Doom Ray

Chapter 1 The New World Comes

Chapter 1 The New World Comes

"Jingle bell."

"Come on, let's see the score."

"Help me take a look!"

The weather in September is sunny.As soon as the school started, the school conducted the first test for the senior three students, and quickly listed the rankings to motivate the students.

But this is only for those outstanding students, and the poor students are either indifferent to their grades, or they pay too much attention to them. Every grade is a blow to them.Wei Chen belongs to the latter.

"Hey, it's like this again." Looking at the bottom ranking, Wei Chen shook his head helplessly.

It would be nice to have their grades.Wei Chen looked enviously at the group of people who were discussing fiercely in the class. These people would gather together to analyze the topic after each exam. Every time Wei Chen imagined that he would stand there and talk about it.

"It's okay, there is still one year to go, there must be hope if you work hard!" Wei Chen secretly cheered himself up, and returned to his seat to prepare for the next class.

"Wei Chen, how did you do in the exam?" Asked Lin Kun, who was at the same table, poked Wei Chen's arm.

"Same as usual." Wei Chen sighed.

Seeing that Wei Chen was a little depressed, Lin Kun patted him on the shoulder and comforted him and said, "Don't be discouraged, what if you don't do well in the exam, you don't necessarily have a good future in college, you just have to live happily."

Wei Chen shook his head, Lin Kun is his best friend, Wei Chen naturally knows that Lin Kun's family is very rich.Thick enough to make him live happily ever after!

"It's okay, I'll cover you after graduation!"

Wei Chen smiled, this was not the first time Lin Kun said that.But even if Lin Kun is willing, he is not willing to eat other people's soft food.


"How many exams did you take this time?"

The atmosphere at the dinner table was good, but because of this sentence, it became cold!
Wei Chen fell silent, not knowing how to speak.

"You can tell by his appearance that he failed the exam. It's better to drop out of school and find a job. It's a waste of money." A harsh female voice came to Wei Chen's ears.

"Qingcheng, he is your brother, how can he talk!"

The girl called Qingcheng curled her lips, disapproving.

This is Wei Chen's family, father Wei Guo, mother Hong Limei.There is also a younger sister, Wei Qingcheng, who is at odds with Wei Chen.

After hearing these words, Wei Chen tried his best to take a few mouthfuls of food, then got up and went back to the room, regardless of the mother behind him.

After closing the door, Wei Chen felt his whole body relax, and the world became quieter!
It would be nice if there were no exams.Wei Chen thought very beautifully, but unfortunately, considering the current education situation, these thoughts are simply too naive.

At the beginning, due to the problem of superbirth, the parents owed a lot of debt.Not only has this debt not been repaid, but the housing loan has also been severely added.For a small company employee like Wei Chen's father, Wei Guo, the money would last most of his life.Therefore, the family members hope that Wei Chen will be able to stand out in the future and reduce the burden.

Unfortunately, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.Not only did his own sister not wait to see Wei Chen, but his father, Wei Guo, also slowly shifted his focus to Wei Qingcheng, hoping that when she married off, she could get back a dowry to pay off the debt.

Only his mother Hong Limei still cares about him all the time.

"Buzz buzz~buzz buzz!"

The vibration of the phone brought Wei Chen back to reality.

Wei Chen picked up his mobile phone, and the caller ID showed the word Lin Kun.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Wei Chen, don't go to school tomorrow, and tell your family members not to go out either. Also, buy good food, preferably with a long shelf life, water."


What happened?After answering Lin Kun's call, Wei Chen was full of doubts, especially since the call was cut off halfway through.

"Call back and ask." Wei Chen thought about calling back and listening to Lin Kun's explanation.

So, Wei Chen called Lin Kun back.But it was a familiar female voice who answered the phone. "The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please..."

The unwilling Wei Chen made several phone calls one after another, but the result was the same.

Putting down the phone, Wei Chen frowned, not to mention what happened to Lin Kun, it would be difficult to just follow what he said.It's fine if Wei Chen doesn't go to school by himself, he can pretend to be sick and ask for leave.But how do parents handle that?Just because of Lin Kun's inexplicable phone call?But what if something really happens?
Wei Chen shook his head helplessly and sighed, something really happened and the government, what does Lin Kun want to make trouble like the end of the world?
Immediately, Wei Chen chose to ignore Lin Kun and got up to do his homework.


The next day, Wei Chen came to school as usual and buried himself in his studies.Everything on campus is business as usual, learning and learning, playing and playing.What happened to Lin Kun yesterday was long forgotten by Wei Chen.

As for the empty seat beside him, Wei Chen habitually chose to ignore it. Lin Kun's absenteeism is as normal as eating and drinking, so don't bother.

