have a good time.

Not long after he left, he saw Leng Yun also come out, he stepped forward with a smile, and said, "Uncle, why did you come out?"

"It's stuffy inside, come out for a walk."

Seeing her concern, Leng Yun added another sentence: "I'm not good at this kind of human relationship, and I'm a little disgusted."

Man Yue smiled, "It's quite troublesome. Talking to them, you have to have dozens of tendons in your stomach, otherwise you won't know what's going on if you get sold."

Leng Yun couldn't help chuckling, "It's full of officials from the frontier, if you talk about people like that, you'll lose your life?"

She stuck out her tongue | head, "Then let's go further."

He rubbed her little head and said helplessly, "You."

She smiled, took his big hand and walked towards the small pool, "Uncle, isn't that fried pumpkin with onions delicious?"

He thought about the taste, and nodded, "It's really good to be able to serve food and fill your stomach."

After a pause, he continued: "It's just that you are cunning. Others can't eat it, but I can. There are salted duck egg yolks in it. You handled it really well, and I was almost cheated by you."

She giggled, "Don't let those elders eat well, why don't you demolish my small temple?"

After a pause, he continued, "I don't know how to pay the tax here?"

Leng Yun couldn't help laughing, pinched her face and said, "Why do you need to pay such a small land tax for such a great effort? You have lived tens of millions of lives by yourself, and I am afraid that you will never have to pay the land tax again. tax!"


She stared wide-eyed, she was only thinking about hugging the emperor's thigh, but she really didn't expect this level.

After thinking about it, I felt that the possibility was very high, and I couldn't help but get excited, "If I can exempt [-] acres of tax, I will be prosperous!"

Leng Yun joked, "Who said that taxes are the backbone of a country? Are you so happy now that you don't have to pay land taxes?"

Man Yue blushed, and murmured: "Well, that's my hard-earned bargain..."

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, I have paid enough for my business tax, and I have never thought of doing anything. The soap shop that I just opened pays as much as a thousand taels of tax a month, and there are still too many orders After that, all the labor that can be produced in my family has come out, and even my aunt's family has sent people over. There are now 200 people working in my workshop, which is too busy. I plan to use liquid soap soon, It is used for shampooing, bathing, and when the time comes..."

"And the glass workshop has to be paid close attention. I have already hired two down-and-out foreign monks who know how to make glass. If I improve it, the glass workshop will require a lot of people. I will have a salary tax in the morning. Hundreds of people eat with them, and this alone contributes a lot to the country! If the business is large, the tax will be more, and how much money can the farm have? Let me tell you, the farmers in the farm Taxes should be exempted, everyone!"

Leng Yun was speechless, "The old master would scold you to death if he heard this."

She giggled, no longer entangled in this topic, we are a good young man anyway!
Thinking about her growing career, the girl standing by the pool has a sense of pride.I couldn't help but show off again, "I'm going to try raising fish in net cages later. You see, we have a lot of water in Ningbo, and it's all running water. It would be a big waste if we didn't come to raise fish. The child is fixed in a place similar to a cage, so it is convenient to feed, and it will be strong if it eats, and there are no natural enemies. I think it is no problem to produce tens of thousands of catties per mu..."

Leng Yun looked at her dancing and wanted to say, "Hey, wake up..."

But when he thought of the magic this time, he held back and said, "Fish farming in net cages? How did you come up with it?"


The excited Miss Yang seemed to have been hit by a stick in the head, she calmed down, her mind turned quickly, so she said embarrassedly: "I just have such an idea, I haven't practiced it yet, it's all fantasy, but I think this is very feasible, and I plan to try it in this small pool first..."

Leng Yun nodded, "It's better to be safe, if there are so many fish, I will order fish with you."


