Doom Ray

Chapter 3 Murder

Chapter 3 Murder

"Hey." Wei Chen sighed. "It was still found."

Things have come to this, Wei Chen had no choice but to open the door, he was also prepared in his heart, if the other party's attitude is friendly, it is not impossible to be a companion.But judging by the tone of the other party, it is probably not a good bird.

Wei Chen opened the door with inexplicable hope.After all, human beings are also social animals. Unless they are very powerful, few of them can bear the long-term loneliness
Wei Chen stood up and opened the door. "Squeak~" The old hinge wailed.But at the moment when Wei Chen opened the door halfway, a very impatient hand pressed on the door, and a huge force was transmitted from this hand to the door.Wei Chen was unprepared and staggered when pushed.

"Wow, Brother Lin, there's a lot to eat!" The three people outside the door just came in, and one of the women looked at the food on the ground with bright eyes, and then reached out to get it without Wei Chen's consent.I took it and didn't eat it, but put it in my bag!
"Student, share your food with us, you see, the three of us haven't eaten for a long time." A voice next to him explained to Wei Chen. "It's okay, brother, I will still save some for you."

After hearing this, Wei Chen's face darkened, it was obvious that he came in to grab something.The person who was talking to him was probably the "Brother Lin" in the mouth of the other two, and he was also the one who pushed Wei Chen staggeringly just now.

'Brother Lin' sneered at Wei Chen after he finished speaking. When he opened the door just now, he deliberately pushed the door hard, but found that Wei Chen was staggered by him, and subconsciously thought that Wei Chen was just an ordinary person, relying on his own awakening With extraordinary power, he is confident.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this is also 'Brother Lin' trying to be smart, who would open the door with such great strength?
Seeing 'Brother Lin' sneering at him, Wei Chen clenched his fists angrily, his muscles tensed, like a cheetah that was about to erupt at any moment.But Wei Chen is still hesitating, what if someone dies?At this moment, more than ten years of legal education is still tightly entwined in Wei Chen's heart.

Seeing Wei Chen's anxious look, 'Brother Lin' just felt very comfortable. He has done this kind of thing more than once or twice in the past few days. Then he began to enjoy this feeling of superiority.

Soon, the three of them packed Wei Chen's food and took them with them.The leader 'Brother Lin' saw that Wei Chen was still in a daze, and walked out nonchalantly.Another man who was with 'Brother Lin' was carrying Wei Chen's big bag. When he passed by Wei Chen, he thought he was in the way, so he bumped him with his shoulder.

But this bump was like the last straw on the camel's body.Wei Chen exploded!

"Bang!" A fist hit the man's face fiercely, the huge force made the face bone deeply sunken, no matter how you looked at it, he couldn't survive.

"Ah!" The girl behind him screamed with blood splashed all over her face. "Brother Lin, he dares to fight back!"

"Looking for death!" 'Brother Lin' who had just walked out of the door was furious when he saw that Wei Chen dared to resist.Wielding the stick in his hand, he hit Wei Chen fiercely.

Wei Chen couldn't dodge in time, so he stretched out his hand to resist.There was only a "click" sound, and the bones of the hand cracked in response.

"Ah!" The severe pain aroused Wei Chen's viciousness, and the other hand hit 'Brother Lin' violently on the chest.This completely confuses the unprepared 'Brother Lin'.He never expected that Wei Chen was also a person with superhuman strength.

"Cough!" 'Brother Lin' coughed up a mouthful of blood.Looking at Wei Chen with an ugly face, he squeezed out these words: "You are a capable person!"

At this moment, Wei Chen was not feeling well either, the pain of broken hand bones hit his nerves again and again.

Fight!Wei Chen gritted his teeth and rushed towards 'Brother Lin'.But 'Brother Lin' has been in the apocalypse for a few days, and has more combat experience than Wei Chen.He raised the stick in his hand and drew it towards Wei Chen's ribs.

Normal people would dodge a little bit, and then 'Brother Lin' would rely on the advantage of his weapon to beat Wei Chen to death.

But 'Brother Lin' never expected that Wei Chen didn't dodge, and got hit solidly.At this moment, 'Brother Lin' was stunned again, or rather frightened by Wei Chen, he had never seen such a desperate person.

Wei Chen continued to charge forward and hit 'Brother Lin' on the jaw with his fist.Dark red blood sprayed out from the mouth of 'Brother Lin'. If you look carefully, there is a piece of meat and some white fragments in the blood mist.Wei Chen's blow directly shattered 'Brother Lin''s teeth, and even made him bite off his tongue!
"Ah! Marriage stand!" 'Brother Lin' raised his stick again and hit Wei Chen, Wei Chen still didn't dodge, and was hit.At the same time, 'Brother Lin' also got a fist from Wei Chen.

