Chapter 293
"Yang Liyuan!"

Hou Jing finally realized that he was beaten!In front of today's holy majesty, he was beaten!Still a kid!
The fire burst out all of a sudden, and the strands of hair were on fire, "You, you are despising Father Jun!!"


Xiao Shi sneered, as if he hadn't noticed Hou Jing's fury, a ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, he pointed at Hou Jing and said, "What a big hat! Ma Rong tried to kill my sister and the former eunuch Chao Suchao. Fortunately, Lord Leng arrived in time, and Ma Rong wanted to die, but he was hacked to death by Lord Hou. Before he died, he said to himself, "Marquis Jinghai, if you dare to destroy the good work of your ancestor Hou Jing, the court will not allow you in the future!"

Xiao Shi smiled very coldly, and a group of ministers were excited, this three-chair is so ruthless! At the age of 12, he is not afraid of anything, tsk tsk, Hou Jing tried his best to suppress the matter of Ma Rong, and now he rebounded...

"Old ancestor Hou Jing?"

The emperor finally responded, "Why is it called the ancestor?"

Hou Jing was terrified, his face turned pale in an instant, and immediately knelt down and cried: "My lord, my lord, you can make the decision for my servant! This Marquis of Huayin beats my servant after hearing a few rumors, my servant, my servant is wronged! The emperor is in charge!"

Everyone is going to throw up!

It really is something that has no eggs!These words can be said out loud, if you don't accept it, you can't!

"The so-called no wind, no waves, hehe, Mr. Hou, why did Ma Rong just mention you?"

Xiao Shi sneered, then knelt down, and said, "Your Majesty, it is true that my parents were harmed by King Wu's abolished concubine, but Ma Rong searched all over Ningbo with arrogance. How could such a person be driven by a mere princess?" The guarding eunuch is responsible for the emperor's life, not to mention the concubine of the little prince, and the governor is not in his eyes. If it is a bribe, my sister once gave 3000 taels of silver to Ma Rong for peace. More money?!"

"So, your sister is blatantly bribery?"

Hou Jing suddenly sneered, and then bowed down again, "Your Majesty, this slave and maidservant can clearly see that Junjun Yang has something wrong in his heart, otherwise he will work hard..."

"His Majesty……"

Leng Yun suddenly said, "The minister searched Ma Rong's mansion and found a million taels of silver, 10 taels of gold, and countless jewellery. Ningbo is not Wusong, and the land is narrow and crowded. There is no weaving in sangtian, and there is no mineral iron nitrate." , what comes out is the profit of the sea trade, and the sea trade has its own market department, and the county lord is just for self-protection."

As soon as these words came out, Hou Jing's expression changed.

What a cold cloud!
Either you don't speak, or you want to kill people!

He is obviously a military commander, why is he so thoughtful? !

Li Guangdi and Zhou Peigong looked at each other, and thought to themselves: "The eye drops are really good. The Zhu family emperor is the most stingy! After moving south to open the sea, he didn't give a salary increase, but he added some benefits, which is better than before. Up a little bit..."

Sure enough, the emperor's face changed, and he said in a cold tone: "Uncle Hua Yin, Hou Jing is my slave after all, if you hit him in front of me, do you see me?"

"The minister should die!"

Xiao Shi knelt down and kowtowed in a calm manner, "Sister Sister said that you are loyal if you know everything. If you are hypocritical and hypocritical, you must have a conspiracy. Therefore, when you see that you are harming your sister or someone else, I can't help being angry in my heart. Please Your Majesty forgive me!"


The emperor sneered, "Yang Ren'er is a sensible person. That's all. Seeing that you are young, I won't care about you. It's just that what you heard is not credible. Don't you know what it means to be alone? Next time Use your brain more when you do things! Retire!"

The corners of Leng Yun's mouth curled up, and he followed the crowd to salute and send off the emperor respectfully.

No matter how bad the dog I raised was, I had to maintain it. It was Xiao Shi who scolded him, but Hou Jing was the one who suffered later.Xiao Shi hit Hou Jing by mistake with this move.

Thinking of this, his eyes narrowed, and Ma Rong seemed to be moving...

What Xiao Shi said was good, Ma Rong, even with the face of the emperor, would not dare to be so bold!The governor would have to look at his face, if it wasn't for the cover of someone in Beijing, how would he have seized that much money?

Sometimes no evidence is needed, as long as the emperor thinks of this suspicious place, it is enough to kill a house slave.

So much money, and Ningbo didn’t produce much. It’s only been more than a year since I arrived in Ningbo, and it’s not counted as giving to the palace. Just one eunuch alone has that much money, which shows how ruthless the search is?

Even Yang Rener bribed him to keep his family safe. What about other small businessmen?Ningbo is prosperous in business, but there is no money to that extent!
The affairs of the court are turbulent and weird, changing rapidly, just now is just a small episode, and the other ministers will know it before they make any moves.This matter can't bring Hou Jing down, but it just disgusts him, and it's not a good time to start it yet.

As for Hua Yinbo...

That is the younger brother of the Junjun, and the Junjun is Leng Yun's unmarried wife, so he belongs to Leng Yun's school.Leng Yun and Hou Jing did not get along, the government and the public knew it, and the small episode was not worth mentioning.

