Chapter 291 Meeting the Queen
Man Yue and the others didn't dare to delay. At this time, many officials had already come to work one after another.Foreign-born wives are always avoided when entering the palace.

Following Huang Xie through the Meridian Gate, he saw five stone bridges with Yuhe River under them.Xiao Shi and Ba Shu didn't walk with them, they walked from the left, while she and the Yu family walked from the right, and no one could walk on the bridge in the middle except the emperor and the new Jinshi.

After crossing the bridge is the Fengtian Gate. This is the place where the emperor holds court ceremonies. When they arrive here, they all turn their faces to the side and hang slightly. There are many officials waiting here. Watch, no matter men or women, you can't watch indiscriminately.

Seeing that Mancang was still looking around and screaming constantly, Man Yue hurriedly pulled him over and said in a low voice: "This is the palace, so don't break the rules."

Huang Rong also had a serious face, and said in a low voice: "What the Jun Jun said is that this place is no different than outside the palace, and there are noble people here, so we have to wake up."

After a pause, he introduced in a low voice, "From south to north, there are three main halls, Fengtian, Huagai, and Jinshen. On the east side of the three halls are Wenhua Hall and Wenlou, and on the west are Wuying Hall and Wulou. "Five Halls of the Dynasty". This Fengtian Hall is what people often call the Jinluan Hall, and it is the place where the grandpa of the emperor held important ceremonies and received congratulations from civil and military officials."

He looked around again and said in a low voice, "The three halls of Taihe, Zhonghe, and Baohe in Beijing were built in imitation of the three halls of Fengtian, Huagai, and Jinshen."

Man Yue nodded, Mrs. Yu couldn't take it anymore, and Mrs. Chen hurriedly stepped forward to help her, but she was also unable to move in a big dress, and she was very smart, so she hurried forward, "Grandmother, I will help you."

"Okay, good boy, grandma is not tired, grandma can go."

"The old matriarch doesn't dare to delay now. After passing the Qianqing Gate in front, he will enter the harem. He will rest when he reaches the ground. Don't worry, it will take some time to wait for the queen's summons, and he will always be able to rest."

As he spoke, he began to popularize science for a few people in a low voice.

Come to think of it, this palace is not so big, even the chief assistant can only leave here, unless the emperor favors you and rewards you with a small sedan chair, otherwise you have to leave.But this kind of honor is very rare, only Zhang Juzheng and Qin Hui had this kind of treatment back then.

I was exhausted after walking for a long time. If I want to meet my family, I can't be rude. I have to give some time to catch my breath and tidy up my appearance.

When you get to the emperor, you can’t resist even if you are exhausted, thinking that those ministers can secretly set the emperor up, and there are rules of etiquette to restrain the emperor and raise objections. Even if there is no father in the eyes, it is not much different from treason.

Walking slowly like this, entering the inner court, it is not as solemn as the front hall, and the breath of life has increased.After all, it is the harem, the emperor's home is here, if it is all cold, will the emperor still live?

Many people saluted when they saw Huang Xie, and when they saw the makeup of Man Yue and others, they also saluted.

These three halls are the main body of the harem, all on the central axis, and also represent the distinction between superiority and inferiority.The sleeping palaces of the emperor and empress are on this line, and the east and west palaces are known as the east and west palaces on both sides.

When we arrived at the Kunning Palace and entered the inside, the place was still too big to touch. The eunuchs in charge who came to welcome us seemed particularly flattering. Huang Xie was one of the 24 eunuchs, and he also had a godfather who worked as a patriarch in the eunuch of ceremonies. A person with real power in his hands, the eunuch in charge in front of the mere queen would naturally want to curry favor.

In addition to the eunuch and the elder aunt who was in charge, she was also an important person around the empress. Being able to greet her in person already represented the empress' attitude.

Man Yue is a clean family, and the struggles these days have made her a little bit of political savvy grow rapidly. After hearing the identity of the two, she smiled and accepted the half-gift.

She is a county lord, so there is no need to be too self-serving, sometimes she is too modest, but she looks petty and is easy to be underestimated.

Mrs. Yu even received the full ceremony. She is a first-class wife. To put it bluntly, she could bear it if a few eunuchs and maids saluted her, even if the rank of the palace was not as high as hers.

My granddaughter received half a ceremony, which already represented the humble attitude of the whole family.However, Mrs. Yu is also clear-headed, and after receiving the gift, she said politely: "Elder-in-law and this aunt have worked hard, please convey to the empress and empress for the old man, the concubine (the concubine is a foreign woman who claims to be a concubine, and the emperor's concubine claims to be a concubine." No, I suddenly became a lowly person) Fanyong, absurd and prosperous, I am grateful for the kindness of the empress, and I am here today to thank you, and I am sorry to bother you."

Saying that is a blessed body, this is for the queen, not for the two people in front of me.

And Mrs. Yu's rhetoric is also very particular. The queen ordered to summon her, but she had to bring up the matter of thanking her first, so she had already reported the matter of their arrival at the post station, asking for thanking her.

So the queen made another decree to approve it, so when the Yu family came here, he still had to ask for loyalty, which was in line with the rules.

