Chapter 278 Nine Niangs Fight
The fifth uncle suddenly behaved like this, and everyone was a little confused.

Which song is this sung?

Originally, He's pointing fingers like this was a bit annoying.But once Yang Shourui put on this attitude, he lost his temper, and even felt a little panic in his heart.

Abnormal monster!
If Yang Shourui was greatly shocked by the matter of the Weng family, but he was shocked all of a sudden, I really can't believe it.Especially Yang Zhen, after all, spends a lot of time at home and knows Uncle Wu better.

This person always likes to be greedy for petty gains, and loves to calculate. Although Xiao Shi is adopted by Qifang, he is Xiao Shi's biological father after all. If he wants to use Xiao Shi's relationship to gain some benefits for himself, it is understandable.

After all, what...

They sacrificed a son!

Yang Manyue thought the same way.In fact, she doesn't mind being taken advantage of by Mr. He and Uncle Wu, no matter what people think, for Xiao Shi's sake, she should be more polite to others.

It's just that the intention is too obvious, which makes people sick. If Uncle Wu didn't do anything when she recognized her ancestors and returned to her clan, she wouldn't be able to get along with them.

And later, the He family was also looking for troubles everywhere, wanting benefits, if he didn't understand it, he just provoked it.In addition, the love for Xiao Shi is really not pure, so I feel bored.

There is a heart to think about Xiao Shi, but more of them want to plan for their own interests. Being a parent is really embarrassing.

It's just that Uncle Fifth suddenly changed his style of painting, and Yang Manyue felt a little terrified.

After a moment of distraction, he said with a smile: "Uncle Wu is right. It is not easy to stand up a golden signboard. How can you just take it down? Those high-ranking officials are so tricky. They said it was overnight, and you are at noon." The dishes you cook can be eaten by you after reheating at night, if you give them overnight food, your shop will not be demolished."

Seeing that Mrs. He was still not convinced, Man Yue winked at the elder sister.Yang Zhen understood with a smile, and said with a smile: "That's not true. Oh, fifth aunt, you don't know. I was frightened when I first came here. Those wives with a daughter's title are all born in official families. It's nothing."

He Shi was taken aback.

She has been married to the Yang family for many years, and she has gained some knowledge.It is very different from her back then.But these years, Incheon's lineage has declined, and it's not bad to see the county magistrate in such a small place.

Even if there are official officials, they will not be willing to spend time in Incheon. They all go to Jinhua Mansion, and occasionally go back to the countryside to live, which can be regarded as relaxing.So she really hasn't seen any noble people.

There is an official minister in the family, but that ancestor is not something she can get along with.It is estimated that there are only a few people in the entire Yang family who can catch his eyes, and Yang Manyue is one of them.

"Then, wouldn't that be nothing to do with each other?"

"Not at all."

Yang Zhen said unhurriedly: "Those who have no fame but are rich also come here. However, even if they have no fame, they are backed by big trees, so they can't be easily offended. They have extensive knowledge and connections. Many, we return to Linju to not do business honestly, and I'm afraid it won't work if Eleven Niang comes forward, it's a mistake, after all, we promised to use fresh ingredients."

He didn't dare to speak any more, although she felt a little angry, but she also knew that those rich and powerful people were not easy to fool.This is her son's property, so naturally there cannot be any loss.

As he was talking, he saw Wansheng coming in from the outside. After spending more than half a year together, Wansheng was much better than before.Although I still can't speak, but at least I'm much closer to them.

Man Yue was a little surprised, didn't he follow Chao Su?The store is busy, and everyone usually has something to do, and the servant girl is not easy to control the customers of the full moon, so the two of them usually follow Chao Su.

Chao Su is a father-in-law and doesn't need to avoid suspicion, and he is also very afraid of being lonely.Treat late students, full warehouses, and Xiao Shi as grandchildren.Especially for the late students and Xiao Shi, sympathy in the heart, and the feelings should be deeper.

Now Yuzan seems to be better, although she is still talking nonsense, but she is not going crazy all day long.Because she has a new fun: grinding all kinds of powder.

Because some Yangzhou pedicure masters were invited to the store, soaking feet has become a new fashion in Ningbo.

In the past, everyone soaked their feet in hot water and it was fine.But now Man Yue has made generations of foot-soaking bags.And these powders need to be ground by people.

Yuhan fell in love with it somehow, and Man Yue suspected that she used to grind flour at home, which was something she often did, so she fell in love with it.

She's normal when she does things.So now Late Born is equivalent to being led by Chao Su.

But this point...

Man Yue frowned, it should be time for dinner, why is Yuzan still working?
Just as he was thinking about it, Wan Sheng was already approaching, grabbed Man Yue's sleeve, and pointed outside.

"What's the matter? Late birth? Where's your mother?"

"Why is it this kid again? Eleven Niang, you haven't sent him away yet?"

When He Shi saw the late birth, she was not happy, she would think of the time when she molested|molested his mother, and besides embarrassment, she was annoyed.

Man Yue glanced at Mrs. He lightly, and said, "Fifth Aunt, where do you want me to send them?"

This simple sentence made He's heart tense, and somehow he thought of Weng Pu.

