Chapter 308 Generous

A group of merchants were stunned when they saw the plan!

What kind of talent does it take to make such a plan?
This is the benefit of being modern.Even if you don't study this major, but because you have seen a lot, even some superficial things will amaze the ancients.What's more, the proprietress of the private kitchen in her previous life also knew how to do business.

A business marketing plan that looks rough in later generations is astonishing in the eyes of people in this era. Coupled with his extraordinary status, after five or six days, Man Yue got an investment of 80 taels.

The Yu family was stunned by the full moon. Her granddaughter didn't invest a single cent, but she also took [-]% of the shares. This, this is nothing but a white wolf!
It implies that a group of people are actually working for the palace, just for this, the full moon is worth 20% of the shares!
The emperor holds 30%, and the remaining 50% of the shares are distributed to investors. Everyone has no meaning for this plan. If you have any opinions, go to the emperor yourself.With the Son of Heaven as his backer, and Yang Manyue's character is trustworthy, those old backers don't matter!

Ningbo is bustling again, to be precise, the Beilun District of later generations is bustling.My uncle has already returned to Incheon immediately. After investing so much, the factory must be built quickly, which is the time when labor is busy.

The Yang family can no longer recruit manpower, but Incheon still has many good neighbors, and there is little land there, so it is a good thing to come to Ningbo to work.This favor is given to others, and in the future others will also remember your kindness.

The eldest aunt rushed to her mother's house, and the grandfather also sent many Yuan family children.Relatives tend to be the strongest during this year.The head of the Yang family also came, and Man Yue also waved his hand, asking for everything!
A group of people beamed with joy, and the branches of Cixi and Fenghua rushed to give them away.Yang Manyue never refuses anyone who comes, which made the people behind her feel ashamed.But soon they discovered that the few people they sent were not enough, because Yang Manyue was still recruiting.

These relatives accounted for even less of them. Some old foxes understood it immediately and couldn't help admiring it.Go back and warn the children at home not to do anything wrong just because they are relatives, Yang Manyue is definitely not someone to be fooled with!

The local government looked at Yang Manyue's plan, and the guarding eunuch had come to say hello. There was a faint shadow of the palace, how dare they not cooperate?Besides, according to the plan, this is a great thing, and it is very good for my political achievements. Soon there will be no beggars in Ningbo, and the people will be rich. This is the political achievements sent up!
A group of officials were overjoyed and came over to help. There are many lands around Beilun that cannot be cultivated. They just use waste to relocate some people and use it as an industrial area.The 3000 mu of land that Man Yue bought was such land, and the price was outrageously low. The officials and gentlemen came over and approved another 1000 mu of land, which was all saline-alkali land and could not be cultivated at all. It is a project supported by the government.

Full Moon invited professionals to speak out their ideas and began to draw blueprints to plan the park.

Not to mention the factory building, a building has to be dedicated to use as a laboratory. In addition, dormitories and schools have to be built.

Many of them are people from other places, so we have to settle the housing issue.The school is a literacy class, and the textbooks she compiled are almost enough to teach these workers, even for their children.

Full Moon's heart is getting bigger and bigger. She knows the result of a person after studying, so she wants to open up the wisdom of the people and give them favors. These people will protect her in the future.In this era of imperial power, you must have your own power!Otherwise, it's fish and meat. From the matter of Concubine Pei, she realized this.

In later generations, Beilun District became a big factory, and even the surrounding areas were affected. Many people who had no land to farm came to try their luck. Everyone had a better life and worked very hard.

Full moon is not a stingy person, she knows the truth that if a horse runs, it has to be fed.Two meals a day, plus snacks.Breakfast is meat buns mixed with millet and rice porridge; at noon there must be a big meat, or braised fat sausage, or braised pork, or chicken and duck.

These are all produced in Zhuangzi. The fish grows fast and can be eaten, so a fish soup a day is also essential.

This kind of food is not comparable to that of a medium-sized landlord. A group of shareholders have their own opinions, but when they look at the speed of construction and the enthusiasm of the workers, they finally shut up.

Everyone knows that Yang Manyue's buddy is loyal, and it's not impossible to make him loyal at a small price.Moreover, it was stated in the contract that the shareholders participated in the dividend distribution, and Yang Manyue was in charge of the operation. They were only eligible to inquire when the dividends were not enough every year, and it was not easy to inquire at other times.

So even if I was a little unhappy in my heart and felt sorry for Yang Manyue's generous writing, but I signed it myself, so I had no choice but to shut up.

Wang San happily wandered around the construction site, Yang Manyue invited him, and he knew that his original investment was right.The boss was willing to sell the county gentleman's face, so he let him come over.

Leaving aside the other benefits, he is willing to work here even if he doesn't pay for the food.

Wang San brought a group of younger brothers, who were in charge of security here, so they could also eat with the workers.If one day there is extra food, they can let them take it back. This is the advantage of being a yamen.

