Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 277 Don't Listen to Her

Chapter 277 Don't Listen to Her

As He walked all the way, he felt that his eyes were not enough to see.

Honey, how much money does it cost to build such a big restaurant? !

Although this is the back house, Mrs. He looks no worse than the front house at all.

After going upstairs and entering the house, I felt cool after a while.After thinking about it, Xiao Shi was there too, and couldn't help but wonder: "Seventh brother and sister, why is it so cool here?"

"Hehe, I heard that it was designed by Eleven Niang. Pipes are laid in the basement of the house and in the walls."

Uncle Wu came out from the inner room and nodded to Mrs. Chen as a salute.

"I just heard from these servants that it was all Eleven Niang's handwriting. In summer, water is drawn by water trucks and circulated everywhere, and the temperature drops. In winter, it is used to burn fires, so rich people Come with love, enjoy it more than at home."

The fifth uncle, Yang Shourui, sighed a little. He hadn't tidied up his things just now, and he was already shocked by his son's magnificence and a bunch of high-tech.

The tap water that can automatically flow out when you turn on the switch, the dirty toilet that can be flushed away with a pull, and the glass mirror lamp that is as bright as daytime at night...

Don't look at the residence of the whole moon when they entered the yard last, but it's not bad at all.She is a modern person, even the most common things in modern times are the ultimate enjoyment in the eyes of the ancients.

If you have the conditions, if you don't get it wrong, you have to use your brains and create more convenience.

For example, the first floor was afraid of termites because of the humidity, so she asked someone to shovel the floor, and then asked someone to burn out palm-sized tiles.

It's just that I used a lot of brains when gluing it, and finally used lime and glutinous rice flour to reconcile it frantically. The effect is surprisingly good, and it can almost compete with cement.

In fact, the production of cement is not difficult, but it is hard to find something that can be ground into powder after smelting. I am afraid that she has to think about alloys, make manganese steel, and manufacture manganese steel abrasive tools to realize her cement. Dream.

Now there are alternatives, which are expensive but not bad, and can be earned back later.Wait until next year to plant some high-yielding glutinous rice, and replace the front as well.Of course, it would be even better if we can find monks from the West who can recite the cement scriptures!
On the second floor, the floors are all painted with natural paint, firstly for waterproofing, secondly for preventing moths, and thirdly for the sake of beauty.A design with a modern concept and a touch of antiquity is what makes Guilinju unique.

He stepped on the Persian carpet on the floor, feeling sour in his heart.

This, this is too extravagant!

They live in such a house every day?This is Xiao Shi's family property!

"Ma'am, big girl."

Red pomelo's voice came from outside, "Miss Eleven just cooked rose cake and rose dew for Young Master Ten, and asked the servants to bring some to Fifth Master and Fifth Madam to taste."


Yang Shourui stood up, but rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly, "Eleven Niang is so polite."

Speaking of which, Yang Shourui also had thoughts about Qifang, otherwise he wouldn't have adopted his son to Qifang, and would have played a monster on Yuan's issue.But after observing Yang Manyue for a period of time, he felt that he was a little wishful thinking. Instead, he gradually lost his mind. Now he hopes that Qifang can treat his son better and enjoy the treatment of his son. How can a father not want his son Future?
When he gets old, at least with this love, he will be able to take care of him day by day.

That day Xiao Shi didn't continue to listen, otherwise he would have heard his father scolding his mother.

Things in the world are often so unfortunate.

"Fifth Brother, you are all from your own family. She should respect you as a junior."

Chen found that Yang Shourui was more polite than before, so she also gave a polite answer.

How did he know that the words just fell, so he heard He said: "Seventh brother and sister are right. No matter how powerful Eleven Niang is, she is still the daughter of the Yang family. She is a junior. Can she go past your uncle? Besides, we..."

"Oh, right."

Yang Shourui was furious when he saw that the woman was going to act like a monster again.

This Yang Manyue tidied up the Weng's house as if it were for fun, it shouldn't be too easy to kill you old witch, why can't you figure out the situation?

Now the top priority should be to make up for the cracks caused before, wow!

Immediately interrupted her, and said: "Seventh brother and sister, can you take me to see Brother Yuan? I just heard that Brother Yuan sat on three red chairs, feeling depressed and sick. I want to go. have a look."

Yang Zhen lowered her eyes, feeling puzzled.

Uncle Wu has been trying to seize Qifang for not a day or two, why did he suddenly change his gender?

After thinking about Yang Manyue, she realized again.

It is estimated that the Weng family has been punished. What happened at the door of the house, Uncle Wu felt the tricks of Eleven Niang at close range, right?
It's also good to be knowledgeable.

I really don't understand, we are all a family, Eleven Niang is not a stingy person, why did she do that?
"Xiao Shi just fell asleep, fifth brother, you are exhausted, how about resting for a while? I'll ask someone to arrange meals, and we will go to see Xiao Shi after eating."

