Chapter 286 The Rules

In the next two days, Man Yue was surrounded by a group of diners and old gluttons, who asked Buddha to jump over the wall.

Although the management is relatively strict, it is not a taboo thing for the owner to invent new dishes, and there are always servants who say it.It’s just that when Man Yue made it, only a few people saw it. Many ingredients were mentioned earlier, but some ingredients were prepared by herself in the small kitchen, so the servants couldn’t tell. The dishes are ready to be presented to the Son of Heaven.

This time is good, thinking of the smell, a group of old gourmets rushed over like sharks smelling blood, asking what kind of food Man Yue is.

Where will the full moon tell them?I just said that I want to present it to the emperor, and after the emperor tastes it, I will make it for everyone to eat.

Using the Son of Heaven as a shield finally dispelled the curiosity of those people.After another two days, Mrs. Yu also arrived in Ningbo, and her uncle, second uncle, and first cousin came with her.

Going to Beijing is a big event, so it would be strange if there are not many people in the family to accompany him.

When Yu Shi saw the full moon, she shed tears and didn't enjoy the blessing of her son, but the youngest son left her with a capable granddaughter, which not only made her an old lady, but also became a first-class wife, which was extremely prominent.

What's even more rare is that she illuminated the entire lintel of Yang's family in Pan'an!
How exciting is this?
All the high officials in Jinhua came to congratulate, the Yang family hadn't had such a good time for many years, even the grand uncle Zhishi had never been so good!

When the imperial decree was framed and hung in the ancestral temple, many disciples cried.

This is the glory of the whole family!

The uncle was also in tears, and the master's house had come a few days ago, and such a glorious thing always came to congratulate him.Not only the main sect, but other branches also sent people to congratulate them one after another. The status and prestige of the Incheon lineage in the Zhejiang Yang family suddenly increased.

And that's what the full moon brings.

The grandfather and grandson held their heads and cried for a while, then led Mrs. Yu in.

Rao Yu's vision is wide-eyed, and he has been vigorous and resolute all his life, so he was frightened when he first entered Guilin House.

I am a mother!
No wonder it is famous all over Yongshang!
Not to mention other things, just this layout, just this ingenuity, it is not an exaggeration to call it the best restaurant in the world!
After entering the door, I saw old man Yuan. Although the matter had been cleared up, the parents at that time still felt embarrassed when they met.

After looking at each other for a long time, old Comrade Yuan cupped his hands and said, "How is your mother-in-law?"

"Okay, okay."

Mrs. Yu was also generous, and after greeting her, the embarrassment passed.They all went into the back house and talked.

The main thing is the matter of going to Beijing. The emperor dared not delay even if he hinted, and planned to leave in the future.

Man Yue has handed over all the affairs of the store to Yang Zhen and Lao Bai. With their support, there should be no accidents in the store.

But what is to be discussed now is the list for entering Beijing.

Needless to say, those who were canonized must go.

And the accompanying person did some research.

The children of the family also had to bring some, not to mention the maids, Yu himself brought two maids, two rough envoys, and a close aunt.

The uncle and the second cousin are simpler, but each of them brought two servants and two maids.

Red pomelo and green bamboo must be brought on the full moon side.

And Chen's side has more people to bring.Because there are still Man Cang and Xiao Shi to take care of, five or six maidservants, plus the mother-in-law, Qian Mama, and finally Yang Lixiu and others who are responsible for running errands, and even ten Yang family children who are personally safe, and Chao millet……

The team was huge in no time.

The family discussed the details, and He's face was distorted. After holding back for a long time, he finally couldn't help saying: "Mother, my wife also wants to go. Xiao Shi crawled out of my stomach."

Mrs. Yu glanced at her and said, "It's not bad, but you have been adopted by Qifang."


One sentence directly choked He to death, but she was not reconciled, "Mother, that's what I said, but it crawled out of my stomach after all. It is also a big event for my son to go to Beijing to meet the emperor. How can I rest assured, I have to... "

"You mean I'm getting old, old lady? Can't take care of your son? If you feel distressed, let the child go back to the fifth room. This title is full."

Yang Zhen and Man Yue looked at each other, lowered their heads, and both were giggling.

The ancestors are amazing.

He was killed in one fell swoop.

For the matter of cheating Xiao Shiyin on her last time, this man can't let her follow him, it's too disgusting.

There was no expression on Xiao Shi's face either, the 50 taels of silver had made him unable to have many fantasies about his biological mother.He hated his mother as much as he loved him before.

All the kindness was lost by He himself.

He choked there for a long while, and after a while, his eyes were moist, and he cried, "Mother, what did your daughter-in-law bother you? Xiao Shi is my son. Although he was adopted by Qi Fang, that is also my son." Son, why can't I follow suit?"

"Do you think you are going to Beijing to play?"

Yu sneered, "Old Wu, your daughter-in-law is getting better and better. Alas, I don't blame you, I blame the old lady. In the Xingsheng Confucianism family, the daughter-in-law has to set the rules, and the mother-in-law is served. The mother-in-law sits and the daughter-in-law stands. , the mother-in-law finished eating and the daughter-in-law ate, the old woman thought it was a trick, so she didn't set it up. Now it seems that the old woman was wrong, and some people's rules still have to be established."

The fifth uncle turned pale, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "It's the son's inability to restrain his wife. Mother, don't be angry."

