Doom Ray

Chapter 2 Ability

Chapter 2 Ability
"Well, I slept very well." Wei Chen stretched himself, completely unaware that he was sleeping on the cool floor.He only felt that he woke up with a relaxed body and a bright mind.

Then, Wei Chen opened the plastic bag, ready to get something to eat.

Wei Chen stretched out his hand to open the bag, but only heard a "chuck", the plastic bag was torn in half by Wei Chen, and the food inside fell all over the floor.

"The quality of this bag is too bad!" Looking at the torn plastic bag in his hand, Wei Chen said helplessly.

No matter, eat first!Thinking about it, Wei Chen bent down to pick up a chocolate bar.But the moment he grabbed the chocolate bar, there was a 'click', and all the chocolate in the bag shattered!
Wei Chen's eyes widened in disbelief, what's going on?Wake up and become Superman?

Immediately, Wei Chen unbelievingly broke the bed frame with his hands. The frame was made of iron, but it was strong!But in the end, Wei Chen didn't use all his strength to break the iron frame.

"I've become a superman!" Wei Chen looked at his hands with fiery eyes, and a fire was burning in his heart.

With this strength, what doomsday, what zombies, everything goes without saying.Suddenly, Wei Chen's self-confidence began to skyrocket.

Clenching his fists tightly, Wei Chen's face even twisted.If it wasn't for a little bit of rationality to control himself not to shout out loud, Wei Chen might be no different from a lunatic now.

It's actually quite normal to have this kind of reaction. For a disadvantaged high school student, he has been suppressed for too long. The disappointment of his parents, the disapproval of his younger sister, and the repeated poor grades made him lose confidence in himself. Until I feel ashamed.

But now, everything is different, the outside world is no longer the original world, Wei Chen no longer needs to take the exam, those celebrities and rich people have lost their advantages, and everyone will compete at the same starting point.

And the current Wei Chen is equivalent to participating in the competition with a rocket booster on his back, which has a huge advantage.

After calming down a little, Wei Chen began to control his strength and fill his stomach.Slowly pick up a compressed biscuit, put it in your mouth, then gently unscrew a bottle of water, and drink it.While eating, I was still thinking about the beautiful life in the future.

"Wow, brother Lin, you are so smart, so we will be safe."

Suddenly a delicate voice came into Wei Chen's ears, the voice was very weak, but Wei Chen's physical fitness has become much stronger now, and he could hear it very clearly.

"Crack! Bang! Crack!"

Someone opened the big iron door of the corridor and came in!Wei Chen listened to the voice and speculated.So he put down the food in his hands, and leaned against the door quietly to listen to the movement outside.

"There seems to be no one here, let's hide here for a while." A calm male voice said.

"Hmph, what are you hiding, Brother Lin is a superman, those zombies can be blown up casually!" The delicate voice retorted with a bit of disdain.

"Liqing, don't say that, I was just lucky enough to wake up." Another new voice entered Wei Chen's ears.Although the words are humble, there is a lot of pride in the tone.

Superman!Power awakens!Hearing this, Wei Chen completely calmed down from the excitement just now. It turns out that he is not the only one who has power beyond ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Wei Chen was a little bit disappointed. He thought he was different, but now it seems that he is not the only one with extraordinary power.

Wei Chen closed his eyes, exhaled, and his trembling body slowly returned to normal.

"That's right. After all, there are so many people who are better than me in the world." Wei Chen muttered, his tone was low, and there was a sense of loneliness.

But suddenly, Wei Chen suddenly opened his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

"What are those thin yellow threads?" A question flashed in Wei Chen's mind. He closed his eyes just now and relaxed, and found that there were many yellow threads wandering in front of his eyes.But when he opened his eyes, the threads were gone.

With doubts, Wei Chen closed his eyes again, and many yellow threads appeared in front of his eyes.Wei Chen subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch the yellow silk.

"Huh, gone?" Although his eyes were closed, it was Wei Chen's hand, so he could clearly know where his hand was.Wei Chen found that where his arm passed, these yellow silk threads were immediately empty, but they would be replenished later.

Wei Chen, who discovered this, continued to wave his arms.Sure enough, the yellow silk disappeared every time the arm swung.Wei Chen paused for a while, as if he was thinking about something.Then he waved his arm again, this time, Wei Chen moved his hand slowly for observation.

"It seems to be absorbed by me!" Finally, Wei Chen found that a yellow thread had penetrated into his hand and entered his body instead of disappearing.And this process didn't make Wei Chen feel any pain.

This discovery aroused Wei Chen's interest. He ignored the three intruding passengers and began to study the yellow silk threads.
What are these threads?Why can I absorb them?What is the effect of absorbing...

A series of questions appeared in Wei Chen's mind. "It doesn't matter, just absorb more points at once to see what happens!" The fantasy didn't work, and Wei Chen started to walk on the road of practice.