However, Xiao Shi's beating won the favor of many ministers.

An enemy's enemy is a friend. The ancestors knew this law too well, so they wanted to show their kindness.

Furthermore, the county lord made such a heaven-defying thing, there are many people from Zhejiang in the court, and their power should not be underestimated, so they want to show their favor.It's just that some people are also worried. In this way, wouldn't Leng Yun become powerful?

After some courtesies, Yang Shouchi took Xiao Shi out of the palace, along with Leng Yun.

They are all family members, so there is nothing to avoid suspicion.

"Today's matter, Xiao Shi, you are being reckless."

Yang Shouchi taught, "Hou Jing is not so easy to mess with."

Xiao Shi lowered his eyes and said in a low voice: "We provoked Ma Rong, so Uncle Ba thought he would let us go?"

After a pause, he continued: "He doesn't get along with my brother-in-law, and showing affection only shows us our lowliness."

Yang Shouchi was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "That's right. The old man has lost his courage. I'm afraid that eggless thing has hated us for a long time."

"A mere eunuch is not worth mentioning."

Leng Yun said indifferently: "It's just that the court was beaten, and his face was greatly damaged. I'm afraid there will be a moth."

"Twilight, what do you think will happen to him?" Yang Shouchi was a little worried, "Eleven Niang still has to meet the Queen Mother, Hou Jing is powerful in the inner court..."

"Is Bashu still worried that Eleven Niang will suffer? She is now famous all over the world and has made immortal achievements. Hou Jing dare not move, at least not at this time. Besides..."

The corners of Leng Yun's mouth curled up slightly, "What happened just now, I'm afraid he is too busy to take care of himself, and he will have to keep his tail between his legs for a while."

The three people here were discussing in a low voice, and the full moon sitting in the Compassionate Ning Palace was also playing with her mind at this moment.

When it came to the queen mother, because of the credit of the full moon and the matter with Xianweisu, the queen mother was very pleasant and liked her very much.He is also very polite in his speech, Man Yue has a wide range of knowledge, and the Queen Mother is not vulgar, plus she lives in the deep palace, she is also lonely. Seeing that Mrs. Yu is refreshing and Man Yue is interesting, Mrs. Chen is honest, so they can talk well, and she even rewarded them with snacks. Knowing that they dare not eat when they enter the palace.

Speaking of the scenery and food in the south of the Yangtze River, Yang Manyue certainly won't lose to anyone. The old lady was very happy to hear it, and said with a smile: "The Buddha Jumping over the Wall is really so delicious? Ouch, Brother Yuan has made the old lady greedy, and so has my father." It’s delicious, but there are many inconveniences in the palace, Ai’s family can’t taste it, why don’t the county lord do his best for Ai’s family, how about doing it for Ai’s father?”

The subtext is: go to my father to make it, and I will eat it.

Man Yue was a smart person, and immediately said: "It is my daughter's blessing to be able to do my best for the Empress Dowager. Besides, my daughter cannot do without the help of Wei Guogong and the young master. If Buddha Jumps the Wall can be liked by Wei Guogong, my daughter will feel at ease. "

Seeing that she understood, the Queen Mother was very happy, and said: "Old Madam, your granddaughter is really smart, so lucky!"

Mrs. Yu was modest again, and she was talking happily, but a group of concubines came outside, and they came to pay respects to the Queen Mother.The queen came too.

Seeing that the full moon was puzzled, the queen mother smiled and said: "Ai's family is old, and they should have spared everyone's morning and evening meditation, but they refused to say anything, just set this time, or get up early every day, this old bone is a I can't bear it."

Talking is to let people introduce people.

These people came and wanted to leave, but the queen mother refused to let them, so they had to get up, and after the queen mother's daughters-in-law greeted them, they were going to sit at the end.But the queen mother said: "The old lady is a first-class lady, and the county king is also a person of merit. Come here and sit with Ai's family."

The Queen Mother has spoken, and it is not easy to disobey, so just sit in the first few seats on the right.The west of the Ming Dynasty is the most respected, so the queen sits on the west side, followed by the imperial concubine Pei and a group of higher-ranking concubines.

Those who are not the lords of the first house sit on the right.After a lot of work, after sitting down on the left and right, Concubine Pei said: "The empress dowager, is this Junjun Yang?"

"Exactly, she is the one who created the unprecedented auspiciousness, she is my lucky star!"

"The empress dowager praises it absurdly, and I am ashamed to be a courtier's daughter!"

As he said that, he saluted Pei's family, "I pay my respects to the imperial concubine!"

The full moon performed a half salute, the imperial concubine is not a queen, but there is no reason to perform a full salute, otherwise where would the queen be?
Man Yue asked herself that there was nothing wrong with it, but Mrs. Pei was displeased.

The queen should be polite when she sees herself. Except for the queen, which one of the queen mothers doesn't salute herself?The queen mother never said anything, she now has a dragon seed in her belly, so she is so contemptuous of herself, she is a person who has repeatedly overcome her, and has no rules!
But now she is a guest of the Empress Dowager, she feels uncomfortable but she can't attack it, so she just smiled and said: "You are welcome, you have made such great achievements, how can this palace dare to accept this great gift? There are countless living people. , the merits of the Wanjiasheng Buddha, sister, don’t you think so?”

