Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 309 It is better to miss seeing each other

Chapter 309 It is better to miss seeing each other

"Why are you missing?"

After the full moon left, a figure came out from the side of the curtain, and the early spring sun shone in from outside the door, shining on Shi Cong's face, in the half-light and half-darkness, it seemed that there was more sadness.

"It's destined to be fruitless, so let's see it."

Shi Cong said lightly, feeling a little pain in his heart, as if something had been pulled from the bottom of his heart.

He thought more than once, if he had helped out when they first met, would it have been a different ending?But after thinking about it, he finally found that no matter what kind of beginning it was, she and him were destined not to be together.

She has a high spirit, and she will never marry herself as a concubine; and she will never regret the marriage, so they have no results, and they can only get along as friends in the future.

When he learned that she came to congratulate him, he was blocked in his heart. Sure enough, she had no feelings for him.He wanted to see her, but was afraid of seeing her, so he just hid and took a sneak peek.

At this time, meeting is worse than missing.

Shige Lao Youyou sighed, and said: "You are right, she is now a county lord, and Leng Yun is not easy to mess with, let's let it go, it's not bad to get along as brother and sister."

Shi Cong nodded absent-mindedly, sat blankly for a while, and then returned to his room, seeing the slightly frightened eyes of his new wife, he felt irritated for no reason.

If it was that girl, she wouldn't be timid because of her indifference, she would only live her own life, pretending not to be herself.

Thinking about it, he sighed again, seeing his wife bringing tea, he thought for a while and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

The woman was a little surprised, since he got married, he has always been indifferent, but today he actually said thank you to her, is it true that he really cares about the county lord as rumored?But the servant said, he didn't see the Junjun...

A woman can't figure out her husband's heart. Although she is a formidable man at home, she is terrified when she arrives at this home, and she is afraid of those unruly and self-willed men.

As for Mr. Yang Jun, although there are rumors, she has a taste in her heart, but she and Huixi also know each other, and such a powerful woman has been crushed by her, and she doesn't want to provoke such a person.And it is obvious that the man is affectionate and the concubine has no intention. As long as the husband looks at him more, he may forget about the woman.

Most of the women born in big families are smart and not blindly savage.

Seeing his wife's surprise, Shi Cong felt a little guilty. Thinking of the gift she gave him, his heart twitched, and he reached out and grabbed his wife's hand, saying, "I've wronged you these days. There are some things I can't figure out as a husband. Now I want to understand." Well, live a good life from now on..."

The first temptation, the unrequited love is painful, but it will not be unforgettable. Maybe she is unique, but he can't have it.

While hugging his wife, Shi Cong silently let the last bit of reluctance disappear in his heart, and when he kissed his wife's forehead, a tear trickled out of the corner of his eye.

Some farewells don't need words, meeting is worse than missing.

When Man Yue came out of Shifu, she was a little puzzled, what happened to Shi Cong?
To avoid suspicion?
After thinking about it, it makes sense.

Immediately, I felt reckless.After all, I am a woman, even in modern times, some women with smaller hearts can't tolerate the female friends of their own men, let alone this ancient times.

Unless I sworn obeisance to Shi Cong, otherwise I wouldn't be able to associate so rashly, his wife would be jealous!
After thinking about it, well, in the future, during the holidays, asking the servants to give you a gift can be regarded as a token of appreciation, so don't cause trouble to others.

Get on the carriage and rush to the construction site. The entire factory area must be completed before the Qingming Festival, and the output must be produced. Otherwise, Emperor Zhu may blame himself. , I can't afford to offend myself!

When we arrived at the construction site and got out of the carriage, some workers saluted immediately, "Little boss, are you here to inspect again? Don't worry, you treat us muddy legs well. We are all grateful. We all supervise each other and dare not give you Shame."

Man Yue smiled and said: "That's a serious word! I'm from the village, I can trust everyone!"

Wang San saw that the full moon was coming, and immediately stepped forward, "Junjun, you are here. Lord Hou has been here for a long time. It seems that he has urgent business with you. He came from Guilinju before."


Man Yue was a little surprised, thought for a while and asked, "Where is the person now?"

"The business behind the factory..."

"It's the office..."

Man Yue was speechless, "Office, running errands is work, and the room used for doing business is called an office."

Wang San chuckled, touched the back of his head and said, "My little one has lost his memory, I can't always remember."

"Hey, Brother Wang, when the night school opens, you can come to study and your memory will be fine. I will tell you, the general banner, that as long as you are willing, the safety of this factory will be entrusted to you in the future."

Wang San was excited, and felt grateful for the courtesy he received at the beginning, "Thank you for the promotion!"

"Okay, we're old friends, don't talk politely. You're busy, I'll go take a look."

The full moon has arrived at the office, where the general planning and so on are carried out on weekdays, so this is the first place to be built.Behind the office area is the staff dormitory, which has now been completed. With the experience of returning to the forest house and the manor, the group of masons are now familiar with the work, and with enough labor, here is the first place to lay Well all plumbing.

Of course, in such a large factory area, it is impossible to have all the tap water. There is a hand-pressed well in the center of the yard, and the toilets are public. When conditions permit, the water tower will be rebuilt in the future. For now, we will make do with it temporarily.

Leng Yun is sitting in the innermost room of the office, which will be used for office work after the full moon.The decoration is not luxurious, but the facilities are definitely the most advanced.Not only does she have a small room for resting here, but she even has a washroom.

Well, I have become a big capitalist, so I have to seek some benefits for myself, right?
"Uncle, when did you come?"

Hongyou and the others tactfully closed the door. It is already the end of February, and by mid-March, the girl of her family has been observing mourning for three years.After the filial piety period, the couple should get married, and if they delay, someone will gossip.

Apparently, the old lady of Leng's family thought the same way, so let her son pass the message.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, where have you been?"

There were only two of them in the room, and he was not polite. When he saw her coming, he stretched out his long arms and hugged her, "My mother asked me to come and talk to you about the door."


Man Yue exclaimed, "Pass the door?! I'm only fourteen!"

Leng Yun frowned, and gloom crept up his face, "Did you forget? You agreed, you will marry me after the filial piety period. Originally, it only takes 27 months to observe filial piety, but I have waited for 36 months. Do you want to marry me?" Playing tricks?"

Man Yue felt a wave of fear, shrank her neck and said, "I, I didn't, just, I just felt that time flies..."

 I’m crying, I’ve dug a lot of holes before, in order to finish the book before the operation, I have to advance the plot quickly. I’ve been working on it for many days, but I still can’t get it right. I’m here first, and I’m finally going to get married soon. Let me think about it later. pondering...

(End of this chapter)

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