After Weng Pu reconciled with his eldest sister, he almost became a mouse that everyone shouted and beaten, and the brothel girl also had a miscarriage because of this, so she didn't dare to go out at will.Even though there are family members protecting them, people's disdain for the Weng family is like weeds after the spring rain, growing wildly all over the mountains and plains.

He can see that someone is deliberately inciting emotions, who is this person, it seems that the answer is very clear...

She secretly glanced at Yang Manyue, she was not angry just now, but now...

It turned out that this was her bottom line.

He felt a little happy again, as long as he mastered this speed, he wouldn't be able to control her!

"Oh, I'm just saying, I'm afraid they..."

She smiled as she spoke, and said: "Eleven Niang, your Fifth Aunt, I have a bit of a broken mouth, and I know it's not good, so don't take it to heart, I don't mean anything."

Man Yue nodded, but Wan Sheng was in a hurry, making an "ahhh" sound, and pulled her sleeves vigorously, showing that he was in a hurry.

At this moment, Chao Su's voice came, "Oh, my little ancestor, you ran too fast. Grandpa is old and can't catch up..."

Chao Su appeared at the door out of breath, "Hurry up, Eleven Niang, go out and have a look, Jiuniang, Yuhan is fighting with someone, it's in Erjin's courtyard!"


Before Yang Manyue could respond, He called out, "Is this okay?! Eleven Niang, what's going on?! Didn't you say that Jiu Niang was lying in the room because she was not feeling well? What? Right now..."

The corners of Yang Manyue's mouth twitched, and Yang Zhen also had the same expression. Looking at Chen Shi again, her face was already numb.

When Yang Jiumei saw Leng Yun coming recently, she had to ask Qing Yun to learn kung fu. Don't think she is impatient, but she doesn't care about this matter at all.Every day he gets up early and squats, and his ability to endure hardships and stand hard work has moved Qingyun.

Thinking again that this is the sister of the future wife's family, she started to please her.He simply walked more frequently, and took the opportunity of teaching the servants in the shop to give Yang Jiumei some pointers. After more than half a year, Yang Jiuniang has really practiced a little bit.

She was also a naughty girl when she was at home, and the Yang family didn't believe in Neo-Confucianism too much. She was crazy since she was a child, and her physical condition is really not so good.Even with such martial arts, she ate well, and after half a year, she almost became a woman.

Although she can only scratch the surface, it's enough to bully a weak and playful young master.Ever since, in the past month, Yang Jiumei's biggest hobby has been making trouble. In her words, she is upholding justice.

There are no hooligans in the nearby streets. Thanks to the efforts of Yang Jiumei and a group of lackeys, the law and order in Xiaogang Town is unprecedentedly good.So Uncle Wu came suddenly, and it was difficult for Yang Manyue and others to tell him the situation, and Jiuniang was outside again, so he had to lie like this.

Yang Zhen couldn't help sighing, she wanted to write a letter to her parents, but thinking about her younger sister getting married soon, she couldn't bear to complain in the last happy time.

She is not the only one who has this idea, both Shi Niang and Chen Shi think so.

"Oh, what are you still doing? She is not an ordinary person, she is the son of Wei Guogong's family, and the empress dowager's nephew!"


He screamed again, my God, the queen mother's nephew?Well, isn't that the emperor's cousin?

Thinking of Yang Jiumei fighting with such a person, He suddenly felt dizzy.

Before she finished panicking, she saw Yang Manyue getting up, and said in a pleasant voice, "Brother Xu is here? Really, why don't you send someone to tell me in advance, so I can clean up the dust for her. Sister, Mother, I'll go to greet you, eldest sister, don't be surprised, Mr. Wugu, Brother Xu's family is not unreasonable, he will treat me a little less."

As he spoke, he took Wan Sheng's hand and went out.

He Shi was startled, his eyeballs almost fell off, and after a while he said, "Seventh, seventh sibling, when will Eleven Niang be with Duke Wei?"

Yang Shourui and Yang Zhen also had this question.

After all, Wei Guogong's status is too extraordinary, he is the empress dowager's father!
Mrs. Chen saw the astonishment of Mrs. He and Yang Shourui, her face was calm, but she was a little proud in her heart, and pretended to be indifferent: "Do you know the essence of neixian? It was invented by Xiaoniang and sold to Duke Wei. Mansion. It is thanks to Wei Guogong to take care of this Guilin residence.”

Several people gasped, and the eyeballs that He had just pressed back fell again, and she suddenly felt a little cool on her neck.

Is this the real Eleven Niang?

This realization terrified her.

Min'er and Shu'er couldn't sit still anymore, they pulled Yang Zhen and said, "Mother, we are looking at Ninth Aunt."


Mrs. Chen nodded at her, and Yang Zhen left quickly.As soon as they left, Mrs. Chen said with a smile: "Come on, fifth brother, fifth sister-in-law, don't bother with the younger generation, keep eating, keep eating."

Yang Shourui's heart sank. After not seeing him for more than half a year, Mrs. Chen is stronger than before.She has acted like a wife, and has become shrewd.

He didn't know how much Chen had suffered in order to learn how to read and deal with people. The guests outside were more difficult to deal with Dora than his family!
(End of this chapter)

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