Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 287 Departure to the capital

Chapter 287 Departure to the capital
"Grandma, forget it."

Man Yue dissuaded, "We will be on the road the day after tomorrow, and Fifth Aunt is going back. Even if she wants to be a demon, she can't.

"You are soft-hearted, I know you are for Xiao Shi!"

Mrs. Yu hates iron but not steel, "You feel sorry for Xiao Shi, and I want him to be your biological brother and grandmother to comfort you. But as the saying goes, there is no rule, this Mrs. He is simply lawless. If you don't stop her today, you can see Well, she still has to depend on Xiao Shi being born by her to cause trouble."

"But grandma..."

Yang Manyue lowered her head, "Xiao Shi is much more important than the He family, and the suppression is severe. Xiao Shi will always be sad."

After living together for so many years, Xiao Shi loves his parents as much as he blames his parents. He always has to take care of Xiao Shi's face. be human.

From a rational point of view, people like the He family can be fined just by suppressing them?I'm afraid it will get worse.The old lady can't watch her 24 hours a day, so instead of being unable to change it, it's better to be a good person here, and then it will be good for Xiao Shi's reputation.

Yu Shi opened her mouth, which finally turned into a sigh.

What else can I say?
It's a mistake, I'm afraid it will make my grandson and granddaughter suffer, and embarrass the Chen family.

"Forget it, for your sake, let her go back this time, and don't punish her."

"Granddaughter thanks grandma on behalf of Xiao Shi."

In the next day, everything that should be prepared is also ready. After having a meal with the employees, it is an early rest.

The system is already at level 6. These few days have really tortured her to death. She went out, went in, and went in. It feels like she has lived alone for several years, and her heart is already exhausted. It is an early rest, and tomorrow I will be full of energy and set off on the road.

I also packed some of the latest batch of high-end soaps saponified in the soap shop in the salute. It is not easy to go out for a long time, so I can also feel the market in person.

Going north to Nanjing, the most developed areas in the country are all passing by.Such as Hangzhou, Suzhou, Taicang, Changzhou and so on.China is vast and rich in resources, but seventy percent of the world's spiritual energy and eighth percent of its essence are concentrated in these places. In a sense, the real Jiangnan actually refers to these few places.

I may be anxious when I go, but I can walk slowly when I come back. It would be good if I can negotiate a few deals in person.It wasn't long before the soap was launched, but the business was booming. Now they have made a new product. In addition to the potatoes donated to the emperor, I still have a lot left. Large quantities of potato housekeeping soap are produced domestically. The cleaning ability is not so strong, and the cost is basically negligible. It is suitable for the lower-level route.

After thinking about it seven times and eight times, the eyelids gradually became heavy.

Looking at the soft banknotes placed in the system storage space, and then looking at the big dress hanging on the bedside, the phoenix crown and the xiapei, Man Yue's eyes were a little moist.

Only after experiencing extreme oppression can one know how difficult everything is now.

Tomorrow she will put on this court dress, and under the escort of officers and soldiers, she will go to the capital feeling the blessings of all the elders in the city. No one can bully her at will anymore.

Including her family!

The king of Wu heard that he was back, but he didn't come to make trouble, maybe he has to weigh it up?

Gradually fell asleep with this thought.

On the second day, those who had entrusted titles in the family got up early and put on their big dresses under the service of others.

When they arrived at the front hall, those guests who liked to sleep in had all woke up early, and they all applauded when they saw Man Yue coming out in a dress, and sent their blessings!

"Good job! Master Yang, you are the pride of our Yongshang!"

"You have to fight for our Ningbo people! Don't be bullied by those dudes in the capital!"

The full moon salutes one by one, thanking the elders for their blessings.

When we got outside the door, the neighbors also came.It wasn't just them, many people from nearby came, and the whole street was crowded. When they saw her coming out, they all saluted, and then applauded.

The full moon is moving, people in this era are still much more simple.

Mostly I told her not to be afraid, Ningbo people have always been united, just go to the Ningbo guild hall in the capital, and you can ask the merchants in your hometown for help.

In fact, Man Yue's entry to Beijing this time is really a big event for Ningbo people. There are so many nobles in the family in one breath, and there are still four alive, which is not generally taken seriously by the local government.

Moreover, Man Yue was honored as a commoner, without relying on her husband or father. This incident caused a sensation in the world, and it was to be recorded in the county and government annals.I will set up a monument later, but I haven't done it now, but I am afraid that there will be some changes when I go to the capital, because from the current point of view, it is very likely that there are other arrangements for letting him go to the capital to thank him.

It wouldn't be beautiful if it was in front of the royal family.

Leng Yun was already waiting outside the door, and many people came to the yamen, and there were more than N people holding signs. When Xungui went out, he wanted to ring the gong to clear the way and hold the signs.

Not to mention the evasive, quiet sign, there is also a sign representing the identity of the family. What makes Xiao Shi depressed is that although he has become an earl and can no longer carry out his career, his previous reputation as a scholar can be preserved.

Just keep it, it's easy for a 12-year-old scholar.But it's too bad to write the ranking.

