Chapter 272

In the past few days, the official road leading to the capital has been extremely lively. Groups of officers and soldiers are also full of joy, and they are rushing forward with large carts. The chief officer inevitably ordered, "Be careful, be careful, this is Xiangrui!"

To be able to get such an errand is a blessing, rewards are indispensable, and the most important thing is to have a good face. When the news is spread in the capital, it will be a sensation?
One mu of potatoes, one mu of pumpkins, one mu of sweet potatoes, one mu of rice, one mu of corn, and the things produced in five mu of land are carried by dozens of carts. How amazing is this?

In addition, there are a few cars that are also loaded with vegetables improved by Yang's experiment this time.Such as green peppers, yellow peppers, red peppers, peanuts, tomatoes, etc.

In fact, these things came to Daming with Xiyi before.It's just small in size, not as good-looking as Yang Manyue's.As for green peppers and yellow peppers, they are directly the result of grafting and improvement of peppers, and they were made by the full moon from the system, which is not available in this era.

The team moved forward quickly, mainly because they were afraid that the vegetables would be spoiled. This was for the emperor, and if they were spoiled, they would be in bad luck!
When you reach a place where you can walk by water, cattle, carts, mules, etc., will all be transported up together with the grain, and the water transporters will not dare to exploit them at this time. Make a shadow on it, and when you turn around, a group of people will give you the top spot, and the emperor is the one who leads it!
Hurry back to Beijing, the matter has already been heard, a group of people stretch their necks in the capital, waiting to see the auspiciousness!
The trackers also worked hard, and the officials paid the cost this time. In order to let the auspiciousness arrive in the capital as soon as possible, many officials even paid for extra meals and wages for people, so that the emperor could see the auspiciousness as soon as possible. It's good to be promoted as soon as possible.

In the main hall, Zhu and Si sat upright.

Unlike in the harem, Zhu and Si at this moment appear extremely stable, even a little gloomy.

Hou Jing was standing beside him with his fly whisk, while the ministers below were still discussing the matter of auspiciousness.As for the Son of Heaven, he seemed to be sitting upright with a trace of indifference.

The corners of Hou Jing's mouth curled up imperceptibly. Our little emperor, the ministers thought, was similar to Jiajing, with an unpredictable temperament.But Hou Jing saw it for real, how could it be like Jiajing?It is clearly like Lord Zhengde.

It's just that he is smarter than Zhengde, and he has done everything he should do on the surface, and sometimes he will imitate Lord Jiajing to play a few tricks of the emperor's balance. He became pro-government, and his performance was remarkable, but only Hou Jing knew that when he returned to the harem, the emperor was only playing, and he was doing everything.

I am responsible for reporting some important things, and the so-called important things are naturally beneficial to him.

Thinking of this is a burst of satisfaction, the feeling of establishing the emperor is really good.

Just ...

There was a glint of coldness in the slender eyebrows, that Yang Manyue was really like her ancestors, she hated her so much, and tossed his disciples again.What kind of god has come up now, thinking about what he said in Qianqing Palace that day, it's a bit unpleasant.

What if the other day is really given to a princess?
A few seconds of thought flashed across the handsome and feminine face, and then it stretched out again.

To please His Majesty, so what if he is a prince?The king of Wu didn't deal with himself, and it was true that he had lost a Ma Rong through his grievances with Yang Manyue, but His Majesty, who was already suspicious of King Wu, became even more suspicious after being provoked by him.

No, it's already July, and the old man was released back!
Thinking of this, I decided in my heart that the little Yang Manyue was nothing to be afraid of, but Leng Yun. If Yang Manyue was the princess, no, even the county monarch would help Leng Yun a lot, and the idea would mess them up.

He secretly glanced at the emperor, and suddenly his heart moved, and he had an idea.


While thinking about it secretly, someone from outside reported that Xiangrui had entered the palace.

The emperor was excited at once!

This is related to his reputation and has a stabilizing effect on the country's rule. Even if he doesn't care about political affairs, he can think of his reputation a hundred years later, and he can't be excited!
After all, no king wants to appear as a bastard in the history books!
Zhu and Si were very excited, and they had such auspiciousness when they were in charge of the government. This is something that has never happened in thousands of years, and it was presented by Yang Rener.Others can fool people, but Yang Rener can't!

That's a woman who doesn't even buy the account of King Wu. She is more upright than her ancestors. How could she do such a thing as deceiving the emperor?

Therefore, fame can be eaten as food.

Although the emperor felt that Yang Manyue's repeated challenges to authority were somewhat irregular, but Hou Jingyi said good things, and after thinking about it himself, he actually admired this person.

You must know that those punishments are not so easy to endure, not to mention women, even men can't bear it.

Yang Manyue refused to bow her head under such torture, not because she was thick-skinned, but because she had morality in her heart, and she refused to bow her head to the black forces.

People, once they have a good impression of someone, they will always beautify him unconsciously. The emperor is also an ordinary person, and he also has this instinct, especially when officials from various ministries in Zhejiang sent reports, he was excited.

Feelings|People didn't fool Huang Rong, not only didn't they fool Huang Rong, they were so humble!
The annual output is [-] catties of super rice!
The emperor became excited when he thought about it, and he didn't sleep well these days, so he was waiting to see Xiangrui.

