Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 294 Someone Embarrasses You?

Chapter 294 Someone Embarrasses You?
Concubine Pei stood there in a daze, she never thought that Yang Manyue would refuse so simply, her pretty face turned green in no time!

"Is such a trivial matter worthy of being so serious?"

What he said, his eyes were almost spitting fire, and his silver teeth gritted secretly.The words are also jumping out one by one. If it is a trivial matter, why are you angry?

Man Yue smiled inwardly, but her face didn't show on her face. She bowed to the bottom and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. I read the history books, and they all said that there is no small matter in the Tian family. I also heard that Your Majesty is now pregnant with dragon descendants and royal blood. Daming Guozuo, no mistakes are allowed! The lowly body of the minister and daughter, who came here for the first time, dare not offend Tianwei! I also invite the crime of the empress and minister Meng Lang!"


Concubine Pei was so angry that she laughed, Man Yue lowered her eyes and sighed inwardly.

This girl was born extremely beautiful | gorgeous, I heard that she was only 17 years old, but she was born charming, with a sense of mature | woman's | sex | sense.I often hear people say that uncles love Lolita, teenagers love Yujie, the queen is beautiful, but she is young, and the emperor is young, so it is understandable that he would prefer Concubine Pei.

Mrs. Pei looked down condescendingly, with a cold tone, "It's a good read of history books, but the palace wants to test you. King Wei Lie entrusted Wei Si, Zhao Ji and others. How can Sima Guang explain it?"

Yu's complexion changed instantly. Chen didn't understand this, so she could see that her mother-in-law's complexion was not good, and her heart became even more nervous, so she wanted to apologize.

How did she know that she just moved, so she heard her daughter say: "Go back to your mother, what is courtesy? Gang Ji also! Sima Guang said so."

Pei's eyes widened, she wanted to talk about her status, Zi Zhi Tong Jian started with talking about superiority, etiquette and status.But she never expected Yang Manyue to be so witty and hit her back with the same thing!

That's right, Sima Guang made his own explanation on the entrustment of King Wei Lie, the position of the emperor, the courtiers can only, high and low, the final word is: what is ritual? !Tsunaki too!

How could the little ink in Mrs. Pei's stomach be enough to cover the full moon?

This person has not only received a modern education, but also learned the Chinese language. He has been in ancient times for a long time, just to accompany his younger brother to study. After reading a book, pen, ink, paper and inkstone go in. After a day of cooking classes, just reading a book and practicing calligraphy can be regarded as a pastime.

She is already level 6, and she can't figure out how long she spends in the space. While her cooking skills are soaring, Chinese studies are also improving rapidly. If the truth is revealed, it will be over!

In this era, Wen Chaogong has no choice but to commit suicide and thank the world. If he dies, he will have a bad reputation for thousands of years!
The mere Pei family only heard a few words occasionally, how can it compare with the full moon?
I was choked all of a sudden!
The full moon is doing things according to the rules, what do you think is wrong with me?

Mrs. Pei was speechless and felt ashamed, but she would not just leave like this, it would be too embarrassing!

After thinking for a while, he said: "The Junjun is really talented and learned. I heard that the Junjun's poems are good. It is also a happy event to enter the palace today. Is there any good work handed down?"

So sinister!
Yu Shi couldn't hold back anymore, but she couldn't help her granddaughter.

The noble concubine is the emperor's woman, so it is not wrong for her to ask her questions like this. If she has an outbreak, she can't find an excuse, so she can only look at her granddaughter, and signal her not to resist, and discuss it when she goes back.

Man Yue knew what Yu Shi meant, but she was annoyed.

She hates Pei's face the most!Obviously, he was an ordinary person before, but once he gained power, he was a bully. Looking at that villain's face, he wanted to hit him!

She took a deep breath, reckless in the emperor's territory is not a good thing, she can only give in temporarily.

Thinking of this, Fushen said: "If you go back to your mother..."

Her voice was soft, as if filled with joy, "I am a peasant girl. Once I was blessed by heaven, I couldn't help but feel lost. I wanted to write poems to express my gratitude, but I couldn't do anything." Good sentence, I am ashamed..."


It’s a good kang for girls!
The emperor has named you the county king, and you are so good at writing poems, why don't you write one?
It's no problem to copy another one, just change it casually!
But when it comes to questions, if you write it, you will be fascinated, and you will be looked down upon by the world.The reputation I have finally gained is that I am not afraid of power and not flattering people. How can I write this poem casually?Moreover, they were ordered by a mistress, and if word spread, their family would become the laughing stock of the capital!

Furthermore, if she doesn't write, she will have the opportunity to use eye medicine, and then she can tell the emperor that whoever, the first masterpiece, is a good talent.But it's good for her, let her write a poem to thank you, old man, but she doesn't write...

How could such a small body of Man Yue afford such consequences? !

So this is a good pit!
Instead of giving people a reason to talk, or generously admit that I can't write now.Don't talk or write, and don't talk and write, let's use a procrastination formula.Although this is also suspected of being weak, it doesn't matter. I can dig a hole for this noble concubine later to save it!

She's nothing more than a concubine, she wasn't appointed Junjun, so what qualifications does she have to order Man Yue to write poems for her?Do you need a concubine to come and manipulate you to express your kindness to the emperor?Where do you let the emperor put his face?