But at this comfortable juncture, someone asked Wei Chen about Lin Kun's situation. "Wei Chen, do you know what's going on with Lin Kun?"

"Ah?" Wei Chen, who was concentrating on studying, was startled by the voice, "I don't know." Wei Chen replied, he understood that this was a routine work of the head teacher, and he was used to it.

Originally, the head teacher should have turned his head and left after asking this question, but he didn't today. Instead, he frowned and solemnly told Wei Chen: "Wei Chen, the situation is different this time, and his family can't contact him." , once there is news about Lin Kun, you must remember to notify me in time!"

"Yeah!" Wei Chen nodded obediently, but in the next second, he recalled Lin Kun's phone call last night!After the head teacher left, Wei Chen broke out in a cold sweat.

why?Could it be that there is really a doomsday disaster about to happen on the phone?Lin Kun and I have such a good friendship, he probably wouldn't lie to me...

Many questions popped up in his mind again and again, making Wei Chen more and more restless.What if these are true?
Afterwards, Wei Chen also looked at Wang Liang's position.He is the top student in this class, his grades have always been the first in his year, and he even won the national Olympiad award.The most important thing is that at the moment the head teacher is asking about Wang Liang's situation, and his expression is exactly the same as when he asked Wei Chen!
A top student, a poor student, and two people who have no trace of connection in their lives, after passing through the line of the class teacher, Wei Chen connected them together.

Assuming that there is a catastrophe, then Lin Kun and Wang Liang may be the ones who knew the disaster was coming in advance through their relationship, just like the Ark ticket in the movie, only a few people can get it!
For various reasons, Wei Chen believed that a catastrophe at the level of the end of the world was coming.

Speaking of it, although Wei Chen did not do well in the exam, he is not stupid.

"In the next physical education class, we must go to the canteen to buy more food, and inform our parents by the way!" Wei Chen muttered to himself, and he began to prepare for the coming disaster.


"It's 190 yuan in total. Why do you buy so much, classmate?"

Ignoring the auntie's question at the commissary, Wei Chen walked out with two big bags.The bag is full of high calorie food, several 2L bottled water.

"Lin Kun, don't lie to me." After spending all the food money on his body, Wei Chen felt a little relieved.He is now worried that the actual situation is not what he thought. If Wei Chen and Lin Kun didn't have a good relationship, who would believe that the end is coming.

"Yes, call!" Wei Chen took out his cell phone and dialed the number.

"Hey! Dad, hurry up and go home, prepare more food, the world will have a catastrophe." He wanted to say it was the end of the world, but Wei Chen changed his mind after thinking about it. After all, no one would believe such words. .

"Wei Chen, it doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam, but don't make up nonsense. The government will warn you in advance of natural disasters, so you should study hard at school and don't listen to rumors! Beep~beep~beep~"

Wei Chen was a little flustered for a while, he began to question himself, was he really thinking wildly?But the matter has come to this point, Wei Chen chose to go all out!

"Hey, Mom. Hurry up and go home and go downstairs to buy more food. A catastrophe is about to happen."

"Understood, I will prepare delicious food for you at night, and you study hard at school..."

After hanging up the phone, Wei Chen felt a little sad, no one believed him.Maybe if you are a top student like Wang Liang, your words will have weight, right?
There was also a younger sister, Wei Chen also called her.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."

Wei Chen sighed and patted his forehead. He forgot that it was class time. Unless Wei Qingcheng also had PE class, it was normal for no one to answer.

Putting away his mobile phone, Wei Chen carried the bag and prepared to go back to the classroom.

But at this moment, there was an inexplicable thunder "Boom!" in the clear sky.Frightened many people exclaimed and screamed.

"Oops!" Wei Chen thought inwardly that it was not good, the sound of thunder was so strange.Wei Chen, who was prepared in advance, immediately connected it with the doomsday.Suddenly Wei Chen stood there blankly, his mind full of thoughts.

"Why is there no signal?"

"The sound just now couldn't be the explosion of a satellite?"

On the way, the two girls joked.

"Wow, it's getting dark, is it going to rain?"

"Sure, it was such a big thunder just now."

"Go back to the classroom!"

Back to classroom?no!Wei Chen immediately rejected the passerby's proposal in his heart.First of all, he didn't know what form the doomsday was about to erupt.But Lin Kun reminded him to stay at home, so Wei Chen can initially be sure that hiding in the building is safe.But never in the classroom.Not for other reasons, just because there may be a situation where there will be too much mouth and not enough food!

In the third year of high school, even in physical education classes, many people choose to study by themselves in the classroom.