Man Yue looked at it and secretly complained in her heart.

Evil feudal society ah!You are the ones who hinted that I am here because the girl harmonizes with your old Zhu's family, why does it seem like I am begging to see you?
Thinking about it this way, the Son of Heaven is the most person in the world who wants to stand up for something!
After going through some procedures, they entered the hut in the side hall, took a sip of water, and then they were led to the toilet. After returning to sit for a while, Huang Xie came out and led them in.

For a person of great merit, the queen naturally dare not take Joe.

After arriving at the gate of the palace, there was another round of announcements, finally waiting for another father-in-law to send a message, and the mothers had to tidy up their appearance again, and then they crossed the high threshold and finally entered.

The queen's bedroom is not so big, and she dare not look around when entering the room, just look at the floor, and can't look up without the queen's permission.

There is a good smell in the room, and the full moon has a strong nose. When I smell it, it is the aroma of roses.

Huang Xie stopped in front, and bowed to report: "My maidservant greets the empress, Mrs. Jun'an has arrived."

Jun'an is the title given by the emperor to Mrs. Yu, which is more honored than ordinary first-rank wives, but only the old lady has this honor, and it also reflects that her mother-in-law is always a little higher than Yuan's.

"The concubine Pan'an Incheon Yang's daughter-in-law pays homage to the empress, the empress is a thousand years old!"

After the introduction, Mrs. Yu and her family knelt down together.

Chen, Man Yue, and Mancang introduced themselves one by one. Only Mancang had to call himself a grassroots man. He had no fame or title, and it was because he was still young and the empress made an exception that he was able to enter the palace together.

"Flat body."

The queen's voice was peaceful, which made people feel relieved unconsciously.

"Come here, let Mrs. Jun'an, Mrs. Shu, give you a seat from the county lord."

"Thank you madam!"

After taking the stool, I didn’t dare to sit all the way, so I sat for a quarter of it. Sitting like this is also for the convenience of answering. Otherwise, I would have to sit on my ass, and it would be exhausting to get up, and it would also look ugly. This way I can maintain the best posture Sitting posture looks graceful.

There was no place to sit in the warehouse, but the queen was kind. Seeing that the warehouse was standing neatly beside her sister, she didn't look around. She had a good manner, so she nodded, "It is said that the Yang family is strict in running the family, and even a child can have such a bearing. Simple."

Yu's eyelids twitched, not sure what the queen meant, so she stood up and said, "The queen's empress praises her absurdly, and my concubines are terrified."

The queen was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she was a little harsh.

On weekdays, most of the people who came to pay homage to pay their respects were inner-born women, and foreign-born women had to hand over a sign if they wanted to see her. However, ordinary women would not ask to see her casually.

As for the mistress, I have to show the majesty of being a big wife. Although the palace is big and the family is expensive, there is no difference between the harem and the harem. The number of uses of cucumber.

The queen softened her face, "Old Madam, don't be nervous, you have raised such a good granddaughter and made a contribution to my Ming Dynasty, this is all thanks to your upbringing."

"The empress praised it absurdly. This child has been messing around all the time. This time it is a fluke. It is a great blessing to be rewarded by the heavenly family. The empress is so boastful that I really feel ashamed. I really dare not do it."

The full moon doesn't speak, these words are actually nothing nutritious, it's nothing more than an official procedure for you to come and go, you can go home soon after you think about it, and she doesn't need to say anything, the elders are here, it's not her turn to be a junior Nonsense here.

While chatting with Mrs. Yu, the queen secretly looked at Man Yue, seeing her sitting upright, without squinting, neither humble nor overbearing, she couldn't help but secretly nodded in her heart.

The concubines of the Ming Dynasty were all born in ordinary families. This was to prevent their relatives from becoming bigger, and many of them were even uneducated.And Yang Manyue was also born a commoner. Although she recognized her ancestors and returned to her clan, she was not raised in the Yang family after all. The empress was secretly amazed that she could have such a demeanor.

If you are a worthy man under the reputation!

Empress Qian sighed secretly, and stopped practicing Tai Chi, and said directly to Man Yue: "It is said that the Junjun is very talented, and those few poems are really well written. To tell you the truth, I was still thinking about it before I saw you." What do you look like? Is it true that your eyes can distinguish good from evil? But I don’t know if your eyes can distinguish good from evil after seeing you today. , Shuren is so lucky!"

Man Yue's eyelids twitched, how did she feel that there was something in these words?

The queen praised her, so she couldn't sit still, and she didn't care if she understood it in her heart. In short, she stood up first, bowed her body and said: "My daughter is terrified, the queen's empress praises so much, my daughter's name doesn't match the truth, and I feel ashamed in my heart, I dare not be your empress to praise you." .”

The queen smiled and said: "Jun Jun is humble, your poems, your kind of god, are destined to be famous all over the world, leave a name in history, and be famous forever..."

Man Yue's hands were sweating profusely, why did she always feel that these words were weird?
She didn't dare to think too much, and immediately replied in a very formulaic way: "I don't dare to corrupt officials, I should be loyal to the Ming Dynasty for the people of the Ming Dynasty, and it is my duty to be myself..."

(End of this chapter)

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