Chapter 276 The Cool Mother

During the Ming Dynasty, the area directly under the capital was called Zhili. In the early years of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, Nanjing was established as the capital (later renamed the capital, and in the early years of Yongle, it was renamed Nanjing. In today's Nanjing), Yingtianfu and other prefectures are Zhili.

After Yongle moved its capital to Beijing (today's Beijing) in 18 years, the area of ​​Zhili in Beijing was also called Beizhili, or Beizhi for short, which is equivalent to today's Beijing, Tianjin, most of Hebei Province, and small parts of Henan and Shandong. Region; The region of Zhili in Nanjing is called Nanzhili, referred to as Nanzhi, which is equivalent to the two provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, and Shanghai.

But now that the North has fallen, the political center has returned to Nanjing, so the power of Governor Yingtian can be imagined.Governor Yingtian was the former Nanzhili.The districts under its jurisdiction include Yingtian, Suzhou, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Songjiang, Huizhou, Taiping, Ningguo, Anqing, Chizhou ten prefectures and Guangdezhou, most of which are rich lands of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River.

Therefore, although it is at the feet of the emperor, it is a profession that everyone envies.What is a governor?It's a tour on behalf of the Son of Heaven!Of course, there are many high-ranking officials here, and the nepotism is also complicated. If you meet a cowardly and stupid person, you may be punished to death; but for people like Yang Shouchi, it is a fat job.

Because everyone has experienced Yang Bashu's stinky mouth skills, but his mouth is stinky, so what can you say, but the problem is that it is because of this mouth that everyone dares to spray, that it is moral, isn't it?

Just like Hai Rui and Bao Zheng.As soon as I heard that I became an imperial envoy and was going to sit in the capital, in just a few days, the public security has improved a lot, and a group of dandies who play with birds and walk dogs are also locked in the house, for fear of being caught by Hai Qingtian, Bao Qingtian, etc. , Yang Qingtian saw it, and gave them a dog-headed guillotine, a tiger-headed guillotine or something...

He is an upright official, the name of justice spreads all over the world, and such a moral model, even the emperor must retreat. This is the era when Confucianism is brought to the extreme, and morality crushes everything!
Yang Shouchi is famous for his fearlessness of power. It's useless to oppose it. If you want to oppose it, it's because you have ulterior motives!

Hou Jing wanted to slap himself, but he never expected Yang Shouchi, who had been dismissed from office, to come back by mistake.Not only did he come back, but he also gained that great power.

He didn't dare to say something wrong to the emperor, and he didn't even dare to reveal a word of eye medicine.Because to avoid suspicion, otherwise there will be suspicion of revenge.

After silently exiting the dormitory, he walked to his own residence, summoned a person, whispered a few words, waved his hand, and said with a little fatigue: "Do it secretly, and don't let people know that it is from the palace."

"Yes, ancestor, my son knows."

"Go down..."

Hou Jing watched the young eunuch's leaving back with dark eyes, and after a while, he suddenly pulled out a long wooden box from his cuff.After opening it, it turned out to be a small canvas. After slowly unfolding it, I saw a little girl in an apricot-colored shirt with a bun. It was Yang Manyue!

He rubbed his slender fingers on the painting for a while, and slowly, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he murmured: "He is really a beautiful person, how can martial arts like Leng Yun know how to pity and cherish jade, it's better to let the miscellaneous family give it to you." Find a good husband!"

He smiled coldly, slowly put the portrait away and put it back in the box, thinking of Yang Shouchi, he sneered in his heart.

Spread the word, someone will be anxious.

Not to mention how the imperial court made troubles, in short, Yang Manyue, who was far away in Ningbo, didn't know that Emperor Zhu's family would be so generous.The society here is making a brain-boosting meal for Xiao Ten.

Daming's work efficiency has always been low, and things were delivered to the capital quickly, but after layers of inspections and selection of auspicious days, several days passed.

And that day the Son of Heaven promised to invite everyone to eat new species, so although it was the end of the court, everyone could not leave. After a short rest, they had to celebrate the auspicious arrival with the Son of Heaven again, and the celebration ended in the evening.

After returning home, I rested. On the second day, I had to visit the Empress Dowager, the Empress. Firstly, to ask for the decree from the concubine, and secondly, the financial rewards also had to be decided by these two.

This matter must not be sloppy, and the empress dowager and empress who have made such a great contribution also need time to ponder.

They come and go here and there, and the news has not spread yet, but they have arrived in Ningbo to study.As soon as he arrived in Ningbo, he locked himself up, and within a few days the yamen issued a notice to take the exam on August [-].

The time has entered the second half of July, and Xiao Shi also showed the spirit of hanging on the beam, working hard in the last time.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the exam, and when the results were announced, the alley of Guilinju suddenly became lively, and the person who announced the good news raised his neck and shouted, "Master of your mansion, surnamed Yang Yuliyuanmeng Tixue, appreciate it... ..."