As he spoke, he said to Mrs. He: "What's the matter with you? So what's wrong with Xiao Shi who was born to you? Adopted to the seventh younger brother, that is the seventh younger brother's child! The seventh younger siblings are polite and don't prevent Xiao Shi from getting close to you You picked up Joe, and you didn’t even listen to your mother’s words, and you didn’t kneel down? Are you going to pay your mother?!”


He's lips trembled with anger, "Grandma, you are unreasonable!"

"So what?"

Mrs. Yu swept her lightly, "If you can't let go of Xiao Shi and go back as an adoptive, then you will be envious of Qifang's property, and you are reluctant to have a son. People are not as good as heaven, Mrs. He, do you really think that the old lady is blind and can't see?" What is your plan?"

As she spoke, she glanced at Yang Shourui, who immediately blushed.Knowing that his original intentions had been seen through by the old woman, he felt that his face became hot|hot.

"Although the old lady doesn't like it, but thinking about the meat she dropped, she always has some plans for the child. Besides, no matter what, your poor brother will always accept your favor. I think Qifang can do it That's good, Xiao Shi is now very promising, and he reciprocated, he was originally a son of a concubine, but now he is a descendant of a direct descendant, and he has inherited the earl, this kindness is big enough..."

As she spoke, her voice gradually turned cold, "It's okay for you to love your child, my wife, and Mrs. Chen is generous, and she doesn't care about it. But if you have other intentions and want to manipulate Xiao Shi, heh, the old lady will be the first No promise!"

These words couldn't be more serious, and they almost slapped He's face directly. He's face was flushed with embarrassment, but he was so angry.I always feel that this old hag is eccentric and wants to take away her son completely, so that she, the biological mother, will not get any benefits and return to their direct line.

Uncle Wu saw that Mrs. He was still standing, his face was blue, he pulled Mrs. He over, and said angrily, "Kneel down! How can you be presumptuous in front of mother?! Disrespect your parents-in-law, you can rest!"

One sentence exploded in his ears like a thunderbolt, only then did He realize that he had talked back like this, if Yu Shi had an attack, he could really decide to divorce himself!

Thinking of this makes me bitter, why did I marry a trash? !
With tears in his eyes, he said: "The daughter-in-law is guilty, so mother should not be angry, just punish the daughter-in-law."

"Xiao Shi also met, you pack up and go back to Pan'an. Xiao Wu, there are a lot of things at home now, go back and get things done with mushrooms and fungus. With the help of such a capable niece in this life, I will never suffer you . Do you understand?"

Yu's eyes were extremely sharp. Looking at Yang Shourui, he paused every word and said, "To be a man, you must know how to be content, or you will be struck by lightning!"

"Yes, my son understands."

No matter how unwilling he was, Yang Shourui had no choice but to agree.I was a little annoyed at Mrs. He, because this woman's eyelids are shallow, otherwise, if I have been living here, would Yang Manyue be able to drive people away?

I can also make friends with some people by relying on my identity as her uncle, which can be regarded as a help anyway, and I can also benefit from my son's glory. Ningbo is much better than my hometown!
Both husband and wife were unhappy, He blamed Yu, but he didn't know that her husband had already complained to her, so he retreated with his own thoughts.

As soon as the person left, the atmosphere in the room changed. Yang Zhen called her nanny and took Shu'er and Min'er down.Xiao Shi and Mancang also had good eyesight, found an excuse and ran away.

When the people left, Yu said: "Girl, Xiao Shi's complexion is not very good, but what did those two do?"


Before Man Yue could answer, Yang Jiumei started arguing, "Grandmother, you don't know! Xiao Shi was selected as a scholar, and Eleven Niang gave him 50 taels and a gift to thank his teacher. By the way, he invited the same year to dinner as a favor. But Fifth Aunt is lucky, she took the silver and bought the hairpin herself."


Yu's face changed, and she patted the table and said, "Is she trying to kill Xiao Shi? Can this money be greedy?!"

"Isn't it? Xiao Shi was completely humiliated in front of Tongnian. Fortunately, Eleven Niang came back for him. The imperial decree came on the day of the treat, so it was successfully resolved."

Yang Jiumei was practicing martial arts with the younger generation, and she knew more information than them. She was still angry after she finished speaking, and continued to complain, stomping her feet and saying, "Uncle Wu is fine, he's a gentleman, but Aunt Wu, I can't say anything about it." , I regarded myself as the proprietress, probably because I knew that Xun Shi Niang would not agree to the account book. The day before yesterday, as Xiao Shi's biological mother, I asked several accountants for the account book, saying that they wanted to see how much profit they made every day. "

"What's even worse is that during the day yesterday, someone forced her to take her to the soap workshop and Eleven Niang's small courtyard that specializes in researching new objects. She didn't spend much time in the small courtyard. When she arrived at the soap workshop, she asked about this and that, and finally I have to go to the shop and ask for the soap shop's ledger."

With a "bang", Mrs. Yu slapped the table, "What is she going to do?! Is the old woman dead?! When it comes to the niece, she will be lawless?! Go, call me that unruly thing, This sets the rules for her!"

 In the last chapter, the author made a typo in the title, and I had to edit to change it. The editor is also busy, so I am too embarrassed to bother about such a thing. If it does not affect the content, I will not change it!

(End of this chapter)

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