Chapter 292 Give You a Wat Board
Man Yue couldn't figure out what the Queen was going to do, she was overthinking, so she simply taught herself a few tricks from her grandmother, so she simply learned from the Yu family, being humble and respectful, practicing Tai Chi without thinking too much.

Empress Qian talked for a while, then said: "It is said that Jun Jun is a good cooker. A few days ago, brother Yuan entered the palace and said that you created a new dish and wanted to present it to the emperor. Is there such a thing?"

When Man Yue heard this, she quickly knelt down, "The empress forgives her sins, it's because of my daughter's recklessness. Only when I arrived in Beijing did I understand the rules of the Tian family, and you can't act like Meng Lang. There are no trivial matters in the Tian family, and my daughter is self-righteous."

"Get up, get up."

Empress Qian smiled, seeing that Yang Ren'er, who was famous all over the world, was afraid of her, she felt a little indescribably proud.No matter what you do, you can't step away from your mother, can you?
It is quite a sense of accomplishment to be able to hold such a woman in his hands.

Empress Qian was also born in an ordinary family, so the view of the pattern is not great.Unlike Duke Wei's daughter, the current Empress Dowager was born in a noble family. In order to stabilize the situation at that time, Lord Chongzhen gave a reason that the descendants of the Xu family would not be afraid of withering, and made her the crown princess.

And when the situation stabilizes, a queen with a strong family background will no longer be needed.So Empress Qian seemed to be a bit small. She felt that such a person praised by everyone was afraid of her, and she was actually a little proud of herself.

The full moon can't figure out what the queen wants to do. The queen and the emperor have just got married, and they are only 16 years old this year. They are at an age where their minds are hard to figure out. What they said just now doesn't sound like a sour taste. Come on, what exactly do you want to do?

Man Yue couldn't figure it out, and didn't dare to talk nonsense, so she could only honestly say: "The empress, the servants are afraid and dare not get up. Before, I thought that the emperor is so kind and there is nothing to repay. There is only one skill that is not bad. After thinking about that dish, I wanted to express my gratitude. It was only after I entered the capital that I realized that it was my daughter's wishful thinking, and I was suspected of flattering her. My daughter's reputation is not important, but if you hurt your Majesty's wisdom, you should be punished. die!"

As she spoke, she bowed deeply, Empress Qian felt a little embarrassed.This woman is only 13 years old, why beat her?Still a kid after all, terrified, right?

"Oh, what are you doing? I don't mean to blame you, I'm just curious..."

She blushed a little, "I heard Brother Yuan talking lively, and asked Eunuch Huang again, is it really that delicious?"

"This one……"

Man Yue couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Your Majesty, this question really stumps my servants."

"Oh? Is there anything in the world that can hinder you? I think you are a role model for our daughter's family, and you are constantly striving for self-improvement. Thinking about it, I am actually envious."

"Your Majesty is the mother of our Great Ming Dynasty, and my servant is a lowly peasant girl. How can I be envied by your Majesty?"

He said with a smile again: "Besides, the courtiers are not superhuman, there are too many things that can make it difficult for the courtiers."

The slightly self-deprecating words sounded kind, the queen smiled and said: "Get up and talk, to be honest, there is no one who can talk on weekdays, but today, I am very close to you."

After a pause, he continued: "The rumors about your culinary skills are very good, you didn't see it, but Brother Yuan talked about your Buddha jumping over the wall to the sky. I heard that the palace and the queen mother were so hungry. .”

"Your Majesty, in fact, this matter is just like appreciating flowers. Each flower is in everyone's eyes, so it's really hard to say if you ask the minister whether it is delicious or not. If the empress wants to eat it, the minister dares to borrow the kitchen in the palace. Just do it once."

The queen's eyes lit up, but Mrs. Yu coughed lightly, and said: "Eleven Niang, why are you so Meng Lang? Your empress is the mother of the Ming Dynasty, and she is a daughter of gold. How can your cheap skills be admitted to the noble mouth? Why don't you plead guilty to your empress?" ?”

As Yu Shi spoke, she stood up and made amends, Empress Qian felt a little blocked.

After becoming a queen, the emperor didn't like her very much, he only liked Concubine Pei, and he was a little indifferent to her as his wife.So after hearing about the Buddha's jumping over the wall, she was moved, could she use Yang Manyue to attract the Son of Heaven?

That's why the beating happened just now, I just wanted this person to be used by me.

It’s a very peculiar brain circuit. The empress seems to have forgotten that if the emperor comes, it’s okay to occasionally meet the wives of the courtiers. insult.

That's why Man Yue and Yu Shi wondered, why does this queen look a little unreliable?

I was muttering to myself, but I heard someone from outside preaching: "Report to the Empress, the Empress Dowager sent someone to pass the news to the Junjun."

This is to let her go...

Regret appeared on Empress Qian's face, but how dare she not listen to what the Empress Dowager said?People let go of the affairs of the previous dynasty, but the reputation is there, and it is easy to abolish a queen.

This mother-in-law still needs to take good care of her.

So he said a few specious words and let him go.

After leaving the Kunning Palace, Yu Shi and Man Yue were still thinking about the queen's weird behavior in their hearts, but it's not easy to communicate in the palace right now, so they had to write it down and think about it when they went back.

Besides, the hall ahead is also bustling.

The emperor naturally wants to take care of the newly appointed earl.With an announcement, Xiao Shi entered the hall with steady steps.