On weekdays, Wei Chen was in the class except Lin Kun, his best friend.Few others are good. If the end of the world really breaks out now, Wei Chen will naturally not selflessly distribute food to them.

As for the unoccupied building, there happened to be one in front of Wei Chen: the old dormitory building.

So Wei Chen ran to the old dormitory building with the bag.

"Ah! Why are you biting me! Let go!"

Hearing screams coming from a distance, Wei Chen's heart trembled, and he quickened his pace immediately.

"Help! Eat people!"

"Go away, madman!"

Arrived!Wei Chen stomped up the stairs and closed the big iron door on the stairs casually.

"By the way, there is another one!" Wei Chen who closed the iron door suddenly remembered that there was also an iron door in the other corridor, then put the bag aside, and quickly ran over to close the door.


"It's dangerous!" After closing the big iron door on the stairs, Wei Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why do people act like they have rabies, biting anyone they see? Has it become a zombie?" Wei Chen stood in the corridor on the second floor and watched the scene of people chasing people on the playground, and couldn't help but thank him. "This situation really is the end, Lin Kun didn't lie to me."

Perhaps because he didn't become a member of the running below, Wei Chen unscrupulously watched the bloody scenes, just like watching a movie!
I watched the playground for a while, and listened to the screams from everywhere.Wei Chen began to plan his next move.

"I have food and water. I can last for a long time. If it's not possible, the canteen is also close to here." Wei Chen thought, found a room and put the supplies he brought in. "I can't get through the phone, and the phone will probably run out of battery tomorrow."

After calculating the supplies, Wei Chen visited the old dormitory building.

The dormitory building has only three floors.The first floor was converted into a sports equipment room, carpentry room.But no matter how many tools there are, Wei Chen won't take them for the time being, because it's too dangerous down below.The second floor is where sundries are piled up. All kinds of dilapidated desks and chairs, windows, and bed boards are placed in several small rooms on the second floor.The third floor was a bit better. Wei Chen found a relatively clean room to rest, and by the way, brought over the food that had been placed in another room.

"Hide first to avoid the limelight." Wei Chen did not choose the bed as a resting place, but chose behind the door.He kept an eye out, what if those things that turned into zombies would open the door?You must know that the iron doors in the two corridors are not locked, and you can open the top of the door as long as you reach out.

"I don't know what happened to my parents? I should have been careful if I reminded them anyway." Wei Chen lay on the side and thought wildly, "But my sister can't help it. Let's live in peace."

Leaning behind the door, at this moment, Wei Chen thought about many past events, but most of them were bad ones.Get people to stare at, be bullied, and make people laugh.Thinking about it, Wei Chen actually felt that the end of the world is coming!This is tantamount to a chance to do it all over again, how can Wei Chen not cherish it?
I want to live!Wei Chen clenched his fists.

"Huh? Why is my head dizzy?" Wei Chen, who was in self-motivation, suddenly felt the world shake.

"Should it be because of excessive fright?" Wei Chen comforted himself, but Wei Chen quickly denied this idea. Watching people cannibalize in the corridor just now was like watching a play, so he was so frightened.However, Wei Chen didn't take it seriously. According to the setting in the movie, as long as he didn't turn into a zombie at the beginning and was not bitten by a zombie, then he was considered safe.Wei Chen took it for granted, at this moment he didn't even know the seriousness of the disaster.

"Maybe I have a cold, let's sleep first!" So Wei Chen closed the curtains, then leaned against the door and slowly fell asleep.

Wei Chen in his sleep didn't know that there were some invisible silk threads in the room he was in, some were blue, some were red, strange and bizarre.These silk threads freely shuttle around, regardless of doors, walls, and windows.

In fact, not only Wei Chen's room, but the whole world is full of such threads.

Suddenly, many yellow silk threads rushed towards the same place. If you can see these thin threads with the naked eye, you will find that a huge vortex has formed here.

And the center of the vortex was Wei Chen who was already asleep.

I saw a steady stream of yellow light blending into Wei Chen's body. Gradually, his body began to glow with yellow light, flickering on and off, and as time went by, the light became brighter and brighter until the yellow light evolved into golden light, and the golden light gradually Gathered into white light, and finally 'swallowed' Wei Chen completely.

As for Wei Chen in his sleep, he only felt that his body was warm and very comfortable.He had a dream. In the dream, Wei Chen got a high score in the college entrance examination, went to a prestigious university, and lived happily at home.There are many emotions in the eyes of his parents that he has never felt before, maybe it is comfort, or maybe it is pride.The younger sister didn't want to see me any more, and pestered me all day long, calling each other brother and brother.

As seen in the dream, Wei Chen's future will definitely be extraordinary!

(End of this chapter)

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