Mancang sat in the same car with him, felt his brother's prestige, looked at the guard of honor, and couldn't help saying: "No wonder people in the world say that a man can't be powerless for a day, this is really majestic."

As he said that, he was happy about his life after becoming a Jinshi.Looking at my brother's bitter face, and then looking at the sign, I shivered a lot. I couldn't even get the last place in the exam. In my sister's words, this can be regarded as being nailed to the pillar of shame.

Fortunately, my brother doesn't have to take the exam anymore, otherwise I will be an official in the future, and I will give you a sign of the last place when I travel, so how can I manage the people?Official authority is gone.

Thinking about it and stealing fun, it’s because I always have fantasies, Xiao Shi’s six-song dream is shattered, and he secretly fantasizes about his shit|shit luck, if he becomes the only six-song, how majestic will he be when he travels?You must know that the previous six poems were abolished by the old man Chengzu.

People always have a little dream, otherwise what is the difference from salted fish?
Mancang was dreaming, waving goodbye to the elders in his hometown, Yu's car took the lead, and Xiao Shi, Chen, and Man Yue came down in order, the convoy moved slowly, and people cheered.

Sitting in the car, Mrs. Chen never imagined that she would have such a day. She is a peasant woman, but now she is not only able to read and write, but also a gentleman. She never imagined such a thing before.

It had happened for many days, but she always felt like a dream.

There are still people's comments in my ears, saying that she did enough good deeds in her previous life, and she made up the last bit of merit in the first half of her life, and she should enjoy the blessings of accumulated virtue in the second half of her life.

Thinking about it, it actually makes sense.

Looking out of the car through the screen window, the sincere smiles of the folks and elders are still on the face, so real, so warm, if the husband is still alive, he will be very happy, right?Thinking of the mixed sorrow and joy in Yuan's eyes, the hand holding Yahu couldn't help but clenched tightly.

She must live a good life, she also wants to see the children go further, she is very greedy for this happiness, she wants to take the share of her sister and husband to go on together, to watch the children grow up, to see the children's future... …

When the wind picked up, the sound of gongs, drums and suona dissipated in the wind. King Wu, dressed in casual clothes, watched from the street corner with bitterness in his heart.

Became the Junjun, getting farther and farther away from him.It's impossible to be a husband and wife. I calm down and feel that I'm a beast if I do that. I'm sorry Yunniang.But, at least it can be a father-daughter relationship, right?

Yang Xiucai is dead, and she has helped their father and daughter, and her kindness and demerits are offset, and Lu's family has also been punished. Will she forgive herself?
"My lord..."

The father-in-law beside him shouted in a low voice, "The one who is favored by the heavenly family, my lord..."

"You think I'm trying to trouble her?"

The bitterness on his face subsided in an instant, and he became mean and gloomy again, "Mr. Lu and Huixi took it upon themselves. I'm sorry, who do you think I am?"

"My lord..."

The father-in-law had a bitter face, "What about the lord today? My lord, this servant is bold, this Yang Junjun is not easy to mess with, she doesn't know the lord's painstaking efforts, I'm afraid..."

King Wu turned around and stared at the eunuch with a dark gaze, and the father-in-law turned pale with fright.

Only he knows that the prince has been ill for many years, but his mind is a little abnormal, his moods are unstable, as long as he has something to do with Yuan Yunniang's matter, he will easily go crazy.

But he couldn't do it unless he dissuaded him. He was really afraid that his master would put himself in for the sake of the mother and daughter, and he would know what happened to the princess and the county lord.

She closed her eyes and was about to accept her anger, but she never thought that King Wu would be silent for a while and suddenly said: "She must be complaining that I didn't show up when I was married..."

As he said that, he turned around, "I haven't been to her place for many years, just because I was afraid that Mrs. Lu would do something wrong again. I thought I was capable, but Yunniang was still killed by that bitch. I kept her Life is used to torture her..."

As he said that, a sinister sneer appeared on his face, "Mrs. Lu thought it was over when she became a commoner? Otherwise, why did the king send that many fluorites to her? Do you really think that the king likes her? Hehe..."

He smiled sinisterly, "That kind of fluorite is an ominous stone, and many people will get tumors if they play with it all the time. I want her to die, and the death is so painful!"

The father-in-law is pale, and there is a kind of luminous fluorite, which is very strange. Many people who own it will get tumors. The prince gave so much to the Lu family, and the Lu family likes it... Now, it seems that the prince gave her the fluorite. After that, she never stepped into her house again, did she?

My heart trembled, how cruel is this?
"Okay, let's go, I'll come and see her when she comes back."

"My lord?"

Still not giving up?

The father-in-law has a bitter face, what exactly is his master asking for?Yuan Yunniang is dead, no matter how affectionate she is, she is also the daughter-in-law of the Yang family.And it is impossible for the remaining daughter to call you father!

Such a smart person, how can he be confused about this matter?

The old eunuch didn't dare to say it, but he was secretly anxious. Looking at his prince's back, he couldn't help wiping away his tears. It would be great if the princess was still there, at least he could persuade her...

(End of this chapter)

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