Empress Qian nodded, but her expression was indifferent, "Your sister is right, even I would like to thank you for the Jun Jun's great achievements. With this thing, my Ming Dynasty will never suffer from hunger again. I also want to thank the Jun Jun for the Son of Heaven, what do you think, Queen Mother?"

The Empress Dowager smiled, and there was no disharmony on her face, she just said: "Oh, after saying this, the Ai family still feels that the reward is too light. Come on, go and bring the pair of jade ruyis that the late emperor rewarded back then, and treat them as mourning. A congratulatory gift from home."

As she said that, she smiled at Man Yue, "If Ai's family remembers correctly, you and Jinghaihou are already engaged, right? We're going to go through the door on another day, and Ai's family will congratulate you in advance."

Man Yue hurriedly knelt down, "Queen Mother, this gift is too heavy, and I am ashamed to accept it."

"The Ai family said that what you receive is what you receive. You are a meritorious person, and all the subjects of the world are watching. The emperor has given you the honor and dignity. How can you panic at every turn? You are ashamed. This is not good. You are Yang Ren Er, why are you so timid?"

Pei's face turned pale, it was the empress dowager beating her.Annoyed in my heart, where did the country girls come from? How can a humble body be worthy of being equal to them?The emperor actually wants to take this opportunity to look at her, it's really disgusting!
Yu Shi sat with no expression on her face, but she was puzzled in her heart: Why does this noble concubine seem to dislike Eleven Niang?

Thinking about Huang Rong's words again, he couldn't help but sigh.

I heard that this person is very favored and arrogant in the palace. The emperor doesn't like the empress, but he loves this noble concubine very much. He only has it in his stomach, so he was immediately promoted to be a noble concubine.She is extremely arrogant in the palace, maybe Eleven Niang's obedience to the rules just offended her?

Yu Shi sneered, such a superficial temper will be a death sooner or later, those vixen who like to show off in her family will not end well, and those who are alive now are honest.Look at this imperial concubine, sooner or later she will have to eat melons.

"Yes, the empress dowager has taught you well, and my servants will remember the empress dowager's teachings!"

Man Yue was also sneering in her heart, with such a high-ranking face, the queen mother, although the queen is also a high-ranking person, the queen even beat her just now, but she didn't use such a bitter face to treat her, so she didn't feel uncomfortable.

But this noble concubine, when she comes up, she just has this tone of voice. When she sees this expression, she will think of Mrs. Ye, the daughter-in-law of the Ye family and the Lu family, and she will get angry when she thinks of it.What's the big deal?

After coming in for a while, he just kept touching his stomach, showing off all the time before it bulges out. This kind of person is the easiest to die.

Taking a deep breath, he put his anger into his heart.This is the imperial palace, if it is influenced by psychological shadows, it will be a bad thing.

He took Ruyi from the queen mother, handed it over to the maid who served temporarily, thanked him with a big gift, and then sat back in his seat without further words.

The atmosphere didn't seem to have changed. A group of people were chatting one after another. Mancang felt that these people were boring. Although he was young, he had seen a lot of conspiracies by his sister's side, and he could hear some of them. doorway.

These women are digging pits for each other, just to make a point, it's really boring!
After talking for a long time, the queen mother was also tired, so she asked them to withdraw, and when she was done, she asked: "Jun Jun, don't forget the Ai family's request, otherwise Yu Ruyi will have to be taken back."

The full moon responded crisply, that is to say goodbye.

After leaving the Palace of Compassion and Ning, he bid farewell to the empress, and after watching the empress leave, he saw the imperial concubine's sedan chair approaching again, and said condescendingly: "I heard that the Jun Jun is very good at cooking, and I feel tears streaming from my cooking skills. Gong loves food very much, would you like to go to Ben Gong's small seat and cook for Ben Gong?"

Yu's complexion changed. It's true that her child knows how to cook, but now she is also a county lord. Using this bossy tone, is it true that her granddaughter is a slave? !
Just about to speak, I saw my granddaughter Fushen said: "Thanks to your mother's respect, the ministers are sincere and fearful. It's just that the palace is strictly forbidden, and it is the place where the heavenly family lives. Everything has its own laws. The ministers dare not violate the prohibition. According to the order of the heavenly family, I dare not cook for your empress rashly, and ask your empress to forgive me!"

Pei's complexion changed, and he said: "You mean...hehe, what a forgiveness, why? If you cook a meal, do you have to ask me to invite the Queen's order or the emperor's order?"

"Your Majesty, calm down, you can't be a circle without rules, as it should be."

A group of palace maids gasped, secretly admiring them!

As expected of Yang Rener who is famous all over the world!

So stiff!

 I spent a whole day getting medical insurance today, and I got home late, and I have to go to the hospital for a few tests tomorrow. For the time being, I will change the 4000 ha for the time being. I have to get up early to get blood. It’s too late, and it’s too late in the morning...

(End of this chapter)

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