Hearing what Chen said, Yang Shourui couldn't hold on, nodded, and seemed to sigh a little: "This kid is too, and his thoughts are getting more and more serious. Even if he is the last one who can be admitted as a scholar, he is still young. It's also one in a million. His father and I are both at this age, and after countless exams, he is still Bai Ding..."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he felt uncomfortable, and immediately said: "Oh, brother and sister, this is..."

"It's okay, fifth brother, Liyuan was born by you and your sister-in-law. This fact will not change."

"Isn't it?"

Yang Manyue's voice sounded outside, and she came in after a while, saluted and said, "Greetings to Uncle Fifth and Aunt Fifth."

"Get up, get up, Eleven Niang, you are too polite."

Yang Shourui is now a little afraid of this niece. The Weng family just wanted to ask for more money, but not only did they not get the money, but they also vomited out the aunt's dowry.

It was shocking to hear that she had brought down the princess before, but that was far away from me.This time, what happened to the Weng family gave him an intuitive feeling. Thinking of Leng Yun's protective nature, he suddenly realized that building a good relationship with Eleven Niang is the only way to eliminate the barrier.

"Where can the blood relationship be broken?"

After getting up, Man Yue smiled and said, "Father passed away early, and the family didn't know anything about it back then. Uncle Wu was righteous and adopted Xiao Shi to his father. This kind of affection will never be forgotten. It is great that Xiao Shi has his biological father and mother love him, Now that he is competing with himself, Uncle Fifth doesn't need to avoid suspicion, just try to persuade him and make him cheerful, that's a great thing."

After saying that, he blinked and said, "You can't write two looks in one stroke, no matter which house we are, we are all descendants of our ancestors, aren't we?"

This was so beautifully said, Yang Shourui was moved.Suddenly he felt dirty, and nodded repeatedly, "Ai, ai, we are a family, uncle was confused before."

He's mouth is crooked with anger. During the Chinese New Year, he felt something was wrong with this old thing, but now it's all right, he's come here to please people, and he doesn't want any face. Is he afraid of this little girl?

She was angry, but she didn't dare to attack.

She still understands the principle that husband is heaven.

Chen was thinking secretly, what happened to the Fifth Brother?It feels like a different person.

A group of people had their own thoughts, and Mrs. He was annoyed and didn't want to say any more.It wasn't until Man Yue called someone to invite them to have a meal in the flower hall downstairs, and their mood improved after seeing the exquisite food.

Ningbo is close to the sea, and some seafood cannot be eaten in Pan'an's hometown.The oysters are all very large, finely chopped garlic, with a little chopped green onion and seasonings, after roasting on the fire, the freshness and juiciness of the oysters are kept, which is very delicious.

There are also big prawns and razor clams, which are boiled in clear water and dipped in soy sauce when eating, which is simple and delicious.

In addition, there are many signature dishes of Gui Linju, He is very satisfied with this, feels respected, and his mouth is not so mean.

After finishing the meal, he wiped the corners of his mouth lightly with a handkerchief, coughed lightly and said, "Eleven Niang, are the portions of your dishes so big? I can see that the ingredients are very fresh."

"Seafood like this is bought from Dan people. It's not easy for them to live. They just have people go to the pier to bring it back. We return to Linju and don't sell overnight stuff. As for the portion, it's not that big, and none of them come here. Ordinary, the pursuit of quality rather than quantity, less and more fancy, this is their pursuit."

"What about the ones that can't be sold?"

"There were so many people in the shop, I asked them to take them back. Some were sent to the Zhuangzi so that the tenants could improve their food."


Mrs. He was shocked and screamed again and again, "Oh, you have committed a crime. You are being polite to a group of mud-legged people who eat such good food. Are they really taking it? Really, you have to talk about it, it's a lot They are all children of our own clan, so there are no rules at all."

When Mrs. Chen heard this, she lowered her face, "Sister-in-law, there are many children in my family, and I eat it for myself. Besides, there is not much left. Our business is doing well, and there are not many ingredients left every day. And Some are the leftovers from the guests, many of them haven’t been touched, so what if they were given to others? They are all things that you don’t want, so you can’t sell them to customers overnight, right?”

"What does it matter? Put more seasoning, where can it be eaten?"

"What do you know, a woman?"

Uncle Wu said displeased: "Reputation is the most important thing in a person's life. Gui Linju is now so famous that we all know that this is a gold-lettered signboard, so don't make up your mind."

"You bastard, isn't that money?"

He said with a bit of anger: "The loss of this coming and going is huge. The long stream of water is saved little by little. I am doing this for the sake of Eleven Niang."

As he spoke, he gave Yang Shourui a headache when he saw it.

He knew what He meant.But how can you say that?This is too shameless.Even in the past, he only dared to think about the property that Qifang should have divided, how could he dare to play Yang Manyue's idea?He wasn't shameless enough yet.

Picking up the wine cup as if she didn't see it, she continued: "Eleventh Mother, don't listen to your fifth aunt, she has no experience with women. You can't smash this golden signboard by yourself."

Seeing that Mrs. He still wanted to talk, he said angrily: "We are all rich and powerful people, and their tongue is so strong, do you think they are ignorant bumpkins just like us?!"

(End of this chapter)

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