Seeing her sluggish, he couldn't help laughing, scratched her nose and said: "When we chatted back then, I think what you said made sense. The soldiers in Daming ate too little. Even here, there wasn't enough meat. You If it can only be cultivated, if there are tens of thousands of catties per mu, the price should not be expensive. When it is sold to me, I can improve the food for the soldiers, and even take some of them to be trained as elite soldiers, so there is no meat. "

Man Yue suddenly realized that once she went to deliver lunch, she was shocked when she saw the food of Ming Datoubing and saw that there was still meat.When I was eating with Leng Yun, I casually chatted about it, but later I realized that it happened to be an extra meal. Leng Yun's subordinates are willing to work so hard because they occasionally have extra meals, so they can eat some meat, and they don't deduct military pay, so they can eat enough.

Full Moon was sad to hear.

For the sake of future generations, soldiers are very noble in the hearts of the common people, but in Daming, they are really good men who don't serve as soldiers, and are discriminated against because of their low status.It is so difficult to eat some meat, or even have a full meal.

By the way, he talked about the relationship between food and combat effectiveness, and advised Leng Yun to think more about adding food to the soldiers, so as to ensure the morale of the team!After all, people these days live to stutter, and food is the best encouragement!

Unexpectedly, Leng Yun wrote it down, and Man Yue hurriedly calculated the accounts.The system in her hands sells everything related to ingredients, so there are natural and harmless fertilizers, and various medicines for animals, which are even more advanced than those of her era, and are completely harmless.

It's hard to explain the fertilizer, but it's easy to fool with some medicine powder for fish and chicken, so basically you don't have to worry about getting sick.Using the water-drenched hatching method can guarantee an 80% survival rate of fish eggs. For her, the cost of fry that is more expensive to others is basically negligible.

And there is also fish food for sale in the system. Even if you don’t have to sell it, you can go to the soy milk and tofu shop to buy bean dregs and soy milk, make fish food yourself, and feed some soy milk regularly, so that the fish’s fatness will be guaranteed.

Her method is very natural, unlike later generations who use chemical fertilizers to raise fish, which will not increase the nitrogen and phosphorus content of the water body, and then put algae and carnivorous shellfish on the bottom of the cage, and the pollution of feces and feeding can also be solved. It's a good thing, it's a good fertilizer to put in the digester.

Thinking wildly in her heart, she was stunned by the result!
According to a conservative estimate, the fish yield per mu is 1.5 catties, and the average cost per catty is only 4 renminbi when labor is included. The above can be converted at that time. If you sell your fish for ten cents a catty, you will not die? !
Although it is in a water town, fish is not as cheap as anyone thinks, ten cents a catty, the absolute price of cabbage!
When she talked about her calculations, Leng Yun was also shocked. Don't look at the pork is only 13 or 4 yuan now, but the pork is useless when cooked, so the money has to be counted!But fish is different, it is easy to cook. If the army buys in large quantities, it will sell for 6 cents a catty on a full moon, and it will cost you money!
Leng Yun really looked at the full moon with admiration now, this guy's abilities are endless!Although it was an idea, why did he think she could succeed? !
The full moon is secretly calculating in her heart again. If the system fish food is used, the yield of 3 catties per mu will be no problem, and the cost can be reduced by half...

This counts, my heart hurts!

Although the system is convenient, it can only be carried out in a small area. This is not a long-term solution, because the thing can only be taken out through her, and it is not suitable to display it in a large area.

Forget it, don't be too greedy, let's follow the previous plan.

"The specifics depend on the output, and the price is naturally fluctuating."

After she figured it out, Man Yue looked at Leng Yun with glowing eyes. At this moment, Uncle Leng is her potential super big client.Her eyes were green, and she took a deep breath and said, "If the output is high, I can naturally reduce it a little bit more. The soldiers in the army have worked hard, and I only need 2 cents to do it."

The corner of Leng Yun's mouth twitched, suddenly feeling that the nature of this guy's money-lovers could never be changed in his lifetime, and his eyeballs turned green.

But fortunately, don't be greedy!
After thinking for a while, he said, "If you need a manpower, tell me directly. I will do it with you without any wages. Those grandchildren are too lazy to stay here, so I just need to move around."

(End of this chapter)

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