"Brother Wang, you took care of the Junjun back then, but now the Junjun invites you over, you are going to grow hair!"

A small flag with a pointed mouth looked at Wang San enviously, and when the cooking master handed Wang San the remaining braised pork soup and rice, he felt his stomach growl again after he had just eaten.

These days there is less oil and water, and the soup of braised pork is also a treasure, not to mention white rice.

"Look at your good luck!"

Wang San stuffed the food box containing braised pork broth into the hand of the little flag, and said: "Take it to the children at home, and you will never lose you by working hard for the county lord."

The little flag thanked you again and again, and after hiding the soup, he said: "Hey, I said third brother, what do you think the county lord is doing with this big battle? I heard that the meaning of this factory is a super big workshop. I went to see it, my God, they have made their debut, a factory building is as big as several rooms, what are they going to do!"

"Why do you have so many questions?"

Wang San glared at him, "Let me tell you, today is not the same as in the past, the Junjun is not the girl who sells snails in Chaiqiao, she is a noble person who has met the Empress Dowager, can we inquire about the noble person? The Junjun invited us here, it's nostalgia, don't misplace your position, and offend the nobleman then."

After a pause, confusion appeared in his eyes, and he murmured: "I only heard the Junjun said that all the elders in the hometown should have food and books to read, even we can go to that school to attend...... Is the servant also touching the sage book?"

"Your Majesty knows from birth that he is a person who has been bestowed by Lord Yan, and what she said is absolutely right."

Xiao Qi nodded vigorously, "My eldest brother is also working here, and I can send my own children here. Now it's not like before, third brother, we don't need to be slaves for life and death. The world has changed. Our Children can also study, but we have no money..."

Wang San's eyes lit up, "Yes, Lord Chongzhen said, you are free to do anything, the son of a craftsman can also study, and the son of our yamen servant can also study, there is no need to be such a lowly servant like us..."

The two chatted, and some longing for the future appeared in their eyes.Looking at the people on the construction site, they were also talking and laughing, with happy smiles on their faces.After they build the factory, they will stay here to work. Whether it is soap, glass, or perfume, it requires a lot of labor. It is said that Mr. Yang has ordered people to study new spinning wheels. In the future, this place will become the largest commodity production place in Ningbo.

As long as people live with hope, they will have a future.

The weather is getting colder and cooler, but the construction site is still hot|hot. The cold winter can't stop people's enthusiasm. It wasn't until the kitchen god was delivered that everyone stopped working.Taking the generous wages from Mr. Yang's family, he went home happily to spend a full year.

Back in his hometown, Yang Manyue was very popular. Like last year, he was still escorted by Leng Yun, who came to pick him up again on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Yang Jiumei followed Yang Manyue back to Ningbo again. To Manyue's surprise, Xu Yuan, who had only returned before the Chinese New Year, wrote again, saying that she would come to Ningbo again after the first lunar month.

Is this guy addicted to staying in Ningbo?

Shaking her head, she piled the unintelligible questions to the back of her mind. At the beginning of the new year, she still had a lot of things to do.

In addition to the matter of the industrial zone, she had to deliver a congratulatory gift to Shi's family.When Shi Cong got married, she was in the capital. Although the ceremony had arrived, she hadn't left yet.Now that it's Chinese New Year, I just happen to visit.

When Man Yue came to Shi's house, he was treated to hospitality. Shi Ge always ate the bound hoof made by Man Yue, his mouth was almost grinning to the bottom of his ears, and he said while eating: "You girl, I have long thought that you are not ordinary, Now I really became a county lord, it's amazing, it's amazing..."

Man Yue smiled and said: "Dragging you Hongfu, if it wasn't for your old protection back then, I would have been swallowed to the brim."

"The old man didn't help you, it was Leng Boy who helped."

Man Yue smiled and said, "If you didn't always take care of the business, how could Man Yue be so safe?"

After a pause, he continued: "Mr. Ge, I came to congratulate brother Ziyu's wedding today, but I haven't seen anyone after sitting for a long time. Could it be that brother Ziyu blamed me for not coming to drink the wedding wine?"

The veteran Shige paused for a moment, then said in silence: "I have received your wish, girl. It is a coincidence that Brother Cong accompanied his daughter-in-law to her mother's house."

Man Yue was a little suspicious. He had heard that Shi Cong was at home from the servants of Shi Ge's hometown before, so why did he say he went to his wife's house now?
However, Shi Ge said that it is not easy for her to expose others. Thinking about it again, she seems a little presumptuous. She is a woman, and Shi Cong is married, so she has to avoid suspicion!
After thinking about it, he no longer struggled, nodded and handed over his gift, and said: "Then I would like to trouble you to hand over this gift. It is a little bit of love from Man Yue. Once again, I wish Brother Ziyu a happy wedding, and hope that he can grow old together with his sister-in-law, rich and healthy. lifetime."

(End of this chapter)

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