So Wei Chen started to wave his arms crazily, reaching out and waving where there were more silk threads.

Under Wei Chen's crazy collection, these yellow silk threads not only did not decrease, but gathered more and more.Or rather, attracted by Wei Chen!
A sliver of yellow thread entered Wei Chen's body, and at first these yellow threads floated randomly in Wei Chen's body.But as Wei Chen collected it hard, these yellow silk threads began to merge with each other.Two silk threads merged into a larger silk thread, and more and larger silk threads began to merge into larger silk threads one after another, and finally these silk threads rushed towards Wei Chen's brain like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

Wei Chen didn't feel anything when the small silk threads fused at first, until later when those big silk threads formed, he felt a heat flow accumulated on his arm, and slowly flowed upward along the arm.

Little by little, they pass through the shoulders, flow to the neck, jaw, and then mouth, nose, eyes.When Wei Chen found that these silk threads were rushing towards his head, he immediately stopped his arms in fright.

Unfortunately, it's too late.Can't stop!

The yellow current poured into the brain, "Boom!" There was a sudden explosion in Wei Chen's brain, and the torrent rushed into his forehead and converged to a certain place in his mind.And with this sound, Wei Chen's body produced a special suction force, frantically absorbing the yellow silk floating around.Invisibly, a yellow vortex formed around Wei Chen again.

Wei Chen hurriedly focused his attention on his mind, trying to find where those yellow threads were going, that was his brain!Who knows what will happen?
One second, two seconds... 1 minute, 2 minutes... Time is slowly passing by, and Wei Chen can vaguely feel that he is getting closer to that meeting point.

Finally, Wei Chen 'saw' the place where the countless yellow silks were flocking to!
It was a flower with black borders. Wei Chen counted it carefully. There were ten petals in total.The yellow silk pouring in from the outside is coloring the petals like a paintbrush.

One slice, two slices...

As time went by, more and more petals were dyed yellow, but gradually, Wei Chen noticed that the speed of petal coloring slowed down.Finally at that moment!The yellow threads around Wei Chen suddenly dispersed.

Everything remains the same, only the cold sweat on Wei Chen's forehead and the yellow flowers in his mind can prove what happened just now.

At this time, only half of the seventh petal is dyed yellow.

The storm has stopped.Wei Chen carefully 'looked' at the half-colored flowers, which stood in his mind, without being obtrusive at all.The yellow flowers swayed gently from time to time, which made Wei Chen feel very cute.Wei Chen suddenly became curious and wanted to touch this flower, so he controlled his consciousness and slowly approached the flower, getting closer and closer, Wei Chen felt that the flower was getting bigger and bigger.In the end, Wei Chen felt that he was completely submerged in a sea of ​​light, and his whole body was warm.

When he regained his senses, a message suddenly popped up in Wei Chen's mind.


Thinking back to the three words that suddenly appeared, Wei Chen's attention was also distracted, and he opened his eyes.

"What is this? Absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, and start cultivating to become an immortal?" Wei Chen frowned, and began to digest what happened just now.Especially the 'inside view' just now made Wei Chen almost think that he had traveled across time to cultivate immortals, as written in a novel.

Could it be that God has mercy on the common people, open up the vitality of the world, and let the common people strengthen their bodies and overcome difficulties?

Wei Chen shook his head, it's too nonsense, he is an atheist.But at present, this idea is the most explainable, but if the heavens are changed to be kind-hearted aliens, they can't bear to burn the earth's creatures, and then give the earth people superpowers.This Wei Chen would choose to believe it.

"By the way, there is also a healing technique. Why is it the same as playing online games, am I still a nanny, no, a nanny?" Wei Chen whispered in his mouth.Then, he silently recited the healing technique in his heart.


Wei Chen raised a yellow light ball in his hand, the light looked very soft.It's a pity that Wei Chen didn't have any wounds on his body, so he couldn't test the effect of the healing technique.

After tossing the light ball in his hand, Wei Chen shook it and put it away.

"It doesn't matter, the most important thing is to live now." Wei Chen put aside those questions that he couldn't think of an answer, and continued to absorb the yellow silk nearby.He decides to fill up a flower first and see what happens.

Wei Chen, who had experience once, was familiar with the road, and quickly absorbed the nearby yellow silk.But problems also followed, this time the absorption was not as violent as last time, and even the body felt tired during the absorption process.

Wei Chen frowned, then stopped.

Is it because the absorption of these yellow silk threads is a particularly heavy burden on the body?

"It seems that we have to rest for a while before we can continue." Wei Chen muttered softly. "When the flowers are full, I will go to the place where my parents work first, and then go to my sister. And Lin Kun! Wang Liang! They must know something inside."

Wei Chen was thinking about his future.But he didn't expect that so many noises just now had been heard.

"What happened to Brother Lin?"

"Don't go there, there are people here! Get out!"


Ask for collection! !

(End of this chapter)

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