Now when someone reported it, he stood up unconsciously, "Hurry up, let someone present it!"

All the ministers were also excited, and didn't care about the emperor's little gaffe, but were more eager to see auspiciousness than the emperor.

After all, this matter is too exaggerated!
Do you dare to think about 1500 catties of rice per mu?
Do you dare to think about tens of thousands of grains per mu?

Their legs are shaking. They have read books all their lives, and the history books have been turned to pieces. They have never heard of this!

But so many colleagues in Zhejiang wrote reports, and even the first, second, and third leaders went to the fields in person. Could it be a fake?
Jin Yiwei and the eunuch's mansion have already been dispatched, and they all sent back reports, only four words: The situation is true!

what does this mean? !

The way of heaven is in Daming!

Li Guangdi, Zhou Shoufu, Zhang Ying and other cabinet ministers were about to cry.

Mr. Shige stepped down, and they came up, but they did nothing externally, which made the people of Ming Dynasty, who had always been strong in nationalism, dissatisfied, and even compared them to Qin Hui, and Leng Yun was naturally that Yue Wumu!

It's almost like calling them the old clay sculpture pavilion, the stamped prime minister, and the dog-legged minister!

It would be very beneficial to them if such things were lowered at this time. The only thing that makes people dissatisfied is why is it Yang Manyue again?
But after thinking about it, Yang Manyue is a descendant of Yang Zhen, and needless to say, the poems he wrote are so talented that these men are ashamed.And a solid body defying power is a model of literati. It's good to have such a woman marrying Leng Yun, at least she can look at him!
To be able to dedicate such things to the Son of Heaven is to think that he is also a loyal person.

This group of people just didn't expect there to be such a creature as a traverser. Modern people don't have the concept of an emperor.In other words, if the emperor forced her, Miss Yang would dare to pull him off her horse and become the queen herself!
Xiangrui came in, and everyone's eyes widened when they saw the thing.

The emperor even ran down the jade steps regardless of his image, exclaiming: "God! How can there be so many tassels on one plant?!"

There are also fields in the palace. In order to encourage the people to farm, the emperor has to come to do some symbolic farm work every spring when planting, to show his attitude towards agriculture.So the Son of Heaven is not discriminating between grains, but there are comparisons. Compared with the meticulous care in the palace, he is a little pitiful.

And everyone is also very considerate, taking ordinary ears of rice for comparison, as well as potatoes, sweet potatoes and so on.

A group of ministers gasped, their eyeballs almost popped out, my boy, did this thing take hormones?Why is it so big? !
look at that potato...

Putting the two together, the previous potato looked like a small ant, but now the potato is simply a giant!

At this point, the last bit of doubt is gone!

Li Guangdi was clever, and after being amazed, he quickly picked up his eyeballs and pressed them back, and put his chin on it, "Great joy! Congratulations to Your Majesty, this auspicious auspiciousness has never been seen in China for thousands of years. It is a sign of a prosperous age, and the king has obtained the image of heaven!"

A group of courtiers who reacted could not help but curse secretly.

Damn it!

Good for you, Li Quanzhou, the old thief in Fujian is a bad thief!

According to the official customs at that time, when he reached a certain position, everyone would call him by the name of his hometown. In the Song Dynasty, many officials who gained power for a while and ended up with a bad reputation were from Fujian, so this prejudice continued until Ming Dynasty. Li Guangdi's attainments in Neo Confucianism are not low, and his conduct is good, but everyone always thinks of him as bad, but in fact, he is just a little smarter, and he is better at being an official.

After scolding in their hearts, a group of people knelt down and congratulated the Son of Heaven.

Zhu and Si held a potato and nodded excitedly, "Okay, okay, okay, Daming ZTE is hopeful!"

After finishing speaking, he put down the potatoes, went to look at the ears of rice, and then stroked|touched the rice with the husks removed. He looked intoxicated, as if he was touching a woman, and his expression made people tremble a little.

"This, what is this?!"

Seeing that pumpkin, Zhu and Si were stunned!
"Return to Your Majesty, these are the seeds that Yang Manyue got from Xiyi. She called them pumpkins. After exploring, she found that setting up a hanger can increase the yield..."

"This is the pumpkin?!"

The emperor was overjoyed, this is something with an yield of over [-] per mu!

Pick one up, it's so heavy!
I was so happy in my heart that I suddenly raised my head and shouted: "Father, grandfather, have you seen it? The Ming Dynasty is going to be rejuvenated! With such things, there is hope for the recovery of the ancestors' foundation!"

A group of people were terrified.

Damn, it's such a big thing, if the emperor can't hold it, it's okay if it hits you?

Hou Jing came over in a hurry, "Oh, Lord Long Live, you can be more careful and let the slaves hold it for you."

"Go, go aside!"

The emperor snorted coldly, "This is the auspiciousness of my Ming Dynasty!"

Having said that, he put down the pumpkin, stroked his chin and pondered for a while, and said: "Several Aiqing who are officials in Zhejiang said that these tastes quite good, and they also sent them the way to eat them. According to my will, let the people in the imperial dining room prepare and serve it, and I want to invite my ministers to a banquet..."

(End of this chapter)

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