Returning to Linju immediately boiled over!
Wang Ziming was also a little confused.



A 13-year-old scholar? ! !
Wait, this ranking...

After being happy, Yang Manyue had sent out half of the happy money, and suddenly discovered something: So what...

Xiao Ten seems to be sitting on the red chair again?

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, there was a little Sanyuan, but there were only three red chairs, and there was probably only Xiaoshi in the past and present?

A day later, Xiao Shi came back as if he had been frostbitten.

After passing this hurdle, one is a person of fame and fame, and a scholar will not pay homage to an official, and cannot be sentenced to criminal detention. Criminal detention needs to be ordered to remove his name, exempt from taxes and other privileges, and has broken away from the scope of the common people.

But Xiao Shi couldn't be happy.

He even thought that maybe he would be happier if he didn't win.

Throughout the ages, since Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty opened the imperial examinations, there have been six capitals that have won the first place in the county examination, the government examination, the hospital examination, the township examination, the general examination, and the palace examination.

But rather...

Thinking about his bottom score, Xiao Shi wanted to cry, even to die!

Three consecutive red chairs!

Throughout the ages No.1 wow!

He could imagine that when he was mentioned as a scholar in the county annals in the future, it would be written as a joke. In fact, he had already laughed at him during the same period of referring to him and going to the end.

Although he is a 13-year-old talent, he can be called a child prodigy, but the reputation of the three consecutive red chairs is really not good.

Xiao Shiyan is gone.

The rhetoric at the beginning was still in my ears, but the reality gave him a heavy blow, and the gap was too great!
It is the first, the first three times, but it is the last one! ! !

Lying crookedly on the bed, after seven or eight days, he was actually sick.

Man Yue was a little speechless, compared to those who failed the ranking, at least they got it!
It's like going to Tsinghua University, even the last one is Tsinghua University!

Seeing that guy was half dead, she was also a little angry.

Asking him to take the medicine, but he refused to take it, the anger came out all of a sudden, he put down the medicine, stretched out his hand to him, and cursed: "What's wrong with the last one?! Think about the same period when you failed the rankings! You are the first candidate Just pass in one fell swoop, even if you are the last one, you will be the dragon and phoenix! Look at your worthless appearance, who are you showing it to? If you become a scholar, your family owes you, right? If you are so promising, you should..."

"You, what did you do to my little ten?! Wow! Seventh brother and sister, I trust you as the only person who handed over little ten to you! But look, but look, what is Eleven Niang doing? ?!"

The sharp voice interrupted Yang Manyue, and a figure rushed over, "How are you, child? I am mother! Don't be afraid, mother is here, no one will bully you!"

Xiao Shi was taken aback for a moment, then a little pleasantly surprised, but soon turned cold again, and said flatly: "Aunt Fifth, no one bullies me, sister is just teaching me the principles of life."

"You, what are you calling me?"

He's voice trembled, pointing at Xiao Shi tremblingly, "You, what did you call me?"

Xiao Shi lowered his eyes, he passed the examination of scholar, even if he sat on the red chair three times, he did it in the end.Before he did it, he wanted to make his biological mother regret it, but now that he has done it, he feels even more bitter when he sees his biological mother's inconsistent reactions.

During the Chinese New Year, at home, after hearing that conversation, he never called her again, and avoided her.When they met, they also saluted, and neither called mother nor fifth aunt. She was so obvious, didn't she notice it?
Now that I am a scholar, she came, and she came so quickly, when I needed her most, she was not there, but now...


The two words fell into his mind impartially, his body, which had been thinned out due to hard study, trembled slightly, and he slid down, pulled the thin silk quilt to cover himself, and tears fell uncontrollably After getting down, he took a few deep breaths, stabilized his voice, and said in a low voice: "Sister, I want to sleep for a while."

After a pause, he continued: "Sister, you are right, there is also the rural examination, it is enough for me to go to the rural examination..."

"You, what's wrong with you kid?!"

He screamed and was about to pull the quilt, "This autumn tiger is so powerful, what are you doing with your head covered?! Chen, are you treating my little ten like this?!"

"Fifth aunt."

With a cold face, Man Yue sent a good news to her hometown, and she guessed that the fifth aunt might come, after all, that person has always acted powerful.But if she didn't arrive, this person would move so fast and come so soon.

Not only did she come, but she also appeared with the face of "I am Xiao Shi's mother and I am the oldest", not to mention Xiao Shi, I was shocked when I saw it.

Such a performance is too cool.

Glancing at the bed, she noticed that the quilt was moving slightly with sharp eyes. It was obvious that Xiao Ten was crying.

Mrs. Chen was a little annoyed, and before Man Yue could say anything else, she said coldly: "Didn't Sister-in-law forget? Brother Yuan is now the son of a concubine, the eldest son of our Qifang! Sister-in-law Wu came to see him, we You are welcome, but fifth sister-in-law, the adopted child will belong to someone else's family, if the ancestors hear this, they will be angry."