Originally, the Son of Heaven didn't have such an idea, but now that you mention it, it goes without saying if Yang Manyue wrote it, but what if he didn't?If the full moon can't write, the emperor will lose face, but he won't hate the full moon, he will only feel that Mrs. Pei is troublesome!

In an instant, the full moon calculated the gains and losses, and then had the above countermeasures.

Pei's face twitched, her thoughts turned, and when she was about to go to the second pit again, an aunt came out from the Compassionate Ning Palace, and after a salute, she said: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother saw that you like this sweet-scented osmanthus cake, so she let the servants Bring it."

Man Yue expressed gratitude, "Thank you, Empress Dowager, for the reward!"

It's impossible for Mrs. Pei to leave now. Obviously, the Queen Mother has noticed this place. If she doesn't leave, the Queen Mother will probably cut her off!
Unwilling to be reconciled, he snorted coldly, and said in a strange way: "The Junjun is very lucky, and the Queen Mother values ​​it."

As he said that, he yawned, pretending to be casual and said: "Go back."

"Congratulations to send the lady!"

Man Yue and the others saluted, watched Concubine Pei leave, then turned around and gave a blessing: "Auntie, please convey it on your behalf, thank you for the kindness of the Queen Mother. Man Yue will live up to the Queen Mother's entrustment, and cook with heart."

"The Junjun is smart, and the Queen Mother likes it, so she must protect one or two."

The aunt smiled, blessed Fushen and said: "Your Majesty's words will be passed on to the Empress Dowager. It's getting late, you should go back earlier."

"Thank you, aunt..."

After the aunt left, Huang Xie wiped the sweat off his brow, and whispered: "Little ancestor, you just scared the slaves to death."

As he spoke, he said in a low voice: "You can't mess with that one just now. Although Mrs. Pei was born in a small family, she was chosen by Hou Jing..."

After thinking about it for a while, Man Yue finally understood, cupped her hands and said, "Thank you for reminding me, father-in-law."

Needless to say, this one reminder is enough.

I didn't do this kind of favor!
Huang Xie sent a group of people out of the palace, outside the palace gate Leng Yun and Xiao Shibashu were already waiting, the bearer who sent them here also had sharp eyes, as soon as he saw the people coming out, he immediately called his companions to go to the palace gate, If you are going to take the nobleman back, you should also go to work early.

"Eleven Niang, is everything going well?"

Uncle Ba asked with concern: "Is there no one in trouble?"

Man Yue was stunned for a moment, and said, "Let's go back and talk."


Leng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Is someone embarrassing you?"

Full Moon shook her head, "I'm a little tired, let's talk when I go back."

"I'll take you back to the post house."

Leng Yun's expression became a little gloomy. Seeing Man Yue and others getting into the sedan chair, he rushed to Qing Yun and said, "Look for someone to find out what happened when Madam entered the palace."


When Man Yue arrived at the post house, she went back to her room. There were so many people here that it was impossible to talk to Leng Yun in the same room.

On the other hand, Mrs. Yu didn't need to avoid suspicion, so she briefly talked about the affairs in the palace, and then sighed: "I was angry just now, but now that I think about it, I'm not angry anymore. It's normal for the nobles in the palace to be more tempered."

Leng Yun didn't speak, and after a long silence, he said: "The old matriarch is also tired today, so I will take my leave at Mu Shi."

Yu Shi nodded, raised her hand to let Yang Shouchi see her off, and when Yang Shouchi came back, she said, "Xiao Shi really hit Hou Jing?"

Yang Shouchi nodded, Xiao Shi hid behind Yang Shouchi, Yu Shi glared, "Now you know how to be scared?!"

Xiao Shi lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Grandmother, you can't back down even if you are afraid, then Hou Jing wants to use his grandson for surgery, and use his strength..."


Yang Shouchi was very surprised, "Did you see it? Then you still..."

"Sister told us about history and said similar things. Then Hou Jing and her brother-in-law were at odds. We married my brother-in-law, and it became a wave. No matter whether we formed a party or not, outsiders would only think that we were I belonged to the same group, so did Hou Jing. He suddenly used my fame as an issue. If I don’t give him a little bit of power, then I will be unlucky not to mention it, and the teachers who promoted me will also be unlucky. People who can't deal with the situation..."

Yang Shouchi was amazed!

Yangmou, Chill's Yangmou!
Eleven Niang tell them history? !
What did she say? !

Without more than ten or twenty years of officialdom experience, how can you see the way inside?
Yang Shouchi was puzzled, but Man Yue in her room was depressed.

Do you have your own constitution to attract black people?Speaking of which, even if it was Mrs. Lu, she didn't want to take the initiative to provoke her!
As a result, this wave of waves is endless or something? !
Concubine Pei is like this today, maybe she was instigated by Hou Jing?
It seems impossible for a noble concubine to listen to the eunuch.The full moon thought so too.But only after going deep into Daming's life for a period of time, Man Yue realized that she had thought simply before.

The county magistrate may not be the one who speaks the most in the county yamen, even the small third-class yamen servant can challenge the county magistrate if he operates properly!Therefore, it is not new for eunuchs with real power in the palace to override noble concubines.

Not to mention the noble concubine, so what if it's the queen?Back then, Wei Zhongxian and the Ke family, a eunuch and a nanny could not keep a single child in the palace. If the carpenter emperor had no feelings for the queen, the queen would have been killed...

Hou Jing...

Full Moon murmured softly, then sneered, it's best not to touch your bottom line with shitty things, otherwise you will definitely give him a good look!
(End of this chapter)

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