Wei Chen dared to fight like crazy, relying entirely on his own healing skills to fight head-to-head, he didn't care about his injury at all.But 'Brother Lin' cares!Healing skills are not available to everyone, so they immediately fell to the bottom in the fight.

"Zukai, Hunzi!" Wei Chen exchanged injuries, and finally beat 'Brother Lin' to the ground.'Brother Lin' on the ground was completely frightened by Wei Chen, screaming and crawling backwards.But what greeted him was still Wei Chen's fist.

"Bounce~bounce~bounce~" With each punch, the old dormitory building would vibrate in coordination.In the end, 'Brother Lin' never moved again.

Looking at the bloody 'Brother Lin' on the ground, and looking at his blood-stained hands, Wei Chen's body began to tremble.

I kill!I kill!

what to do?what to do?Once someone calls the police, I'm done!

The more Wei Chen thought about it, the more afraid he became, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became.At this moment, a voice next to him interrupted his thoughts.

"Woo~ I was wrong, I was wrong, I will return the things to you." The last remaining girl saw 'Brother Lin' lying on the ground, bloody and bloody, and burst into tears.

There is one more person!Don't let her call the police, kill them all!
"Everyone is going to die!" In order to kill people, Wei Chen was ninja in pain, picked up a stick at the side and savagely brainwashed the crying girl.Although Wei Chen was seriously injured at the moment, this blow was stronger than any previous blow.

"Boom!" Blood spattered everywhere.

No, this is just the beginning, the beginning of Wei Chen's journey in this world of the jungle.


"Hiss, I won't fight like this in the future." I thought that with the healing technique, the treatment would be more comfortable, but judging from the current situation of Wei Chen grinning, the healing technique is not only not easy to treat, but also very painful.

"It hurts a little, but the effect is pretty good, even the bruises can be eliminated!" Wei Chen lifted his shirt, if the skin and flesh after healing were not very fair, otherwise it would be impossible to tell whether Wei Chen had been injured before.

Twisting his body, Wei Chen, who felt good, found a place to sit down, rested for a while, and prepared to absorb the yellow silk thread.

This is already another room. Although it is not as clean as the previous one, at least there are no corpses.

"I'm a capable person?" Wei Chen said, recalling what "Brother Lin" said just now, it can be seen that people with superhuman strength like "Brother Lin" are called capable people outside.

"Forget it, let's start meditating!" Wei Chen sighed and closed his eyes.The yellow threads floating around began to gather towards Weichen. 'Meditation' is Wei Chen's name for this state of absorbing yellow silk.

Wei Chen who fell silent turned to pay attention to the flowers in his body.At this time, the flowers were not as beautiful as before, only two petals were left glowing yellow, while the rest were consumed by the healing technique.

From Wei Chen's point of view, this flower is a bit like a blue bar, an energy bar or something like that.

As Wei Chen absorbed, gradually the yellow threads began to form a torrent, rushing towards the flowers in his mind.I don't know if it's because the first few petals were filled once, but before the seventh petal was filled, Wei Chen didn't feel tired, but relaxed.

But when the yellow silk filled half of the seventh petal, a sense of exhaustion filled Wei Chen's whole body again.The rate of absorption also slows down.

"It seems that recovery is easy, but filling new areas is difficult." Seeing this, Wei Chen exited the meditation state.

After eating something to fill his stomach, Wei Chen walked out of the dormitory.

"Huh!" Wei Chen took a deep breath of the outside air, "It tastes really bad." Wei Chen commented.

The world has changed now, Wei Chen stood in the corridor and looked into the distance, there were dead bodies and eating zombies all over the place.

The school can be regarded as a relatively densely populated place, and there are many zombies born.

"It's a good thing the three of them escaped here." Wei Chen looked at the corpse not far away, and said with a little praise.

But at the next moment, Wei Chen lit up, and he didn't shy away from anything, and started touching the corpse.Of course, when searching for the female corpse, Wei Chen took the initiative to avoid the sensitive parts.

The harvest is really good!Wei Chen felt a little happy.These three people not only brought three stick-shaped weapons, but also backpacks, and there were also many daily necessities and dry food in the bags.Wei Chen also took out a small radio earphone from that 'Brother Lin'.

Wei Chen doesn't know at this moment that in the future he will receive many extremely important news from this headset.

"This is the end of the world!" After packing up his things and looking at the bloody corpses on the ground, Wei Chen couldn't help but sigh, "Zombies are dangerous, and so are hungry humans!"

(End of this chapter)

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