"What do you mean?!"

He was angry, "If I didn't give Qifang my adoptive son, your Qifang would have died long ago! What is your son? The blood on his body is not from our Yang family. Our little ten is a descendant of the Yang family. Your It's just a..."

"Five sisters-in-law!"

Chen's face turned pale, and trembling body said: "Mancang is recognized by the master, and it is also listed in the genealogy. You say this too much!"

Xiao Shi, who was hiding under the blanket, cried even more. Is this my mother?

"Fifth Aunt came from afar, I think it's probably a misunderstanding."

Man Yue looked polite, "Xiao Xiao got the last place in the exam thirteen times, and he was stunned for a while, and he became sick because of the lingering depression in his heart. If I just give him strong medicine, I'm afraid he won't get better."

She just smiled as she spoke, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, "Aunt Fifth came from a long way, don't get angry because of some misunderstandings, we are a family, you love your son, we understand, when Xiaoshi is well, you can ask yourself. It's better to settle down now, Ningbo is bustling with business and trade, but there are some beautiful scenery, Aunt Fifth will take a rest first, how about some things later?"

Seeing that Mrs. He still wanted to talk, she immediately said, "Xiao Shi just took the medicine, doesn't Aunt Wu feel sorry for her son? It's better not to quarrel with him."

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?!"

Mrs. He refused to let go, "Are you driving me away? My son is sick, and I adopted it to you as the flesh that fell from my body, so I can't keep it to take care of it? Son, son..."

As she said that, she went to pull the quilt, and Man Yue grabbed her hand, and said, "Fifth Aunt, why are you doing this? You know in your heart that I, Yang Manyue, would not do such despicable things, and you Why make use of the topic to make everyone unhappy?"


He laughed, and said mockingly: "I'm not a roundworm in your stomach, can you be so despicable..."


Xiao Shi suddenly sat up, pointed at He and said, "Fifth Aunt! You insult my sister again, I'm not welcome! You get out, get out! I don't want to see you! Mother, sister, let her go, let her go! "

He stayed there, couldn't believe her eyes, there was a weird silence in the room for a few seconds, then suddenly she let out a scream, rushed to the bed, and cried loudly: "Son, what's wrong with you? I am your mother! I gave birth to you, how can you say such nonsense to your mother?! This is a thunderbolt! What kind of ecstasy soup did they pour into you! Chen, you said You're so magnanimous, but in private you say that I..."

"No one speaks ill of you..."

Xiao Ten's hoarse and sick voice came lightly, "It's useless if you don't fight yourself, don't you think so?"

He was taken aback for a moment, she didn't understand what she said, but she panicked instinctively, the son in front of her was so strange.

Suddenly many details appeared in front of his eyes: during the New Year's Eve, he stopped calling himself, he was avoiding himself...

She was a little terrified, but she didn't dare to think about the possibility, she suddenly became quiet, and said: "Son, you should rest well, mother, I will see you later..."

As she said that, she suddenly became an elegant lady of an aristocratic family, as if she just had a quarrel with someone else, she said to Chen Shi: "Seventh brother and sister, I was impulsive just now, don't mind."

Mrs. Chen sneered, "Where, Fifth Sister-in-law is serious."

At this time Yang Zhen came over, "Seventh Aunt, the yard has been arranged, and Fifth Uncle said that he packed up his things and came to see Xiao Shi, and asked Fifth Aunt to come too."

Mrs. Chen nodded. Seeing Mrs. Chen's quick arrangement, Mrs. He felt a little satisfied, and said, "We have the seventh sibling and elder sister."

As she spoke, she went out, and she brought the two maidservants waiting at the door, and Yang Zhen found two rough envoys who served in the back house to lead the way.When the people walked a little further, Yang Zhen said: "Seventh Aunt, Eleventh Mother, I'm afraid I'm going to be a moth. Fifth Aunt... Sigh!"

Man Yue sneered, went down the stairs, and said: "What are you afraid of? It's hard to walk without reason. She is snobbish and hurt Xiao Shi's heart. Now she sees Xiao Shi's success and comes here. It's just pity Xiao Shi... Eldest sister , you and mother will deal with it first, I will go to the kitchen, Xiao Shi is still sick, I will make him some desserts, and I will feel better after eating..."

 Allow me to be lazy for another day today, and post a 4000-word chapter. It’s really not clear how to connect the following plots, because there are several things that need to be explained, and the pits dug earlier have to be interspersed in the next paragraph. It’s not smooth yet. Writing essays is the same as cooking, and you have to pay attention to harmony... Well, this is an excuse. The author has serious obsessive-compulsive disorder, and if you don’t follow the rules, your writing will be very stuck... Please forgive me!When this climax passes...our full moon is the time to get married!
(End of this chapter)

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