It was a grand ceremony of kneeling three times and prostrating nine times, and everyone was amazed. The 12-year-old scholar, the first three-red chair in ancient times, is really not ordinary!It was the first time I saw Sheng, with so many ministers here, he was flustered at all, neither humble nor overbearing, he really deserved to be Yang Rener's younger brother, Yang Zhen's descendant!
"My lord! Greetings to my emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Yang Aiqing is dead!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Xiao Ten got up, and secretly glanced at the emperor, but he couldn't see clearly, and felt rather regretful, but right now he couldn't look at the emperor's face casually, after all, it was a court meeting.If it's private, you can be more casual, but you must be solemn in this place where the court will be held!
"I heard that Aiqing took part in the county examination. At the age of 12, she passed the county examination, the government examination, and the hospital examination in succession, and obtained the title of scholar?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the minister's aptitude is dull, this time he got away with luck."

"Your Majesty, Uncle Huayin is really humble, and a 12-year-old scholar is truly remarkable!"

Hou Jing suddenly picked up the words, "Even if it is a small county exam, it is also a national talent show ceremony. How can it be a fluke? Uncle Hua Yin, you are too modest! 12-year-old talents are rare."

Uncle Ba's face changed, damn Hou Jing!Is this provocative?Take a child for surgery?

Leng Yun squinted his eyes, looked at Xiao Shi's back but didn't make any movement.

Some things are better experienced by yourself.

Little Eleven felt uncomfortable when he heard this. Did he mock me for sitting on three red chairs?This matter is Xiao Shi's heart disease, especially now that he has to wear that sign when he travels, and when he came here today, he was seen again, and he swore in his heart that he would not use the guard of honor as much as possible.

But now it's all right, the things I didn't want to mention were brought up to others, and it was still in front of His Majesty, it's a shame to throw it at grandma's house!
In Xiao Ten's mind, His Majesty has a lot to do every day, so why would he pay attention to a little scholar?
And now...

Immediately, anger burst out, and the emperor said: "Hou Jing is right, how can there be a fluke in the national talent ceremony? Aiqing is modest."

Uncle Ba took a look at Hou Jing and snorted coldly in his heart, is this asking the emperor and the world to question Xiao Shi's fame?What a dead eunuch, he has too many eyes!It seems that the old man has to teach him some lessons!

Just about to speak, Xiao Shi said, "This father-in-law is Hou Jing?!"

Everyone was taken aback, what's the tone?

Zhou Peigong frowned, his words were a little rude, but it didn't matter if the target was Hou Jing.It's just that Hou Jing suddenly said this, what's the point?People in high positions think too much, and it is normal for the small to beat the big in the officialdom.

When Hou Jing put eye drops on a child, the first thing these big shots thought was whether something happened to the people in the local area, and Hou Jing caught Hou Jing...

Adults have complicated brain circuits, but children do not.

Hearing Hou Jing's name, Xiao Shi's eyes turned red, and suddenly he knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me for being rude in front of the palace!"

After finishing speaking, he stood up, held the wat board in his hand, and before everyone could react, he had already arrived in front of Hou Jing with a stride, and only heard a "pop", the face of the always arrogant Grand Duke Hou Jing There is an extra vertical line on it, running from the center of the forehead along the nose, with nosebleeds gushing below, and the newly appointed Uncle Hua Yin scolded angrily: "It turns out that you, a bastard, used Princess Wu to harm my sister! What Rong said in person is your order!"


The hall exploded in one fell swoop!
What awesome news did they hear?
No, no, no!
The key is that Uncle Huayin is amazing!

The first time I met the saint, I dared to hit the emperor's servant in the face of the emperor, this, this...

This kid is worthy of being Yang Rener's younger brother, and his family is all perverted|perverted!

Zhu and Si opened their mouths wide, and sat on the dragon chair staring blankly at Xiao Shi, unable to believe their eyes.

Muttered in his mouth: "This, this, he, he, he just hit, hit someone? Dang, in front of me?"

The emperor's brain is short-circuited, and it is not new for ministers of the Ming Dynasty to fight in the court, but, but a boy who has just met the saint actually hits people directly when he comes up, this, this is going to heaven!
Yang Shouchi also opened his mouth wide, never expecting Xiao Shi to do this.But soon, he closed his mouth when his colleagues looked over, put on a heartbroken look, and scolded: "Yang Liyuan! How can you be so rude?! Let you enter the palace to thank Tianen, but you disturbed me with private affairs Sheng Ting, why don't you kneel down and beg His Majesty for forgiveness?!"

As Yang Shouchi said, he knelt down and kowtowed: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this child has been brainless since he was a child, and he is pedantic and inflexible in reading. Your Majesty, forgive me, forgive this fool..."

Li Guangdi's eyes lit up instantly!

With a sinister smile, she winked at others, since she wants to sing, someone must cooperate!
"Master Yang!"

A person came out quickly, "My lord Yang, what is there to tell you? Ma Rong killed innocent people, and he has been dealt with by Marquis Leng? Didn't Princess Wu order him to do it?"

Xiao Shi sneered, with viciousness in his eyes, he gave my Yang family a head start, and are you still making fun of me?
I'll give you a wat board to eat, otherwise you don't know why the flowers are so popular! ! !
 Finished!Today's update has a total of 2 words, thank you for your support!mwah!

(End of this chapter)

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